Impeach or not impeach, that is the question.

On a cold December day in 1998, a Republican lead house impeached President Clinton.
Even though 31 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to impeach, I certainly viewed it as partisan.
I thought the whole things was a sad joke. He was being impeached because he lied to Congress, covering up an affair. Not covering up some nefarious wrong against the citizens of this country. But covering up an affair with an intern.
What Clinton did was wrong (the affair). It showed a substantial lack of character and bad judgement placing himself in that position. But to impeach a nationally elected President for that? No. I don't think for 2 seconds the framers ever imagined such a thing.
And now Trump. A Democrat led house impeached President Trump. 100% partisan vote. And the resulting acquittal was 99.9% partisan vote.
Now of course both sides are going to claim it was partisan - a witch hunt by one side, a cover up by the other.

Instead we need to reexamine impeachment. Clinton had an affair. How many Presidents before him also have? Trump reportedly wanted to capitalize on funds provided to a foreign government to get something he wanted. I am here to bet you almost every other President has done the same thing! And Trump didn't even follow through!
To impeach a sitting United Stated President, OBVIOUSLY whatever he/she is being impeached for - it should be something that is truly bad that NO serious person would argue against. Either side.
No Clinton committed the crime of perjury during a lawsuit deposition...….get it correct, which is an actual crime, which Trump did NOT do...….an actual crime......

Clinton was acquitted of an actual crime -

Trump was acquitted of no actual crime -

you cant make that shit up .......... :auiqs.jpg:

That is not the topic, the differences between the two. Which, yes, exists.
Rather what do they both share.
I say, that neither were impeachable.
DO we really want to set a precedent in this country where the leader is impeached commonly for minor offenses?

Impeachment for a President is for high crimes, bribery, treason or a misdemeanor. A felony is a higher crime than a misdemeanor. So it falls well within the guidelines of the US Constitution.
On a cold December day in 1998, a Republican lead house impeached President Clinton.
Even though 31 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to impeach, I certainly viewed it as partisan.
I thought the whole things was a sad joke. He was being impeached because he lied to Congress, covering up an affair. Not covering up some nefarious wrong against the citizens of this country. But covering up an affair with an intern.
What Clinton did was wrong (the affair). It showed a substantial lack of character and bad judgement placing himself in that position. But to impeach a nationally elected President for that? No. I don't think for 2 seconds the framers ever imagined such a thing.
And now Trump. A Democrat led house impeached President Trump. 100% partisan vote. And the resulting acquittal was 99.9% partisan vote.
Now of course both sides are going to claim it was partisan - a witch hunt by one side, a cover up by the other.

Instead we need to reexamine impeachment. Clinton had an affair. How many Presidents before him also have? Trump reportedly wanted to capitalize on funds provided to a foreign government to get something he wanted. I am here to bet you almost every other President has done the same thing! And Trump didn't even follow through!
To impeach a sitting United Stated President, OBVIOUSLY whatever he/she is being impeached for - it should be something that is truly bad that NO serious person would argue against. Either side.
well again, to be fair, it exposed him for a blackmail event. just saying.
oh, perhaps sexual harassment? I mean, womanizing in the oval office? I think as a citizen, he abused the office that's ours. had sex in our office, with an intern. submissive practice. Conduct unbecoming as well. I don't care that he was married either, that has no bearing on it. too be clear.
That is not the topic, the differences between the two. Which, yes, exists.
Rather what do they both share.
I say, that neither were impeachable.
DO we really want to set a precedent in this country where the leader is impeached commonly for minor offenses?
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?

You are not getting the point.
He did those things while testifying about an affair.
What Clinton did that started this whole thing, while morally detestable, wasn't a crime. He was made to testify about what happend and he lied, he also tried to hide evidence about it, and tried to bribe other people to carry his water. - All bad. But he wasn't lying to protect himself for a crime against the American people.
In my opinion, Clinton should have resigned. I bet it was Hillary who stopped him...but another story.

The point I am trying to make, is not what are the differences between the two impeachments.
But we need to examine what should be the grounds for impeachment. It is far to vague.
On a cold December day in 1998, a Republican lead house impeached President Clinton.
Even though 31 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to impeach, I certainly viewed it as partisan.
I thought the whole things was a sad joke. He was being impeached because he lied to Congress, covering up an affair. Not covering up some nefarious wrong against the citizens of this country. But covering up an affair with an intern.
What Clinton did was wrong (the affair). It showed a substantial lack of character and bad judgement placing himself in that position. But to impeach a nationally elected President for that? No. I don't think for 2 seconds the framers ever imagined such a thing.
And now Trump. A Democrat led house impeached President Trump. 100% partisan vote. And the resulting acquittal was 99.9% partisan vote.
Now of course both sides are going to claim it was partisan - a witch hunt by one side, a cover up by the other.

Instead we need to reexamine impeachment. Clinton had an affair. How many Presidents before him also have? Trump reportedly wanted to capitalize on funds provided to a foreign government to get something he wanted. I am here to bet you almost every other President has done the same thing! And Trump didn't even follow through!
To impeach a sitting United Stated President, OBVIOUSLY whatever he/she is being impeached for - it should be something that is truly bad that NO serious person would argue against. Either side.
No Clinton committed the crime of perjury during a lawsuit deposition...….get it correct, which is an actual crime, which Trump did NOT do...….an actual crime......

Clinton was acquitted of an actual crime -

Trump was acquitted of no actual crime -

you cant make that shit up .......... :auiqs.jpg:

Clinton did commit actual crimes. He was already under a financial investigation known as "Whitewater." That same year, Paula Jones sued him, accusing him of sexual harassment. And we all know that "All women must be believed."

Then in 1998, during Jones' case, Clinton denied under oath that he'd ever had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton testified over the allegations that he'd committed perjury by lying about his affair with Lewinsky. Then he finally admitted to having an affair with Lewinsky.

In other words, Clinton had lied to a grand jury, that he had committed perjury by denying his relationship with Lewinsky, and that he had obstructed justice.

President Trump on the other, did nothing but try to uphold an Obama-era anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine. If like you say that he was attempting to interfere with Biden's election, why is Biden failing so badly in the polls? If Biden was treated so unfairly, wouldn't he be getting much more support from the Democrat voters?

Trumps impeachment was worse. I would never say otherwise, at least there was a base for impeaching Clinton. Trump - thin air. Someone said he said some shit to a foreign President... the transcripts were realeased... and what he said did not resemble what was represented by the "witness".
Whatever... not the point.

My point - we need to reexamine what grounds for impeachment should be. It should be much clearer and concrete.
If they would have done this 20 years ago - Trump would never have been impeached.
That is not the topic, the differences between the two. Which, yes, exists.
Rather what do they both share.
I say, that neither were impeachable.
DO we really want to set a precedent in this country where the leader is impeached commonly for minor offenses?
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?
You are not getting the point.
He did those things while testifying about an affair.
-YOU- are not getting the point.
He committed FEDERAL FELONIES while in office - the justification for which is irrelevant
But we need to examine what should be the grounds for impeachment. It is far to vague.
So, I ask again:
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?
On a cold December day in 1998, a Republican lead house impeached President Clinton.
Even though 31 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to impeach, I certainly viewed it as partisan.
I thought the whole things was a sad joke. He was being impeached because he lied to Congress, covering up an affair. Not covering up some nefarious wrong against the citizens of this country. But covering up an affair with an intern.
What Clinton did was wrong (the affair). It showed a substantial lack of character and bad judgement placing himself in that position. But to impeach a nationally elected President for that? No. I don't think for 2 seconds the framers ever imagined such a thing.
And now Trump. A Democrat led house impeached President Trump. 100% partisan vote. And the resulting acquittal was 99.9% partisan vote.
Now of course both sides are going to claim it was partisan - a witch hunt by one side, a cover up by the other.

Instead we need to reexamine impeachment. Clinton had an affair. How many Presidents before him also have? Trump reportedly wanted to capitalize on funds provided to a foreign government to get something he wanted. I am here to bet you almost every other President has done the same thing! And Trump didn't even follow through!
To impeach a sitting United Stated President, OBVIOUSLY whatever he/she is being impeached for - it should be something that is truly bad that NO serious person would argue against. Either side.
No Clinton committed the crime of perjury during a lawsuit deposition...….get it correct, which is an actual crime, which Trump did NOT do...….an actual crime......

Clinton was acquitted of an actual crime -

Trump was acquitted of no actual crime -

you cant make that shit up .......... :auiqs.jpg:

That is not the topic, the differences between the two. Which, yes, exists.
Rather what do they both share.
I say, that neither were impeachable.
DO we really want to set a precedent in this country where the leader is impeached commonly for minor offenses?

nah, we want a potus that stonewalls anything and everything except his base kissing his fat ass -

President Trump is "stonewalling" nothing, except for the attempts of an obstructive bunch of lunatic Democrats trying to derail him. I shouldn't have to remind you of everything he's accomplished in three years.

If you don't know, look it up.
That is not the topic, the differences between the two. Which, yes, exists.
Rather what do they both share.
I say, that neither were impeachable.
DO we really want to set a precedent in this country where the leader is impeached commonly for minor offenses?
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?
You are not getting the point.
He did those things while testifying about an affair.
-YOU- are not getting the point.
He committed FEDERAL FELONIES while in office - the justification for which is irrelevant
But we need to examine what should be the grounds for impeachment. It is far to vague.
So, I ask again:
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?

You got a hard head.
Do you not realize that the damage done to this country by Clinton's impeachment is still felt today?
Do you not see that the extraordinary division we see today began almost the instant the gavel hit?
Both houses ever since have voted near 100% party line ever since. That is a fact.
The impeachment caused tremendous harm
On a cold December day in 1998, a Republican lead house impeached President Clinton.
Even though 31 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to impeach, I certainly viewed it as partisan.
I thought the whole things was a sad joke. He was being impeached because he lied to Congress, covering up an affair. Not covering up some nefarious wrong against the citizens of this country. But covering up an affair with an intern.
What Clinton did was wrong (the affair). It showed a substantial lack of character and bad judgement placing himself in that position. But to impeach a nationally elected President for that? No. I don't think for 2 seconds the framers ever imagined such a thing.
And now Trump. A Democrat led house impeached President Trump. 100% partisan vote. And the resulting acquittal was 99.9% partisan vote.
Now of course both sides are going to claim it was partisan - a witch hunt by one side, a cover up by the other.

Instead we need to reexamine impeachment. Clinton had an affair. How many Presidents before him also have? Trump reportedly wanted to capitalize on funds provided to a foreign government to get something he wanted. I am here to bet you almost every other President has done the same thing! And Trump didn't even follow through!
To impeach a sitting United Stated President, OBVIOUSLY whatever he/she is being impeached for - it should be something that is truly bad that NO serious person would argue against. Either side.
No Clinton committed the crime of perjury during a lawsuit deposition...….get it correct, which is an actual crime, which Trump did NOT do...….an actual crime......

Clinton was acquitted of an actual crime -

Trump was acquitted of no actual crime -

you cant make that shit up .......... :auiqs.jpg:

Clinton did commit actual crimes. He was already under a financial investigation known as "Whitewater." That same year, Paula Jones sued him, accusing him of sexual harassment. And we all know that "All women must be believed."

Then in 1998, during Jones' case, Clinton denied under oath that he'd ever had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton testified over the allegations that he'd committed perjury by lying about his affair with Lewinsky. Then he finally admitted to having an affair with Lewinsky.

In other words, Clinton had lied to a grand jury, that he had committed perjury by denying his relationship with Lewinsky, and that he had obstructed justice.

President Trump on the other, did nothing but try to uphold an Obama-era anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine. If like you say that he was attempting to interfere with Biden's election, why is Biden failing so badly in the polls? If Biden was treated so unfairly, wouldn't he be getting much more support from the Democrat voters?

Trumps impeachment was worse. I would never say otherwise, at least there was a base for impeaching Clinton. Trump - thin air. Someone said he said some shit to a foreign President... the transcripts were realeased... and what he said did not resemble what was represented by the "witness".
Whatever... not the point.

My point - we need to reexamine what grounds for impeachment should be. It should be much clearer and concrete.
If they would have done this 20 years ago - Trump would never have been impeached.

The only way to change impeachment is to amend the Constitution. How many would go for that, I don't know.
Well, if you watched his victory lap today, you would have seen that now he feels like he can do anything and nobody can touch him.

Gonna be interesting this year.....................
Well, if you watched his victory lap today, you would have seen that now he feels like he can do anything and nobody can touch him.

Gonna be interesting this year.....................

It's really amazing, how after Donald Trump was elected President, suddenly the left developed this acute ability to read the Presidents mind.
That is not the topic, the differences between the two. Which, yes, exists.
Rather what do they both share.
I say, that neither were impeachable.
DO we really want to set a precedent in this country where the leader is impeached commonly for minor offenses?
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?
You are not getting the point.
He did those things while testifying about an affair.
-YOU- are not getting the point.
He committed FEDERAL FELONIES while in office - the justification for which is irrelevant
But we need to examine what should be the grounds for impeachment. It is far to vague.
So, I ask again:
Perjury and obstruction - both federal felonies - are minor offenses?
How are they less of an offense than bribery?
If not perjury and obstruction, what ARE impeachable offenses?
You got a hard head.
You're avoiding the question.
If felonies like bribery, perjury and obstruction of justice are not legitimately impeachable, what are?
Last edited:
Well, if you watched his victory lap today, you would have seen that now he feels like he can do anything and nobody can touch him.

Gonna be interesting this year.....................
Yep, when the Dems cry wolf so much, it does empower him. And he's right, it was bullshit. He's doing what we elected him to do.
Impeach shit....Last public execution was in 1936......This one should bring back that policy for treason...

On a cold December day in 1998, a Republican lead house impeached President Clinton.
Even though 31 Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to impeach, I certainly viewed it as partisan.
I thought the whole things was a sad joke. He was being impeached because he lied to Congress, covering up an affair. Not covering up some nefarious wrong against the citizens of this country. But covering up an affair with an intern.
What Clinton did was wrong (the affair). It showed a substantial lack of character and bad judgement placing himself in that position. But to impeach a nationally elected President for that? No. I don't think for 2 seconds the framers ever imagined such a thing.
And now Trump. A Democrat led house impeached President Trump. 100% partisan vote. And the resulting acquittal was 99.9% partisan vote.
Now of course both sides are going to claim it was partisan - a witch hunt by one side, a cover up by the other.

Instead we need to reexamine impeachment. Clinton had an affair. How many Presidents before him also have? Trump reportedly wanted to capitalize on funds provided to a foreign government to get something he wanted. I am here to bet you almost every other President has done the same thing! And Trump didn't even follow through!
To impeach a sitting United Stated President, OBVIOUSLY whatever he/she is being impeached for - it should be something that is truly bad that NO serious person would argue against. Either side.

What you and most everyone else forget is that President Bill Clinton had more than one Article of Impeachment. Something characteristic of the Clinton Cabal. That would be witness tampering. In my humble opinion that was far more dangerous than the felony perjury and what Democrats wish would disappear. Understandable. Look at the string of others? Many who wouldn't be intimidated, are gone!
Well, if you watched his victory lap today, you would have seen that now he feels like he can do anything and nobody can touch him.

Now you know how we felt when Piglosi and the other commies were smiling ear to ear while signing the impeachment articles. They even purchased commorative pens for the occasion like it was a birthday party.

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