Immigration is Destroying America.

I suggest you count up the number of times that you have claimed to have 'proven' your points.

It is a small fraction of the times I have actually PROVEN my points on this thread. You and the other dimwit are just sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "lalalalalalaalaaa!" at this point because you've got nothing left but your preconceived notions despite their having been debunked repeatedly.
Yes, you keep saying that. Trouble is, it's no more true the 100th time you say it, than it was the 1st.
If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest.

That is an illogical conclusion.
If we had sufficient monetary and educational resources to retrain and retool more of our own people, in order to render them as more employable once again, we would not have so many unemployed...

That is also an illogical conclusion. We have more than sufficient resources. The problem has never been the existence of resources, but their allocation and use.
I suggest you count up the number of times that you have claimed to have 'proven' your points.

It is a small fraction of the times I have actually PROVEN my points on this thread. You and the other dimwit are just sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "lalalalalalaalaaa!" at this point because you've got nothing left but your preconceived notions despite their having been debunked repeatedly.
Yes, you keep saying that. Trouble is, it's no more true the 100th time you say it, than it was the 1st.

I only say it because it's true, and because you seem to have so much trouble facing the truth.

There's little doubt that the 12,000,000 -strong plague of locusts that we otherwise refer to as Illegal Aliens has done - and continues to do - considerable damage to America.

That is certainly not the case with Legal immigrants.

But, while we're re-starting the National Conversation about Immigration at large, it won't hurt to acknowledge the reality that we no longer need Legal ones either, on the scale we once did.

I really and truly understand the long-standing tradition of taking-in newcomers and granting asylum and all of that, but the vast percentage of those arrivals occurred during earlier periods in our national history when we could use all the newcomers we could get our hands on, within reason.

It's going to be difficult coming to grips with the idea that we can't continue to take-in newcomers the way we used to, but it's an idea whose time has come, to be included in serious strategic discussions about population, and this thread was as good a place as any to undertake a little warm-up exercise in that vein.

I disagree with your point 100%...
Understood... all along.

Whatever for?

And in what direction? (metaphorically speaking)

We've already allowed Big Business to surrender our manufacturing capacity.

We've already allowed Business of all sizes to undermine American Labor with near -slave wages for Illegals.

Generally speaking, don't we have enough already? How much more is enough?

The single largest manifestation of that behavior is the intentions of both mainstream political parties to grant a Shamnesty to the 12,000,000.

Hell, the 'dumb ass welfare state' is the single largest reason WHY both mainstream vote-whoring parties want to grant the 12,000,000 a Shamnesty... to let 'em prop-up the Safety Net for another 20-40 years... which is all well and good until the 12,000,000 come knocking on the door for the same benefits later in life. That's just kicking the can down the road.

A better way to 'grow' is to invest our time and energy in retraining and retooling our own people, rather than letting them languish in increasingly large numbers while we mindlessly continue bringing in fresh worker-bees. long as you have conditions on said immigration. For example, the condition that they work for a living...
Yes. It's been tried before, I believe. Repeatedly.

...There is no shortage of resources.
If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest. I see no point in bringing-in more hungry mouths to feed when they already exist amongst us in staggering numbers, nor do I see any point in narrowing our resources-per-capita margins much further.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of taking a couple of decades of respite-time from the Immigration Polka, catching our breath after this latest Great Depression, spending some time rebuilding and retooling and looking after our own, and then revisiting the Immigration idea with an eye towards accommodating large numbers once again.

It's 180-degrees out from your own position but that sort of contrast is healthy, too, in its own way; letting some daylight into the situation from several angles.

That sort of contrast is the stuff of higher-order and serious National Conversations, in think-tank mode.

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism. Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?

Conditions on immigration have always worked, respectfully, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie.

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is pretty much the biggest real problem this country has with pro-foreign regulations coming in a close second.

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie, it grows the size of the pie. Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase? The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.
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Immigrants (like my own parents in the late 1940's) come to the U.S.A. Because they believe it to be "the land of opportunity".... When people stop choosing our nation to immigrate to...we will have ceased to be that great land. Think about it.
Rather dramatic, but I understand the angst. Various branches of my own people came here in the 1840s and 1870s and 1890s and such and were probably running from tyranny and crappy economic prospects and thankful to God and the Fates that they had someplace really great like this to run to. Nolo contendere. No contest.

But even a glass containing the most delightful and wonderful wine eventually becomes full.

Or risks becoming full, or un-manageable, if you continue pouring more into it.

There's no harm nor shame nor wrong-doing nor oblivion or dishonoring of the past in that.

It's merely a fact of life.

We are, indeed, a nation built upon immigration.

But that does not condemn us forevermore to continue to take-in newcomers in large numbers.

It's our country - the one that our immigrant ancestors wanted to bequeath to us - and we can do whatever-the-hell we want with it, moving forward.

It we, as a People, decide to continue accepting Immigrants in large numbers, then that's what we'll do.

If we, as a People, decide to put a stop to that, or to take a break from it, we'll do that too.

But it should be what we want to do, for our own good and true reasons, and with our own best interests uppermost in our thinking, when we do it.

One thing that I, for one, do NOT wish to see happen, is for us to simply and mindlessly continue down the same road without giving future population levels (and how immigration fits [or fails to fit] into that) some serious attention, as we prepare to start talking about immigration again on the national level.

Personally, I take up the 'Con' position, partly out of sincere conviction, and partly out of contentiousness, as the foil, and Devil's Advocate, to ensure that the idea gets a good, healthy airing, and that we let some daylight into ALL of the sensible options in front of us.
I disagree with your point 100%...
Understood... all along.

Whatever for?

And in what direction? (metaphorically speaking)

We've already allowed Big Business to surrender our manufacturing capacity.

We've already allowed Business of all sizes to undermine American Labor with near -slave wages for Illegals.

Generally speaking, don't we have enough already? How much more is enough?

The single largest manifestation of that behavior is the intentions of both mainstream political parties to grant a Shamnesty to the 12,000,000.

Hell, the 'dumb ass welfare state' is the single largest reason WHY both mainstream vote-whoring parties want to grant the 12,000,000 a Shamnesty... to let 'em prop-up the Safety Net for another 20-40 years... which is all well and good until the 12,000,000 come knocking on the door for the same benefits later in life. That's just kicking the can down the road.

A better way to 'grow' is to invest our time and energy in retraining and retooling our own people, rather than letting them languish in increasingly large numbers while we mindlessly continue bringing in fresh worker-bees.

Yes. It's been tried before, I believe. Repeatedly.

...There is no shortage of resources.
If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest. I see no point in bringing-in more hungry mouths to feed when they already exist amongst us in staggering numbers, nor do I see any point in narrowing our resources-per-capita margins much further.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of taking a couple of decades of respite-time from the Immigration Polka, catching our breath after this latest Great Depression, spending some time rebuilding and retooling and looking after our own, and then revisiting the Immigration idea with an eye towards accommodating large numbers once again.

It's 180-degrees out from your own position but that sort of contrast is healthy, too, in its own way; letting some daylight into the situation from several angles.

That sort of contrast is the stuff of higher-order and serious National Conversations, in think-tank mode.

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism. Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?

Conditions on immigration have always worked, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie.

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is the pretty much the only real problem this country has.

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie, it grows the size of the pie. Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase? The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.

Well said.

He also keeps willfully neglecting the problematic fact that if we continue on our current demographic projection, absent immigration that pie will become a very, very expensive cupcake in short order.
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I disagree with your point 100%...
Understood... all along.

Whatever for?

And in what direction? (metaphorically speaking)

We've already allowed Big Business to surrender our manufacturing capacity.

We've already allowed Business of all sizes to undermine American Labor with near -slave wages for Illegals.

Generally speaking, don't we have enough already? How much more is enough?

The single largest manifestation of that behavior is the intentions of both mainstream political parties to grant a Shamnesty to the 12,000,000.

Hell, the 'dumb ass welfare state' is the single largest reason WHY both mainstream vote-whoring parties want to grant the 12,000,000 a Shamnesty... to let 'em prop-up the Safety Net for another 20-40 years... which is all well and good until the 12,000,000 come knocking on the door for the same benefits later in life. That's just kicking the can down the road.

A better way to 'grow' is to invest our time and energy in retraining and retooling our own people, rather than letting them languish in increasingly large numbers while we mindlessly continue bringing in fresh worker-bees.

Yes. It's been tried before, I believe. Repeatedly.

...There is no shortage of resources.
If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest. I see no point in bringing-in more hungry mouths to feed when they already exist amongst us in staggering numbers, nor do I see any point in narrowing our resources-per-capita margins much further.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of taking a couple of decades of respite-time from the Immigration Polka, catching our breath after this latest Great Depression, spending some time rebuilding and retooling and looking after our own, and then revisiting the Immigration idea with an eye towards accommodating large numbers once again.

It's 180-degrees out from your own position but that sort of contrast is healthy, too, in its own way; letting some daylight into the situation from several angles.

That sort of contrast is the stuff of higher-order and serious National Conversations, in think-tank mode.

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism. Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?

Conditions on immigration have always worked, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie.

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is the pretty much the only real problem this country has.

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie, it grows the size of the pie. Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase? The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.

1. Immigration IS "pro-foreign production". It is foreigners getting control over American production > It's jobs, it's wages, its working conditions, and reducing all of these to bare minimum standards.

2. Bringing in immigrants certainly does give them a portion of the effing pie, precisely 20 million jobs that should in the possession of 20 million UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS.

3. The immigrants don't produce anything more than the UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS whom they replace.

4. Purchasing is one of the main arguments AGAINST immigration (illegal & legal). Because of the massive level of immigrant remittance-sending, $70 Billion/year in purchases are LOST from the US economy. Instead of US businesses getting these purchases, they go to the home countries of the immigrants, after the money is wired out of the country. They are then re-inserted into the immigrants' home countries by way of purchases made THERE ($25 Billion/year just to Mexico alone)

5. Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
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I disagree with your point 100%...
Understood... all along.

Whatever for?

And in what direction? (metaphorically speaking)

We've already allowed Big Business to surrender our manufacturing capacity.

We've already allowed Business of all sizes to undermine American Labor with near -slave wages for Illegals.

Generally speaking, don't we have enough already? How much more is enough?

The single largest manifestation of that behavior is the intentions of both mainstream political parties to grant a Shamnesty to the 12,000,000.

Hell, the 'dumb ass welfare state' is the single largest reason WHY both mainstream vote-whoring parties want to grant the 12,000,000 a Shamnesty... to let 'em prop-up the Safety Net for another 20-40 years... which is all well and good until the 12,000,000 come knocking on the door for the same benefits later in life. That's just kicking the can down the road.

A better way to 'grow' is to invest our time and energy in retraining and retooling our own people, rather than letting them languish in increasingly large numbers while we mindlessly continue bringing in fresh worker-bees.

Yes. It's been tried before, I believe. Repeatedly.

...There is no shortage of resources.
If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest. I see no point in bringing-in more hungry mouths to feed when they already exist amongst us in staggering numbers, nor do I see any point in narrowing our resources-per-capita margins much further.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of taking a couple of decades of respite-time from the Immigration Polka, catching our breath after this latest Great Depression, spending some time rebuilding and retooling and looking after our own, and then revisiting the Immigration idea with an eye towards accommodating large numbers once again.

It's 180-degrees out from your own position but that sort of contrast is healthy, too, in its own way; letting some daylight into the situation from several angles.

That sort of contrast is the stuff of higher-order and serious National Conversations, in think-tank mode.
Time will give us the answer to that.

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.
Who the hell wants a larger population?

We can't even properly care for (employ, house, educate, treat) those souls already living within our borders.

Frankly, we could drop 50,000,000 over the next 25-50 years through simple attrition and not blink an eye.

Growth merely for the sake of growth is an errant concept.

That is not advocacy on behalf of stagnation.

Merely advocacy for respite time, to consolidate what we already have, and to begin focusing upon Quality of Life rather than Quantity.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism.
Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to greedy phukkers shipping our jobs overseas in order to increase corporate profit margins, while the vote-whores in BOTH mainstream parties colluded to make that happen.

Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?
Whatever in the world leads you to believe that I"m surprised or shocked? Labor Unions must bear their share of the blame, as must greedy, overtaxing government, but let's not kid ourselves that the PRIMARY reason why those jobs went offshore was due to the greed of the Business Community, later reinforced and institutionalized by Consumer Greed.

...Conditions on immigration have always worked, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie...


The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The act...

* required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
* made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants;
* legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
* legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due
* and admission of guilt;
* candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes
* that they were in the country before January 1, 1982
* and that they possessed minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language

About three million illegal immigrants were granted legal status through this act.[citation needed]

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


That was for 3,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

And now we have 12,000,000.

35 years after those work-related conditions were first tried.

"Your honor, the Prosecution rests."

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is the pretty much the only real problem this country has...

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie...
Sure it does.

They work to prop-up the Safety Net for 20-30 years.

Then they retire, and want their share, and the demand is even greater, at future-inflated prices.

it grows the size of the pie.
The pie doesn't need to grow any larger. Sooner or later the ponzi scheme has to end.

Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase?...

But so do American workers, when they're retrained and retooled and re-employed and back to being Paying Customers once again.

I'd rather that go to my own people than outsiders.

Nothing wrong with that; entirely understandable, and better for America and its People.

The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.
The limits are, indeed, elastic, but they exist nonetheless, and I'd rather try doing a better job taking care of our own for once, rather than continuing to rely on outside worker bees.
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But even a glass containing the most delightful and wonderful wine eventually becomes full.


Utterly false analogy that seems to assume no one is drinking the wine or making more.

Utterly false interpretation of the analogy. Drinking the wine would mean population is decreasing > IT'S NOT. Making more is the same as more population which is exactly what the problem is.

Analogy stands.
Understood... all along.

Whatever for?

And in what direction? (metaphorically speaking)

We've already allowed Big Business to surrender our manufacturing capacity.

We've already allowed Business of all sizes to undermine American Labor with near -slave wages for Illegals.

Generally speaking, don't we have enough already? How much more is enough?

The single largest manifestation of that behavior is the intentions of both mainstream political parties to grant a Shamnesty to the 12,000,000.

Hell, the 'dumb ass welfare state' is the single largest reason WHY both mainstream vote-whoring parties want to grant the 12,000,000 a Shamnesty... to let 'em prop-up the Safety Net for another 20-40 years... which is all well and good until the 12,000,000 come knocking on the door for the same benefits later in life. That's just kicking the can down the road.

A better way to 'grow' is to invest our time and energy in retraining and retooling our own people, rather than letting them languish in increasingly large numbers while we mindlessly continue bringing in fresh worker-bees.

Yes. It's been tried before, I believe. Repeatedly.

If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest. I see no point in bringing-in more hungry mouths to feed when they already exist amongst us in staggering numbers, nor do I see any point in narrowing our resources-per-capita margins much further.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of taking a couple of decades of respite-time from the Immigration Polka, catching our breath after this latest Great Depression, spending some time rebuilding and retooling and looking after our own, and then revisiting the Immigration idea with an eye towards accommodating large numbers once again.

It's 180-degrees out from your own position but that sort of contrast is healthy, too, in its own way; letting some daylight into the situation from several angles.

That sort of contrast is the stuff of higher-order and serious National Conversations, in think-tank mode.

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism. Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?

Conditions on immigration have always worked, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie.

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is the pretty much the only real problem this country has.

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie, it grows the size of the pie. Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase? The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.

Well said.

He also keeps willfully neglecting the problematic fact that if we continue on our current demographic projection, absent immigration that pie will become a very, very expensive cupcake in short order.
The Social Security ponzi scheme is going to collapse of its own weight sooner or later.

Opening the floodgates and keeping it afloat with newcomer energy merely kicks the can down the road for our children or grandchildren to deal with it, as an even larger and vastly more complicated and expensive problem than we currently have on our hands.

As to population size, who gives a damn whether we have 150,000,000 or 300,000,000?

So long as we have enough souls on-board to shift for ourselves and to protect ourselves and to make ourselves happy, who cares?

Propping-up the safety net aside, we could probably benefit - greatly - from a reduction of 50,000,000 or more souls, through simple, gentle attrition - as the Boomers die off and as birth rates fall - so that by 2114 we have 250,000,000 rather than 300,000,000, and be better off for it.

No biggie.
Understood... all along.

Whatever for?

And in what direction? (metaphorically speaking)

We've already allowed Big Business to surrender our manufacturing capacity.

We've already allowed Business of all sizes to undermine American Labor with near -slave wages for Illegals.

Generally speaking, don't we have enough already? How much more is enough?

The single largest manifestation of that behavior is the intentions of both mainstream political parties to grant a Shamnesty to the 12,000,000.

Hell, the 'dumb ass welfare state' is the single largest reason WHY both mainstream vote-whoring parties want to grant the 12,000,000 a Shamnesty... to let 'em prop-up the Safety Net for another 20-40 years... which is all well and good until the 12,000,000 come knocking on the door for the same benefits later in life. That's just kicking the can down the road.

A better way to 'grow' is to invest our time and energy in retraining and retooling our own people, rather than letting them languish in increasingly large numbers while we mindlessly continue bringing in fresh worker-bees.

Yes. It's been tried before, I believe. Repeatedly.

If that were true, we would not have so many millions of unemployed, and so many people without proper housing and education and medical care and all the rest. I see no point in bringing-in more hungry mouths to feed when they already exist amongst us in staggering numbers, nor do I see any point in narrowing our resources-per-capita margins much further.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of taking a couple of decades of respite-time from the Immigration Polka, catching our breath after this latest Great Depression, spending some time rebuilding and retooling and looking after our own, and then revisiting the Immigration idea with an eye towards accommodating large numbers once again.

It's 180-degrees out from your own position but that sort of contrast is healthy, too, in its own way; letting some daylight into the situation from several angles.

That sort of contrast is the stuff of higher-order and serious National Conversations, in think-tank mode.

Growth as in larger population, vs. shrinking as in smaller population.

Surrendering our manufacturing capacity is due to democrat anti-american production pro-foreign production regulations, and socialism. Why pretend to be shocked that making enemies of production and profit moves it elsewhere?

Conditions on immigration have always worked, your accusation that it's been tried before and failed is a bullshit lie.

Yes the welfare state and the mentality that comes with it, is the pretty much the only real problem this country has.

Bringing in immigrants does not give them a portion of the effing pie, it grows the size of the pie. Do you not understand that they produce? Do you not understand that they purchase? The thinking that there is some fixed number of jobs and fixed amount of money is wrong and stupid.

Well said.

He also keeps willfully neglecting the problematic fact that if we continue on our current demographic projection, absent immigration that pie will become a very, very expensive cupcake in short order.

No, it was stupidly said, as I pointed out with the corrections in Post # 1209.

It is WITH IMMIGRATION and BECAUSE OF IMMIGRATION that the pie GAS ALREADY become a very, very expensive cupcake. >> 20 million LOST JOBS. $70 Billion/year in LOST PURCHASES (remittances), and Billions$$$ more lost in welfare payments to immigrants (most of the welfare)
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As to population size, who gives a damn whether we have 150,000,000 or 300,000,000?

Anyone with the ability to think rationally and the willingness to look beyond the end of their own nose. That does not, it is by now apparent, include you.
Of course we can. I've already explained this to you.
Come back and find me when you've managed to accomplish that; a state of affairs that has escaped us to date.

I've already explained this to you, brainless.
Refresh my memory.

How do we care for our own millions of unemployed and under-employed and under-educated and under-housed and lacking medical care and other necessities of life?

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