Impeachment Bitch Says She Might Play More Games With the Constitution

Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
Where does the Constitution say she can't do that? Cite the Article and Section for us.

BTW...Judge Merrick Garland is laughing at you.

She needs to shit or get off the pot? Is she serious or not?
She's doing just fine.....ants in your pants?

Think so? She shit herself at her presser earlier today about next steps. Could not get one coherent sentence complete. She made zero sense.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Ok I am a Democrat and I don't think Trump should of been impeached, I also think Bill Clinton should of never been impeached. I see impeachment reserved for something so outragous, a very awful crime. I don't see what Trump or what Clinton did as awful as what Nixon did.

So Clinton couldn't keep his zipper zipped up, big deal I have the same problem and under similar circumstances I would be very tempted to do the same thing. Guys get tempted by females they like, it is called being human not something anybody should be impeached for. He lied to cover it up, big deal. It's a personal matter.

Trump allegedly gets dirt on Biden by unethical means. Big deal. Was it wrong? Yes. Was it unethical, yes. Do I think it is so severe I think he should of be impeached for it, no.

I honestly think politicians are looking ridiculous over bi-partisan nonsense on both the Democratic and Republican side of this fight.

Regardless I voted Democrat last election and will vote Democrat next election. Just my opinion about it.
Think so? She shit herself at her presser earlier today about next steps. Could not get one coherent sentence complete. She made zero sense.

Was that where she made THIS face ?
Regardless I voted Democrat last election and will vote Democrat next election. Just my opinion about it.

That's the beauty of this country......
No matter how stupid, corrupt, racist and just plain BAD your Democrat party might obviously be.....
No matter that your party may lead the country to it's decline....
No matter that it vilifies Christians, but glorifies that other religion of peace that mutilates women....
No matter if it brings 3rd world standards to We The Peasants...
No matter that they openly want to confiscate everyone's guns....
No matter that they openly bear false witness at SCOTUS hearings and in Presidential matters....

You still have every right to vote to keep Democrats in power.


(You also have the right to have no moral compass, or any clue as to the gravity of America's situation....smoke more pot!!! :rolleyes:)
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Where does The Constitution require Impeachment be impartial?

Does that mean 6 Democrat Senators must be dismissed for publicly stating they wanted The President Impeached long before The Democrat Inquisition?

Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

The constitution actually states that the fucking senators become jurors and must swear the following oath.

”I solemnly swear (or affirm) that in all things appertaining to the trial of ____, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help me God.”

Learn first. Then post.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

You are the lowlife scumbags and you people complaining about ignoring the Constitution is laughable. Trump ignores Congress' power of the purse and oversight powers. He is the one turning the Constitution into toilet paper and you support it 100%. The founding fathers made impeachment a part of the Constitution. I am a former Republican and it is unbelievable how low Republicans have become.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

Why should they be any less partisan than the House?

Democrats were far less partisan than Republicans were.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

I can assure you that Pelosi doesn't want a "fair" trial in the Senate. That would mean that many Democrats would be called to the stand, exposing their lies. Schiff would NOT want to testify, for example.

Please. If McConnell and the president’s lawyers call Schiff to testify and Roberts allows it, he will testify. He won’t try to use the court system to avoid going under oath like the president has.
Bugged eyed loser will be ripped to shreds. Democrats are absolutely the worst sonofabitches I have witnessed in my lifetime. That’s going back to LBJ.

The Trump Republican Party are the biggest assholes I have seen in my lifetime. Garbage like you proves it.
Demoncraps are the assholes. Pull your head out of yours.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She's a fascist
She is the “Impeachment Bitch” who wants to destroy our country.

You and Trump are the assholes who are destroying our country.
Nope, that would be you and that bitch pissoli, your twin.
Fuck you. This is my country that I wore the uniform and fought for in combat. I will not step aside lightly. What nation are you from? Obviously not this one you ignorant cocksucker. If you think I am am supposed to forget where I came from, my 6 uncles who fought in World War Two (four of which were shot by Germans, two of which liberated the camps) my uncle at the Pusan Perimeter, my cousins in Vietnam, all the people I worked with as a steward for the United Steelworkers of America, and all the people I was born and raised are sadly mistaken. There is nothing humorous or redundant when all the things I love in this world are placed in danger by some ignorant bitch from San Francisco.

Fuck you. What country are you from? This country is in danger because of a crazy developer from New York. A developer who has ties to white supremacists and neo-nazis.
Fuck you and your commie pals you piece of shit.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Shut the fuck up with this fair trial shit. Ain't no one buying that bucket o crap.

Awwww. You are still upset that your hero got caught and you don’t care to have a fair hearing. Who’d have ever guessed?
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Shut the fuck up with this fair trial shit. Ain't no one buying that bucket o crap.

Awwww. You are still upset that your hero got caught and you don’t care to have a fair hearing. Who’d have ever guessed?
Awww you are still a dumbass... How cute.
Fuck you. This is my country that I wore the uniform and fought for in combat. I will not step aside lightly. What nation are you from? Obviously not this one you ignorant cocksucker. If you think I am am supposed to forget where I came from, my 6 uncles who fought in World War Two (four of which were shot by Germans, two of which liberated the camps) my uncle at the Pusan Perimeter, my cousins in Vietnam, all the people I worked with as a steward for the United Steelworkers of America, and all the people I was born and raised are sadly mistaken. There is nothing humorous or redundant when all the things I love in this world are placed in danger by some ignorant bitch from San Francisco.

Fuck you. What country are you from? This country is in danger because of a crazy developer from New York. A developer who has ties to white supremacists and neo-nazis.
Fuck you and your commie pals you piece of shit.
Busy bee doesn’t believe that in order to put someone on a trial an actual crime has to have been committed. There is not one statute violation in the Articles of Impeachment.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Ok I am a Democrat and I don't think Trump should of been impeached, I also think Bill Clinton should of never been impeached. I see impeachment reserved for something so outragous, a very awful crime. I don't see what Trump or what Clinton did as awful as what Nixon did.

So Clinton couldn't keep his zipper zipped up, big deal I have the same problem and under similar circumstances I would be very tempted to do the same thing. Guys get tempted by females they like, it is called being human not something anybody should be impeached for. He lied to cover it up, big deal. It's a personal matter.

Trump allegedly gets dirt on Biden by unethical means. Big deal. Was it wrong? Yes. Was it unethical, yes. Do I think it is so severe I think he should of be impeached for it, no.

I honestly think politicians are looking ridiculous over bi-partisan nonsense on both the Democratic and Republican side of this fight.

Regardless I voted Democrat last election and will vote Democrat next election. Just my opinion about it.
I concur with the Clinton impeachment and this one is even more ridiculous. Clinton lied under oath. The Democrats have not cited a single violation of the law in the Articles of Impeachment. Not one statute. If someone is going to trial shouldn’t they have broken the law? I will be voting straight Republican again in 2020. At this juncture I wouldn’t vote for a Democrat with a gun to my head. Not even dog catcher.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
Where does the Constitution say she can't do that? Cite the Article and Section for us.

BTW...Judge Merrick Garland is laughing at you.

She needs to shit or get off the pot? Is she serious or not?
She's doing just fine.....ants in your pants?

Think so? She shit herself at her presser earlier today about next steps. Could not get one coherent sentence complete. She made zero sense.
The sad thing is that she orchestrated stealing House seats through vote harvesting making (in addition to Impeachment Bitch) the whore of all politics. How a nincompoop like her has so much power is beyond me. But, California runs the Democrats in the House. Look at the seniority and leadership. All from the only state where in every major city you can step in human shit walking down the sidewalk.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

This is a complete travesty and it has blown up in their faces even more than I thought it would. Imagine impeaching a president and then NOT WANTING YOUR IMPEACHMENT TO GO TO THE SENATE because it's such a massive load of dog crap

Hmmmmm. Let’s see. I’ve been given a choice.

A) Impeach the asshole for his abuse of power and obstruction and leave it there...sending the message that what he did is unacceptable ...and placing an asterisk next to the crook’s name forever.

B) Impeach the asshole for his abuse of power and obstruction and send it to the Senate where an impartial jury and its foreman will give him an acquittal ......and claim that he’s been fully exonerated and did nothing wrong....... so he can do that shit again with full impunity.

So difficult. How can I ever decide.

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