Immigrants sent to Marthas Vineyard given false documents promising 8 months of cash support

No, I am not. I have voted for both parties when the candidate is worthy. But the MAGA repub party is the greatest threat on this country since the Civil War. They are lead by a man that is a habitual liar. His Big Lie has lead to destruction and deaths. And it could lead to the demise of this country.

I truly think he is listening to someone who wants to see our democracy die. He is intent on destroying faith in our electoral system. He and his MAGA cult shout "Voter Fraud" even before the voting begins. He is a lying cancerous tumor on the Unted States. And the cancer has metastasized into people like desantis and youngkin.

Look how easily you fell for the lie in your OP. You didn't even take the ten seconds required to see the pamphlet merely repeats the state of Massachusetts' own policies regarding refugees. Instead, you got duped (again) by a radical left-wing website that relies on gullible, easily-fooled people like you to spread lies. You never even thought to question it. You're a "useful idiot" and nothing more.
You never even thought to question it. You're a "useful idiot" and nothing more.
Neither did the "journalists" that swallowed the lie from lawyers claiming to represent the illegals like a Democrat swallowing a Big Gulp of Kool Aid. They rushed it to the internet and their Democratic followership rushed to get their taste.
Actually little trump desantis dumped them....after giving them fraudulent brochures with lies of monetary support. It smells like fraud and kidnapping to me.
The brochures from the Massachusetts Office of Immigration Assistance, you mean?



This is what "their lawyer" provided as proof of the fraudulent brochures.

Are you saying that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts printed fraudulent brochures?
No, I am not. I have voted for both parties when the candidate is worthy. But the MAGA repub party is the greatest threat on this country since the Civil War. They are lead by a man that is a habitual liar. His Big Lie has lead to destruction and deaths. And it could lead to the demise of this country.

I truly think he is listening to someone who wants to see our democracy die. He is intent on destroying faith in our electoral system. He and his MAGA cult shout "Voter Fraud" even before the voting begins. He is a lying cancerous tumor on the Unted States. And the cancer has metastasized into people like desantis and youngkin.
The “ Democratic Party” is the greatest threat that this Country has ever had. From the beginning of Trump’s Presidency, all we heard was the RUSSIA , RUSSIA, derangement syndrome which was a lie. Tulsi Gabbard was considering running against Hillary and that Bitch even accused her of Russian Collusion Mark Zuckerberg finally admitted the FBI came to him and told him not to say anything about Hunter Biden’s Laptop, his dealings with China, etc
Biden lied about the Virus, lying about immigration, censorship on FREE SPEECH ( Misinformation) etc. etc. Hopefully, the Cancer will die in November
I see that you’re on the side of lawless criminals and wastes of flesh and oxygen. Maybe you should share the date these creatures deserve - execution.
Lawless in the man who shipped helpless immigrants hundreds of miles with lies of cash or Lawless in the man who stole classified top secret documents from the WH and let them lying around his Fl bordello?
Have you considered MA has those benefits for refugees?
Hey here is one

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)

Provides up to 8 months of cash assistance for income-eligible refugees without dependent children, who reside in Massachusetts.
Funny, thats exactly what the brochure says!
These migrants aren’t refugees.
Sorry to interject some facts into the pity party. Here's where the "news" about the "false documents," came from:

Here is the brochure they posted:

View attachment 698651


They really were given documents promising up to 8 months of cash assistance and employment services. How, oh HOW could DeSantis have cruelly tricked the poor migrants?


Here's the other side of the document:

View attachment 698652

Here's the website:

Who we serve

ORI’s mission is to promote the full participation of refugees and immigrants as self-sufficient individuals and families in the economic, social, and civic life of Massachusetts. Eligible groups include: Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa Holders, Amerasians, Asylees, Cuban/Haitian Entrants, Human Trafficking Victims, Legal Permanent Residents, and Refugees.

About the Office for Refugees and Immigrants

In 1985, the Massachusetts Office of Refugee Resettlement was designated by MA Executive Order to be responsible for refugee affairs in the state. In 1992, the state legislature established the Office for Refugees and Immigrants (ORI). The ORI Executive Director serves as the State Refugee Coordinator per the Refugee Act of 1980 and state law.

The Office administers programs that provide direct services to clients through a network of resettlement agencies, faith-based organizations and ethnic community-based organizations, which have the capacity to serve the culturally and linguistically diverse needs of newcomer populations.

Welcome from the Governor

Whadaya know? Not fake at all. It's a real brochure for a real program in Mass-a-Chew-sits that really invites refugees into the state.

Those benefits are for refugees.
How much do they pay you to post here?

You're not compelling and you don't convince anyone, so I hope no more than minimum wage
I suspect it’s not as good as you get: a life time supply of cracker jacks, an upscale tin foil hat and free decoder ring.

In the meantime, let’s keep on watching tbe DeSantis Clown Show spending Florida taxpayer money to ship Texas asylum seekers to political destinations to make political points.

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