Impeaching Barr Could Put Hurt On SC Nomination

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 32rd,

Did you actually copy "October 32rd" from the article or are leftists on their own calendar now? LOL...

EDIT -- Or is RawStory now just BLATANTLY making fools of folks that believe their crap???
It was their typo. I believe the 3rd is correct Mr. Nitpicker.

As in OCTOBER 3rd -- NEARLY 3 weeks ago?? Keep it it man. THis is really funny...
“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 32rd,

Did you actually copy "October 32rd" from the article or are leftists on their own calendar now? LOL...

EDIT -- Or is RawStory now just BLATANTLY making fools of folks that believe their crap???
It was their typo. I believe the 3rd is correct Mr. Nitpicker.

As in OCTOBER 3rd -- NEARLY 3 weeks ago?? Keep it it man. THis is really funny...
They were notified of the typo. Don't lose yourself over it.
I might start reading Rawstory for my daily eye roll

I use Morning Joe for that before I have enough coffee to slap myself in shame..

I watch morning Joe to punish myself for not doing my morning exercices.

My mornings are hard enough getting children's day going, no way am I watching that nincompoop

Only when I am in extreme self-loathing.
“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 32rd,

Did you actually copy "October 32rd" from the article or are leftists on their own calendar now? LOL...

EDIT -- Or is RawStory now just BLATANTLY making fools of folks that believe their crap???
It was their typo. I believe the 3rd is correct Mr. Nitpicker.

As in OCTOBER 3rd -- NEARLY 3 weeks ago?? Keep it it man. THis is really funny...
They were notified of the typo. Don't lose yourself over it.

You are the one posting it.

And fucking up the retractions. wonder you like Biden.
Playing dirty goes both ways and some D's know how to play just the same.
Impeach Bill Barr. Stall the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

"Progressive activists are urging House Democrats to essentially kill two birds with one stone by impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr — which would delay the confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett."

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 3rd, the Senate would be required to take one of two actions. On one hand, the Senate would be obligated to hold a trial, which would occupy a day or more of floor time and delay the hasty and irregular consideration of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court associate justice,” the groups explained. “In the alternative, Senate Republican leadership would be forced to go ‘nuclear’ by changing the rules that govern how that chamber responds to receiving articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives.”

Ok fine, I read your stupid Raw Sewage story, they have no cause to start impeachment proceedings, therefore it is all politics. Since the nomination vote is set for next Monday which is now just 6 days away, there will be no way they will change that date since the bogus impeachment proceedings will take far more than 7 days to complete, which starts in the HOUSE, the Senate doesn't know when this partisan impeachment baloney goes to trial, thus the Senate can't set a date anyway.

The Barrett Nomination vote will proceed as scheduled .
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Playing dirty goes both ways and some D's know how to play just the same.
Impeach Bill Barr. Stall the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

"Progressive activists are urging House Democrats to essentially kill two birds with one stone by impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr — which would delay the confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett."

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 32rd, the Senate would be required to take one of two actions. On one hand, the Senate would be obligated to hold a trial, which would occupy a day or more of floor time and delay the hasty and irregular consideration of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court associate justice,” the groups explained. “In the alternative, Senate Republican leadership would be forced to go ‘nuclear’ by changing the rules that govern how that chamber responds to receiving articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives.”

Rawstory AGAIN?? Did ya think about the Logistics here? In 2 weeks the congress is gonna adjourn.. ACB will be a SUpCt judge.. Impeachment has to go thru COMMITTEE in the House and to the house floor.. You expect ANYTHING DONE in a week that America would respect? Or that had enough evidence and WITNESS TESTIMONY to go forward in the Senate??

Reposting the latest Rawstory crap is just a waste of internet bandwidth.. BECAUSE -- it's raw... With ZERO thought behind the assertions..

Your leadership has left the Deranged zip code.. Now they live in DELUSIONAL world.. Impeaching Barr would NOT STOP the SupCt process -- because it could not get of the HOUSE in less than 2 weeks.. And at that much "solemn respect" for justice -- it would be another boomerang piece of crap that just covers your party for the past 4 years..
When I take your response to the chopsaw (like I did Before) will you be honest and go away?

Please link us to the fantasy post where you took the most respected member of the board's post to the chopsaw.

The best you could hope for is to not cut off both of your hands and your tiny balls at the same time.

Still waiting okfine ........where is that post.

This should be real good.
Playing dirty goes both ways and some D's know how to play just the same.
Impeach Bill Barr. Stall the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

"Progressive activists are urging House Democrats to essentially kill two birds with one stone by impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr — which would delay the confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett."

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 3rd, the Senate would be required to take one of two actions. On one hand, the Senate would be obligated to hold a trial, which would occupy a day or more of floor time and delay the hasty and irregular consideration of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court associate justice,” the groups explained. “In the alternative, Senate Republican leadership would be forced to go ‘nuclear’ by changing the rules that govern how that chamber responds to receiving articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives.”

Although it couldn't happen to a nicer guy (cough, cough, chuckle :auiqs.jpg:)
it sounds like a nut ball twitter fantasy to me, but of course it came from twitter and was found to be worth reporting on by Raw Story.
Playing dirty goes both ways and some D's know how to play just the same.
Impeach Bill Barr. Stall the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

"Progressive activists are urging House Democrats to essentially kill two birds with one stone by impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr — which would delay the confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett."

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 3rd, the Senate would be required to take one of two actions. On one hand, the Senate would be obligated to hold a trial, which would occupy a day or more of floor time and delay the hasty and irregular consideration of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court associate justice,” the groups explained. “In the alternative, Senate Republican leadership would be forced to go ‘nuclear’ by changing the rules that govern how that chamber responds to receiving articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives.”

Although it couldn't happen to a nicer guy (cough, cough, chuckle :auiqs.jpg:)
it sounds like a nut ball twitter fantasy to me, but of course it came from twitter and was found to be worth reporting on by Raw Story.
Like the title says... "last-ditch effort"
Amazing how some come unglued when anything related to Barr/impeach is mentioned.
Democrats putting out more "Barr is the Devil" stories. A shoe must be about to drop and they are trying to get out in front of it.

Barr will be facing charges when his term is done. Most corrupt AG in history. Even John Mitchell, wasn't this bad, and he went to jail.

More empty claims from the empty (headed) poster from the shithole to the north of us.
Enjoy Lindsey and the GOP shitting in your face the next several days. Hopefully you won't wretch uncontrollably at the stench.

"Lindsey and the GOP" sounds like a rock group.... hmm?
Democrats putting out more "Barr is the Devil" stories. A shoe must be about to drop and they are trying to get out in front of it.

Barr will be facing charges when his term is done. Most corrupt AG in history. Even John Mitchell, wasn't this bad, and he went to jail.
I am not really a big retribution guy. Maybe I should be, but I am not. I just want these corrupt bastards out of there and then don't care what happens to them as long as the go the FK away and shut the hell up. If not, let the proceeding begin.:smoke:
Playing dirty goes both ways and some D's know how to play just the same.
Impeach Bill Barr. Stall the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

"Progressive activists are urging House Democrats to essentially kill two birds with one stone by impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr — which would delay the confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett."

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 3rd, the Senate would be required to take one of two actions. On one hand, the Senate would be obligated to hold a trial, which would occupy a day or more of floor time and delay the hasty and irregular consideration of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court associate justice,” the groups explained. “In the alternative, Senate Republican leadership would be forced to go ‘nuclear’ by changing the rules that govern how that chamber responds to receiving articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives.”

Ain't gonna fucking happen, Barrett will be confirmed Monday.

EDIT: BTW your story is 17 days past it's expiration date. ROFLMAO

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Playing dirty goes both ways and some D's know how to play just the same.
Impeach Bill Barr. Stall the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation.

"Progressive activists are urging House Democrats to essentially kill two birds with one stone by impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr — which would delay the confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett."

“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 3rd, the Senate would be required to take one of two actions. On one hand, the Senate would be obligated to hold a trial, which would occupy a day or more of floor time and delay the hasty and irregular consideration of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court associate justice,” the groups explained. “In the alternative, Senate Republican leadership would be forced to go ‘nuclear’ by changing the rules that govern how that chamber responds to receiving articles of impeachment from the House of Representatives.”

We all know just how low the vermin will go. In real life they would be rotting from trees.
“Should you impeach Attorney General Barr prior to October 32rd,

Did you actually copy "October 32rd" from the article or are leftists on their own calendar now? LOL...

EDIT -- Or is RawStory now just BLATANTLY making fools of folks that believe their crap???
It was their typo. I believe the 3rd is correct Mr. Nitpicker.

"It was their typo. I believe the 3rd is correct Mr. Nitpicker."

So October 3rd then, as your edited OP states? (Setting aside that the writer used the "nd" suffix for the date, hence it was not a mere typo for the 3rd)

News flash: October 3rd has long since passed -- a fact you would be well aware of if you had simply consulted a calendar or had a even modest grasp on reality. What's your next brilliant idea? Are your big tech buddies counting on building a time machine?
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