“Impeachment is about cleansing the office."

lol @ trump and the trumptards "TRIGGERED" by the tick-tock of truth and justice :eusa_clap:


get your facts straight, dumbo parrots.. this grand jury investigation is ONLY ONE YEAR thus far.

mueller has only just begun...

and fyi he doesn't PLAN ON setting a precedent of indicting a sitting president!

Mueller has been conducting a broad investigation into Trump and his associates’ Russia ties going far beyond Manafort.

What’s next for Mueller’s investigation after Manafort’s conviction?


Guess what shoe Mueller will drop next

"The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners; and to ..."

Organization, Mission and Functions Manual: Federal Bureau of Investigation | DOJ | Department of Justice


"Trump's first visit to Soviet Moscow in 1987 looks, with hindsight, to be part of a pattern. The dossier by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele asserts that the Kremlin had been cultivating Trump for “at least five years” before his stunning victory in the 2016 US presidential election. This would take us back to around 2011 or 2012.

In fact, the Soviet Union was interested in him too, three decades earlier. The top level of the Soviet diplomatic service arranged his 1987 Moscow visit. With assistance from the KGB. It took place while Kryuchkov was seeking to improve the KGB's operational techniques in one particular and sensitive area. The spy chief wanted KGB staff abroad to recruit more Americans."

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow

Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election

Donald Trump Jr communicated with WikiLeaks during final stages of election

Mueller Shows How Russians Sowed Discord With Dirty Tricks

The Unaccountable Death of Boris Nemtsov

Russian Hackers Appear to Shift Focus to U.S. Power Grid
Russian Hackers Appear to Shift Focus to U.S. Power Grid

Former intel chiefs condemn Trump's news conference with Putin - CNNPolitics

Trump-Putin meeting reactions: 'Russia is not our ally', says Paul Ryan – as it happened
If its about cleansing the office, then why did Left Tards vote for the filthiest and most corrupt piece of shit on the planet in Hidabeast Von Canklestein, and why didn't they impeach Obama Bin Lying for his collusion with terrorists, selling AK47s to Drug Cartels, Using The IRS as a weapon, Benghazi as a Weapons Depot, lying about his knowledge and use of Hillary Clinton's Illegal Server, and defending both pieces of shit for their multitudes of sins and criminal behavior?

Clinton for a fact lied to The FBI multiple times, destroyed multiple electronic devices and lied about it, destroyed evidence, deleted 30,000 emails despite a Federal Court Order not too, all with the permission of James Comey in violation of multiple Federal Laws. But Lefty is like, "it's about cleansing the office? Quit Drinking Clinton's Vaginal Discharge...it's made you irrational and foul mouthed. Get your mouth off of Anthony's Weiner and his laptop which illegally contained tens of thousands of classified emails which both Clinton and Aberdeen lied about.

If it is about cleansing the office, then why didn't left tards demand Obama Resign after it was found out he paid $1 Million Dollars to Russia as part of his contribution to the Fake Russian Dossier? If it is about Cleansing "The Office" then why didn't Left Tards demand impeachment of Obama Bin Spying when he spied on The Trump Campaign Illegally, Illegally flew $150 Billion Dollars to Europe, Laundered it a a Euro Bank and exchanged it for Euros to give to a Terrorist State Iran?

If it is about Cleansing The Office, why doesn't Left Tard call Obama a Traitor when he Fellates Terrorists, pays them to assassinate heads of state, stage coups, and releases mass murderers in to the battlefield to kill American Soldiers and Slaughter Civilian Women and Children?

The GOP tried their best.

Again, coming from a completely neutral position ( I am a swing voter) you really don't help the left when you are blatantly hypocritical.

The irony of the left or the right calling the other a lying hypocrite is hysterical. When will yall learn that the majority of all politicians are bought and paid for. Most all of them have accepted bribes/made decisions based on money/ etc. I don't see how you can speak out of the side of your mouth and ask for one to be impeached while completely turning a blind eye/defending your candidates and politicians for doing some of the exact same things.

It clearly shows that the only real reason you want Trump impeached is because you want him out of office. You don't care about the law potentially being broken you just care about who potentially broke the law.

If Hilary or any other lefty person was in office and in this situation you would be defending them just as the right is Trump. And the right would of course be claiming the moral high ground and asking for the book to be thrown at them and impeachment to ensue.

Both the hard left and hard right are exactly the same in their thought processes. The only difference is ideology.
Neither the news media nor Robert Mueller can do this alone.

Congressional Republicans who stick by Trump and protect him will be remembered as the villains of Washington’s unfolding drama. They are the ones enabling an epic White House end run around the constitution.

Instead of holding Trump to account, Republicans are joining him in a cynical attempt to tarnish the FBI and undermine the criminal investigation into Russian election meddling.

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself
I've seen no effort from the Left to clean up the shit the Clintons and Obamas smeared all over our Constitution and The Rule of Law.
If its about cleansing the office, then why did Left Tards vote for the filthiest and most corrupt piece of shit on the planet in Hidabeast Von Canklestein, and why didn't they impeach Obama Bin Lying for his collusion with terrorists, selling AK47s to Drug Cartels, Using The IRS as a weapon, Benghazi as a Weapons Depot, lying about his knowledge and use of Hillary Clinton's Illegal Server, and defending both pieces of shit for their multitudes of sins and criminal behavior?

Clinton for a fact lied to The FBI multiple times, destroyed multiple electronic devices and lied about it, destroyed evidence, deleted 30,000 emails despite a Federal Court Order not too, all with the permission of James Comey in violation of multiple Federal Laws. But Lefty is like, "it's about cleansing the office? Quit Drinking Clinton's Vaginal Discharge...it's made you irrational and foul mouthed. Get your mouth off of Anthony's Weiner and his laptop which illegally contained tens of thousands of classified emails which both Clinton and Aberdeen lied about.

If it is about cleansing the office, then why didn't left tards demand Obama Resign after it was found out he paid $1 Million Dollars to Russia as part of his contribution to the Fake Russian Dossier? If it is about Cleansing "The Office" then why didn't Left Tards demand impeachment of Obama Bin Spying when he spied on The Trump Campaign Illegally, Illegally flew $150 Billion Dollars to Europe, Laundered it a a Euro Bank and exchanged it for Euros to give to a Terrorist State Iran?

If it is about Cleansing The Office, why doesn't Left Tard call Obama a Traitor when he Fellates Terrorists, pays them to assassinate heads of state, stage coups, and releases mass murderers in to the battlefield to kill American Soldiers and Slaughter Civilian Women and Children?

The GOP tried their best.

Again, coming from a completely neutral position ( I am a swing voter) you really don't help the left when you are blatantly hypocritical.

The irony of the left or the right calling the other a lying hypocrite is hysterical. When will yall learn that the majority of all politicians are bought and paid for. Most all of them have accepted bribes/made decisions based on money/ etc. I don't see how you can speak out of the side of your mouth and ask for one to be impeached while completely turning a blind eye/defending your candidates and politicians for doing some of the exact same things.

It clearly shows that the only real reason you want Trump impeached is because you want him out of office. You don't care about the law potentially being broken you just care about who potentially broke the law.

If Hilary or any other lefty person was in office and in this situation you would be defending them just as the right is Trump. And the right would of course be claiming the moral high ground and asking for the book to be thrown at them and impeachment to ensue.

Both the hard left and hard right are exactly the same in their thought processes. The only difference is ideology.

Here's the issue. While you can make a general assumption based in hypotheticals and generalities......only one Political Candidate, and One President Accepted Bribes and were both bought and paid for.

And that is Obama and Clinton.

President Trump specifically paid for his own campaign so that he wouldn't owe anyone any political favors.

So what had the establishment panties in a wad, what they are fearful of is a President They Cannot Control.

In otherwords, for the first time in a long time, we don't have a DEEP STATE Puppet in office.

And this more than anything is why THE DEEP STATE was calling for impeachment the night of THE ELECTION RESULTS.

For the first time in a long time, THE PEOPLE got to choose their PRESIDENT, and NOT "THE MACHINE".

Two years, Millions of Dollars, 7 Investigations based on "NOTHING" but trying to oust a duly elected president because he isn't part of the corporate bought and paid for establishment and not one crime can be uncovered to have been committed by The President. You may as well go another two years, because he is going to be elected to a 2nd term.

This whole mess is nothing but a political dog and pony show and political propaganda in a desperate attempt to put the Communist Globalist Left back in power for the midterms. Everything has been timed right down to the minute, and right up to the midterm election for maximum political damage, and the best part about DIRTY POLITICS is that you never have to tell the truth or prove anything.

You just need enough people to believe your wicked lies to try to rig an election. Problem with Clinton was that she has no moral credibility so people just didn't buy her bullshit. So now they are using proxies, like Brennan, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Ohr, Page, Skirpal, Steele, Rice, Lynch and the whole bunch of Godless Saul Alinsky Acolytes. But most of them too have been proven to be perjurers and pathological liars, so we will just have to see how much shit they can fling at the wall and get it to stick in November.

You know how you can know Obama and Clinton were dirty? Look at the pieces of shit piled up to heaven they surrounded themselves with. Dishonest, Unpatriotic, Treasonous, Perjuring pieces of shit, just like themselves. They even soiled institutions like The FBI, State Department, IRS and DOJ with their Corrupt Diseased Political Leprosy. Now they are being pushed out of power and don't like it too much. There is your "cleansing", and we need a lot more of it. The Globalists are just trying to put the brakes on it, before the job is done, and they don't have sufficient numbers to stop it.

I'm shocked Obama didn't torch the White House itself on his way out the door because he sure as Hell tried to torch The Constitution while he was in office, and turn The Rule of Law on it's head.
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Let's Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can't Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation

I'm old enough to remember when such things were disqualifying.

You know, not for nothing, but back in my day (2016) there was a lot of consensus opinion-having that merely being the subject of an FBI probe was a disqualification for serving as the leader of the free world.

Yep, if my dusty memories serve as any guide, then that was, at one point, a whole big thing that lots of people believed.

“This alone should be disqualifying for anyone seeking the presidency, a job that is supposed to begin each morning with a top secret intelligence briefing.”

“It would send the wrong signal to all those charged with safeguarding our nation’s secrets if you choose to provide access to this information despite the FBI’s findings ... I firmly believe this is necessary to reassure the public that our nation’s secrets are secure.”


but NOW suddenly our FBI is their boogeyman! ? :laugh: :cuckoo:
Neither the news media nor Robert Mueller can do this alone.

Congressional Republicans who stick by Trump and protect him will be remembered as the villains of Washington’s unfolding drama. They are the ones enabling an epic White House end run around the constitution.

Instead of holding Trump to account, Republicans are joining him in a cynical attempt to tarnish the FBI and undermine the criminal investigation into Russian election meddling.

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

We aren’t going to help democrats put democrats over the nation. Defeating hillary Clinton was not an impeachable offense
We aren’t going to help democrats put democrats over the nation. Defeating hillary Clinton was not an impeachable offense

nobody said it was, mister simpleton.

weird how you're all willing to make ENEMIES out of your fellow Americans while turning a blind eye to treason, though, huh?
If its about cleansing the office, then why did Left Tards vote for the filthiest and most corrupt piece of shit on the planet in Hidabeast Von Canklestein, and why didn't they impeach Obama Bin Lying for his collusion with terrorists, selling AK47s to Drug Cartels, Using The IRS as a weapon, Benghazi as a Weapons Depot, lying about his knowledge and use of Hillary Clinton's Illegal Server, and defending both pieces of shit for their multitudes of sins and criminal behavior?

Clinton for a fact lied to The FBI multiple times, destroyed multiple electronic devices and lied about it, destroyed evidence, deleted 30,000 emails despite a Federal Court Order not too, all with the permission of James Comey in violation of multiple Federal Laws. But Lefty is like, "it's about cleansing the office? Quit Drinking Clinton's Vaginal Discharge...it's made you irrational and foul mouthed. Get your mouth off of Anthony's Weiner and his laptop which illegally contained tens of thousands of classified emails which both Clinton and Aberdeen lied about.

If it is about cleansing the office, then why didn't left tards demand Obama Resign after it was found out he paid $1 Million Dollars to Russia as part of his contribution to the Fake Russian Dossier? If it is about Cleansing "The Office" then why didn't Left Tards demand impeachment of Obama Bin Spying when he spied on The Trump Campaign Illegally, Illegally flew $150 Billion Dollars to Europe, Laundered it a a Euro Bank and exchanged it for Euros to give to a Terrorist State Iran?

If it is about Cleansing The Office, why doesn't Left Tard call Obama a Traitor when he Fellates Terrorists, pays them to assassinate heads of state, stage coups, and releases mass murderers in to the battlefield to kill American Soldiers and Slaughter Civilian Women and Children?

The GOP tried their best.

Again, coming from a completely neutral position ( I am a swing voter) you really don't help the left when you are blatantly hypocritical.

The irony of the left or the right calling the other a lying hypocrite is hysterical. When will yall learn that the majority of all politicians are bought and paid for. Most all of them have accepted bribes/made decisions based on money/ etc. I don't see how you can speak out of the side of your mouth and ask for one to be impeached while completely turning a blind eye/defending your candidates and politicians for doing some of the exact same things.

It clearly shows that the only real reason you want Trump impeached is because you want him out of office. You don't care about the law potentially being broken you just care about who potentially broke the law.

If Hilary or any other lefty person was in office and in this situation you would be defending them just as the right is Trump. And the right would of course be claiming the moral high ground and asking for the book to be thrown at them and impeachment to ensue.

Both the hard left and hard right are exactly the same in their thought processes. The only difference is ideology.

Me a hypocrite, that was Lindsey Graham who is a hypocrite. I want him to walk away in shame, and then indicted for crimes against the US , conspiring with a foreign country to get dirt on the opponent, tax evasion, and a self serving foundation. I also want his grown kids to get what they deserve.
Trump is a crook, and has always been one.
let's see one of you dumbos defend the words and actions of traitor trump without mentioning other politicians.
If Trump is impeached the liberal progressive pukes and Antifa will surely get the shooting war they crave and it will be a turkey shoot.

Really so you are threatening a civil war if the Dems impeach him. Interesting. Andrew Jackson would be so dismayed with Trump, since he wanted to end the EC and allow all male white men to vote, not just the wealthy white jack assess. Which is why we have a jack ass as an animal motto.

Animal motto? WTF?

The ultimate dumbass is what we have here folks!
If its about cleansing the office, then why did Left Tards vote for the filthiest and most corrupt piece of shit on the planet in Hidabeast Von Canklestein, and why didn't they impeach Obama Bin Lying for his collusion with terrorists, selling AK47s to Drug Cartels, Using The IRS as a weapon, Benghazi as a Weapons Depot, lying about his knowledge and use of Hillary Clinton's Illegal Server, and defending both pieces of shit for their multitudes of sins and criminal behavior?

Clinton for a fact lied to The FBI multiple times, destroyed multiple electronic devices and lied about it, destroyed evidence, deleted 30,000 emails despite a Federal Court Order not too, all with the permission of James Comey in violation of multiple Federal Laws. But Lefty is like, "it's about cleansing the office? Quit Drinking Clinton's Vaginal Discharge...it's made you irrational and foul mouthed. Get your mouth off of Anthony's Weiner and his laptop which illegally contained tens of thousands of classified emails which both Clinton and Aberdeen lied about.

If it is about cleansing the office, then why didn't left tards demand Obama Resign after it was found out he paid $1 Million Dollars to Russia as part of his contribution to the Fake Russian Dossier? If it is about Cleansing "The Office" then why didn't Left Tards demand impeachment of Obama Bin Spying when he spied on The Trump Campaign Illegally, Illegally flew $150 Billion Dollars to Europe, Laundered it a a Euro Bank and exchanged it for Euros to give to a Terrorist State Iran?

If it is about Cleansing The Office, why doesn't Left Tard call Obama a Traitor when he Fellates Terrorists, pays them to assassinate heads of state, stage coups, and releases mass murderers in to the battlefield to kill American Soldiers and Slaughter Civilian Women and Children?

The GOP tried their best.

Again, coming from a completely neutral position ( I am a swing voter) you really don't help the left when you are blatantly hypocritical.

The irony of the left or the right calling the other a lying hypocrite is hysterical. When will yall learn that the majority of all politicians are bought and paid for. Most all of them have accepted bribes/made decisions based on money/ etc. I don't see how you can speak out of the side of your mouth and ask for one to be impeached while completely turning a blind eye/defending your candidates and politicians for doing some of the exact same things.

It clearly shows that the only real reason you want Trump impeached is because you want him out of office. You don't care about the law potentially being broken you just care about who potentially broke the law.

If Hilary or any other lefty person was in office and in this situation you would be defending them just as the right is Trump. And the right would of course be claiming the moral high ground and asking for the book to be thrown at them and impeachment to ensue.

Both the hard left and hard right are exactly the same in their thought processes. The only difference is ideology.

Me a hypocrite, that was Lindsey Graham who is a hypocrite. I want him to walk away in shame, and then indicted for crimes against the US , conspiring with a foreign country to get dirt on the opponent, tax evasion, and a self serving foundation. I also want his grown kids to get what they deserve.
Trump is a crook, and has always been one.

You said you want Lindsey Graham to "walk away in shame, and then indicted for crimes against the US, etc." You do realize that Graham is not married and has no grown kids. Why the fuck are you so stupid?
Well the right did with Clinton for 1 lie. We have had so many lies.

Before that Andrew Johnson impeached by the house in 1868.

That makes 2. Both acquitted in the Senate.

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