Immigration is Destroying America.

1. From RKM's Post >> "Did your parents send your college money to your grandparents or something? Is that why you hate immigrants? Cause you hate your parents?"

OK, I see where he insulted you, but where did he insult your parents?

2. I don't fear people taking what you call "your job", because I don't HAVE a job. I'm retired, and live off Social Security + a VA pension. And you can get these too when you retire (if you're not too cowardly to join the military)

I come from a military family. The closest are my brother who went to the naval academy and my cousin was a lifer in the Air Force, he was a dog handler for the MPs. Both were in Gulf War I. My not being in the military had nothing to do with cowardice, I'm not good at following orders. It makes me a good President of a company, but a lousy soldier. I'd have been an insubordination charge waiting to happen.

3. As for restricting access to foreign workers, our immigration law is one of the most protective law of the American people ever enacted, and for anyone to call this a "loser strategy" is tantamount to treason, in a addition to being deranged, if not bizzare.

We let illegal immigrants we let in freely to take jobs and restrict educated immigrants who can support themselves and grow the economy out. Yeah, "loser" is a great way to describe our strategy.

1. Right here >> "Did your parents send your college money to your grandparents or something?" None of his business what my parents did, and he shouldn't be talking about them in such a way, the dumb ass. As for what you see.....NOT MY PROBLEM.

2. Maybe you can hook up with a military unit as a volunteer. You don't have to take orders for that. :lol: I think I guessed right on this one. :badgrin:

3. We let both illegal AND legal immigrants, both uneducated and educated, and both take jobs away from Americans, and send remittances$$ out of the country, further damaging the US economy by depriving US businessmen of sales. You're a US businessmen. Don't you know immigration's remittances are harming you ? Don't you know you're losing money from that ?
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Earlier in the thread he claimed his parents were immigrants. Then later on he claimed immigrants send their money off shore and that's one of the reasons why he doesn't want immigrants. So I asked the obvious question if that's what his parents did, and if that's why he's so angry at immigrants, cause he's angry at his parents for sending money he wanted off shore. I'm not attacking his parents, quite the opposite, I'm defending legal immigrants such as his parents from him. Course now it looks like he might be backing off a bit from his earlier claim that both legal and illegal immigration is destroying this country. Really I don't get why he hates what he says his parents did. But I would be interested in learning more. He's an interesting case, don't get to talk to many unstable people in my circle.

The only instability here is the series of unfounded assumptions you keep popping up with, showing off your recklessness as a poster in a forum. In you weren't such a laughingstock whom I feel a little bit sorry for, I might really chew you up.

So OK, let's set about cleaning up this latest mess you just created.

1. I have no idea if my parents sent remittances back to their old country, or if they even had any family still there to send remittances to.

2. So this establishes that I'm not mad at them for something I know nothing about.

3. No, it does NOT look like I'm backing off from anything (except in how you seem to wish to paint it up that way) :lol:

4. I guess stable people like me, could possibly appear to be unstable, to unstable people (like you).

Thx for finally agreeing the premise of the op was a bull shit troll. You held out longer than I expected you would.

Is there no end to the pretending idiocy you post in here ?
The only instability here is the series of unfounded assumptions you keep popping up with, showing off your recklessness as a poster in a forum. In you weren't such a laughingstock whom I feel a little bit sorry for, I might really chew you up.

So OK, let's set about cleaning up this latest mess you just created.

1. I have no idea if my parents sent remittances back to their old country, or if they even had any family still there to send remittances to.

2. So this establishes that I'm not mad at them for something I know nothing about.

3. No, it does NOT look like I'm backing off from anything (except in how you seem to wish to paint it up that way) :lol:

4. I guess stable people like me, could possibly appear to be unstable, to unstable people (like you).

Thx for finally agreeing the premise of the op was a bull shit troll. You held out longer than I expected you would.

Is there no end to the pretending idiocy you post in here ?

Off topic.
2. Maybe you can hook up with a military unit as a volunteer. You don't have to take orders for that. :lol: I think I guessed right on this one. :badgrin:
You're nothing like the military I know. They believe their job is to protect America, not insult everyone without military service for not having military service. I don't even get what you think you're doing here other than trying to be a dick. People like you don't belong in the military, you aren't worthy. We already knew you're a coward, now we know you don't have the character for it either.

3. We let both illegal AND legal immigrants, both uneducated and educated, and both take jobs away from Americans, and send remittances$$ out of the country, further damaging the US economy by depriving US businessmen of sales. You're a US businessmen. Don't you know immigration's remittances are harming you ? Don't you know you're losing money from that ?
As for illegal immigrants, again, I'm with you. As for legal immigrants, you're ignorant and willfully so about the economy. They grow it, they don't shrink it. You just want to run around in hysterical circles like a shrill little girl. Pull down your skirt, your vagina is showing.

You're a coward. As for the business community, thanks, but we don't need your help. We're just fine competing in the global market. In fact, we're the best. You're the threat, not feriners, skippy.
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Is there no end to the pretending idiocy you post in here ?

Off topic.

Like about 100 of your posts, including the lamebrain one this was responding to. Would you like me to notify you of new OPs I start, so you can troll (stalk) after me there, with no delay ?

America is free market, you're a Marxist. America is built on immigrants, you're a xenophobe. America is the land of the brave, you're a coward. America is a leader, you want to shut our borders and hide from the world.

What I don't understand is why you like America at all. We are NOTHING like you. Russia is way more your speed given the values you're advocating. Why don't you go there?
Off topic.

Like about 100 of your posts, including the lamebrain one this was responding to. Would you like me to notify you of new OPs I start, so you can troll (stalk) after me there, with no delay ?

America is free market, you're a Marxist. America is built on immigrants, you're a xenophobe. America is the land of the brave, you're a coward. America is a leader, you want to shut our borders and hide from the world.

What I don't understand is why you like America at all. We are NOTHING like you. Russia is way more your speed given the values you're advocating. Why don't you go there?

Well said, indeed!
Off topic.

Like about 100 of your posts, including the lamebrain one this was responding to. Would you like me to notify you of new OPs I start, so you can troll (stalk) after me there, with no delay ?

America is free market, you're a Marxist. America is built on immigrants, you're a xenophobe. America is the land of the brave, you're a coward. America is a leader, you want to shut our borders and hide from the world.

What I don't understand is why you like America at all. We are NOTHING like you. Russia is way more your speed given the values you're advocating. Why don't you go there?

1. America is not an entirely free market. It is a combination of free market principle and Marxist principle (ex. minimum wage laws, worker safety laws, environmental regulations, etc) It also is quite Marxist in its overwhelming support for higher taxes on the rich (a concept right out of the Communist Manifesto).

2. Your a name caller (since you have no substance to post) :lol:

3. Yes, America is the land of the brave as evidenced by all of us (me included) who served in the US Armed Forces, which you cowardly ducked, while making up lamebrain excuses for it.

4. Of course I want to shut our borders. They should have been shut (generally) ever since 1860, when we passed our optimum population (relative to resource base). I want to protect America from all the many harms of immigration and overpopulation, one of which is remittances$$, which hurts your businesses, except your to naive to recognize it.

5. I love America, which is why I am a protectionist of it, against creeps like you who bring harm to it by your advocacy of immigration, for no reason other than to feed your GREED, at the expense of the American people.

Like about 100 of your posts, including the lamebrain one this was responding to. Would you like me to notify you of new OPs I start, so you can troll (stalk) after me there, with no delay ?

America is free market, you're a Marxist. America is built on immigrants, you're a xenophobe. America is the land of the brave, you're a coward. America is a leader, you want to shut our borders and hide from the world.

What I don't understand is why you like America at all. We are NOTHING like you. Russia is way more your speed given the values you're advocating. Why don't you go there?

Well said, indeed!

HA HA. No need to broadcast your idiocy. We all have it well recognized long ago. :badgrin:
It's ironic that so many of the xenophobe/racists are primarily frightened of "all them thar Mexicaaaneees" but don't realize that the surge in immigration from Latin America actually began when idiot 'nativists' in the 1920s attempted to limit 'bad' immigrants from central and eastern Europe (and, of course, Asia). Just the sort of 'good' immigrants from some fictitious time gone by that they pine for today.

People who cannot or will not understand what America is have always made a mess of things when attempting to turn their irrational fears into laws.
It's ironic that so many of the xenophobe/racists are primarily frightened of "all them thar Mexicaaaneees" but don't realize that the surge in immigration from Latin America actually began when idiot 'nativists' in the 1920s attempted to limit 'bad' immigrants from central and eastern Europe (and, of course, Asia). Just the sort of 'good' immigrants from some fictitious time gone by that they pine for today.

People who cannot or will not understand what America is have always made a mess of things when attempting to turn their irrational fears into laws.
Why not make laws? Those immigrants are illegal in this country and come in too large numbers. I don't think that increasing of border security is that bad with all those poor, not English-speaking immigrants.
It's ironic that so many of the xenophobe/racists are primarily frightened of "all them thar Mexicaaaneees" but don't realize that the surge in immigration from Latin America actually began when idiot 'nativists' in the 1920s attempted to limit 'bad' immigrants from central and eastern Europe (and, of course, Asia). Just the sort of 'good' immigrants from some fictitious time gone by that they pine for today.

People who cannot or will not understand what America is have always made a mess of things when attempting to turn their irrational fears into laws.
Why not make laws? Those immigrants are illegal in this country and come in too large numbers. I don't think that increasing of border security is that bad with all those poor, not English-speaking immigrants.

No one has said that border security is "bad" or that it should not be bolstered. You will find that there is at least one mental case on this thread who cannot distinguish between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration.
Countries with Largest Renewable Water Supply (Fresh) - World Top Ten

US - #4 in the world in terms of renewable fresh water supplies.

Yo...................douche nozzle.....................did you notice that one of the world's largest renewable water supplies (i.e. the Ogallala Aquifer) is where the pipeline crosses?

Additionally, did you know that the proposed XL pipeline is going to cross over most of it, as well as the deepest parts of it? you know how much water the aquifer provides?

And lastly....................did you know that tar sands oil sinks in water?

We failed in cleaning up the Gulf Coast, and that was with water that floated on top. We also sent in planes that dumped a toxic chemical that made the oil sink.

Today? We've damn near killed the whole LA coast.
It's ironic that so many of the xenophobe/racists are primarily frightened of "all them thar Mexicaaaneees" but don't realize that the surge in immigration from Latin America actually began when idiot 'nativists' in the 1920s attempted to limit 'bad' immigrants from central and eastern Europe (and, of course, Asia). Just the sort of 'good' immigrants from some fictitious time gone by that they pine for today.

People who cannot or will not understand what America is have always made a mess of things when attempting to turn their irrational fears into laws.

This is too mired in the mud of misconception to even be eligible for response. Perhaps we could just say > "Who ? Hah ? Wha ?" :lol:
It's ironic that so many of the xenophobe/racists are primarily frightened of "all them thar Mexicaaaneees" but don't realize that the surge in immigration from Latin America actually began when idiot 'nativists' in the 1920s attempted to limit 'bad' immigrants from central and eastern Europe (and, of course, Asia). Just the sort of 'good' immigrants from some fictitious time gone by that they pine for today.

People who cannot or will not understand what America is have always made a mess of things when attempting to turn their irrational fears into laws.
Why not make laws? Those immigrants are illegal in this country and come in too large numbers. I don't think that increasing of border security is that bad with all those poor, not English-speaking immigrants.

No one has said that border security is "bad" or that it should not be bolstered. You will find that there is at least one mental case on this thread who cannot distinguish between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration.

You are the mental case who thinks there is a difference when it comes to jobs taken away from unemployed AMERICANS, wages being reduced, American businesses losing tens of Billion$$$ in sales every year to immigrants' remittances, tax $$ being lost from remittance-caused lost sales, and lower wages, roads becoming more congested, schools becoming overcrowded, more pollution being added, overcrowding in hospitals, recreational facilities, and govt offices, overuse of scarce natural resources.

These things are caused by foreign PEOPLE being in the US (not by being legal or illegal) Unkotare will pretend he doesn't know all this, but the rest of us know it (even elementary school kids do)

We failed in cleaning up the Gulf Coast....

Who failed, Pee-Wee? Is there no one swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today?

Why don't you get back to your fantasies about women getting hurt, scumbag?

That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

We failed in cleaning up the Gulf Coast....

Who failed, Pee-Wee? Is there no one swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today?

Why don't you get back to your fantasies about women getting hurt, scumbag?

That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

You're full of shit.

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