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Immigration is Destroying America.

When I first started working in machine shops in the early eighties mexicans made up about 5% of employees. When I retired it was around 80% and wages stagnated because they would work for less.

They took away jobs that our kids did like mowing lawns. When I was a kid I made a shitload of money cutting grass. They also are stealing min wage jobs from our kids and now they are demanding increases in min wage for jobs that were never meant to be anything but starter jobs.

They dont care about Ameirca and what it stands for. They only care about the money and couldnt give a shit about patriotism.

They send the money they do make back to mexico instead of spending it in the US costing us untold millions in taxes and business revenues.

And dont try and compare them to the Irish or any other immigrant. They came here and even went as far as to change their names to fit in. mexicans come here and demand we bow to their culture.

There is no doubt they cause damage to America.

I agree that they send money back to Mexico. They do so to support their families. In fact, the mexicans that I have worked with were always more concerned about their families than about themselves. Perhaps some of our legal Americans could learn from them?

As for them taking jobs, I can only give you what I know from experience.

I worked for 12 years with a company that put conduit for fiber optics and fiber optic lines underground (among other telecom work). Our subcontractors hired hispanic labor extensively. On one job the local INS and union people pushed to make sure there were no illegals on the job. We ran ads looking for laborers to dig holes and trenches. The pay was $500 per week to start and $600 per week after 90 days. We had over 100 people answer the ad and apply. We called almost 50 back for interviews. 10 of those outright refused a laborer job. We tried hiring people over and over. Only 3 (if I recall) came back for their second day on the job. And only one lasted a week.

I have seen companies try over and over to hire American workers. People SAY they want work. But when it comes to hard manual labor, most Americans won't even try. And those that do are about half-assed about it.

The hispanic crews I have supervised would start work on time, work hard until you told them to take lunch, and be ready to go an hour later.

1. The families in Mexico are a problem for the Mexican govt to deal with, not anyone in AMerica, especially millions of unemployed Americans. And no matter ho wkind-hearted Mexican immigrants in America may be to the families back home, they are being UNkind to every American by harmimg our economy, by depriving it of the money (and thereby sales) it needs to thrive.

2. To say that most Americans won't even try to do hard manual labor is ridiculous. First of all, it isn't necessary to get "most" AMericans to do hard manual labor, because most jobs are not hard manual labor. As far as the ones that are tough, the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America are being done exclusively by Americans with not an immigrant in sight. These are coal miners, firefighters, US Army and National Guard construction workers in the Corps of Engineers, and the US troops in Afghanistan. I myself was a combat Construction Specialist in the Corps of Engineers, for 5 years, and I can tell you the civilian construction work the Mexicans do
in America, is a picnic compared to what we did (all of us Americans).

Another thing about the "jobs Americans won't do" myth, is the study done by CIS recently which analyzed 472 civilian occupations. Of all these, only six were majority immigrant (legal and illegal). These six occupations account for 1 percent of the total U.S. workforce. Moreover, native-born Americans still comprise 46 percent of workers even in these occupations.

Many jobs often thought to be overwhelmingly immigrant (legal and illegal) are in fact majority native-born:

Maids and housekeepers: 51 percent native-born
Taxi drivers and chauffeurs: 58 percent native-born
Butchers and meat processors: 63 percent native-born
Grounds maintenance workers: 64 percent native-born
Construction laborers: 66 percent native-born
Porters, bellhops, and concierges: 72 percent native-born
Janitors: 73 percent native-born
Do the police logs note their immigration status? Thorough reporting by the Chronicle, I guess.

Does it really matter?

Of course. Are you talking about immigration or are you trying to make some conclusion about race?

Work visa. And as I said. It is what it is.
I didnt commit the crimes nor did I report them. And I'm not making it about race,it's more about getting the dredges of mexican society. It be no different then if all our inner city thugs moved to mexico.

And it's a well known fact that MS13 and other gangs come here and bring their past wars with them.
President Theodore Roosevelt believed no man should be discriminated against because of where he was born, but insisted any immigrant who arrives on our shores should become an American in terms of faith, allegiance and language, “If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. We have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.”

that sure doesn't include La Raza or CAIR groups....:mad:

You are absolutely right. Theodore Roosevelt had the right idea about immigration. He must be turning in his grave to see what's going on in America today.
When I first started working in machine shops in the early eighties mexicans made up about 5% of employees. When I retired it was around 80% and wages stagnated because they would work for less.

They took away jobs that our kids did like mowing lawns. When I was a kid I made a shitload of money cutting grass. They also are stealing min wage jobs from our kids and now they are demanding increases in min wage for jobs that were never meant to be anything but starter jobs.

They dont care about Ameirca and what it stands for. They only care about the money and couldnt give a shit about patriotism.

They send the money they do make back to mexico instead of spending it in the US costing us untold millions in taxes and business revenues.

And dont try and compare them to the Irish or any other immigrant. They came here and even went as far as to change their names to fit in. mexicans come here and demand we bow to their culture.

There is no doubt they cause damage to America.

I agree that they send money back to Mexico. They do so to support their families. In fact, the mexicans that I have worked with were always more concerned about their families than about themselves. Perhaps some of our legal Americans could learn from them?

As for them taking jobs, I can only give you what I know from experience.

I worked for 12 years with a company that put conduit for fiber optics and fiber optic lines underground (among other telecom work). Our subcontractors hired hispanic labor extensively. On one job the local INS and union people pushed to make sure there were no illegals on the job. We ran ads looking for laborers to dig holes and trenches. The pay was $500 per week to start and $600 per week after 90 days. We had over 100 people answer the ad and apply. We called almost 50 back for interviews. 10 of those outright refused a laborer job. We tried hiring people over and over. Only 3 (if I recall) came back for their second day on the job. And only one lasted a week.

I have seen companies try over and over to hire American workers. People SAY they want work. But when it comes to hard manual labor, most Americans won't even try. And those that do are about half-assed about it.

The hispanic crews I have supervised would start work on time, work hard until you told them to take lunch, and be ready to go an hour later.

Somebody was doing those jobs before the massive influx of immigrants.
I never heard "I'm not doing that,thats mexican work" growing up. Now kids are spoiled because they dont know the true meaning of work because those jobs are gone.
They've stolen valuable lessons learned by our children growing up.

Not sure how it is in Alabama. But here in Texas it's a real problem. California has turned into one big barrio which has destroyed their tax base.

If you read the Houston Chronicle easily eight out of ten crimes whether it be intoxication manslaughter,robbery,rape you name it....hispanic.

The majority of immigrants are the people who are from the lowest levels of mexican society so it should be no surprise what they bring to the table.

Are they all like this? Of course not,but a shitload of them are. In fact I would say the majority are when speaking of illegals.

I've got buddies who are hispanic and I was engaged to an hispanic in my younger days. And amazing enough...? They feel the same way.

I'm Hispanic. I feel the same way.
Can't you read ? I TOLD you why. Because of Affirmative Action discrimination.

So, your OP is not an anti Immigration/Pro American post. It's an anti Immigration/Anti minority American post.

FALSE! I don't blame minority immigrants for American affirmative action which they had nothing to do with, I simply point out that since they are non-white, they impact unemployed white Americans even worse. I might also point out that I myself am 50 % Hispanic, ans speak Spanish fluently. Sorry to have dampened your race card fun.

I get that a lot myself. While I'm not hispanic I was engaged to one.
People scream racism way to damn much.
Can't you read ? I TOLD you why. Because of Affirmative Action discrimination.

So, your OP is not an anti Immigration/Pro American post. It's an anti Immigration/Anti minority American post.

FALSE! I don't blame minority immigrants for American affirmative action which they had nothing to do with, I simply point out that since they are non-white, they impact unemployed white Americans even worse. I might also point out that I myself am 50 % Hispanic, ans speak Spanish fluently. Sorry to have dampened your race card fun.

I never said or even implied that you blamed minority immigrants for American affirmative action. I merely pointed out that which was obvious. That's the fact that your OP had more to do with race than it did with nationality.
Immigration is Destroying America.

:lol: no it's not; it has always improved America
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Nothing wrong with legal immigration.

Its the illegals who are causing the problems.

Of course that would be rectified with a fence but the powers that be, the Reps and the Dems, are never going to do anything about illegals because they are all vieing for the Hispanic vote and they don't seem to give a shit what these illegals cost the taxpayers.

Nope, getting reelected is all those Clowns care about.
Someone's giving those illegals those low paying jobs hmmmmm.
Nothing wrong with legal immigration.

Its the illegals who are causing the problems.

Of course that would be rectified with a fence but the powers that be, the Reps and the Dems, are never going to do anything about illegals because they are all vieing for the Hispanic vote and they don't seem to give a shit what these illegals cost the taxpayers.

Nope, getting reelected is all those Clowns care about.
Someone's giving those illegals those low paying jobs hmmmmm.

And they should be fined. And I aint talking a small fine.
Second offense should be jail time.
The whole "we're full" bit is beyond silly. It is, of course, mere ignorance motivated by irrational fear.

The US is 142nd in the world in terms of population density. Hardly "overcrowded" by any reasonable standard. Our agricultural efficiency and capacity are unprecedented in human history. We produce far more food than we could possibly consume. In fact, the world produces far more than enough for every man, woman, and child alive if it were equally distributed (which is, of course, impossible). I think some fool here has been going on as if our capacity - in every sense - were unchanged since the 1800s, which is just too stupid for words. Our culture thrives, as it always has, on the dynamic interaction of old and new as immigrants assimilate while adding to the richness of the 'stew.'

How Much Does Immigration Boost Innovation?

http://www.bushcenter.org/sites/def...s to U.S. Entrepreneurship and Innovation.pdf

JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

Even illegal immigrants contribute to economic growth, but that is no excuse for violating US sovereignty or 'jumping the line' ahead of those ethical enough to respect the nation and go about it the right way.

Oh no, we're not overpopulated in the USA. No, not a bit. We just enjoy importing 70% of our oil, and having to shell out Billions$$$ for it at a time when we have a $17 Trillion debt figure, that's all.

I don't suppose that a thoughtless heckler who just yaks ad hominem, baseless rhetoric would be interested in the FACTS, but as a Geographer and former college Geography teacher, I kind of feel compelled to provide.

Population growth is steadily diluting the U.S. biocapacity, leaving only about 5 hectares [about 12.4 acres] of productive land available per person. Meanwhile, the steady rise in consumption has increased Americans’ per capita ecological footprint — in part because of our growing dependence on imported energy resources — to more than 9.4 hectares [about 23.3 acres].3 In the last four decades, the U.S. has gone from a positive net ecological surplus of 2.1 hectares per capita to a deficit of -4.4 hectares per capita.4 Another aspect of this same trend into unsustainable consumption is that the U.S. per capita ecological footprint has increased gradually — six percent since 1980 — while per capita biocapacity has decreased rapidly — 26 percent — due to a 30 percent increase in the U.S. population.5

In 1933, President Herbert Hoover’s Committee on Social Trends projected that “we shall probably attain a population of between 145 and 150 million during the present century.”6 Because of the unanticipated post World War II “baby boom” and the 1965 change in immigration policy that opened the door to ever-increasing annual admission of immigrants, the Commission’s projection was off by more than 130 million — the U.S. population surpassed 281 million in 2000.

Sixty-three years later the U.S. Census Bureau released its projection for growth in the 21st century. The “middle series” — the most likely scenario — showed a population of about 394 million residents in 2050. That projection was shown by the results of the 2000 Census to be already understated. The latest projection by the Census Bureau (2008) — based on current demographic trends — is for a population of more than 439 million in 2050. Unless we adopt policies that moderate our current demographic trend, we are destined to continue to exacerbate the over-consumption of our fixed and nonrenewable resources.

Just looking at the environmental side of it, the facts are frightening >>

Agriculture — Forty percent of all U.S. land area is used as productive land or to support agriculture.8 However, this percentage is declining due to suburban development. Population growth contributes to the annual loss of more than three million acres of farmland.9 Furthermore, agricultural production is increasingly dedicated to fuel production rather than food.

Biodiversity — Nationwide, an estimated 6,700 species are at risk of extinction.10 Meanwhile, more than 500 known U.S. species are already extinct.11 The human population has now appropriated half of the continental U.S. for its sustenance, leaving native species with increasingly degraded ecosystems.12

Energy Usage — Increasing energy consumption is closely correlated to population growth. From 1974 to 2007 the U.S. population grew 41.7 percent while total energy consumption grew 37.1 percent.13 The growing release of greenhouse gases and fuel spills related to supplying the inputs for increased energy consumption degrade species habitat and contaminate waterways used for fishing and recreation.14

Forests — Since European colonization, America’s total forest cover has declined by a third.15 Only about five percent of the country’s original old-growth forests remain, while all other present day forest has been previously logged and is thus younger and less diverse.16

Land Use — Developed land in the continental U.S. increased 48 percent from 1982 to 2003.14

Sprawl — Across America, cities are challenged to cope with the effects of over-population-induced urban crowding and sprawl. Yet cities and localities have limited ability to slow growth through zoning and planning. Only the federal government can lawfully adopt measures aimed at stabilizing the population by curtailing mass immigration.17

Water — The average American uses 550,000 gallons of water annually.18 The decline of water levels has coincided with an increase in water pollution. Nationwide an estimated 40 percent of rivers, 46 percent of lakes, and 50 percent of estuaries are too polluted for fishing and swimming.19,20


3. The Ecological Footprint Atlas 2008, Global Footprint Network, http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/

4. Global Footprint Network. "United States of America." Country Trends (2005). October 2008. Global Footprint Network.

5. U.S. Census Bureau. "Table 1. Urban and Rural Population: 1900 to 1990." October 1995. U.S. Census Bureau.

6. United States. President's Research Committee On Social Trends Records. 1932. Hoover Institution Archives. Stanford, California 94305-6010.

8. Economic Research Service. "State Fact Sheets: United States." U.S. Department of Agriculture (consulted June 2009). http://www.ers.usda.gov/StateFacts/

9. National Resource Inventory. U.S. Department of Agriculture (consulted June 15, 2009). http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/NRI/

10. Cohn, J. P. and J. A. Lerner. "Integrating Land Use Planning and Biodiversity." 2003. Defenders of Wildlife. (consulted June 15, 2009) http://www.defenders.org/

11. Stein, B. A., et al. "Executive Summary." Precious Heritage: The Status of Biodiversity in the United States. Oxford: Oxford University Press (March 2000).

12. Biodiversity Project. "Getting on Message: Making the Biodiversity-Sprawl Connection." 2000. https://www.comminit.com/en/node/265588/306.

14. Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

15. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

16. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

17. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

18. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

19. "Our Initiatives: Freshwater Conservation." 2009, The Nature Conservancy. http://www.nature.org/initiatives/freshwater/

20. Stein, J., et al. "River of Renewal: A Vision for Reconnecting Communities to a Living Upper Mississippi River." American Rivers. August 2001.
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Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

The first and the last are possible effects of immigration. The rest are simply effects of an increase in population.

And where do you suppose that "increase in population" is coming from ?

PS - you'd say that cultural erosion is coming from only internal population increase ? (births over deaths) You'd say that Spanish telephone recordings wouldbe here without immigration ? And remittances$$$ would be sent out of the country without immigration ? I could continue, but why bother ? Point already nade.
Hey guess what? Immigration is not now, nor has it ever been, "destroying America." The mewling of the ignorant, cowardly, and weak notwithstanding, immigration is as inherent and vital an aspect of the character and identity of America today as it has always been.

And will always be.

Your Geography grade is F (possibly E for effort)
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

so you are native american?

or are you just whiter than today's immigrants?
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

so you are native american?

or are you just whiter than today's immigrants?

Yes, I am "native American". I was born in the USA. As for how white I am, I'm 50% Danish, 25% Central American (Belize), and 25% French-Italian (Corsica) _ although that grandfather emigrated from Corsica to British Honduras (now called Belize) so he could be considered Central American Hispanic, making me 50% Hispanic.

All of which is IRRELEVANT.

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