Immigration Choices We Face Under Democrats

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I was reading another thread and it hit me like a ton of bricks. While Democrats are in charge there are only two choices regarding illegal immigration:

1. Basically do what we are doing now, letting illegals cross, processing them, and giving them free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, and goody bags - charging it all on Uncle Sam's charge card.

2. Give up and just let the illegals cross the border at will, not processing them or giving them any free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, or goody bags - saving us from have to charge these expenses to Uncle Sam's charge card. They would be totally on their own.

Of course democrats would not allow number two, which is why we are doing number one. Stopping them from crossing isn't even an option under Democrats. But, after thinking about it, since we're letting them all in anyway under Democrats, I favor letting them fend for themselves so we don't have to pay for any of it.
Why do you think all those dem mayors are declaring a "state of emergency".....It's so they can hold their hands out for our federal tax money so they can launder it through their dem-run community .orgs right back into DNC coffers....After a certain amount goes to their kit and kin "working" for them and a few nice luxury overseas trips.
Give them temporary work visas and allow them to cross back and forth as the job market warrants

This allows them to work, pay taxes and contribute to society.
It also saves us the money of building walls and chasing them around
I was reading another thread and it hit me like a ton of bricks. While Democrats are in charge there are only two choices regarding illegal immigration:

1. Basically do what we are doing now, letting illegals cross, processing them, and giving them free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, and goody bags - charging it all on Uncle Sam's charge card.

2. Give up and just let the illegals cross the border at will, not processing them or giving them any free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, or goody bags - saving us from have to charge these expenses to Uncle Sam's charge card. They would be totally on their own.

Of course democrats would not allow number two, which is why we are doing number one. Stopping them from crossing isn't even an option under Democrats. But, after thinking about it, since we're letting them all in anyway under Democrats, I favor letting them fend for themselves so we don't have to pay for any of it.
Immigration is like inflation, no way to control it.

The only thing democrats can control is the weather if only given enough of your taxes.
I was reading another thread and it hit me like a ton of bricks. While Democrats are in charge there are only two choices regarding illegal immigration:

1. Basically do what we are doing now, letting illegals cross, processing them, and giving them free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, and goody bags - charging it all on Uncle Sam's charge card.

2. Give up and just let the illegals cross the border at will, not processing them or giving them any free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, or goody bags - saving us from have to charge these expenses to Uncle Sam's charge card. They would be totally on their own.

Of course democrats would not allow number two, which is why we are doing number one. Stopping them from crossing isn't even an option under Democrats. But, after thinking about it, since we're letting them all in anyway under Democrats, I favor letting them fend for themselves so we don't have to pay for any of it.

Option 3 -- Armed American citizens on the border.

I was reading another thread and it hit me like a ton of bricks. While Democrats are in charge there are only two choices regarding illegal immigration:

1. Basically do what we are doing now, letting illegals cross, processing them, and giving them free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, and goody bags - charging it all on Uncle Sam's charge card.

2. Give up and just let the illegals cross the border at will, not processing them or giving them any free medical care, food, lodging, transportation, or goody bags - saving us from have to charge these expenses to Uncle Sam's charge card. They would be totally on their own.

Of course democrats would not allow number two, which is why we are doing number one. Stopping them from crossing isn't even an option under Democrats. But, after thinking about it, since we're letting them all in anyway under Democrats, I favor letting them fend for themselves so we don't have to pay for any of it.

If we stopped orchestrating coups in Latin American countries and imposing economic sanctions on countries we don't like, for whatever stupid reason, then there would be less illegal immigration coming in through our southern border. As long as Bubba keeps denying the fact that our government's foreign policy creates much of the conditions that compel people to leave their Latin American countries to come here, I don't care how many of them come. Let her rip. Why not? Suffer the consequences of your bad foreign policy and greed.

American companies love their cheap Latin labor. They keep those countries poor, by way of starting coups, arming and training rebels, imposing economic sanctions..etc. The US government serves the vested interests of American multinational, big-money corporations. You don't care that our government is serving our wealthy ruling class at the expense of our nation. They want Latin Americans to remain poor in order to exploit the cheap labor and resources of those Latin American countries. We create the conditions that force people to leave their countries and come here.

I could've been born in Havana, Cuba, rather than in Miami, Florida. The US government was arming and equipping Marxist rebels in Cuba, against president Batista, who had fallen out of Washington's graces, due to his refusal to "fall in line" with American-owned sugarcane farms and mills. There were other reasons as well, but the US went to work on Cuba and the result was Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Cuba was then sanctioned economically and the rest is history. Here I am, the spick that you love to hate.

You don't want us spicks coming here to your white and delightsome Anglo-Saxon, Protestant country? Then stop bullying your Latin American neighbors. As long as Bubba keeps denying what is happening, more illegals are going to come to your white country. I have no sympathy for your concerns with respect to the sea of illegal aliens, running across your redneck southern border in their fruit of the looms. Learn Spanish Bubba. Eat a Taco. How about that?


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Immigration is like inflation, no way to control it.

The only thing democrats can control is the weather if only given enough of your taxes.
Except I can't afford to pay 10 trillion dollars more in taxes to save the planet and the one percenters can't either.
Give them temporary work visas and allow them to cross back and forth as the job market warrants

This allows them to work, pay taxes and contribute to society.
It also saves us the money of building walls and chasing them around
So, pretend that the welfare seekers, the birth tourists, the human traffickers and the drug gangs don't exist? Or do we chase them around and build walls so that only the temporary work visa holders get in?
If we stopped orchestrating coups in Latin American countries and imposing economic sanctions on countries we don't like, for whatever stupid reason, then there would be less illegal immigration coming in through our southern border. As long as Bubba keeps denying the fact that our government's foreign policy creates much of the conditions that compel people to leave their Latin American countries to come here, I don't care how many of them come. Let her rip. Why not? Suffer the consequences of your bad foreign policy and greed.

American companies love their cheap Latin labor. They keep those countries poor, by way of starting coups, arming and training rebels, imposing economic sanctions..etc. The US government serves the vested interests of American multinational, big-money corporations. You don't care that our government is serving our wealthy ruling class at the expense of our nation. They want Latin Americans to remain poor in order to exploit the cheap labor and resources of those Latin American countries. We create the conditions that force people to leave their countries and come here.

I could've been born in Havana, Cuba, rather than in Miami, Florida. The US government was arming and equipping Marxist rebels in Cuba, against president Batista, who had fallen out of Washington's graces, due to his refusal to "fall in line" with American-owned sugarcane farms and mills. There were other reasons as well, but the US went to work on Cuba and the result was Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Cuba was then sanctioned economically and the rest is history. Here I am, the spick that you love to hate.

You don't want us spicks coming here to your white and delightsome anglo-Saxon country? Then stop bullying your Latin American neighbors. As long as Bubba keeps denying what is happening, more illegals are going to come to your country. I have no sympathy for your concerns with respect to the sea of illegal aliens, running across your white redneck southern border in their fruit of the looms. Learn Spanish Bubba. Eat a Taco. How about that?
Actually, we need to stop orchestrating coupes in other countries (don't really know what you are talking about) and send in our military to invade those other countries ourselves. If we are going to take in all of these people who want to come to the US anyway, then we should get something in return for it. So, we invade these countries, make them part of the US, and bring the US to them instead of them coming to the US. They get what they want and we get to add extra territory on to our country where we can develop it, create jobs, and make money instead of losing money.
Actually, we need to stop orchestrating coupes in other countries (don't really know what you are talking about) and send in our military to invade those other countries ourselves. If we are going to take in all of these people who want to come to the US anyway, then we should get something in return for it. So, we invade these countries, make them part of the US, and bring the US to them instead of them coming to the US. They get what they want and we get to add extra territory on to our country where we can develop it, create jobs, and make money instead of losing money.

Ever heard of Vietnam? That won't work Bubba. Just stop with the coups and meddling, and allow them to develop their economies. We can trade with them and establish good, friendly relations. Can Bubba do that? I think he can, he's just a bit confused right now.

Although, I must admit. Going to war with Mexico to eliminate the drug cartels. Hmmm, you might have me support that. Establish a government in Mexico that allows its citizens to own firearms, as we do here, that way those cartels will be torn to pieces by the Mexican citizenry. The only reason I'm for that is that Mexico is on our border and contributing to the drug problem in our country.

So I would be in favor of American troops opening a can of woup-ass on Mexico and estaliblishing a decent government, that serves the interests of the Mexican people and our interests as well. Which is essentially, not having a bunch of terrorist cartels flooding our country with drugs.
Ever heard of Vietnam? That won't work Bubba. Just stop with the coups and meddling, and allow them to develop their economies. We can trade with them and establish good, friendly relations. Can Bubba do that? I think he can, he's just a bit confused right now.

Although, I must admit. Going to war with Mexico to eliminate the drug cartels. Hmmm, you might have me support that. Establish a government in Mexico that allows its citizens to own firearms, as we do here, that way those cartels will be torn to pieces by the Mexican citizenry. The only reason I'm for that is that Mexico is on our border and contributing to the drug problem in our country.

So I would be in favor of American troops opening a can of woup-ass on Mexico and estaliblishing a decent government, that serves the interests of the Mexican people and our interests as well. Which is essentially, not having a bunch of terrorist cartels flooding our country with drugs.
Vietnam? Really? You had to go back 60 years to find an example? If the people in these countries want to be in the US so badly, we should save them the trip and bring the US to them. They would rather be in their own countries under US rule than come here. So, let's do it and give all of these people what they really want.
So, pretend that the welfare seekers, the birth tourists, the human traffickers and the drug gangs don't exist? Or do we chase them around and build walls so that only the temporary work visa holders get in?
Funny how you idiots believe those talking points.

Immigrants come to work, not to collect welfare like black citizens.

Drugs are flown in by drones, carrier pigeons, submarines, etc. Not by migrants trying to escape drug lords.

The wall hasn't slowed down migrants.
Vietnam? Really? You had to go back 60 years to find an example? If the people in these countries want to be in the US so bad, we should save them the trip and bring the US to them. They would rather be in their own countries under US rule than come here.
No, you're quite confused. Just stop with the coups and meddling in their politics, respect their sovereignty and allow them to develop their economies. If we did that, we would greatly reduce illegal immigration through our southern border. War with Mexico to eliminate the drug cartels and establish a Mexican government that serves the interests of the Mexican people, without hurting America, is what I would be for.

Latin Americans value their nation's sovereignty just as much as we do ours. You would have to fight Latin Americans in their countries and here at home as well. It would be an unending war. The US military-industrial complex would love it, although maybe not, because this type of war would be right on their front porch.
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