Immigration/Invasion is War

As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

When the majority are inviting the foreigners in, it is not an invasion. You're trying to fight the wrong people.
are you denying that there are poor families that risk their lives to come to America for help?

It's irrelevant. The piece of shit who, last year, broke into my car, doing hundreds of dollars of damage to it, to steal hundreds of dollars worth of tools that I need to make my living, was probably poor, and just trying to make a better life for himself.
What a stupid comparison. I started explaining why and then realized if I really have to explain the difference then I’m already talking to a brain dead child. I’m not going to convince you of anything and I’m certainly not going to waste my time countering idiotic arguments like that. Say something intelligent and I’ll respond in kind
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

When the majority are inviting the foreigners in, it is not an invasion. You're trying to fight the wrong people.

To a democrat a rape is not a rape if it was first voted on...

It is an invasion, and majority does not want to be invaded. How is it by the way that these idiots who agree with the invasion of their own country... never are subjected to the "enrichment" of their culture in their own neighborhoods?
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

When the majority are inviting the foreigners in, it is not an invasion. You're trying to fight the wrong people.

To a democrat a rape is not a rape if it was first voted on...

It is an invasion, and majority does not want to be invaded. How is it by the way that these idiots who agree with the invasion of their own country... never are subjected to the "enrichment" of their culture in their own neighborhoods?

Because these “idiots” as you call them are not suckers for hyperbolic rhetoric like yourself. You are the pot calling the kettle black
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

When the majority are inviting the foreigners in, it is not an invasion. You're trying to fight the wrong people.

To a democrat a rape is not a rape if it was first voted on...

It is an invasion, and majority does not want to be invaded. How is it by the way that these idiots who agree with the invasion of their own country... never are subjected to the "enrichment" of their culture in their own neighborhoods?

Because these “idiots” as you call them are not suckers for hyperbolic rhetoric like yourself. You are the pot calling the kettle black

An invasion is an invasion, and that is what we are seeing at the Greece border.

Deal with it.

The part about them being "good hearted people"... now that was bullshit rhetoric to characterize an invasion.
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

Well by your idiotic definition the Statue of Liberty would be inviting foreigners to invade our country. Our Motto of the “Land of opportunity” is inviting an invasion... Nationalists like you are sick in the head and your disgusting rhetoric isn’t making you any allies.

The Statue of Liberty is not about immigration. The Statue of Liberty is about Liberty. Ellis Island is about immigration and the laws of the United States.
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

When the majority are inviting the foreigners in, it is not an invasion. You're trying to fight the wrong people.

To a democrat a rape is not a rape if it was first voted on...

It is an invasion, and majority does not want to be invaded. How is it by the way that these idiots who agree with the invasion of their own country... never are subjected to the "enrichment" of their culture in their own neighborhoods?

Because these “idiots” as you call them are not suckers for hyperbolic rhetoric like yourself. You are the pot calling the kettle black

An invasion is an invasion, and that is what we are seeing at the Greece border.

Deal with it.

The part about them being "good hearted people"... now that was bullshit rhetoric to characterize an invasion.

Are we talking about Greece or are we talking about our southern border?
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

Well by your idiotic definition the Statue of Liberty would be inviting foreigners to invade our country. Our Motto of the “Land of opportunity” is inviting an invasion... Nationalists like you are sick in the head and your disgusting rhetoric isn’t making you any allies.

The Statue of Liberty is not about immigration. The Statue of Liberty is about Liberty. Ellis Island is about immigration and the laws of the United States.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
How do you think a nation defends its right to sovereignty and imposes law without taking an all or nothing approach?
By funding border security and a healthy customs process along with law enforcement and an entire government program called DHS. We do plenty

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

How do you think a nation defends its right to sovereignty and imposes law without taking an all or nothing approach?
By funding border security and a healthy customs process along with law enforcement and an entire government program called DHS. We do plenty

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

What a load of bullocks.

According to your candidate America is the country of immigrants, not your country. If something like this was stated in the old days... hanging for treason.
everybody here with exception to Native Americans are here because we or our ancestors immigrated here. That’s a fact. We are a nation of immigrants. I don’t know why I waste my time talking to dimwits like you. Part of me is fascinated at the stupidity. Is it real or just an act?

I don't understand why anyone / America is wasting time with a traitors like you. Sheer nonsense...

Go open that border right up and let's see what the "good hearted" people will do with you. Biggest idiot I have encountered in some time, delusional...
I’m not a supporter of open borders you dumb ass. I’ve said that several times. You have serious comprehension problems .

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.
By funding border security and a healthy customs process along with law enforcement and an entire government program called DHS. We do plenty

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

By funding border security and a healthy customs process along with law enforcement and an entire government program called DHS. We do plenty

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

everybody here with exception to Native Americans are here because we or our ancestors immigrated here. That’s a fact. We are a nation of immigrants. I don’t know why I waste my time talking to dimwits like you. Part of me is fascinated at the stupidity. Is it real or just an act?

I don't understand why anyone / America is wasting time with a traitors like you. Sheer nonsense...

Go open that border right up and let's see what the "good hearted" people will do with you. Biggest idiot I have encountered in some time, delusional...
I’m not a supporter of open borders you dumb ass. I’ve said that several times. You have serious comprehension problems .

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.

"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

By funding border security and a healthy customs process along with law enforcement and an entire government program called DHS. We do plenty

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

By funding border security and a healthy customs process along with law enforcement and an entire government program called DHS. We do plenty

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

everybody here with exception to Native Americans are here because we or our ancestors immigrated here. That’s a fact. We are a nation of immigrants. I don’t know why I waste my time talking to dimwits like you. Part of me is fascinated at the stupidity. Is it real or just an act?

I don't understand why anyone / America is wasting time with a traitors like you. Sheer nonsense...

Go open that border right up and let's see what the "good hearted" people will do with you. Biggest idiot I have encountered in some time, delusional...
I’m not a supporter of open borders you dumb ass. I’ve said that several times. You have serious comprehension problems .

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.
I don’t take an all or nothing approach... I’m sorry you don’t understand that. You can be compassionate and still respect the law and security
Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

I don't understand why anyone / America is wasting time with a traitors like you. Sheer nonsense...

Go open that border right up and let's see what the "good hearted" people will do with you. Biggest idiot I have encountered in some time, delusional...
I’m not a supporter of open borders you dumb ass. I’ve said that several times. You have serious comprehension problems .

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.
I don’t take an all or nothing approach... I’m sorry you don’t understand that. You can be compassionate and still respect the law and security

More virtue signals... we are dealing with a pussy.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

I don't understand why anyone / America is wasting time with a traitors like you. Sheer nonsense...

Go open that border right up and let's see what the "good hearted" people will do with you. Biggest idiot I have encountered in some time, delusional...
I’m not a supporter of open borders you dumb ass. I’ve said that several times. You have serious comprehension problems .

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.

"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

You made up that second quote... I knew you couldn’t present an argument without lying. Fail
just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

just because you have leaks in the pipes doesn’t mean the pipes aren’t delivering water. You keep patching the leaks and improving the system the best you can. We aren’t in dire straights. We are the richest and most powerful country in the world with the largest economy and millions of available jobs. We have the best economy in the history of our country, right? So we must be doing some things good.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

I’m not a supporter of open borders you dumb ass. I’ve said that several times. You have serious comprehension problems .

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.

"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

You made up that second quote... I knew you couldn’t present an argument without lying. Fail

And yet just in your last post you bragged about how virtuous you are by holding BOTH of the positions.

You have never thought about these things and like a liberal are here just to declare your virtue? Useless...’re a metaphorical can tell feel good short stories...Let’s get back to the meat on the bone...let’s be concise.

“Maybe I’m misunderstanding you...what do you mean by “I have no problem with national sovereignty. It’s not an all or nothing thing”?

“We do plenty.”
WTF...we do plenty and we still ended up with 20-40 illegals?
How do you reconcile that?”
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

I’m reading between the ambiguous, blurry lines and all I see is FEELZ and the dismissal of logic.
Are you saying that when you’re rich and people are fucking you over you should just pretend they aren’t and pretend you like being fucked over?
I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

Then why are you cheering for open borders and supporting invasion?
Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.

"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

You made up that second quote... I knew you couldn’t present an argument without lying. Fail

And yet just in your last post you bragged about how virtuous you are by holding BOTH of the positions.

You have never thought about these things and like a liberal are here just to declare your virtue? Useless...
I didn’t brag about virtue, but keep lying buddy you’re doing a great job
Asked and answered. I’m not dumbing it down anymore. I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some.

I’m saying when you are rich from reaping rewards from your fellow humans then you have an inherent responsibility to utilize some of those riches to help your fellow humans. We are not a nation of selfish hoarders although I’m well aware that a faction wants to be

Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar.... let’s see

"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.

"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

You made up that second quote... I knew you couldn’t present an argument without lying. Fail

And yet just in your last post you bragged about how virtuous you are by holding BOTH of the positions.

You have never thought about these things and like a liberal are here just to declare your virtue? Useless...
I didn’t brag about virtue, but keep lying buddy you’re doing a great job

Keep telling yourself that, you may even believe it. No one else does...
"I know you know my position Ive explained it at nausea and then some."
"Quote me when I cheered for open borders liar"

Slade I don't think you realize how retarded you sound bud...Clearly you are incapable of taking a clear position on the matter. I think I know why.

"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

You made up that second quote... I knew you couldn’t present an argument without lying. Fail

And yet just in your last post you bragged about how virtuous you are by holding BOTH of the positions.

You have never thought about these things and like a liberal are here just to declare your virtue? Useless...
I didn’t brag about virtue, but keep lying buddy you’re doing a great job

Keep telling yourself that, you may even believe it. No one else does...
I don’t give a shit what “everyone else” things. Nobody real cares either. You’re acting like a child now. It’s boring. Debate finished
"I don't want open borders"

"Invaders are good hearted people, and America is the land of immigrants"

You made up that second quote... I knew you couldn’t present an argument without lying. Fail

And yet just in your last post you bragged about how virtuous you are by holding BOTH of the positions.

You have never thought about these things and like a liberal are here just to declare your virtue? Useless...
I didn’t brag about virtue, but keep lying buddy you’re doing a great job

Keep telling yourself that, you may even believe it. No one else does...
I don’t give a shit what “everyone else” things. Nobody real cares either. You’re acting like a child now. It’s boring. Debate finished

There is probably nothing you care more about than what other people think. That's why you need to declare your virtue on the outset, to the point of wanting to invade your own country. So tolerant of you!
As is made clear to Greece right now. No nation wants to give endless free shit to the hordes of 3rd world invaders. The nations are fighting on who does not get to have them.

Contrast cucked Europeans to the democrat party. The democrats are inviting these 3rd worlders to invade their our own country, making them the most cucked beings on this planet. Maybe Greece can contact Biden and he will arrange their shipment to the USA / free health care and all that.

Well by your idiotic definition the Statue of Liberty would be inviting foreigners to invade our country. Our Motto of the “Land of opportunity” is inviting an invasion... Nationalists like you are sick in the head and your disgusting rhetoric isn’t making you any allies.

The Statue of Liberty is not about immigration. The Statue of Liberty is about Liberty. Ellis Island is about immigration and the laws of the United States.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Again.......The Statue is a monument to Liberty. Given to us by France. The words are not documents. The history of our nation is we let people in when needed. Some may have been illegal. Since the Immigration Act of the 1960's, the door has been locked open. Ten of millions of illegals let in also. With a social welfare state ready to pay. Watch the stock market tank and the money dry up a bit and spew those words. That is the real test.

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