Immigration is Destroying America.

1. Answer to WHAT ?

2. I guess you need to have everything explained to you don't you ? Here's what just about everybody (except you) knows. Lots of immigrants come in and steal jobs from Americans. Lot of other s come here for welfare, which they secure by the anchor baby racket and/or false documentation. You really didn't even know THAT ? Pheeeeww!!

3. The F is wrong with YOU, if you don't understand what is wrong with immigrants wiring the $70 Billion/year out of the country that they do. That's a LOSS$$$$$ of $70 Billion/year in sales to American businesses (AKA the economy), and one of the reasons why our economy is struggling. God, you're ignorant.

You can't be that much of a moron. Read the stuff I posted in the bump, then try to respond without deflecting to your dirty dozen reasons to be a bigot racist pig about legal immigration, or some personal diatribe about your job experience putting you in the unique position of declaring that all of our guests in this country are evil scum that should be spit and urinated on.

Read WHAT stuff ? Dude! If you have a question, ask it NOW. Because I have no idea WTF you're babbling about.

As for spitting and urinating, YOUR WORDS, NOT MINE. So stop dirtying up the thread. Clean up your act, dirtbag!

I'll take this as you conceding to the fact that your entire OP is complete bullshit because:

1) With an increase in population (yeah that includes immigrants) there is an increase in demand for products and services (yeah that means jobs.)

2) The only thing that effs that up is "giving away products and services via welfare." Why work if someone's willing to hand shit over for free?

3) The amount of work to be done is not bound by any artificial ceiling as you flat earthers tend to believe.

I'll take this as you conceding that the only reason you are on this diatribe against legal immigrants (our guests), is your bigoted racist vile xenophobia.
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Here's an old help wanted ad -- read carefully:


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

LOL non-Irish bag boy wanted, cart and horse for sale. Guess the by cart delivery business went to hell when the irish showed up :)

That's because the horses all lost their confidence when they realized the Irish were more well-endowed, and we could just carry the carts over our heads by ourselves without them anyway.

Is there a doctor in the house ? :lol:
I guess it's necessary to point out YET AGAIN that we have, rather than a shortage, an abundance of natural resources, millions of jobs going unfilled, and space a plenty in this great nation of ours. That does not justify illegal immigration but it certainly puts the lie to any xenophobic cowards hiding behind lies about our bountiful land and resilient culture.

To put a moronic post like this in, right after it's message was obliterated in Post # 1315 shows the madness of those with vested interest, and the pitiful stupidity of those who thank them for their nutjob posts (remember rare earth minerals, oil IMPORTS, 11 cities whose water is running out, gallium, cobalt, titanium, chromium silicon, nickel, neodymium, samarium, dysprosium, lanthanium oxide ?) Sure you do. It was only just posted 11 hours ago. (post # 1315)

No wonder that the majority of American people want MORE DEPORTATIONS.

52% Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations; 14% Say Too Aggressive - Rasmussen Reports?
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You can't be that much of a moron. Read the stuff I posted in the bump, then try to respond without deflecting to your dirty dozen reasons to be a bigot racist pig about legal immigration, or some personal diatribe about your job experience putting you in the unique position of declaring that all of our guests in this country are evil scum that should be spit and urinated on.

Read WHAT stuff ? Dude! If you have a question, ask it NOW. Because I have no idea WTF you're babbling about.

As for spitting and urinating, YOUR WORDS, NOT MINE. So stop dirtying up the thread. Clean up your act, dirtbag!

I'll take this as you conceding to the fact that your entire OP is complete bullshit because:

1) With an increase in population (yeah that includes immigrants) there is an increase in demand for products and services (yeah that means jobs.)

2) The only thing that effs that up is "giving away products and services via welfare." Why work if someone's willing to hand shit over for free?

3) The amount of work to be done is not bound by any artificial ceiling as you flat earthers tend to believe.

I'll take this as you conceding that the only reason you are on this diatribe against legal immigrants (our guests), is your bigoted racist vile xenophobia.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what you take, because : 1) your posts show you don't have much upstairs 2) you "take" things how YOU WANT to take them :lol:

1) Ho hum. Yawn*** I've already explained to you (I've lost count how many times) that NO, there is NOT an increase in demand for products and services (not in the USA that is), because rather than spend $$ in American stores for products and services, the immigrants' $$ get wired out of the country in remittances$$$, and then those $$ increase demand for products and services IN MEXICO, et al countries. Don't you listen ?
Actually you are strenghtening my argument, because the immigrants actually are DEcreasing demand for products and services (in the USA), because the currently unemployed Americans who should have have the jobs immigrants have, would be spending those same wage $$ HERE, in the USA, in AMERICAN stores (AKA the US economy) if those wages were not being diverted from them to the immigrants. So what you think you're bragging about being a plus for immigrants is actually a huge minus to America. A HARM to America, and also happens to be the # 4 item on my Harms of Immigration list. Good thing you have me here to set all this straight for you. :D

2. Yeah, welfare is F'd up all right. And most of our tax $$ going to it, are going to immigrants (as I also explained repeatedly in this thread) - don't you listen ? Here's a quote from my Post # 1209 (4 days ago) > "Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children."

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

3. It's not the amount of work to be done that is in question. It is WHO is doing that work (and because of their presence, WHO ISN'T) :mad:
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The fact that we have, rather than a shortage, an abundance of natural resources, millions of jobs going unfilled, and space a plenty in this great nation of ours is why the OP is such obvious nonsense. That does not justify illegal immigration but it certainly puts the lie to any xenophobic cowards hiding behind lies about our bountiful land and resilient culture.
Read WHAT stuff ? Dude! If you have a question, ask it NOW. Because I have no idea WTF you're babbling about.

As for spitting and urinating, YOUR WORDS, NOT MINE. So stop dirtying up the thread. Clean up your act, dirtbag!

I'll take this as you conceding to the fact that your entire OP is complete bullshit because:

1) With an increase in population (yeah that includes immigrants) there is an increase in demand for products and services (yeah that means jobs.)

2) The only thing that effs that up is "giving away products and services via welfare." Why work if someone's willing to hand shit over for free?

3) The amount of work to be done is not bound by any artificial ceiling as you flat earthers tend to believe.

I'll take this as you conceding that the only reason you are on this diatribe against legal immigrants (our guests), is your bigoted racist vile xenophobia.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what you take, because : 1) your posts show you don't have much upstairs 2) you "take" things how YOU WANT to take them :lol:

1) Ho hum. Yawn*** I've already explained to you (I've lost count how many times) that NO, there is NOT an increase in demand for products and services (not in the USA that is), because rather than spend $$ in American stores for products and services, the immigrants' $$ get wired out of the country in remittances$$$, and then those $$ increase demand for products and services IN MEXICO, et al countries. Don't you listen ?
Actually you are strenghtening my argument, because the immigrants actually are DEcreasing demand for products and services (in the USA), because the currently unemployed Americans who should have have the jobs immigrants have, would be spending those same wage $$ HERE, in the USA, in AMERICAN stores (AKA the US economy) if those wages were not being diverted from them to the immigrants. So what you think you're bragging about being a plus for immigrants is actually a huge minus to America. A HARM to America, and also happens to be the # 4 item on my Harms of Immigration list. Good thing you have me here to set all this straight for you. :D

2. Yeah, welfare is F'd up all right. And most of our tax $$ going to it, are going to immigrants (as I also explained repeatedly in this thread) - don't you listen ? Here's a quote from my Post # 1209 (4 days ago) > "Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children."

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

3. It's not the amount of work to be done that is in question. It is WHO is doing that work (and because of their presence, WHO ISN'T) :mad:

American citizens invest their money over seas. You don't own anyone's assets but your own.

1) ^^^ [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] thinks our guests can live here without buying products and services, without buying food and shelter. Yes he really does...

2) Welfare goes to the poor, poor immigrants are not supposed to be collecting welfare that's one of the conditions for legal immigration. Blaming welfare on legal immigrants is ludicrous, they don't even vote.

3) If there is no ceiling to the amount of work to be done who the eff cares if our guests do the work we invited them to come here and do? WTF? You want to pick strawberries? Plant a field of strawberries and effing pick them. To lazy? Or to xenophobic to hire a legal immigrant guest of ours to pick them? Find an American Citizen to pick them, there's no law saying you have to hire our guests.
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Are you talking about immigration or illegal immigration because they are entirely different subjects. It's like comparing customers with shoplifters.

The deranged idiot is opposed to legal immigration as well.

Of course. Legal or illegal, they still add to the population. More crime, pollution, traffic, remittance LOSS$$, job loss, tax $$ loss, Overcrowding in hospitals, schools, govt. offices, recreation places, cultural erosion, more stress on scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, electricity, food, land, housing, etc), more foreign diseases (MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, dengue fever, leprosy, etc)

Anybody who can't understand obvious harms is, well, DERANGED, I guess. :badgrin:

So basically, you want a country with just you in it. Why don't you move just move to a remote island and live there?
12 million LEGAL immigrants are employed in jobs that 12 million unemployed Americans could have. If you are one of those12 million unemployed Americans, does it matter to you if the job you could/would/should have is occupied by a legal or illegal immigrant ?
Either way, if that immigrant wasn't here you could have had that job.

What a load of crap. First, legal immigrants working grows the economy. And no one in this country should be unemployed. People just don't want to take a job that's beneath them. What a crock, get a job, then get a better one.

I'd rather have a hard working foreigner than an American who doesn't want to work at whatever job they can get any day of the week.
The fact that we have, rather than a shortage, an abundance of natural resources, millions of jobs going unfilled, and space a plenty in this great nation of ours is why the OP is such obvious nonsense. That does not justify illegal immigration but it certainly puts the lie to any xenophobic cowards hiding behind lies about our bountiful land and resilient culture.

The fact that we have a severe, national security threatening SHORTAGE of natural resources (as partially shown in Post # 1315 & reiterated in 1323), as well as a shortage of jobs, and arable land, in this great nation of ours, is why the Unkotare loon posts are such obvious nonsense. This certainly puts the lie to any vested interest phonies, hiding behind lies about our badly overpopulated land, and eroded culture.
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I'll take this as you conceding to the fact that your entire OP is complete bullshit because:

1) With an increase in population (yeah that includes immigrants) there is an increase in demand for products and services (yeah that means jobs.)

2) The only thing that effs that up is "giving away products and services via welfare." Why work if someone's willing to hand shit over for free?

3) The amount of work to be done is not bound by any artificial ceiling as you flat earthers tend to believe.

I'll take this as you conceding that the only reason you are on this diatribe against legal immigrants (our guests), is your bigoted racist vile xenophobia.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what you take, because : 1) your posts show you don't have much upstairs 2) you "take" things how YOU WANT to take them :lol:

1) Ho hum. Yawn*** I've already explained to you (I've lost count how many times) that NO, there is NOT an increase in demand for products and services (not in the USA that is), because rather than spend $$ in American stores for products and services, the immigrants' $$ get wired out of the country in remittances$$$, and then those $$ increase demand for products and services IN MEXICO, et al countries. Don't you listen ?
Actually you are strenghtening my argument, because the immigrants actually are DEcreasing demand for products and services (in the USA), because the currently unemployed Americans who should have have the jobs immigrants have, would be spending those same wage $$ HERE, in the USA, in AMERICAN stores (AKA the US economy) if those wages were not being diverted from them to the immigrants. So what you think you're bragging about being a plus for immigrants is actually a huge minus to America. A HARM to America, and also happens to be the # 4 item on my Harms of Immigration list. Good thing you have me here to set all this straight for you. :D

2. Yeah, welfare is F'd up all right. And most of our tax $$ going to it, are going to immigrants (as I also explained repeatedly in this thread) - don't you listen ? Here's a quote from my Post # 1209 (4 days ago) > "Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children."

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

3. It's not the amount of work to be done that is in question. It is WHO is doing that work (and because of their presence, WHO ISN'T) :mad:

American citizens invest their money over seas. You don't own anyone's assets but your own.

1) ^^^ [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] thinks our guests can live here without buying products and services, without buying food and shelter. Yes he really does...

2) Welfare goes to the poor, poor immigrants are not supposed to be collecting welfare that's one of the conditions for legal immigration. Blaming welfare on legal immigrants is ludicrous, they don't even vote.

3) If there is no ceiling to the amount of work to be done who the eff cares if our guests do the work we invited them to come here and do? WTF? You want to pick strawberries? Plant a field of strawberries and effing pick them. To lazy? Or to xenophobic to hire a legal immigrant guest of ours to pick them? Find an American Citizen to pick them, there's no law saying you have to hire our guests.

1. Illegal immigrants mostly DON'T buy shelter or cars. They pack 20 people into a small house and split the rent up sop no one has to pay very much. They also pile 10 guys into an old pick up truck and split the cost of that too (without paying for insurance) The legal ones are generally better off, with higher paying jobs, but they also send huge amounts of $$ out of the country, depriving American businesses of those sales. Since you're a immigrant ass-kisser liberal, you probably don't care what happens to business owners.

2. Legal immigrants collect welfare every day. You don't know what you're talking about. They also vote, as do illegal ones (who aren't supposed to).

3. There IS a ceiling to the amount of work to be done. There are only so many jobs out there, and the more immigrants that are here grabbing those jobs, the less jobs there are for Americans. And no, there's no law saying you have to hire immigrants, but unscrupulous/traitorous companies do undercutting the standard wages of Americans, by hiring the cheap, foreign labor. (AKA Domestic Outsourcing)
The deranged idiot is opposed to legal immigration as well.

Of course. Legal or illegal, they still add to the population. More crime, pollution, traffic, remittance LOSS$$, job loss, tax $$ loss, Overcrowding in hospitals, schools, govt. offices, recreation places, cultural erosion, more stress on scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, electricity, food, land, housing, etc), more foreign diseases (MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, dengue fever, leprosy, etc)

Anybody who can't understand obvious harms is, well, DERANGED, I guess. :badgrin:

So basically, you want a country with just you in it. Why don't you move just move to a remote island and live there?

I want a country with AMERICANS in it, not foreign invaders, here to steal America's wealth, and enrich themselves and the foreign countries they come from, all the while overpopulating the US, with all the harms that accompany that.
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12 million LEGAL immigrants are employed in jobs that 12 million unemployed Americans could have. If you are one of those12 million unemployed Americans, does it matter to you if the job you could/would/should have is occupied by a legal or illegal immigrant ?
Either way, if that immigrant wasn't here you could have had that job.

What a load of crap. First, legal immigrants working grows the economy. And no one in this country should be unemployed. People just don't want to take a job that's beneath them. What a crock, get a job, then get a better one.

I'd rather have a hard working foreigner than an American who doesn't want to work at whatever job they can get any day of the week.

HA HA >> "legal immigrants working grows the economy" What a load of crap!
If you had read this thread before barging in here unknowingly, you'd know that immigrants (ANY immigrants) SHRINK the economy by $70 Billion/year in remittances. They also drain the economy by diverting tens of Billions$$ more in taxes to pay for welfare, for the ones on welfare.
And you're right that "no one in this country should be unemployed." And if we didn't have 40 million immigrants here, there wouldn't be any one unemployed.

There may be some Americans who really don't want to work. OK. There's always a few deadbeats around. But they're no different than the immigrants on welfare, who are the majority of welfare recipients. And as far as Americans who DO want to work, they work every bit as hard as any foreigner, and the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, are not being done by immigrants. They are being done by Americans (firefighters, coal miners, troops in Afghanistan, US Army Corps of Engineers construction workers, etc)
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Now that I have trounced all your vested interest motivated BS posts, at this point, I will say that all the pro-immigration talk borders on treason/sedition. It supports the invasion of this country by foreign countries (led by Mexico) who engage in imperialism, and pillage this country for $70 Billion/year just in remittances alone. Many Billions$$ more go to those countries as we support their people with welfare (us paying their poverty bill).

This may not be a military invasion like the Japs attacking Pearl Harbor, but it is an invasion just the same, where the troops, in this case, are poor people taking American jobs and sending remittances$$ (while others of them collect welfare)

In World War II, the Japs attacked with guns, bombs and planes. Mexico, and others, attack with job stealers and remittance senders.
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Of course anyone who is interested in the truth can refer to the many, many, many links I have so kindly provided which prove that we have no shortage of natural resources, space, or agricultural capacity. We are most certainly not "overcrowded" by any rational measure.

Our culture is strong, dynamic, and continues to assimilate newcomers today to our benefit as a nation and a people.
Of course anyone who is interested in the truth can refer to the many, many, many links I have so kindly provided which prove that we have no shortage of natural resources, space, or agricultural capacity. We are most certainly not "overcrowded" by any rational measure.

Our culture is strong, dynamic, and continues to assimilate newcomers today to our benefit as a nation and a people.

Rare earth minerals, oil IMPORTS, 11 cities whose water is running out, gallium, cobalt, titanium, chromium silicon, nickel, neodymium, samarium, dysprosium, lanthanium oxide

All in serious SHORTAGE condition, causing national security concerns. As I stated in Post # s 1315, 1323, and again now. Unkotare seems to think that if you tell a lie enough times, people will begin to believe it. Not when I'm here to refute it, as I'm doing, and will continue to do. :D
Of course. Legal or illegal, they still add to the population. More crime, pollution, traffic, remittance LOSS$$, job loss, tax $$ loss, Overcrowding in hospitals, schools, govt. offices, recreation places, cultural erosion, more stress on scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, electricity, food, land, housing, etc), more foreign diseases (MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, dengue fever, leprosy, etc)

Anybody who can't understand obvious harms is, well, DERANGED, I guess. :badgrin:

So basically, you want a country with just you in it. Why don't you move just move to a remote island and live there?

I want a country with AMERICANS in it, not foreign invaders, here to steal America's wealth, and enrich themselves and the foreign countries they come from, all the while overpopulating the US, with all the harms that accompany that.

Americans aren't xenophobic cowards like you are who want to keep foreigners, their money or their products out of our country. We believe in ourselves and don't worry about competing economically, we'll not only be fine, we'll prosper. So trust me, a small minded, coward like you who is afraid of foreigners taking your job isn't going to want us around either. You should reconsider the remote island.
12 million LEGAL immigrants are employed in jobs that 12 million unemployed Americans could have. If you are one of those12 million unemployed Americans, does it matter to you if the job you could/would/should have is occupied by a legal or illegal immigrant ?
Either way, if that immigrant wasn't here you could have had that job.

What a load of crap. First, legal immigrants working grows the economy. And no one in this country should be unemployed. People just don't want to take a job that's beneath them. What a crock, get a job, then get a better one.

I'd rather have a hard working foreigner than an American who doesn't want to work at whatever job they can get any day of the week.

HA HA >> "legal immigrants working grows the economy" What a load of crap!
If you had read this thread before barging in here unknowingly, you'd know that immigrants (ANY immigrants) SHRINK the economy by $70 Billion/year in remittances. They also drain the economy by diverting tens of Billions$$ more in taxes to pay for welfare, for the ones on welfare.
And you're right that "no one in this country should be unemployed." And if we didn't have 40 million immigrants here, there wouldn't be any one unemployed.

There may be some Americans who really don't want to work. OK. There's always a few deadbeats around. But they're no different than the immigrants on welfare, who are the majority of welfare recipients. And as far as Americans who DO want to work, they work every bit as hard as any foreigner, and the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, are not being done by immigrants. They are being done by Americans (firefighters, coal miners, troops in Afghanistan, US Army Corps of Engineers construction workers, etc)

Unlike you, I know what I'm talking about. People who work in free markets create economic value, they grow the economy. It's indisputable, I don't need to read whatever garbage you posted earlier in the thread.

And no one has an excuse to not have a job. The only reason that anyone doesn't is either they won't take a job "beneath" them or they won't clean themselves up to be presentable and work hard. That you prefer a lazy American to a working foreigner is just exactly what I expect from a coward like you.

Americans need no help from protection or immigrant fear. We will prosper and win. Well, you won't, but that's because you're a loser.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what you take, because : 1) your posts show you don't have much upstairs 2) you "take" things how YOU WANT to take them :lol:

1) Ho hum. Yawn*** I've already explained to you (I've lost count how many times) that NO, there is NOT an increase in demand for products and services (not in the USA that is), because rather than spend $$ in American stores for products and services, the immigrants' $$ get wired out of the country in remittances$$$, and then those $$ increase demand for products and services IN MEXICO, et al countries. Don't you listen ?
Actually you are strenghtening my argument, because the immigrants actually are DEcreasing demand for products and services (in the USA), because the currently unemployed Americans who should have have the jobs immigrants have, would be spending those same wage $$ HERE, in the USA, in AMERICAN stores (AKA the US economy) if those wages were not being diverted from them to the immigrants. So what you think you're bragging about being a plus for immigrants is actually a huge minus to America. A HARM to America, and also happens to be the # 4 item on my Harms of Immigration list. Good thing you have me here to set all this straight for you. :D

2. Yeah, welfare is F'd up all right. And most of our tax $$ going to it, are going to immigrants (as I also explained repeatedly in this thread) - don't you listen ? Here's a quote from my Post # 1209 (4 days ago) > "Most of the "welfare state" problem you mentioned is due to immigrants, as I've shown about 7 times already in this thread. In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children."

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

3. It's not the amount of work to be done that is in question. It is WHO is doing that work (and because of their presence, WHO ISN'T) :mad:

American citizens invest their money over seas. You don't own anyone's assets but your own.

1) ^^^ [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION] thinks our guests can live here without buying products and services, without buying food and shelter. Yes he really does...

2) Welfare goes to the poor, poor immigrants are not supposed to be collecting welfare that's one of the conditions for legal immigration. Blaming welfare on legal immigrants is ludicrous, they don't even vote.

3) If there is no ceiling to the amount of work to be done who the eff cares if our guests do the work we invited them to come here and do? WTF? You want to pick strawberries? Plant a field of strawberries and effing pick them. To lazy? Or to xenophobic to hire a legal immigrant guest of ours to pick them? Find an American Citizen to pick them, there's no law saying you have to hire our guests.

1. Illegal immigrants mostly DON'T buy shelter or cars. They pack 20 people into a small house and split the rent up sop no one has to pay very much. They also pile 10 guys into an old pick up truck and split the cost of that too (without paying for insurance) The legal ones are generally better off, with higher paying jobs, but they also send huge amounts of $$ out of the country, depriving American businesses of those sales. Since you're a immigrant ass-kisser liberal, you probably don't care what happens to business owners.

2. Legal immigrants collect welfare every day. You don't know what you're talking about. They also vote, as do illegal ones (who aren't supposed to).

3. There IS a ceiling to the amount of work to be done. There are only so many jobs out there, and the more immigrants that are here grabbing those jobs, the less jobs there are for Americans. And no, there's no law saying you have to hire immigrants, but unscrupulous/traitorous companies do undercutting the standard wages of Americans, by hiring the cheap, foreign labor. (AKA Domestic Outsourcing)

ROFL... lol... ROFL... :dig:

Who the eff do you think your are deriding all of our guests because some of them have needy relatives in another country? WTF is wrong with you? Did your parents send your college money to your grandparents or something? Is that why you hate immigrants? Cause you hate your parents?

How dumb does one have to be to not be able to tell the difference between temporary work visas that work short term contracts such as the contractors that you used to pay 1099s to back in your day, vs legal immigrants here to become permanent American citizens?

1) Not even a good try at deflecting from your bull shit lies about immigrants not being consumers here in the States. Typically business owners are the ones asking for more immigrants, more cheap labor. You say I don't care about Business owners.? Where the hell did you get that idea? You're just making bull shit lies up left and right to deflect from your other bull shit lies.

2) You said "Legal immigrants collect welfare every day." Where? California? You said "They also vote, as do illegal ones." I call bull shit, show me a link where non-citizens have the right to vote.

3) You said "There IS a ceiling to the amount of work to be done." ROFL and that right there shows just how stupid you are. Where's the ceiling? Is it at 1t GDP? 10t? 100t? What forces the ceiling on GDP? Please educate us.
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So basically, you want a country with just you in it. Why don't you move just move to a remote island and live there?

I want a country with AMERICANS in it, not foreign invaders, here to steal America's wealth, and enrich themselves and the foreign countries they come from, all the while overpopulating the US, with all the harms that accompany that.

Americans aren't xenophobic cowards like you are who want to keep foreigners, their money or their products out of our country. We believe in ourselves and don't worry about competing economically, we'll not only be fine, we'll prosper. So trust me, a small minded, coward like you who is afraid of foreigners taking your job isn't going to want us around either. You should reconsider the remote island.

52% Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations; 14% Say Too Aggressive >> so says report of Rasmussen Poll taken 2 weeks ago. But that's OK. If you really feel the need to come in here and make an idiot out of yourself, be assured there's no law against it.

So how are things going in the restaurant ? Gotta be sure your illegal alien crew has their pick-up running smoothly. If they can't get to work, you might have to go to a temporary employment agency to get staff. And you might even have to pay them a fair American wage ? Wouldn't want that would you ?

And no, I certainly wouldn't trust you. I don't make a habit of trusting traitors who sell out the American people to save money on wages. to cheap foreign labor, like you right Mr. vested interest, illegal employer ? And you're right about me not wanting you around. Well, maybe after a visit from ICE you won't be.
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What a load of crap. First, legal immigrants working grows the economy. And no one in this country should be unemployed. People just don't want to take a job that's beneath them. What a crock, get a job, then get a better one.

I'd rather have a hard working foreigner than an American who doesn't want to work at whatever job they can get any day of the week.

HA HA >> "legal immigrants working grows the economy" What a load of crap!
If you had read this thread before barging in here unknowingly, you'd know that immigrants (ANY immigrants) SHRINK the economy by $70 Billion/year in remittances. They also drain the economy by diverting tens of Billions$$ more in taxes to pay for welfare, for the ones on welfare.
And you're right that "no one in this country should be unemployed." And if we didn't have 40 million immigrants here, there wouldn't be any one unemployed.

There may be some Americans who really don't want to work. OK. There's always a few deadbeats around. But they're no different than the immigrants on welfare, who are the majority of welfare recipients. And as far as Americans who DO want to work, they work every bit as hard as any foreigner, and the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, are not being done by immigrants. They are being done by Americans (firefighters, coal miners, troops in Afghanistan, US Army Corps of Engineers construction workers, etc)

Unlike you, I know what I'm talking about. People who work in free markets create economic value, they grow the economy. It's indisputable, I don't need to read whatever garbage you posted earlier in the thread.

And no one has an excuse to not have a job. The only reason that anyone doesn't is either they won't take a job "beneath" them or they won't clean themselves up to be presentable and work hard. That you prefer a lazy American to a working foreigner is just exactly what I expect from a coward like you.

Americans need no help from protection or immigrant fear. We will prosper and win. Well, you won't, but that's because you're a loser.

It's highly disputable, and I already disputed (and refuted ) it. So you got some pro-immigration propaganda talking points to throw around. How nice. You know what you can do with them.

How the hell would you know about not having a job ? You're a business owner. I've already posted piles of posts in this thread that have long ago refuted your inane, late-arriving BS. You just don't know any better.

And I never said I prefer a lazy anybody. And working foreigners are not as hard working as the hardest working Americans, and you can trust ME on that. I used to be one of them > 5 years as a Combat Construction Specialist (MOS 12B20) in the US Army Corps of Engineers, that if your oh so hard-working foreigners ever saw, they'd probably faint.

And you can quit the hard work foreigner routine too. Everybody knows you just want to boost your profits, by reducing your labor costs with cheap, immigrant labor, you cheap 2 bit phony.

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