Immigration is Destroying America.

What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Stop welfare, duh.

You can go home and play checkers too.. You're also not qualified to be in this thread. You haven't posted an intelligent post since you arrived.

That's ironic. Since when have you EVER posted anything intelligent? Don't you think you should try that before lecturing someone else on it? Hmm? He and I will post in this thread if we wish. To hell with your protests.
No, the problem with welfare is welfare. Working immigrants don't collect welfare. Duh!

What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Stop welfare, duh.

That’s unsurprisingly ignorant and ridiculous.
What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Stop welfare, duh.

That’s unsurprisingly ignorant and ridiculous.

Yanno................we could stop a lot of welfare if we paid people a fair wage.

Raise the minimum to 10.10, and you'd see a lot of people drop off the welfare roles.

Why? Because they earn too much.

Republicans are interested in seeing people earn their way out of poverty, right? Raise the minimum wage.

I'm kinda sick of the Government having to subsidize Wal-Mart.
If they paid a living wage, then maybe we could see where the true savings would happen.

The rich get richer, the poor stay poor. I guess it's the way of the democracy as it turns into an Oligarchy.

If you want to vote against your own best interests, vote Republican.

If you care about yourself, as well as care about your fellow American, vote for the Democrats.

BTW...............Benghazi is a lie perpetuated by those who never served, as well as those who don't know.

The pipeline is bullshit, as it will only provide around 1,200 jobs in the short term (check the actual reports), and will only provide around 400 jobs in the long term.

The Keystone Pipeline is not the job creator that the GOP would have you believe.
Stop welfare, duh.

That’s unsurprisingly ignorant and ridiculous.

Yanno................we could stop a lot of welfare if we paid people a fair wage.

Raise the minimum to 10.10, and you'd see a lot of people drop off the welfare roles.

Why? Because they earn too much.

Republicans are interested in seeing people earn their way out of poverty, right? Raise the minimum wage.

I'm kinda sick of the Government having to subsidize Wal-Mart.
If they paid a living wage, then maybe we could see where the true savings would happen.

The rich get richer, the poor stay poor. I guess it's the way of the democracy as it turns into an Oligarchy.

If you want to vote against your own best interests, vote Republican.

If you care about yourself, as well as care about your fellow American, vote for the Democrats.

BTW...............Benghazi is a lie perpetuated by those who never served, as well as those who don't know.

The pipeline is bullshit, as it will only provide around 1,200 jobs in the short term (check the actual reports), and will only provide around 400 jobs in the long term.

The Keystone Pipeline is not the job creator that the GOP would have you believe.

BS they would move the welfare bar up, because the poverty level would go up. That or the folks making 10.10 would just work less hours to make the low bar for poverty. Real Americans get richer, moochers stay poor. But this thread is about immigrants not your wild ass list of deflections.
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What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Stop welfare, duh.

You can go home and play checkers too.. You're also not qualified to be in this thread. You haven't posted an intelligent post since you arrived.

What does playing checkers have to do with immigration?
You can go home and play checkers too.. You're also not qualified to be in this thread. You haven't posted an intelligent post since you arrived.

What does playing checkers have to do with immigration?

They are both things that frighten him because he can't comprehend them?

Ah, ok. There I was thinking he was trying to point out something being unrelated to immigration like checkers as being the same as my point that if we remove welfare, welfare won't be a problem with immigrants. But I'm pretty sure if we ban checkers they will still come it's not the only game in town. The part I don't understand is why he wants to ban checkers, is that really a major problem?
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What does playing checkers have to do with immigration?

They are both things that frighten him because he can't comprehend them?

Ah, ok. There I was thinking he was trying to point out something being unrelated to immigration like checkers as being the same as my point that if we remove welfare, welfare won't be a problem with immigrants. But I'm pretty sure if we ban checkers they will still come it's not the only game in town. The part I don't understand is why he wants to ban checkers, is that really a major problem?

He's scared because he keeps getting jumped by dangerous immigrants, and he's frustrated because he wants to be a king but keeps failing.
Stop welfare, duh.

That’s unsurprisingly ignorant and ridiculous.

Yanno................we could stop a lot of welfare if we paid people a fair wage.

Raise the minimum to 10.10, and you'd see a lot of people drop off the welfare roles.

Why? Because they earn too much.

Republicans are interested in seeing people earn their way out of poverty, right? Raise the minimum wage.

I'm kinda sick of the Government having to subsidize Wal-Mart.
If they paid a living wage, then maybe we could see where the true savings would happen.

The rich get richer, the poor stay poor. I guess it's the way of the democracy as it turns into an Oligarchy.

If you want to vote against your own best interests, vote Republican.

If you care about yourself, as well as care about your fellow American, vote for the Democrats.

BTW...............Benghazi is a lie perpetuated by those who never served, as well as those who don't know.

The pipeline is bullshit, as it will only provide around 1,200 jobs in the short term (check the actual reports), and will only provide around 400 jobs in the long term.

The Keystone Pipeline is not the job creator that the GOP would have you believe.
The truth of the matter is that BOTH mainstream political parties are full of shit clean up to their ears.

On the subject of economic recovery or growth.

On the subject of immigration.

On the subject of their conducting themselves in the best interests of the United States and its People.

Opposite sides of the same, sick, greedy, grasping oligarchic power structure.

If there was a convenient way to push the 'Reset' button and 'fire' the two parties and their representatives, and replace them with folks who truly had the best interests of the Nation and her People at-heart, there exists, I daresay, many an American who would gladly push that 'Reset' button.

But no such 'Reset' button exists, and we must 'make-do' with what we have, and try to force a sea-change, without resorting to radical or revolutionary means.

It's probably possible, but, if it is, it's going to take some time, and dedicated effort, and no such leadership yet exists, that The People would entrust their future to.

So, we keep plodding-along, and making-do, and settling for less, and hoping-against-hope that we'll hit on the winning formulate one of these days, as the calendar continues to turn its pages.
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They are both things that frighten him because he can't comprehend them?

Ah, ok. There I was thinking he was trying to point out something being unrelated to immigration like checkers as being the same as my point that if we remove welfare, welfare won't be a problem with immigrants. But I'm pretty sure if we ban checkers they will still come it's not the only game in town. The part I don't understand is why he wants to ban checkers, is that really a major problem?

He's scared because he keeps getting jumped by dangerous immigrants, and he's frustrated because he wants to be a king but keeps failing.

Ah, I got to the end... king me. Gotcha.
Just as a point of interest, the case could be made that Columbus' mistake in referring to the Native Americans he encountered as "Indians" traces all the way back to Aristotle himself.
Stop welfare, duh.

You can go home and play checkers too.. You're also not qualified to be in this thread. You haven't posted an intelligent post since you arrived.

That's ironic. Since when have you EVER posted anything intelligent? Don't you think you should try that before lecturing someone else on it? Hmm? He and I will post in this thread if we wish. To hell with your protests.

Since about 2 minutes ago.
Just as a point of interest, the case could be made that Columbus' mistake in referring to the Native Americans he encountered as "Indians" traces all the way back to Aristotle himself.

Irrelevant. In American culture, the tribes present when Europeans arrived have been called American Indians since over 200 years ago. It was the term then. It's the the term now. Nothing's changed.
Just as a point of interest, the case could be made that Columbus' mistake in referring to the Native Americans he encountered as "Indians" traces all the way back to Aristotle himself.

Fortunately today, aside from bigots and idiots, most people know to what the term "Native American" refers.
Funny, other nations have strict punishments for those who enter illegally. Us? We have them too, but somehow we think it is cruel to enforce them. Yeah, immigration isn't destroying America, this simple disregard for the law is. You want to come here? Do it legally.

And then cause the same harms to Americans (especially unemployment), as the illegal immigration causes.

If I had a million bucks for every unsubstantiated or nonsensical claim you've made, I wouldn't need a freaking job.

I've posted over 100 SUBSTANTIATED claims just in this thread alone.

SOme examples >>> :D

1. "The myth that Americans won't touch the jobs immigrants take was debunked 10 years ago by the CIS study that found of the 472 civilian occupations checked, only six were majority immigrant (legal and illegal)." (post 33)

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won?t Do? | Center for Immigration Studies

2. "These harmful effects of the immigration system were recognized in the reports of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform in the mid 1990s. The Commission’s immigration reform recommendations were welcomed by President Clinton and submitted to Congress, but have largely been ignored since then. This report contains the following findings" >>>
> In 2009, less than 6 percent of legal immigrants were admitted because they possessed skills deemed essential to the U.S. economy.
> Studies that find minimal or no negative effects on native workers from low-skill immigration are based upon flawed assumptions and skewed economic models, not upon observations of actual labor market conditions.
> There is no such thing as an “immigrant job.” The reality is that immigrants and natives compete for the same jobs and native workers are increasingly at a disadvantage because employers have access to a steady supply of low-wage foreign workers. (Post 33)

3. More immigrants get welfare than native-born Americans do. In a CIS study, it was found that in 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children. (post 33)

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies


5. "$25 billion/year in remittances$$$ to just Mexico alone."

6. "...our finances are $17 trillion in debt, while we IMport 70% of our oil." (post 95)

U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion ? tops $17 trillion for first time - Washington Times

I admit a slight mistake in the oil imports . They were 60% in 2005 (not 70%), and have fallen now to about 45%. Still, showing a reliance on foreign oil, worsened by immigration.

7. 8. "Forty percent of all U.S. land area is used as productive land or to support agriculture. However, this percentage is declining due to suburban development. Population growth contributes to the annual loss of more than three million acres of farmland." (post 95)

7. The Ecological Footprint Atlas 2008, Global Footprint Network,

8. Global Footprint Network. "United States of America." Country Trends (2005). October 2008. Global Footprint Network.

9. U.S. Census Bureau. "Table 1. Urban and Rural Population: 1900 to 1990." October 1995. U.S. Census Bureau.

10. United States. P10., 11., 12. "Nationwide, an estimated 6,700 species are at risk of extinction. Meanwhile, more than 500 known U.S. species are already extinct.The human population has now appropriated half of the continental U.S. for its sustenance, leaving native species with increasingly degraded ecosystems.

11. Economic Research Service. "State Fact Sheets: United States." U.S. Department of Agriculture (consulted June 2009). USDA ERS - Page Not Found

12. National Resource Inventory. U.S. Department of Agriculture (consulted June 15, 2009). National Resources Inventory | NRCS

13. Cohn, J. P. and J. A. Lerner. "Integrating Land Use Planning and Biodiversity." 2003. Defenders of Wildlife. (consulted June 15, 2009) Defenders of Wildlife | Protecting Native Animals and Their Habitats

14. Stein, B. A., et al. "Executive Summary." Precious Heritage: The Status of Biodiversity in the United States. Oxford: Oxford University Press (March 2000).

15. Biodiversity Project. "Getting on Message: Making the Biodiversity-Sprawl Connection." 2000.

16. Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

21. "Our Initiatives: Freshwater Conservation." 2009, The Nature Conservancy. Rivers & Lakes | Freshwater Conservation | The Nature Conservancy

22. Stein, J., et al. "River of Renewal: A Vision for Reconnecting Communities to a Living Upper Mississippi River." American Rivers. August 2001.

23. Poll: 88 percent of Californians say there is 'a serious water shortage' in the state - San Jose Mercury News (post 105)

24. Poll: 88 percent of Californians say there is 'a serious water shortage' in the state - San Jose Mercury News (post 107)

25. And the troubling escalation of this trend is reflected in the time taken to fill the statutory H1B visas cap of 65,000 per year, which for the first time in several years was filled in 5 days in 2013, compared to 300 days in 2010. . These trends will help sustain remittance flows from the US to the rest of the world, further weakening the US economy. See figure 11 chart in the link article. (post 124)

World Bank Group - System Maintenance

26. "How much water we have, RELATIVE TO how much is needed to supply all the people is the problem, and that amount is certainly not "plenty". (post 166)

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think

Much of western US facing severe water shortage - Nation - The Boston Globe

27. "Minister of the State Commission of Population and Family Planning Zhang Weiqing confirmed in early 2006, that China's one child policy is consistent with the nation's plan for population growth, and would continue indefinitely. He denied rumors that the policy become less stringent to permit a second child to the general population". (post 381)

China One Child Policy - Overview of the One Child Policy in China

28. "Here is the CORRECT definition of overpopulation, as provided by Wikipedia" >>

"Overpopulation occurs when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources."

Overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

29. "In the recession years 2007 to 2010, the overall number of births declined 7%, but births to foreign-born mothers fell 13% while births to U.S.-born women decreased only 5%. Birth rate declines were especially sharp for Mexican immigrant women (down 23% from 2007 to 2010)." (post 392)

Immigrant Women Lead Recent Drop in U.S. Births and Birth Rates | Pew Research Center?s Social & Demographic Trends Project

30. "FALSE! US population is anything but "holding steady". (post 480)


31. " "Exactly how many people were infected or killed by her is not known. She refused to cooperate with health authorities, withheld information about her past, and used different pseudonyms when she changed cities.Three deaths have been definitively attributed to her, with estimates running as high as 50"

Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

32. "It is pure numbers. Like 6 million Americans unemployed in the year 2000, to 15 million unemployed in 2010. So 9 million Americans become unemployed in this 10 year period, while 14 million immigrants entered the country, undercut US workers' wages, and feasted on American jobs, while the number of Americans unemployed soared to 15 million." (post 529)

A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration: 2000-2010 | Center for Immigration Studies


33. "Feast your eyes on THIS immigration lovers: >>" (post 540)


This is just a PARTIAL listing.
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Just as a point of interest, the case could be made that Columbus' mistake in referring to the Native Americans he encountered as "Indians" traces all the way back to Aristotle himself.

Fortunately today, aside from bigots and idiots, most people know to what the term "Native American" refers.

I don't suppose they'd think Native Germans or native Swedes would refer to some relatively recently, very low technological, dark-skinned people, living in tribes, in a hunter-gatherer existence. Think about it. :lol:
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The story of how Native Americans first migrated across the Bering Land Bridge and went on to populate both North and South America is a fascinating one, even aside from Columbus' famous mistake.
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