'Impeach Barr, Too': Critics Demand ... for Refusing to Investigate Trump-Ukraine Call

/—-/ What’s to investigate? Everyone can read the transcript—- or you mean investigate by reading between the lines and just making up dialogue like Schiff did. Got it.

Newsflash...that WASN'T a "transcript"

It was a MEMO not unlike Billy the Bagman's "no collusion" memo

That the "safe" part of a thirty minute phone call...and it was damning

Newsflash: every time you Leftists drum up a crapstorm but still have nothing, you look more pathetic, more desperate, and more completely out of ideas

I am enjoying the idea of seeing how many more times you will humiliate yourselves before the 2020 election
I'm going to start another thread asking Barr to throw out the whistleblower complaint because its based on an unlawful revision of the whistleblower law. The original law said that the whistleblower had to have "firsthand knowledge" of the wrongdoing. This entire setup of Trump is illegal.
/—-/ What’s to investigate? Everyone can read the transcript—- or you mean investigate by reading between the lines and just making up dialogue like Schiff did. Got it.

Newsflash...that WASN'T a "transcript"

It was a MEMO not unlike Billy the Bagman's "no collusion" memo

That the "safe" part of a thirty minute phone call...and it was damning
/——-/ link

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