Immigration is Destroying America.

When I first started working in machine shops in the early eighties mexicans made up about 5% of employees. When I retired it was around 80% and wages stagnated because they would work for less.

They took away jobs that our kids did like mowing lawns. When I was a kid I made a shitload of money cutting grass. They also are stealing min wage jobs from our kids and now they are demanding increases in min wage for jobs that were never meant to be anything but starter jobs.

They dont care about Ameirca and what it stands for. They only care about the money and couldnt give a shit about patriotism.

They send the money they do make back to mexico instead of spending it in the US costing us untold millions in taxes and business revenues.

And dont try and compare them to the Irish or any other immigrant. They came here and even went as far as to change their names to fit in. mexicans come here and demand we bow to their culture.

There is no doubt they cause damage to America.

Being almost 70, I remember knocking on doors and mowing peoples lawns, cleaning out vacant lots, shovel snow, etc. I never see kids do anything nowadays, and I'm in a working class neighborhood, not park place. I take it back, kids text and talk on phones.
I think Americans just got lazy and low pay immigrants gladly do the work. I still mow my own lawn, being a cheapskate.
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Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

so you are native american?

or are you just whiter than today's immigrants?

Yes, I am "native American". I was born in the USA. As for how white I am, I'm 50% Danish, 25% Central American (Belize), and 25% French-Italian (Corsica) _ although that grandfather emigrated from Corsica to British Honduras (now called Belize) so he could be considered Central American Hispanic, making me 50% Hispanic.

All of which is IRRELEVANT.

"native american" does not mean born in the usa.

but you know that.

so what's the whine about immigrans when your own family were immigrants.... hence why it is NOT IRRELEVANT...and you can put that into caps and purple polka dots.
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Protectonist, please, no one is mad at you.

Just doesn't take you seriously.
so you are native american?

or are you just whiter than today's immigrants?

Yes, I am "native American". I was born in the USA. As for how white I am, I'm 50% Danish, 25% Central American (Belize), and 25% French-Italian (Corsica) _ although that grandfather emigrated from Corsica to British Honduras (now called Belize) so he could be considered Central American Hispanic, making me 50% Hispanic.

All of which is IRRELEVANT.

"native american" does not mean born in the usa.

but you know that.

so what's the whine about immigrans when your own family were immigrants.... hence why it is NOT IRRELEVANT...and you can put that into caps and purple polka dots.

1. It doesn't matter if my ancestors were immigrants. A few people in anybody's family doesn't change all the facts on overpopulation in the USA, and the harms of immigration.

2. Native American means born in the USA. Just because a few young, scatter-brained ultra-liberals thought they'd like to change the term "American Indian" to "Native American" doesn't make it correct. It is 100% INcorrect, just as the term African-American is also incorrect to describe black people. I have known 4 guys in my life who immigrated to the US from Africa. They are from Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe). All are African-Americans. All 4 are White.
The word "native" refers to where one is born. You can't come along and change the English language just because you feel like it.
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Protectionists, you can't come along and change what protection is about.

It is the country's life blood.
Apologies are designed for the benefit of the apologizer. A self-serving act to get oneself "off the hook". If you're an immigrant, you're not off the hook UNLESS you are bringing lots$$$ of capital. opening up business, and creating jobs FOR AMERICANS, or bringing some special skill we have a demand for (this is rare).

Perhaps you didn't understand that I wasn't being serious when I apologized.

Now that I am an American citizen, even though I have a high-paying job, I'm thinking about quitting and going on welfare.
Fuck the illegal infiltrators! They do not respect our country; laws; citizens; etc. Most come from third world shit holes, and the more you let in, the more third world we become. We need emigrants with integrity - not illegals. Most are growth stunted, and did not receive enough protein for proper brain development - so they are stupid as well! That is just what we need; thousands of packs of stupid little criminals to tax us?

A country that doesn't enforce it's laws is corrupt!

" They don't take jobs that Americans want " Bullshit!!! They compete with our citizenry period - the construction trades are replete with them, and the food industry - so fuck you treasonist liberals who make excuses for them - you only care about votes!

Wherever there are illegals, there is trash, roaches, bedbugs, and rats! They have totally fucked up the aesthetics of the Potomac river ( DC ) with their garbage :evil: There should be a bounty on them all!
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Immigrants generally take lower-paying jobs that many natural-born citizens won't touch. Others are better qualified for specialty jobs.

Why does being white grant a citizen special favor in your mind? On Civil Service tests, special consideration is given to veterans of all colors.

2. Wage reduction.

Not true. Qualified immigrants are hired in at the same wage as current employees. The current employees wages do not go down. Again, most start out in jobs with a government-mandated minimum wage.

See above answer. Also, being a natural-born citizen does not guarantee that one is working above the table. I've known several deadbeat dads, anarchists/libertarians, and high school dropouts that work under the table.

Remittance? isn't this a repeat of #3? Why yes, it is.

Most immigrants seek gainful employment. If the overlords are allowed to pay them less than a living wage, it's YOU'RE fault for not writing to your Congressman and demanding a higher minimum wage.

Nope. Many immigrants are quite peaceful and law-abiding.

You're grasping at straws with thiis one.

Umm, no. No you're heading down the road into Batshitville

And now that we're in Batshitville, let's tour it and look at some of the landmarks:

14. Cultural erosion.

Funny you should mention that. I've been on dozens of boards with membes from all over the globe. They all say the same thing:

"American culture can be traced back to Europe, Asia, the Mideast, and Africa. Americans don't actually have much of a culture that they can call their own. They are loud and boorish, though."

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

What foreign diseases did that immigrant from England bring? Or Tatiana, the nice Bosnian lady that I worked with? Darham's a physician, so I think he's clean.

What's going on here is that you're acting like a child. You can't handle anything new so you come up with weird excuses, trying to convince the adults in the room to stop allowing it.

Immigration has been going on in America since Erik the Red built his first longship. It's not gonna stop. Deal.

Good post.

Facts as opposed to the lies posted in the OP.
Fuck the illegal infiltrators! They do not respect our country; laws; citizens; etc. Most come from third world shit holes, and the more you let in, the more third world we become. We need emigrants with integrity - not illegals. Most are growth stunted, and did not receive enough protein for proper brain development - so they are stupid as well! That is just what we need; thousands of packs of stupid little criminals to tax us?

A country that doesn't enforce it's laws is corrupt!

" They don't take jobs that Americans want " Bullshit!!! They compete with our citizenry period - the construction trades are replete with them, and the food industry - so fuck you treasonist liberals who make excuses for them - you only care about votes!

Wherever there are illegals, there is trash, roaches, bedbugs, and rats! They have totally fucked up the aesthetics of the Potomac river ( DC ) with their garbage :evil: There should be a bounty on them all!

Nope. Not true. Not even one word of this little hate tirade is true. Its just regurg from such anti-Americans as Beck, Limbaugh, fox.
What's heartening to consider is that today's immigrants, like those who came before them, are learning English, assimilating to American culture, and becoming part of the fabric of our nation while adding to its richness. The melting pot is still simmering away. Most of the misconceptions that cause fear and outrage among the ignorant, misinformed, or merely weak-minded stem from yet more ill-considered attempts at fucking with our social fabric from the left. As always, they undertake this destructive behavior when they feel the need to control some population, pander for votes, or undermine for the sake of undermining as if they really cannot conceive that "change" can be for the worse as well as for the better.

Despite the machinations, manipulations, and shameless pandering from the left, today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did and those after them will.

And I should add: Despite the very poorly told lies and/or illogically drawn conclusions of loons on the internet with an agenda to push. The FACTS are as I've described them, complete with extensive supporting evidence.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Immigrants generally take lower-paying jobs that many natural-born citizens won't touch. Others are better qualified for specialty jobs.

Why does being white grant a citizen special favor in your mind? On Civil Service tests, special consideration is given to veterans of all colors.

Not true. Qualified immigrants are hired in at the same wage as current employees. The current employees wages do not go down. Again, most start out in jobs with a government-mandated minimum wage.

See above answer. Also, being a natural-born citizen does not guarantee that one is working above the table. I've known several deadbeat dads, anarchists/libertarians, and high school dropouts that work under the table.

Remittance? isn't this a repeat of #3? Why yes, it is.

Most immigrants seek gainful employment. If the overlords are allowed to pay them less than a living wage, it's YOU'RE fault for not writing to your Congressman and demanding a higher minimum wage.

Nope. Many immigrants are quite peaceful and law-abiding.

You're grasping at straws with thiis one.

Umm, no. No you're heading down the road into Batshitville

And now that we're in Batshitville, let's tour it and look at some of the landmarks:

Funny you should mention that. I've been on dozens of boards with membes from all over the globe. They all say the same thing:

"American culture can be traced back to Europe, Asia, the Mideast, and Africa. Americans don't actually have much of a culture that they can call their own. They are loud and boorish, though."

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

What foreign diseases did that immigrant from England bring? Or Tatiana, the nice Bosnian lady that I worked with? Darham's a physician, so I think he's clean.

What's going on here is that you're acting like a child. You can't handle anything new so you come up with weird excuses, trying to convince the adults in the room to stop allowing it.

Immigration has been going on in America since Erik the Red built his first longship. It's not gonna stop. Deal.

Good post.

Facts as opposed to the lies posted in the OP.

What you laughably call "facts" were ALL refuted in Post # 33 by REAL facts.
Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

you left this off the list...


You are absolutely right. Both stealth jihad (Muslim Broitherhood) and violent jihad (al Qaeda) are brought into America with immigration and Visa issuance. That's how the 9-11 killers came in. On visas.

Note, if you will, the difference between actual sources and - just for example - some unhinged loon on the internet crying "nuh-uh!"

YES, note the difference indeed!

3. The Ecological Footprint Atlas 2008, Global Footprint Network,

4. Global Footprint Network. "United States of America." Country Trends (2005). October 2008. Global Footprint Network.

5. U.S. Census Bureau. "Table 1. Urban and Rural Population: 1900 to 1990." October 1995. U.S. Census Bureau.

6. United States. President's Research Committee On Social Trends Records. 1932. Hoover Institution Archives. Stanford, California 94305-6010.

8. Economic Research Service. "State Fact Sheets: United States." U.S. Department of Agriculture (consulted June 2009). USDA ERS - Page Not Found

9. National Resource Inventory. U.S. Department of Agriculture (consulted June 15, 2009). National Resources Inventory | NRCS

10. Cohn, J. P. and J. A. Lerner. "Integrating Land Use Planning and Biodiversity." 2003. Defenders of Wildlife. (consulted June 15, 2009) Defenders of Wildlife | Protecting Native Animals and Their Habitats

11. Stein, B. A., et al. "Executive Summary." Precious Heritage: The Status of Biodiversity in the United States. Oxford: Oxford University Press (March 2000).

12. Biodiversity Project. "Getting on Message: Making the Biodiversity-Sprawl Connection." 2000.

14. Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

15. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

16. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

17. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

18. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

19. "Our Initiatives: Freshwater Conservation." 2009, The Nature Conservancy. Rivers & Lakes | Freshwater Conservation | The Nature Conservancy

20. Stein, J., et al. "River of Renewal: A Vision for Reconnecting Communities to a Living Upper Mississippi River." American Rivers. August 2001.

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Does it really matter?

Of course. Are you talking about immigration or are you trying to make some conclusion about race?

Work visa. And as I said. It is what it is.
I didnt commit the crimes nor did I report them. And I'm not making it about race,it's more about getting the dredges of mexican society.

If you don't know the accused's immigration status how can you know it's about "the dredges of Mexican society"? The person you are reading about in the paper could be a US citizen.

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