Immigration is Destroying America.

Here's an old help wanted ad -- read carefully:


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

FALSE! My harms of immigration list applies to both legal and illegal immigration from ANYWHERE. No ethnic group singled out.
Name ONE THING that I have ever said that is the slightest bit "racist" or "bigoted". Because I don't know of any, and I don't think anyone else does either. And what race would this supposedly be ? ?????? :cuckoo: I don't recall ever even mentioning race, except to say that non-white immigrants' job seeking, places whites at even further disadvantage, because of affirmative action (which happens to be a TRUE FACT, and is in no way, racist or bigoted))

As for what options I have, I know what they are, and I sure don't need coaching from some loon who goes around throwing the race card, when that subject has barely ever even been mentioned.

PS - I invite you comment on the OP, not to throw the race card or be verbally abusive. In most forums you'd have been outta here long ago.

Your comments about gays being queers and perverts are bigoted. The question you asked about gays being allowed to play in the NFL was bigoted..

FALSE! on both counts.

1. The word queer is not bigoted. It is an accepted word, including by the homosexual community themselves (Examples >> Queer Nation, Queer Eye, Queer as Folk)
Queer Nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queer Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queer as Folk (UK TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Queers are perverts because they engage in sexual activity which is contrarty to nature. Contradictory to the body parts, as nature has designed them (for heterosexual sex) Not bigoted in any way.

3. The question I asked about queers being allowed to play in the NFL was NOT the slightest bit bigoted. It is a valid question, and the correct answer to it is NO, they should NOT be allowed in the NFL, or any sport that contains physical contact between men (football, baseball, basketball, etc) They should play golf, tennis, or some NON-CONTACT sport. This is COMMON SENSE.

That gay people use the term "queer" does not mean that you are not bigoted for using the term when posing a question that discriminates against a group of people.

This isn't 1940 anymore, old man. What may have been acceptable in your time doesn't mean it is today. When you were a kid, people used to ask the same thing about whether black people should play football with white people.

And your "common sense" is anything but. It's ridiculous.

You're a bigot.
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When I asked that question earlier, he said both.

Well, that supports your contention then because legal immigrants add so much to this country and they have to prove they can support themselves.

Ayup... no need to close our doors, just have to make sure the right ones come through that's all.

When you have a scarcity of natural resources (ex. oil, gasoline, fresh water, arable land, etc) ,there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

When you have a scarcity of jobs, with 20 million of your people unemployed, there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

When you have traffic congestion, pollution, overcrowded schools , etc, there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

etc., etc.
Your comments about gays being queers and perverts are bigoted. The question you asked about gays being allowed to play in the NFL was bigoted..

FALSE! on both counts.

1. The word queer is not bigoted. It is an accepted word, including by the homosexual community themselves (Examples >> Queer Nation, Queer Eye, Queer as Folk)
Queer Nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queer Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queer as Folk (UK TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Queers are perverts because they engage in sexual activity which is contrarty to nature. Contradictory to the body parts, as nature has designed them (for heterosexual sex) Not bigoted in any way.

3. The question I asked about queers being allowed to play in the NFL was NOT the slightest bit bigoted. It is a valid question, and the correct answer to it is NO, they should NOT be allowed in the NFL, or any sport that contains physical contact between men (football, baseball, basketball, etc) They should play golf, tennis, or some NON-CONTACT sport. This is COMMON SENSE.

That gay people use the term "queer" does not mean that you are not bigoted for using the term when posing a question that discriminates against a group of people.

This isn't 1940 anymore, old man. What may have been acceptable in your time doesn't mean it is today. When you were a kid, people used to ask the same thing about whether black people should play football with white people.

And your "common sense" is anything but. It's ridiculous.

You're a bigot.

Would 'Sodomite' be acceptable?

Or 'Catamite'?

Or 'Aberration'?

Or 'Abomination'?

Or 'Perverted'?

Or 'Evil'?

Or 'Wicked'?

Or 'Unnatural'?

Or 'Buggerer'?

Or a couple of dozen other delightful Descriptors?
FALSE! on both counts.

1. The word queer is not bigoted. It is an accepted word, including by the homosexual community themselves (Examples >> Queer Nation, Queer Eye, Queer as Folk)
Queer Nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queer Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Queer as Folk (UK TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Queers are perverts because they engage in sexual activity which is contrarty to nature. Contradictory to the body parts, as nature has designed them (for heterosexual sex) Not bigoted in any way.

3. The question I asked about queers being allowed to play in the NFL was NOT the slightest bit bigoted. It is a valid question, and the correct answer to it is NO, they should NOT be allowed in the NFL, or any sport that contains physical contact between men (football, baseball, basketball, etc) They should play golf, tennis, or some NON-CONTACT sport. This is COMMON SENSE.

That gay people use the term "queer" does not mean that you are not bigoted for using the term when posing a question that discriminates against a group of people.

This isn't 1940 anymore, old man. What may have been acceptable in your time doesn't mean it is today. When you were a kid, people used to ask the same thing about whether black people should play football with white people.

And your "common sense" is anything but. It's ridiculous.

You're a bigot.

Would 'Sodomite' be acceptable?

Or 'Catamite'?

Or 'Aberration'?

Or 'Abomination'?

Or 'Perverted'?

Or 'Evil'?

Or 'Wicked'?

Or 'Unnatural'?

Or 'Buggerer'?

Or a couple of dozen other delightful Descriptors?

No, "bigot" is just fine.
Immigration has nothing to do with unemployment. The reason we have unemployment is the dumb ass democrats who insist on paying people to be disabled, paying people to be unemployed, paying people to have children, paying people to go to school, paying people to sit on their fat asses and smoke pot all day.

So now we know you've got a hard on for Democrats and their entitlement shell-outs. Well glory be, aren't we lucky to have had that shared with us. Too bad in so doing, you had to make a complete idiot out of yourself by saying > "Immigration has nothing to do with unemployment."

EARTH TO RKMB: Try reading Posts # 539 and 541.

News flash: With an increase in population (yeah that includes immigrants) there is an increase in demand for products and services (yeah that means jobs.)

The only thing that effs that up is "giving away products and services via welfare." Why work if someone's willing to hand shit over for free?

The amount of work to be done is not bound by any artificial ceiling as you flat earthers tend to believe.

Bump from post #546. Still waiting on an answer. Your responses were deflections, not answers. You accused our guests of receiving welfare that we offer them. You accused our guests of coming here and taking jobs that we offer them and require them to take. Make up your dumb ass mind. Which is it retard? Our guests are here to work or take your leftarded hand-outs?

As a reminder, your first response was to claim your are an expert in geography and economics. Your second response was to claim all immigrants send all of their paychecks offshore and never spend a dime in America, as if it's your GD money they earn, as if YOU EFFING OWN ALL IMMIGRANT INCOME. WTF is wrong with you?
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That gay people use the term "queer" does not mean that you are not bigoted for using the term when posing a question that discriminates against a group of people.

This isn't 1940 anymore, old man. What may have been acceptable in your time doesn't mean it is today. When you were a kid, people used to ask the same thing about whether black people should play football with white people.

And your "common sense" is anything but. It's ridiculous.

You're a bigot.

Would 'Sodomite' be acceptable?

Or 'Catamite'?

Or 'Aberration'?

Or 'Abomination'?

Or 'Perverted'?

Or 'Evil'?

Or 'Wicked'?

Or 'Unnatural'?

Or 'Buggerer'?

Or a couple of dozen other delightful Descriptors?

No, "bigot" is just fine.

For a bigot CARDER. :lol:
Well, that supports your contention then because legal immigrants add so much to this country and they have to prove they can support themselves.

Ayup... no need to close our doors, just have to make sure the right ones come through that's all.

When you have a scarcity of natural resources (ex. oil, gasoline, fresh water, arable land, etc) ,there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

When you have a scarcity of jobs, with 20 million of your people unemployed, there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

When you have traffic congestion, pollution, overcrowded schools , etc, there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

etc., etc.

There is no shortage of anything in this country, none. Further, as has been discussed literally DOZENS OF TIMES, most people who produce produce more than they consume, I know you were an exception, but most good men and women pull their weight. That you think good men and women can't pull their weight by producing more than they consume, really just points out how much of a failure you must have been in Economics.
Immigration is Destroying America.

Are you talking about immigration or illegal immigration because they are entirely different subjects. It's like comparing customers with shoplifters.

The deranged idiot is opposed to legal immigration as well.

Of course. Legal or illegal, they still add to the population. More crime, pollution, traffic, remittance LOSS$$, job loss, tax $$ loss, Overcrowding in hospitals, schools, govt. offices, recreation places, cultural erosion, more stress on scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, electricity, food, land, housing, etc), more foreign diseases (MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, dengue fever, leprosy, etc)

Anybody who can't understand obvious harms is, well, DERANGED, I guess. :badgrin:
Are you talking about immigration or illegal immigration because they are entirely different subjects. It's like comparing customers with shoplifters.

The deranged idiot is opposed to legal immigration as well.

Of course. Legal or illegal, they still add to the population. More crime, pollution, traffic, remittance LOSS$$, job loss, tax $$ loss, Overcrowding in hospitals, schools, govt. offices, recreation places, cultural erosion, more stress on scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, electricity, food, land, housing, etc), more foreign diseases (MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, dengue fever, leprosy, etc)

Anybody who can't understand obvious harms is, well, DERANGED, I guess. :badgrin:
This from the deranged mind that wants to reduce American population by 90%.
So now we know you've got a hard on for Democrats and their entitlement shell-outs. Well glory be, aren't we lucky to have had that shared with us. Too bad in so doing, you had to make a complete idiot out of yourself by saying > "Immigration has nothing to do with unemployment."

EARTH TO RKMB: Try reading Posts # 539 and 541.

News flash: With an increase in population (yeah that includes immigrants) there is an increase in demand for products and services (yeah that means jobs.)

The only thing that effs that up is "giving away products and services via welfare." Why work if someone's willing to hand shit over for free?

The amount of work to be done is not bound by any artificial ceiling as you flat earthers tend to believe.

Bump from post #546. Still waiting on an answer. Your responses were deflections, not answers. You accused our guests of receiving welfare that we offer them. You accused our guests of coming here and taking jobs that we offer them and require them to take. Make up your dumb ass mind. Which is it retard? Our guests are here to work or take your leftarded hand-outs?

As a reminder, your first response was to claim your are an expert in geography and economics. Your second response was to claim all immigrants send all of their paychecks offshore and never spend a dime in America, as if it's your GD money they earn, as if YOU EFFING OWN ALL IMMIGRANT INCOME. WTF is wrong with you?

1. Answer to WHAT ?

2. I guess you need to have everything explained to you don't you ? Here's what just about everybody (except you) knows. Lots of immigrants come in and steal jobs from Americans. Lot of other s come here for welfare, which they secure by the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation. You really didn't even know THAT ? Pheeeeww!!

3. The F is wrong with YOU, if you don't understand what is wrong with immigrants wiring the $70 Billion/year out of the country that they do. That's a LOSS$$$$$ of $70 Billion/year in sales to American businesses (AKA the economy), and one of the reasons why our economy is struggling. God, you're ignorant.
The deranged idiot is opposed to legal immigration as well.

Of course. Legal or illegal, they still add to the population. More crime, pollution, traffic, remittance LOSS$$, job loss, tax $$ loss, Overcrowding in hospitals, schools, govt. offices, recreation places, cultural erosion, more stress on scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, electricity, food, land, housing, etc), more foreign diseases (MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, dengue fever, leprosy, etc)

Anybody who can't understand obvious harms is, well, DERANGED, I guess. :badgrin:
This from the deranged mind that wants to reduce American population by 90%.

You are deranged to think that is deranged. Or more likely you're just stupid & ignorant.
1. Answer to WHAT ?

2. I guess you need to have everything explained to you don't you ? Here's what just about everybody (except you) knows. Lots of immigrants come in and steal jobs from Americans. Lot of other s come here for welfare, which they secure by the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation. You really didn't even know THAT ? Pheeeeww!!

3. The F is wrong with YOU, if you don't understand what is wrong with immigrants wiring the $70 Billion/year out of the country that they do. That's a LOSS$$$$$ of $70 Billion/year in sales to American businesses (AKA the economy), and one of the reasons why our economy is struggling. God, you're ignorant.

You can't be that much of a moron. Read the stuff I posted in the bump, then try to respond without deflecting to your dirty dozen reasons to be a bigot racist pig about legal immigration, or some personal diatribe about your job experience putting you in the unique position of declaring that all of our guests in this country are evil scum that should be spit and urinated on.
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Ayup... no need to close our doors, just have to make sure the right ones come through that's all.

When you have a scarcity of natural resources (ex. oil, gasoline, fresh water, arable land, etc) ,there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

When you have a scarcity of jobs, with 20 million of your people unemployed, there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

When you have traffic congestion, pollution, overcrowded schools , etc, there ARE NO RIGHT ONES.

etc., etc.

There is no shortage of anything in this country, none. Further, as has been discussed literally DOZENS OF TIMES, most people who produce produce more than they consume, I know you were an exception, but most good men and women pull their weight. That you think good men and women can't pull their weight by producing more than they consume, really just points out how much of a failure you must have been in Economics.

EVERYBODY (including YOU) KNOWS there are shortages of arable land, fresh water, oil, gasoline, and everything that the US IMPORTS. If there was enough of these lesser known resources, they wouldn't have to be imported. Get it ?

US imports are:

1. Gallium is at 94 percent,

2. Cobalt and Titanium 81 percent,

3. Chromium 56 percent,

4. Silicon 44 percent and

5. Nickel 43 percent.

These minerals are critical for defense and energy technologies, and many high-tech consumer products.

We are also heavily dependent on foreign countries for 19 minerals, mainly rare earth minerals. Few of us are familiar with rare earth minerals, such as neodymium, samarium and dysprosium, but they are crucial in the manufacture of jet fighter engines, antimissile defense systems, night vision goggles and smart bombs, among other advanced military systems. And they have many other high-tech applications — computers, cell phones and flat-panel televisions, for example. Additionally, they are essential to petroleum refining, automotive catalytic converters, wind turbines and electric vehicles.

Making matters worse is that the foreign production of rare earth minerals is concentrated almost entirely in a single country with its own rising industrial demand: China.

The US shortage of rare earth minerals is especially worrisome, since the imports are needed for supply. Disruptions in supply like the one in 2007 when China halted shipments of rare earth metals to a U.S. petroleum refining company for so long that it led to concerns that the cutoff might cause a nationwide gasoline shortage. In 2010, following a skirmish over fishing rights in the East China Sea, China cut off shipments of certain rare earth minerals to Japan.

And because of our shortage of critical resources, our industries pay a steep price for China's near monopoly position on many critical resources. Costs soared two years ago after China reduced its export quotas for the minerals. For example, the price of lanthanium oxide, a mineral used in refining petroleum, rose from $5 per kilogram in early 2010 to $35 per kilogram by mid-year and $140 per kilogram in June 2011. Such market power, if not addressed soon and effectively, could harm the U.S. economy and national security.

And guess what does exactly the opposite of addressing these market problems ? Not a hard question. IMMIGRATION. That's what. The more people we have here, the more consumption takes place, and the more resources (of everything) we need. GET IT ???

Reducing our population isn't the only thing that can help this bad situation, but it surely is one thing that can, and increasing the population makes this situation WORSE.

Dangerous dependence: US increasingly beholden to imported raw material - Energy and the Environment - AEI

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1. Answer to WHAT ?

2. I guess you need to have everything explained to you don't you ? Here's what just about everybody (except you) knows. Lots of immigrants come in and steal jobs from Americans. Lot of other s come here for welfare, which they secure by the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation. You really didn't even know THAT ? Pheeeeww!!

3. The F is wrong with YOU, if you don't understand what is wrong with immigrants wiring the $70 Billion/year out of the country that they do. That's a LOSS$$$$$ of $70 Billion/year in sales to American businesses (AKA the economy), and one of the reasons why our economy is struggling. God, you're ignorant.

You can't be that much of a moron. Read the stuff I posted in the bump, then try to respond without deflecting to your dirty dozen reasons to be a bigot racist pig about legal immigration, or some personal diatribe about your job experience putting you in the unique position of declaring that all of our guests in this country are evil scum that should be spit and urinated on.

Read WHAT stuff ? Dude! If you have a question, ask it NOW. Because I have no idea WTF you're babbling about.

As for spitting and urinating, YOUR WORDS, NOT MINE. So stop dirtying up the thread. Clean up your act, dirtbag!
Well without the illegal immigration the far left would not have the slave labor needed to service their million dollar mansions.

DAY-UMM! Good point. I should add that to the list of vested interests who support illegal immigration.

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor to reduce costs & boost profits.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's Reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
Here's an old help wanted ad -- read carefully:


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

LOL non-Irish bag boy wanted, cart and horse for sale. Guess the by cart delivery business went to hell when the irish showed up :)

That's because the horses all lost their confidence when they realized the Irish were more well-endowed, and we could just carry the carts over our heads by ourselves without them anyway.
I guess it's necessary to point out YET AGAIN that we have, rather than a shortage, an abundance of natural resources, millions of jobs going unfilled, and space a plenty in this great nation of ours. That does not justify illegal immigration but it certainly puts the lie to any xenophobic cowards hiding behind lies about our bountiful land and resilient culture.

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