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Impeach Cheney...?

Hello, Steffie, dear. :)

Problem is they're intentionally keeping the soldiers in the field.

Congress' approval rating is in the pits because Bush keeps vetoing anything worthwhile and we can't override with the current congress :eusa_dance:

Dems numbers are in the pits because they are pushing for surrender in Iarq, higher taxes, increasing the amount of pork, wanting government run health care, going with another pay raise, and wanting to silence politcal speech they do not agree with
No one significant in the Democrat Party, not even Obama, wants impeachment proceedings. Apparently there is a limit to which the Dem candidates will pander to the radical Left.

Obama Says Despite Shortcomings of Bush Administration, Impeachment is not Acceptable

complete article: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/06/28/america/NA-POL-US-Obama-No-Impeachment.php

WASHINGTON: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama laid out list of political shortcomings he sees in the Bush administration but said he opposes impeachment for either President George W. Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney.
Impeach Impeach Impeach..

Seems to be the only thing the Democrats can think about today..

Ever since their sleezball, playboy of a President was impeached...

It's actually rather amusing to watch...:cuckoo:

Yes I love how when ever one of us brings up Clinton and all his slimeball criminal activities we are told he was never convicted. We are told that just because in the past some democrat did this or that and it was wrong, doesn't mean it is right to recipricate. Dems on the other hand are free to do exactly what they chide us about. Usual antics of the left... The rules do not apply to them, they get to tell us how to act while not doing what ever it is they demand we do.

Remind me again how for 8 years the Clinton's never were found guilty and thus it was all a political show and politics was the only reason any of the claims were made. Then remind me how after almost 7 years the same is somehow NOT true in regards Bush and Cheney.
The thing with Clinton...

Is I don't think he would of ever been impeached...

If he had just stood up, admit his *screw up*(bun intended):badgrin: , and finally told the truth for the first time in his life...

He's the one who chose to lie, and get everyone around him involved in his lie...

So, I don't feel sorry for him...

I didn't care if he screwed the whole Dallas cheerleader team...

It was when he looked in that camera and told the American people...

I did NOT have sex with THAT WOMAN, Miss Lewinsky...

Now, this cry for impeaching President Bush, because he so called....lied..

It's been proven over and over again to these people, that the Dems. thought the same things, that he said...on Iraq..

Yet, they still chose to ignore it..

And if there HAD BEEN any crime committed, that they have accused him off, he would of been IMPEACHED ALREADY....

So anymore when I hear the calls for impeachment, I just laugh my arse off...

And, break out the pictures....of the people on the beach getting sand up butts.......spelling out impeach......:D
Hey, long time no see Jilly dear....

Tell you the truth, I'm pretty disgusted with BOTH parties right now, and I'm really ticked with President Bush for pushing this immigration bill on us...

But, what I've seen....
<b>I've not seen any impeachable offense that Dick Cheney has committed</b>...
So, as far as I'm concerned, this impeach Cheney, is people just blowing smoke out of their butts....:D

Then you haven't been paying attention dear.
The thing with Clinton...

Is I don't think he would of ever been impeached...

If he had just stood up, admit his *screw up*(bun intended):badgrin: , and finally told the truth for the first time in his life...

He's the one who chose to lie, and get everyone around him involved in his lie...

So, I don't feel sorry for him...

I didn't care if he screwed the whole Dallas cheerleader team...

It was when he looked in that camera and told the American people...

I did NOT have sex with THAT WOMAN, Miss Lewinsky...

Now, this cry for impeaching President Bush, because he so called....lied..

It's been proven over and over again to these people, that the Dems. thought the same things, that he said...on Iraq..

Yet, they still chose to ignore it..

And if there HAD BEEN any crime committed, that they have accused him off, he would of been IMPEACHED ALREADY....

So anymore when I hear the calls for impeachment, I just laugh my arse off...

And, break out the pictures....of the people on the beach getting sand up butts.......spelling out impeach......:D

Like I said earlier, dear, Before November 6th, 2006, no Articles of Impeachment could have made it to the floor of a Republican dominated Congress. They put loyalty to party and president above their duty to the Constitution and Country. The Republicans are still doing so, and given that Speaker Pelosi has stated that impeachment was "off the table", it is clear that the democrats in Congress are putting their political fortunes above THEIR duty to Constitution and Country. They all need to be whipped naked and howling into the wilderness.
No one significant in the Democrat Party, not even Obama, wants impeachment proceedings. Apparently there is a limit to which the Dem candidates will pander to the radical Left.

No, they are simply more interested in advancing themselves and their fortunes than in doing their duty. This robs them of the necessary moral fortitude to take any such action.
Yes I love how when ever one of us brings up Clinton and all his slimeball criminal activities we are told he was never convicted. We are told that just because in the past some democrat did this or that and it was wrong, doesn't mean it is right to recipricate. Dems on the other hand are free to do exactly what they chide us about. Usual antics of the left... The rules do not apply to them, they get to tell us how to act while not doing what ever it is they demand we do.

Remind me again how for 8 years the Clinton's never were found guilty and thus it was all a political show and politics was the only reason any of the claims were made. Then remind me how after almost 7 years the same is somehow NOT true in regards Bush and Cheney.

It's not that they were never convicted, its that Kenneth Starr never found any credible evidence of wrong doing of which to even charge them. As for the Democrats engaging in some sort of tit-for-tat game, had the Republican controlled Congress actually performed its oversight duties these investigations would have long since been wrapped up and this administration's excesses checked. Whether that would have resulted in impeachment or not is a moot point. The salient point is that through its inaction, through its misguided placement of loyalty to party and president above their duty to the Constitution and Country, the GOP allowed things to come to the point which they have. Had they done their duty we wouldn't be facing a real constitutional crisis due to the excesses and overweening thirst for power of the Bush/Cheney administration.
No one significant in the Democrat Party, not even Obama, wants impeachment proceedings. Apparently there is a limit to which the Dem candidates will pander to the radical Left.

I do not know about that. You have to remember you are talking about the far left - the same people who belive that marriage is out dated (except for homosexuals) To get a vote, the Dems will do anything for them
You're up early. The first election was handed to them by the SCOTUS, the second by Ken Blackwell.

Simply not true. Bush WON in 2000, EVERY recount then and since has proven that point. Gore wanted to deny the entire State of Florida a voice and vote in that election and he was aided and abetted by 7 democrats in the Florida Supreme Court, they ignored the very laws they were required to uphold.

And in 2004 Bush won because the Liberals were to STUPID to run someone against him that people could trust and feel safe in voting for.
You're up early. The first election was handed to them by the SCOTUS, the second by Ken Blackwell.

Try again. Even the liberal medias recount showed Pres Bush won. Even CNN could not come out and admit it in its headline

Analysis suggests vote recount favored Bush

February 26, 2001
Web posted at: 1:31 a.m. EST (0631 GMT

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- In a post-election analysis, The Miami Herald suggests that George W. Bush likely would have won the presidency outright if Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris had allowed South Florida counties to complete manual recounts before certifying last November's election.

The Herald, on its website and in a front-page story today, said that Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore would have not have gained enough votes in the recount of Miami-Dade County "undervote" ballots to overcome Bush's lead.

The Herald reported that its inspection of undervotes, done by a public accounting firm, used the broadest possible standard possible "to decide when a mark is a vote."

The Herald review suggested that Gore would have gained no more than 49 votes if a recount of Miami-Dade ballots had been allowed. "That would have been 140 too few to overcome Bush's lead, even when joined with Gore gains in Volusia, Palm Beach and Broward counties -- the three other counties where Gore had requested manual recounts," The Herald reported.

Latest in series of stories
Mark Siebel, The Herald's managing editor for news, said a team of up to 15 reporters and researchers had examined 10,644 disputed presidential ballots from those counties.

Monday's story by The Herald is the latest in a series of stories the newspaper has published examining the presidential vote in all 67 Florida counties.

Following the November election, Gore sought a recount in selected counties, saying thousands of ballots had never been counted. Republicans opposed that effort, saying the ballots had been counted by machines and some voters simply never made a clear selection for president.

Bush won the presidency five weeks after Election Day after the U.S. Supreme Court blocked Gore's efforts to have the disputed ballots counted by hand.

Other news organizations examine vote
A separate group of news organizations, including CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post, have joined forces to retain a nonprofit research firm to conduct an inventory of Florida's uncounted presidential ballots.

Simply not true. Bush WON in 2000, EVERY recount then and since has proven that point. Gore wanted to deny the entire State of Florida a voice and vote in that election and he was aided and abetted by 7 democrats in the Florida Supreme Court, they ignored the very laws they were required to uphold.

And in 2004 Bush won because the Liberals were to STUPID to run someone against him that people could trust and feel safe in voting for.

Did Dems have anyone the people could trust and feel safe in voting for in 04?

Or in 08 for that matter?
Did Dems have anyone the people could trust and feel safe in voting for in 04?

Or in 08 for that matter?

There are members of the Democratic party that are not lying rats. Did any of them run? I do not remember, Did Lieberman run?

The reality is the democrats have allowed the barking crazy far left to dominate the National process. Bush was beatable. The democrats basicly elected him by the idiot they chose to run against him.
There are members of the Democratic party that are not lying rats. Did any of them run? I do not remember, Did Lieberman run?

The reality is the democrats have allowed the barking crazy far left to dominate the National process. Bush was beatable. The democrats basicly elected him by the idiot they chose to run against him.

Dems showed they are the party of appeaser - and nobody they put up would have won

Much like Hillary and Obama - the people in the US do not want surrender in Iraq - they want to win

I do wish our troops would have the handcuffs taken uff and turned loose to their job.
Dems showed they are the party of appeaser - and nobody they put up would have won

Much like Hillary and Obama - the people in the US do not want surrender in Iraq - they want to win

I do wish our troops would have the handcuffs taken uff and turned loose to their job.

The democrats were not foaming at the mouth to get out of Iraq in 2004.
There are members of the Democratic party that are not lying rats. Did any of them run? I do not remember, Did Lieberman run?

The reality is the democrats have allowed the barking crazy far left to dominate the National process. Bush was beatable. The democrats basicly elected him by the idiot they chose to run against him.
Extremists push Dem candidates to the far Left during the primary season. Perhaps in the future, as the country moves closer to a national primary, that effect will be minimized on both the Left and Right.
The democrats were not foaming at the mouth to get out of Iraq in 2004.

I know that

In 04 they were screaming for more troops to be sent to Iraq

As soon as Pres Bush said the same thing - they were against it

Now they ARE foaming at the mouth to surrender in Iraq

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