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Immigration Reform is now dead, taking with it the future of the GOP

The TP is claiming that Cantor's supposed support for Immigration Reform is the reason he lost. I am not sure that is totally true, but a chill is now passing through the establishment Republicans. They will run, not walk away, from anything that even resembles Immigration Reform. What does this mean?

This means the long term survival of the GOP is in serious trouble. As the GOP runs away from IR, the Hispanic community will further distance itself from the GOP. If this happens, demographic changes will make it near impossible for the GOP to maintain a majority in the House by 2020. National elections will be out of the questions and such reliable red states such as Texas and Louisiana could be turning blue. 2014 may be the GOP's last chance to win the Senate.

The battle within the GOP can only be seen as a plus for the Democrats, but they cannot sit on their laurels and expect to win. They need to continue to make IR a huge issues in all of their elections. There will be a time when the Hispanic Community steps away from the Dems, but it is nowhere in sight.


The problem right now is that we have laws for immigration and many aren't being enforced. Couple that with the mass exodus that sees a free ride from the O admin and you have a potentially deadly crisis at the border. Most of this is Os fault...not all of it.

Why is it Obama's fault when immigration reform proposals are not much different from those proposed by BushII? the idea we can round them up and ship them back has been proven time and again to be a factual impossibility and some RW fantasy bordering on porn.

You want to secure the border. License those working here, and make it extremely painful financially to hire an unlicensed noncitizen.

But I'm beginning to agree with Jim. Brat organized a plan to get dems to crossover and send Cantor to a loss. If that's true, it may be the first time I've heard of a guy working a cross over to defeat someone in HIS OWN PARTY. That would be very despicable. Reagan would be not amused.

This recent exodus of children into border states is mainly due to O's policies and EO that refers to the issue. The border hasn't been enforced for years before he was in office. That's not O's fault.
Xenophobia will not win in the long run.

This is America.

The multi-cultured outnumber the Tea Brain bigots.

Standard exaggeration and hyperbole.

Wanting to close borders and enforce immigration laws does not = "xenophobia".

Libturd retreads can't resist throwing the race card out.

No race card Chief. This is the Reality Card. The GOP idea for Immigration reform is to build a big fence and close their eyes in hopes that no one climbs over it or goes around it.

But wait....what about the milliions that are already here? I really think their solution is to round them all up and ship them back. :badgrin: It ain't gonnna happen. Obama has been more aggressive than even W in that area. But the problem is going to still be there.

Does the GOP want to come up with a solution? Or are they content on doing nothing and alienating millions of voters? It seems that they have chosen to close up the old umbrella and go home. That will be their demise. :dig:
The problem right now is that we have laws for immigration and many aren't being enforced. Couple that with the mass exodus that sees a free ride from the O admin and you have a potentially deadly crisis at the border. Most of this is Os fault...not all of it.

Why is it Obama's fault when immigration reform proposals are not much different from those proposed by BushII? the idea we can round them up and ship them back has been proven time and again to be a factual impossibility and some RW fantasy bordering on porn.

You want to secure the border. License those working here, and make it extremely painful financially to hire an unlicensed noncitizen.

But I'm beginning to agree with Jim. Brat organized a plan to get dems to crossover and send Cantor to a loss. If that's true, it may be the first time I've heard of a guy working a cross over to defeat someone in HIS OWN PARTY. That would be very despicable. Reagan would be not amused.

This recent exodus of children into border states is mainly due to O's policies and EO that refers to the issue. The border hasn't been enforced for years before he was in office. That's not O's fault.

The problem is there's no possible means to prevent entry without ending the economic incentive. The only way to do that is to have US biz not hiring Illegal workers. BUT, the businesses NEED the workers. So, the only way to make it work is to legalize and license the workers, and make biz pay a heavy penalty for not verifying, and make it very painful for those who help illegal workers cheat the system.

The children are only an outgrowth of the failure to secure the border. The EOs were only attempts to deal with the problem of kids of unlicensed workers. The EOs have had an unintended effect, to be sure. But we need a systemic solution, and the kids only illustrate that.

And the gop's "deport em" stance only prevents any systemic solution. It's been shown over and over that to deport even a fraction would require the fed courts to cease everything else and become deportation courts. So, I conclude the gop/tpm stance has little to do with immigration, And a vast maj of latinos think likewise. The anti-reform wing seems to bitterly cling to the notion that Americans will do the work. They won't because the workers who are healthy enough to do that labor and not working are either malingers or criminals. The 25 year olds seem able to find at least restaurant jobs.
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Why is it Obama's fault when immigration reform proposals are not much different from those proposed by BushII? the idea we can round them up and ship them back has been proven time and again to be a factual impossibility and some RW fantasy bordering on porn.

You want to secure the border. License those working here, and make it extremely painful financially to hire an unlicensed noncitizen.

But I'm beginning to agree with Jim. Brat organized a plan to get dems to crossover and send Cantor to a loss. If that's true, it may be the first time I've heard of a guy working a cross over to defeat someone in HIS OWN PARTY. That would be very despicable. Reagan would be not amused.

This recent exodus of children into border states is mainly due to O's policies and EO that refers to the issue. The border hasn't been enforced for years before he was in office. That's not O's fault.

The problem is there's no possible means to prevent entry without ending the economic incentive. The only way to do that is to have US biz not hiring Illegal workers. BUT, the businesses NEED the workers. So, the only way to make it work is to legalize and license the workers, and make biz pay a heavy penalty for not verifying, and make it very painful for those who help illegal workers cheat the system.

The children are only an outgrowth of the failure to secure the border. The EOs were only attempts to deal with the problem of kids of unlicensed workers. The EOs have had an unintended effect, to be sure. But we need a systemic solution, and the kids only illustrate that.

And the gop's "deport em" stance only prevents any systemic solution. It's been shown over and over that to deport even a fraction would require the fed courts to cease everything else and become deportation courts. So, I conclude the gop/tpm stance has little to do with immigration, And a vast maj of latinos think likewise. The anti-reform wing seems to bitterly cling to the notion that Americans will do the work. They won't because the workers who are healthy enough to do that labor and not working are either malingers or criminals. The 25 year olds seem able to find at least restaurant jobs.

Good post, bendog. I agree with most but I still believe the problem resides with the bad economic conditions in mexico. Thats all well and good trying to offer a temporary stop gap to the persisting problem within our borders but it will not solve the onslaught of incoming illegal immigrants if they know they have some type of free pass in. Ultimately, mexico has to fix its problem.
The TP is claiming that Cantor's supposed support for Immigration Reform is the reason he lost. I am not sure that is totally true, but a chill is now passing through the establishment Republicans. They will run, not walk away, from anything that even resembles Immigration Reform. What does this mean?

This means the long term survival of the GOP is in serious trouble. As the GOP runs away from IR, the Hispanic community will further distance itself from the GOP. If this happens, demographic changes will make it near impossible for the GOP to maintain a majority in the House by 2020. National elections will be out of the questions and such reliable red states such as Texas and Louisiana could be turning blue. 2014 may be the GOP's last chance to win the Senate.

The battle within the GOP can only be seen as a plus for the Democrats, but they cannot sit on their laurels and expect to win. They need to continue to make IR a huge issues in all of their elections. There will be a time when the Hispanic Community steps away from the Dems, but it is nowhere in sight.


Hispanic Americans are not stupid, they know that republican opposition to immigration reform is in fact opposition to more ‘brown people’ who speak Spanish living in America; it’s the ignorance and fear exhibited by most on the reactionary right that immigration is 'destroying’ America that will keep Hispanic voters voting democratic for the very long term.
The TP is claiming that Cantor's supposed support for Immigration Reform is the reason he lost. I am not sure that is totally true, but a chill is now passing through the establishment Republicans. They will run, not walk away, from anything that even resembles Immigration Reform. What does this mean?

This means the long term survival of the GOP is in serious trouble. As the GOP runs away from IR, the Hispanic community will further distance itself from the GOP. If this happens, demographic changes will make it near impossible for the GOP to maintain a majority in the House by 2020. National elections will be out of the questions and such reliable red states such as Texas and Louisiana could be turning blue. 2014 may be the GOP's last chance to win the Senate.

The battle within the GOP can only be seen as a plus for the Democrats, but they cannot sit on their laurels and expect to win. They need to continue to make IR a huge issues in all of their elections. There will be a time when the Hispanic Community steps away from the Dems, but it is nowhere in sight.


Hispanic Americans are not stupid, they know that republican opposition to immigration reform is in fact opposition to more ‘brown people’ who speak Spanish living in America; it’s the ignorance and fear exhibited by most on the reactionary right that immigration is 'destroying’ America that will keep Hispanic voters voting democratic for the very long term.
bullshit, it's vote towards fewer people competing for low wage jobs and it's a vote to stop importing welfare families.
There will be a time when the Hispanic Community steps away from the Dems, but it is nowhere in sight.


I'm not sure how the Dem's claim the entire Hispanic Community, or any racial minority.

Republicans run a Hispanic candidate in 2016. Whatever issue hispanics may have with immigration, (still unproven that this matters much) becomes irrelevant.
Hispanic Americans are not stupid, they know that republican opposition to immigration reform is in fact opposition to more ‘brown people’ who speak Spanish living in America; it’s the ignorance and fear exhibited by most on the reactionary right that immigration is 'destroying’ America that will keep Hispanic voters voting democratic for the very long term.
bullshit, it's vote towards fewer people competing for low wage jobs and it's a vote to stop importing welfare families.


The only thing "stupid" is the assuption that hispanics see immigration reform as a racial issue, and that they are completely ignorant of the economic issues that arise when cheap labor is allowed to compete with them.
Some kind of immigration reform might have gotten done except one big problem is the Republicans wanted border security as part of any bill and even if that was in the bill they had no faith in Obama to actually enforce it. A just concern given how many times we have seen Obama enforce some parts of laws most notable Obamacare but not others and just amend change and delay parts if the law when it suited him.
If this happens, demographic changes will make it near impossible for the GOP to maintain a majority in the House by 2020.
How will these demographic changes occur without immigration reform?

Hispanics make up 10% of the electorate...
If the Republicans kiss their ass for votes like the Democrat party
how much could that possibly help the GOP.
good gawd, you people act like our country can't survive without giving these criminals Amnesty..

If it's bad for us and our country you liberals are all for it

you are just Un-American when you care for outsiders/lawbreakers more than you do American citizens
It would work just fine.
Don't just "haul people off to camps", though. We don't want them here. Period.

Follow that up with deportation within 48 hours of arrival at the camp and you have a winner.

Actually it wont. For starters no nation has successfully defended its border by putting up a wall that size. It is impossible to police it all. Second, you can deport them back to, e.g. Mexico. Then what? They will simply sneak over again. It is impossible to secure the US from ilegal immigrants without turning the place into a police state.

It's impossible, so we just throw up our hands and give up?

We can at least TRY.

You're kidding me, right? It's the same attitude as the libs have to gun control. What could it hurt? We need to do something!
No. This is what we do: Everyone who wants to come to the US to work should be able to fill out a simple application, pay a very nominal fee, and get an ID card with biometric information that allows him to work and also allows him to pass back over whatever border he originally came in on. He can get emergency treatment like anyone else here but nothing more. He has to pay taxes like anyone else but unless he goes ahead and gets citizenship he loses that money.
We need to eliminate the anchor baby thing. We need to tighten eligibility on social benefit programs, preferably eliminating a huge chunk of them.
If you do that you remove incentives for guys to bring their families with them. CUrrently it's so hard to get across the border that people come with their families and stay. IN the past they would come themselves and go back home periodically.
Turning the US into North Korea really wont help and there is no fundamental difference between an illegal immigrant and a US citizen. If gov't cracks down on one, they will crack down on the other.
The TP is claiming that Cantor's supposed support for Immigration Reform is the reason he lost. I am not sure that is totally true, but a chill is now passing through the establishment Republicans. They will run, not walk away, from anything that even resembles Immigration Reform. What does this mean?

This means the long term survival of the GOP is in serious trouble. As the GOP runs away from IR, the Hispanic community will further distance itself from the GOP. If this happens, demographic changes will make it near impossible for the GOP to maintain a majority in the House by 2020. National elections will be out of the questions and such reliable red states such as Texas and Louisiana could be turning blue. 2014 may be the GOP's last chance to win the Senate.

The battle within the GOP can only be seen as a plus for the Democrats, but they cannot sit on their laurels and expect to win. They need to continue to make IR a huge issues in all of their elections. There will be a time when the Hispanic Community steps away from the Dems, but it is nowhere in sight.


Hispanic Americans are not stupid, they know that republican opposition to immigration reform is in fact opposition to more ‘brown people’ who speak Spanish living in America; it’s the ignorance and fear exhibited by most on the reactionary right that immigration is 'destroying’ America that will keep Hispanic voters voting democratic for the very long term.

Actually the only reason anyone thinks that is because Democrats demagogue the issue that way with them. In truth Hispanics ought to be GOP voters. They largely come to work and start businesses, and they tend to be traditional and religious, anti gay marriage, anti abortion.

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