Immigration is Destroying America.

Funny, other nations have strict punishments for those who enter illegally. Us? We have them too, but somehow we think it is cruel to enforce them. Yeah, immigration isn't destroying America, this simple disregard for the law is. You want to come here? Do it legally.

And then cause the same harms to Americans (especially unemployment), as the illegal immigration causes.
Not even a link to the Particulars you have in mind?

I've put about a hundred links in this thread, you lazy shit.

You claimed to have proven time and again how you can cure unemployment and shortages in housing and education and medical care, etc.

No I didn't. You are either incapable of reading and comprehending English, or you are a lying sack of crap. Which is it?

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism. Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?

Conditions on immigration have always worked, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie.

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is the pretty much the only real problem this country has.

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie, it grows the size of the pie. Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase? The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.

1. Immigration IS "pro-foreign production". It is foreigners getting control over American production > It's jobs, it's wages, its working conditions, and reducing all of these to bare minimum standards.

2. Bringing in immigrants certainly does give them a portion of the effing pie, precisely 20 million jobs that should in the possession of 20 million UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS.

3. The immigrants don't produce anything more than the UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS whom they replace.

4. Purchasing is one of the main arguments AGAINST immigration (illegal & legal). Because of the massive level of immigrant remittance-sending, $70 Billion/year in purchases are LOST from the US economy. Instead of US businesses getting these purchases, they go to the home countries of the immigrants, after the money is wired out of the country. They are then re-inserted into the immigrants' home countries by way of purchases made THERE ($25 Billion/year just to Mexico alone)

5. Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

No, the problem with welfare is welfare. Working immigrants don't collect welfare. Duh!

What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies
1. Immigration IS "pro-foreign production". It is foreigners getting control over American production > It's jobs, it's wages, its working conditions, and reducing all of these to bare minimum standards.

2. Bringing in immigrants certainly does give them a portion of the effing pie, precisely 20 million jobs that should in the possession of 20 million UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS.

3. The immigrants don't produce anything more than the UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS whom they replace.

4. Purchasing is one of the main arguments AGAINST immigration (illegal & legal). Because of the massive level of immigrant remittance-sending, $70 Billion/year in purchases are LOST from the US economy. Instead of US businesses getting these purchases, they go to the home countries of the immigrants, after the money is wired out of the country. They are then re-inserted into the immigrants' home countries by way of purchases made THERE ($25 Billion/year just to Mexico alone)

5. Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

No, the problem with welfare is welfare. Working immigrants don't collect welfare. Duh!

What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Stop welfare, duh.
Protectionist, you're embarrassing. I can't stand xenophobes. Immigration is not destroying America, it strengthens it. It's the illegal part that does harm. Just you remember that.

A few pages ago, I mentioned a list of posts that explain why immigration is harmful to America. ALL immigration, not just illegal. I suggest you look it up and read those posts.
PS- I don't especially care for xenophobes either.

No, you're an idiot. If it weren't for immigration, I can guarantee you wouldn't be sitting there. Just who would have founded this nation of ours? The colonists were the first immigrants... so was that harmful or not?

Sigh you're dumb.
Protectionist, you're embarrassing. I can't stand xenophobes. Immigration is not destroying America, it strengthens it. It's the illegal part that does harm. Just you remember that.

A few pages ago, I mentioned a list of posts that explain why immigration is harmful to America. ALL immigration, not just illegal. I suggest you look it up and read those posts.
PS- I don't especially care for xenophobes either.

No, you're an idiot. If it weren't for immigration, I can guarantee you wouldn't be sitting there. Just who would have founded this nation of ours? The colonists were the first immigrants... so was that harmful or not?

Sigh you're dumb.

What a coincidence. That's exactly what I was thinking about you.

Hint: You don't come bursting into a thread after 1200 posts, and act like you're going to tell somebody something. You're not telling anybody anything. You don't even have a clue as to what's been said in this thread for a month now. Go home and play checkers.

PS - you're right. If it wasn't for immigration, I wouldn't be here now (since my mother immigrated here) Which has squat to do with the TOPIC of the OP, which is about immigration and all of its harms to the American people NOW - IN 2014. Get it ? :rolleyes:

PPS - A while ago (Post # 988, a moderator chimed in here and said "Knock it off. All of you!" He was talking about the abusive talk having nothing to do with the topic. So watch your mouth.
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No, the problem with welfare is welfare. Working immigrants don't collect welfare. Duh!

What a brilliant deduction. Duh! Duh! Duh! And the non -working ones DO collect welfare. Like the young women who come here in their 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the fence, and help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

An d like I said, there's more immigrants doing it than there are native Americans doing it. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Stop welfare, duh.

You can go home and play checkers too.. You're also not qualified to be in this thread. You haven't posted an intelligent post since you arrived.
Funny, other nations have strict punishments for those who enter illegally. Us? We have them too, but somehow we think it is cruel to enforce them. Yeah, immigration isn't destroying America, this simple disregard for the law is. You want to come here? Do it legally.

And then cause the same harms to Americans (especially unemployment), as the illegal immigration causes.

If I had a million bucks for every unsubstantiated or nonsensical claim you've made, I wouldn't need a freaking job.
A few pages ago, I mentioned a list of posts that explain why immigration is harmful to America. ALL immigration, not just illegal. I suggest you look it up and read those posts.
PS- I don't especially care for xenophobes either.

No, you're an idiot. If it weren't for immigration, I can guarantee you wouldn't be sitting there. Just who would have founded this nation of ours? The colonists were the first immigrants... so was that harmful or not?

Sigh you're dumb.

What a coincidence. That's exactly what I was thinking about you.

Hint: You don't come bursting into a thread after 1200 posts, and act like you're going to tell somebody something. You're not telling anybody anything. You don't even have a clue as to what's been said in this thread for a month now. Go home and play checkers.

PS - you're right. If it wasn't for immigration, I wouldn't be here now (since my mother immigrated here) Which has squat to do with the TOPIC of the OP, which is about immigration and all of its harms to the American people NOW - IN 2014. Get it ? :rolleyes:

PPS - A while ago (Post # 988, a moderator chimed in here and said "Knock it off. All of you!" He was talking about the abusive talk having nothing to do with the topic. So watch your mouth.

No, I don't need to sift through 1,200 posts to know how much of an idiot you are. Seriously. If we ever debated, I would destroy you. Everyone on this board knows I would. You? You have a battleship mouth and a rowboat ass. You cite court cases out of context, you cite laws that have nothing to do with one another, and you spout your neoconservative drivel all over this board in lieu of an intelligible argument. You had better know to whom you are addressing before you speak. Clear?
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Ah, but you say immigration is destroying America. It will never harm the American people, not now, not ever. It's crazies like you who want to deny citizenship to people who've earned it justly under the law.

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