Impeach Roberts

I still think the left has the shit on Roberts and he is being blackmailed....

Sure, but you also believed the birth certificate was a fake, and FEMA prisons were a real thing. You believe lots of crazy stuff.

I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

So soon after validating a fake birth certificate?

Never heard the saying "You're safer in a plane than a car."?

As in someone was scared she might speak up about how she was coerced.

They made sure she couldn't speak up, Chicago-style.
I still think the left has the shit on Roberts and he is being blackmailed....

Sure, but you also believed the birth certificate was a fake, and FEMA prisons were a real thing. You believe lots of crazy stuff.

I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

DAYum. Three people in plane crashes and they all had the same name. Looked very much alike too.
I mean what are the chances.

Did you know, Ernie Kovacs died in a car crash, and so did Ernie Kovacs, but I understand Ernie Kovacs was also killed in the SAME CRASH. :eek:
Sure, but you also believed the birth certificate was a fake, and FEMA prisons were a real thing. You believe lots of crazy stuff.

I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

DAYum. Three people in plane crashes and they all had the same name. Looked very much alike too.
I mean what are the chances.

Y'all can bury your heads in the sand if you want to. There's several recordings of Obama and his wife saying he's from Kenya.
Roberts was appointed by a neocon idiot. What does anyone expect? Now this guy is the chief justice and he's a total bust. Our government is falling apart because it has been infiltrated by bigoted idiots.
Wasn't he supposed to be conservative when he got appointed?

Um no, he was supposed to be a JUDGE.


Wasn't he allegedly conservative, though?

Roberts was, and is conservative, and when he makes a ruling it is based on his conservative view of the constitution rather than what the current batch of right wingers wish the constitution said. Don't worry. Trump has recognized the problem, and no longer considers whether his SC nominees are conservative. . Now he just appoints YES MEN who will rule the way he wants no matter what the constitution might say. Kavanaugh is the first of the SC chosen on that basis.
Sure, but you also believed the birth certificate was a fake, and FEMA prisons were a real thing. You believe lots of crazy stuff.

I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

So soon after validating a fake birth certificate?

Never heard the saying "You're safer in a plane than a car."?

As in someone was scared she might speak up about how she was coerced.

They made sure she couldn't speak up, Chicago-style.

Exactly, because planes are so safe till that one person is the only one ever to die in a plane crash. It's hard to argue with your proof. It's hard to argue with anything when I'm laughing as hard as i am right now.
Sure, but you also believed the birth certificate was a fake, and FEMA prisons were a real thing. You believe lots of crazy stuff.

I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

DAYum. Three people in plane crashes and they all had the same name. Looked very much alike too.
I mean what are the chances.

Did you know, Ernie Kovacs died in a car crash, and so did Ernie Kovacs, but I understand Ernie Kovacs was also killed in the SAME CRASH. :eek:

The Big Bopper died in a plane crash too, but I'm not sure what he had to do with the birth certificate yet. I'm sure he was involved.
I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

So soon after validating a fake birth certificate?

Never heard the saying "You're safer in a plane than a car."?

As in someone was scared she might speak up about how she was coerced.

They made sure she couldn't speak up, Chicago-style.

Exactly, because planes are so safe till that one person is the only one ever to die in a plane crash. It's hard to argue with your proof. It's hard to argue with anything when I'm laughing as hard as i am right now.

No you're not, you're just trying to downplay your derp. :dunno:

Whu-wut clerk that was killed as soon as her usefulness was done? Derp! :dance:
I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

DAYum. Three people in plane crashes and they all had the same name. Looked very much alike too.
I mean what are the chances.

Did you know, Ernie Kovacs died in a car crash, and so did Ernie Kovacs, but I understand Ernie Kovacs was also killed in the SAME CRASH. :eek:

The Big Bopper died in a plane crash too, but I'm not sure what he had to do with the birth certificate yet. I'm sure he was involved.

Maid Marion will now grace us with separate links to tell us not only did The Big Bopper die in that crash but so did J.P. Richardson Jr.
I believe 50% of that, and it's not the FEMA camps. Why'd that clerk die so quick afterwards? That and Obama and his wife have said he's from Kenya a bunch of times.

Dead clerk? Sorry, I don't keep up with all the conspiracy theories out there. Doing that will make you crazy. You'll have to give a little more detail about your dead clerk, or are you just talking about any generic dead clerk? I'm not sure how your theories work.

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash

Hawaii official who confirmed Obama birth certificate dies in crash - CNN

How convenient.

Now I'm convinced. Nobody has ever died in a plane crash before, so your theory has to be true. Thank you so much for educating me---------DUMB ASS

DAYum. Three people in plane crashes and they all had the same name. Looked very much alike too.
I mean what are the chances.

Y'all can bury your heads in the sand if you want to. There's several recordings of Obama and his wife saying he's from Kenya.

That's just another trick. They want you to believe he was born in Kenya. Here is a picture of him with his brother. Does he look like he's from Kenya?

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