Immigration is Destroying America.

I now PROCLAIM the proposal of a new law known as the Immigration Reduction Service Act. This IRSA law will be a complement to the 1986 IRCA law, which prohibits employers from knowingly hiring illegal aliens.

Under this new law all Americans will be required to take action against immigration at least twice every year. Each US citizen will have to do something from a list supplied by the govt to reduce immigration. This is somewhat akin to the military draft and the requirement of unemployment insurance recipient to verify their work searches.

Examples of what you could do to fulfill your requirements could be these >>

1. Volunteer to work for USCIS in processing new legal immigrant apllications. Up to now USCIS has been so swamped with applications, that they have routinely rubber-stamped applicants, and just pushed them through without the proper vetting. This is dangerous to America, as applicants with criminal and disease records have been slipping through. By helping USCIS, volunteers can help stop more immigrants from coming in.

2. Reporting employers who falsely say that they need skilled workers in work visa programs. (when they really just want them for the low wages they'll accept)

3. Reporting employers who hire illegal aliens in violation of IRCA.

4. Volunteering to work with the border patrol (as with the Minuteman Project) to spot illegals coming across the border.

Penalties for not meeting the quota of Immigration reducing service should be fines, jail time, or both. Since the law would be a federal law, violators should be imprisoned in federal prisons for terms of 5-10 years.

I have already notified my Congressman and Senators and they think it is a good idea. It will be on the agenda coming up soon.
Who failed, Pee-Wee? Is there no one swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today?

Why don't you get back to your fantasies about women getting hurt, scumbag?

That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

You're full of shit.

Verification is easy. Just contact the Tampa Tribune and the Tampa Bay Times. They post notices routinely. Most common is Dog Beach on Gandy Blvd. :D
That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

You're full of shit.

Verification is easy. Just contact the Tampa Tribune and the Tampa Bay Times. They post notices routinely. Most common is Dog Beach on Gandy Blvd. :D

Yup - In LA shrimping is down 85% since BP disaster. Half the remaining 15% of shrimp are full of tumors, leaving only 7% possibly sale-able.
Who failed, Pee-Wee? Is there no one swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today?

Why don't you get back to your fantasies about women getting hurt, scumbag?

That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

You're full of shit.

"Making up your own facts" is his favorite arts and crafts activity at the 'institute.'
You know the head cases have really gone off the deep end when they start "proclaiming" laws or amendments to the Constitution. The 'Loony-Meter' is red lining.
That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

You're full of shit.

"Making up your own facts" is his favorite arts and crafts activity at the 'institute.'

Already refuted in Post # 1382. Unkotare has a funny habit of posting posts with content that just refuted that post. :lol: :cuckoo:
You know the head cases have really gone off the deep end when they start "proclaiming" laws or amendments to the Constitution. The 'Loony-Meter' is red lining.

Adding more to the Immigration Reduction Service Act. post (Post # 1381), I propose that furthermore >>>

1. Convicts imprisoned for violation of IRSA, should be required to attend classes about the processes of reducing immigration in America.

2. After completion of a full course of study in immigration reduction, inmates should be required to help the fight against immigration, while they are in prison. Duties would be mostly working with computers, and should be delegated by prison officials, working in conjunction with counter-immigration organizations.

3. Penalties for refusal to participate in immigration reduction programs should be bread & water diet (stale bread). Removal of all privileges. No TV, no radio, no stereos, no computer, no telephone, no mail, no medicine, and no reading material except for those enhancing immigration reduction.

4. If inmates still refuse, they should be put in rooms without any climate control (no heat or AC), no smoking, and a steady stream of piped in speeches from anti-immigration speakers.
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Calling Unemployed Factory Workers!


Wed, May 14th 2014 @ 5:08 pm EDT by Melanie Oubre

While speaking at an economic roundtable in Washington, D.C. yesterday, the CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers said he knows of 600,000 open jobs in the manufacturing field. He blamed
his inability to find workers on our immigration system.

CEO Jay Timmons claimed that passing a comprehensive amnesty/worker importation bill (S.744) is the only way manufacturing companies could find the skilled workers they need.

…You know…‘cause Americans don’t do those jobs?

May 2014

Manufacturing Job Fair Draws Packed House in Cleveland, Ohio

April, 2014

Thousands come to SUNYIT looking for one of 300 positions in Marcy, New York

April 2014

"I thought it was going to be a little easier since I had a job for so long and I have really great references,” he said. “Now I’m in such a rut I don’t know what to do.” Said one participant at a Canton, Ohio job fair after handing his resume to every employer- including manufacturing companies.

Not only are there millions of personal stories like these that directly counter Mr. Timmons' “labor shortage” narrative, the numbers don’t agree with him either:

In April of 2014, our U6 unemployment rate was at 12.3%. This is the real unemployment number that takes into account people who have quit looking for a job because they are too discouraged and people who are only working part time but would like a full time job.

Our labor participation rate, or amount of working aged people actually working, is the lowest its been…ever. There are over 50 million working aged Americans who are out of the job.

There are 4,280,000 Americans age 25-29 who are not working. It used to be people in this age group who bought a home, started a family, and lived comfortably while holding manufacturing jobs.

The National Association of Manufacturers has 8 regional offices but is based in Washington D.C. Four of the states that have a NAM regional office are in top ten for highest unemployment: New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois and California. Heck, Detroit’s unemployment rate is still at 17.7%!

Even though we had a major recession and haven’t seemed to recover from it yet, we’re still handing out over 1 million life time work permits to foreign workers every single year. If Mr. Timmons got what he wanted, this yearly number would more than double.

Sitting along side Mr. Timmons at the forum was Tom Donahue, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. His group has been working really hard to pass a foreign worker importation bill. So hard in fact, this week Mr. Donahue had the audacity to outright threaten Republicans. He told them not to come looking for more money until they passed the Senate bill that would add over 30 million new workers to our labor pool in the next 10 years. He even called anyone who didn’t like this piece of legislation “crazy!”

If caring for American workers is crazy, you can throw us all into the institution, Mr. Donahue!

The Chamber of Commerce spent over $74 million lobbying in 2013 with "immigration reform" being their number one priority. NAM spent over $7.6 million. Wouldn't it make sense to take a portion of the money spent trying to convince lawmakers they need more foreign workers and put that money towards finding and training the millions of unemployed workers who are already here?

I sincerely hope that Mr. Timmons was not exaggerating his 600,000 figure. America needs a strong manufacturing sector to get us back on the right track. But bringing in millions of workers to fill these jobs only helps a few, including Mr. Timmons and Mr. Donahue, not American workers and not the future of the American middle class.

Are you an under or unemployed manufacturer?
Contact Jay Timmons below to send him your resume!

The National Association of Manufacturers:
733 10th Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001
Toll Free: (1-800) 814-8468
Phone: (202) 637-3000
Fax: (202) 637-3182
E-mail: [email protected]

Jay Timmons on Social Media:

MELANIE OUBRE is the Local Activism Coordinator for NumbersUSA

Legal Immigration
Illegal Immigration
America's Jobless

NumbersUSA's blogs are copyrighted and may be republished or reposted only if they are copied in their entirety, including this paragraph, and provide proper credit to NumbersUSA. NumbersUSA bears no responsibility for where our blogs may be republished or reposted.
The Loony-Meter is off the charts!

ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013

A new Center for Immigration Studies report reveals that ICE, in 2013, released from detention over 36,000 illegal aliens with criminal records, who were awaiting the final disposition of their deportation cases. These releases are in addition to the 68,000 criminal-alien cases that ICE declined to prosecute for immigration violations that year.

The CIS study found that thousands had convictions for violent or serious crime, including 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions, as well as more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The study also found that 870,000 illegal aliens had their cases removed from ICE prosecution dockets despite being illegally present.

Jessica Vaughan, the Center’s Director of Policy Studies, said the release of so many dangerous illegal aliens suggests the Obama Administration is not serious about setting deportation priorities or enforcing immigration laws. “I was astonished at not only the huge number of convicted criminals who were freed from ICE custody last year – an average of almost 100 a day -- but also at the large number of very serious crimes they had committed,” Vaughn said. “In light of these numbers, it will be hard to justify further relaxation of enforcement or reductions in detention capacity, as the administration has sought."

ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013 | Center for Immigration Studies
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The House Armed Services Committee passed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015 on Wednesday night, without including Rep. Jeff Denham's (R-Calif.) ENLIST Act or Rep. Mike Coffman's (R-Colo.) Military Enlistment Act. Both bills would have granted amnesty to certain illegal aliens who enlist in the military.

Yay!!! Victory in the fight against illegal immigration.
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On the Senate floor earler this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, blasted the Obama Administration’s proposed rule giving work permits to the spouses of certain H-1B visa holders. He said Congress did not authorize the Administration proposal. “They act on their own,” Sen. Grassley said. “And, they do it to the detriment of American workers.”

Sen. Grassley argued the proposal will allow more foreign workers to come, work, and compete with U. S. workers in high-skilled fields despite the well-documented fraud in the H-1B program. “The Obama administration clearly doesn’t seem concerned with the millions of unemployed Americans, and those who have been forced out of their jobs because companies prefer to hire lower-paid workers from abroad,” Grassley said.

Sen. Grassley continued, “In addition to their lack of compassion and understanding for American workers, it’s disturbing that the administration is once again circumventing Congress and implementing their own rules. As with other unilateral actions this administration has taken, I question their legal authority to issue this rule.

“In 2001, Congress explicitly laid out in statute that the Secretary could provide work authorizations to certain spouses of foreign workers. Congress said that work authorizations could be given to spouses of L1 (intercompany transfers) and E (treaty traders/investors) visa holders. Congress did not, at that time, give spouses of H-1B visa holders the permission to work. It could have, but it didn’t.

“The administration may claim that it has broad authority to issue work authorizations to anyone in the United States. If the executive branch has such broad authority, then why would Congress explicitly lay out the category of visa holders and foreign nationals who could work in the U.S.? And, what will come next? Where will this administration stop? What other categories of individuals will be granted work authorizations?”
That there are people fishing and swimming in the Gulf, doesn't mean the water is clean. Actually, both here in Hillsborough county and Pinellas, various beaches are often shut down due to pollution. Then, the answer to your question would be NO, there is NOT swimming or fishing or shrimping in the Gulf Coast today.

You're full of shit.

Verification is easy. Just contact the Tampa Tribune and the Tampa Bay Times. They post notices routinely. Most common is Dog Beach on Gandy Blvd. :D

Tampa doesn't count it's been filthy there for 40years.
You're full of shit.

Verification is easy. Just contact the Tampa Tribune and the Tampa Bay Times. They post notices routinely. Most common is Dog Beach on Gandy Blvd. :D

Tampa doesn't count it's been filthy there for 40years.

My arguing is over for this week. This is Memorial Day week (leading up to Memorial Day). I will only post this week in my new thread >> "Nothing Is More Important Than Memorial Day." I hope that all who post in that thread will respect the meaning and significance of this hugely important day/weekend/week. We can bitch and claw at each other left & right over here but in the Memorial Day thread, we need to show respect for those who gave it all to PROTECT us and our nation, regardless of any politics around it.
I'm fairly confident that it will be a peaceful, solemn, respectful thread, to honor those whom we owe really everything we have. :salute: If anybody were to go in there and start troll talking, they'd have to be the biggest idiot on earth. I think we're all above that.
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Here are what I see as the HARMS of Immigration (in America). Feel free to dispute, debate, confirm, or whatever on any one or combination of these. This should be a good, rousing debate (but please try to stay on topic)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Can you substantiate this assertion with any facts?

I ask because suggesting that "Americans (especially whites) lose jobs due to affirmative action" flies in the face of
Ricci v. DeStefano
Washington v. Davis
City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co
Gratz v. Bollinger
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

...and many other cases.

Do you know what affirmative action is?
"In the United States, affirmative action refers to equal opportunity employment measures that Federal contractors and subcontractors are legally required to adopt. These measures are intended to prevent discrimination against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of 'color, religion, sex, or national origin'."
Affirmative action in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Affirmative action in the United States is not the same thing as employment equity in Canada. Furthermore, even in the racial quota Canadian system, Immigrants are not necessarily given any preferences, and absolutely no preference if they are not citizens.
Verification is easy. Just contact the Tampa Tribune and the Tampa Bay Times. They post notices routinely. Most common is Dog Beach on Gandy Blvd. :D

Tampa doesn't count it's been filthy there for 40years.

My arguing is over for this week. This is Memorial Day week (leading up to Memorial Day). I will only post this week in my new thread >> "Nothing Is More Important Than Memorial Day." I hope that all who post in that thread will respect the meaning and significance of this hugely important day/weekend/week. We can bitch and claw at each other left & right over here but in the Memorial Day thread, we need to show respect for those who gave it all to PROTECT us and our nation, regardless of any politics around it.
I'm fairly confident that it will be a peaceful, solemn, respectful thread, to honor those whom we owe really everything we have. :salute: If anybody were to go in there and start troll talking, they'd have to be the biggest idiot on earth. I think we're all above that.
Just keep the homophobic, xenophobic, etc. stuff out of it and you won't get an argument from me.

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