Impeachment....NO ONE CARES. CBS dumps coverage and goes back to soap operas lol

Wrong again Ray. Obama claimed Executive privilege over a very few sets of selective documents, he never ordered a blanket refusal of testimony or documents

Withholding is withholding. Now you're going to tell me it's about quantity that gives him a pass? Hypocrite.

Wrong again Ray. The corruption being investigated at Burisma occurred years before Joe's son was offered a job there. The anti-corruption measures Obama took were bipartisan, had the support of the EU and the IMF. There was no complaint about improprieties files against Obama's crime fighting measures. No Ambassador had to be smeared and removed. Obama didn't send in his personal attorney to put the "Fix"in. Nope he sent good ol Joe to tell them like it is and Joe got the job done.

Putin was pouting that day.

No, DumBama didn't smear any ambassador. He fired them all before he even entered the White House. They were all his people. How did Shokin get fired from a company that was investigated years before he started? You do know that Shokin claims the exact opposite of the Democrats. He said he was investigating Hunter when he got fired.

Courts have upheld Executive Privilege in limited instances and never in broad scope such as the blanket proclamation. The same rule applies to witnesses. Certain testimony can be excluded based on EP or if the witness claims the 5th.

Obama replaced most of the Bush’s politically appointed ambassadors. Obama didn't remove any of the career ambassadors. That is customary at the beginning of most all presidencies.
Wrong again Ray. Obama claimed Executive privilege over a very few sets of selective documents, he never ordered a blanket refusal of testimony or documents

Withholding is withholding. Now you're going to tell me it's about quantity that gives him a pass? Hypocrite.

Wrong again Ray. The corruption being investigated at Burisma occurred years before Joe's son was offered a job there. The anti-corruption measures Obama took were bipartisan, had the support of the EU and the IMF. There was no complaint about improprieties files against Obama's crime fighting measures. No Ambassador had to be smeared and removed. Obama didn't send in his personal attorney to put the "Fix"in. Nope he sent good ol Joe to tell them like it is and Joe got the job done.

Putin was pouting that day.

No, DumBama didn't smear any ambassador. He fired them all before he even entered the White House. They were all his people. How did Shokin get fired from a company that was investigated years before he started? You do know that Shokin claims the exact opposite of the Democrats. He said he was investigating Hunter when he got fired.

Courts have upheld Executive Privilege in limited instances and never in broad scope such as the blanket proclamation. The same rule applies to witnesses. Certain testimony can be excluded based on EP or if the witness claims the 5th.

Obama replaced most of the Bush’s politically appointed ambassadors. Obama didn't remove any of the career ambassadors. That is customary at the beginning of most all presidencies.

And that's all fine and dandy, but you need the court to make that decision, not an aggressive Congress who can't wait for such a decision. It's not about Trump doing anything wrong, it's about him being in charge for the next five years. They are looking at the courts right now, and are scared to death what that might look like after Trump's second term. That's the reason for the desperate move, along with the fact they found out Trump was curios about what's going on in Ukraine.
It's not about Trump doing anything wrong,

Of course it is. They weren't going after him for obstructing their requests over the Mueller evidence denied to them. It's all about Trumps party accepting his "Shakedown of the Ukraine" using our foreign aid funds to help himself and his party in the upcoming elections against all the Democrats.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.
I think you misunderstand the situation

trump has been conspired against and obstructed since he took office

think of him as a potty-mouth Mr Smith Goes To Washington

as an outsider he had a naive assumption that after he won the election he would have four years to debate and enact his policies

instead he was immediately confronted with the russia collusion lie that dragged on for two years

then he learned that the trail of corruption led to the Ukraine and joe biden

I think biden should be investigated and so did trump

it has nothing to do with the next election but rather the post-2016 miscarriage of justice

I do believe that even Trump was shocked with the magnitude of the corruption he faced. He assumed America still worked though the wrong people were elected. He further assumed, wrongly, That American’s wishes would be respected. What he found was a cabal of elite billionaires who didn’t care about elections.

But, on the other hand, the ruling elites were as shocked to find a man who couldn’t be bribed and couldn’t be broken.

It’s an aggravating standoff but necessary. The reason they want to remove him so badly is they know what they look like after three years of attacking America and 2020 will be disastrous for them. They’ve tried importing voters from overseas, alliances with foreign governments, enfranchising felons, street rioting, attacks on the Constitution in their efforts to bypass the electoral college...and still their internal polls tell them they are in trouble.

Not to mention the at least one and maybe three more SC picks Trump gets.

All I can say is look at the U.K. three solid years of the same elites attacking fighting the choice of the people to retake their government and the battered citizens responded, when finally given the chance, by giving Johnson a huge majority to clean house. Even labor voters were offended and broke ranks.

I think the Democrats and their Hollywood friends know what’s waiting for them. They can’t admit it...but they know.
"Trump is arguing that we must endanger national security in order to protect national security" - Schiffty Schiff

watcha talkin' about Willis?
Twenty funnies I've gotten in this thread, and I haven't cracked a single joke. I'm surrounded by guffawing morons who actually think Trump didn't do anything wrong. And they think I'M funny.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.
I think you misunderstand the situation

trump has been conspired against and obstructed since he took office

think of him as a potty-mouth Mr Smith Goes To Washington

as an outsider he had a naive assumption that after he won the election he would have four years to debate and enact his policies

instead he was immediately confronted with the russia collusion lie that dragged on for two years

then he learned that the trail of corruption led to the Ukraine and joe biden

I think biden should be investigated and so did trump

it has nothing to do with the next election but rather the post-2016 miscarriage of justice

Nice piece of fiction, there. I'm not sure who you're describing, because it sure ain't Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed). Your partisanship seems to have done washed your noggin real good. Maybe you can get help for that.
Liberals are bad losers who cant accept the fact that an amateur first candidate beat all the swamp rats in both parties to become president

and libs have done everything in their power to stop him since then until now

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.
I think you misunderstand the situation

trump has been conspired against and obstructed since he took office

think of him as a potty-mouth Mr Smith Goes To Washington

as an outsider he had a naive assumption that after he won the election he would have four years to debate and enact his policies

instead he was immediately confronted with the russia collusion lie that dragged on for two years

then he learned that the trail of corruption led to the Ukraine and joe biden

I think biden should be investigated and so did trump

it has nothing to do with the next election but rather the post-2016 miscarriage of justice

I do believe that even Trump was shocked with the magnitude of the corruption he faced. He assumed America still worked though the wrong people were elected. He further assumed, wrongly, That American’s wishes would be respected. What he found was a cabal of elite billionaires who didn’t care about elections.

But, on the other hand, the ruling elites were as shocked to find a man who couldn’t be bribed and couldn’t be broken.

It’s an aggravating standoff but necessary. The reason they want to remove him so badly is they know what they look like after three years of attacking America and 2020 will be disastrous for them. They’ve tried importing voters from overseas, alliances with foreign governments, enfranchising felons, street rioting, attacks on the Constitution in their efforts to bypass the electoral college...and still their internal polls tell them they are in trouble.

Not to mention the at least one and maybe three more SC picks Trump gets.

All I can say is look at the U.K. three solid years of the same elites attacking fighting the choice of the people to retake their government and the battered citizens responded, when finally given the chance, by giving Johnson a huge majority to clean house. Even labor voters were offended and broke ranks.

I think the Democrats and their Hollywood friends know what’s waiting for them. They can’t admit it...but they know.
The washington-new york liberal elites are extremely powerful and they are not beaten yet

Every day that trump remains standing is a victory for America
It's not about Trump doing anything wrong,

Of course it is. They weren't going after him for obstructing their requests over the Mueller evidence denied to them. It's all about Trumps party accepting his "Shakedown of the Ukraine" using our foreign aid funds to help himself and his party in the upcoming elections against all the Democrats.

The problem is there is no proof of what they are impeaching him for. Trump never told Zelensky the favor he asked was contingent on any aid money. Zelensky didn't even know until a month later that the aid was frozen for a period of time. And how would looking into Biden help Trump or the Republicans when nobody knew who he'd even be facing yet?

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry

The commies are trying to reverse an election, but it's Republicans who are power hungry?
The Democrats and anyone else in D.C. with half a brain is actually trying to hold the President accountable for his outrageous and inappropriate and totally unacceptable behavior re: Zelensky and the Aid.
Repeat after me: Presidents of the United States should be held accountable when they violate the norms of acceptable, fair behavior.
He's a snake oil salesman who has no respect for laws or ethics, and will do anything he can get away with. As long as he manages not to get caught, he's cool with whatever.

He's disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to defend him. It's one thing to support the Republican agenda, but quite another to defend HIM.

There is no need to defend somebody that didn't do anything wrong. Again, what they accuse Trump of doing, DumBama already did. Has no respect for laws? What laws? This is not about breaking any law, and even the commies admit to that. Two articles of impeachment with no laws broken.

Just focus on Trump asking for help from Ukraine...

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Twenty funnies I've gotten in this thread, and I haven't cracked a single joke. I'm surrounded by guffawing morons who actually think Trump didn't do anything wrong. And they think I'M funny.

This isn't the thread for posting family pics.

Seriously, if you can't debate like a decent person, just leave the thread.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry

The commies are trying to reverse an election, but it's Republicans who are power hungry?
The Democrats and anyone else in D.C. with half a brain is actually trying to hold the President accountable for his outrageous and inappropriate and totally unacceptable behavior re: Zelensky and the Aid.
Repeat after me: Presidents of the United States should be held accountable when they violate the norms of acceptable, fair behavior.
He's a snake oil salesman who has no respect for laws or ethics, and will do anything he can get away with. As long as he manages not to get caught, he's cool with whatever.

He's disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to defend him. It's one thing to support the Republican agenda, but quite another to defend HIM.

There is no need to defend somebody that didn't do anything wrong. Again, what they accuse Trump of doing, DumBama already did. Has no respect for laws? What laws? This is not about breaking any law, and even the commies admit to that. Two articles of impeachment with no laws broken.
yes, he did. He challenged subpoenas in Fast and Furious that lasted 7 years.

You really are clueless.
It's not about Trump doing anything wrong,

Of course it is. They weren't going after him for obstructing their requests over the Mueller evidence denied to them. It's all about Trumps party accepting his "Shakedown of the Ukraine" using our foreign aid funds to help himself and his party in the upcoming elections against all the Democrats.
What did he withhold from Mueller?

Be specific and bring links.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....

Why, because a network chose dollars over patriotism? Funny...
CBS is still providing live coverage of the impeachment trial on its live news channel CBSN.
The Dem's baited and tricked the Trump defense and McConnell when rhey offered amendments. This gave them free bonus time for presenting their cases. Now they are on reruns.
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.
I think you misunderstand the situation

trump has been conspired against and obstructed since he took office

think of him as a potty-mouth Mr Smith Goes To Washington

as an outsider he had a naive assumption that after he won the election he would have four years to debate and enact his policies

instead he was immediately confronted with the russia collusion lie that dragged on for two years

then he learned that the trail of corruption led to the Ukraine and joe biden

I think biden should be investigated and so did trump

it has nothing to do with the next election but rather the post-2016 miscarriage of justice

I do believe that even Trump was shocked with the magnitude of the corruption he faced. He assumed America still worked though the wrong people were elected. He further assumed, wrongly, That American’s wishes would be respected. What he found was a cabal of elite billionaires who didn’t care about elections.

But, on the other hand, the ruling elites were as shocked to find a man who couldn’t be bribed and couldn’t be broken.

It’s an aggravating standoff but necessary. The reason they want to remove him so badly is they know what they look like after three years of attacking America and 2020 will be disastrous for them. They’ve tried importing voters from overseas, alliances with foreign governments, enfranchising felons, street rioting, attacks on the Constitution in their efforts to bypass the electoral college...and still their internal polls tell them they are in trouble.

Not to mention the at least one and maybe three more SC picks Trump gets.

All I can say is look at the U.K. three solid years of the same elites attacking fighting the choice of the people to retake their government and the battered citizens responded, when finally given the chance, by giving Johnson a huge majority to clean house. Even labor voters were offended and broke ranks.

I think the Democrats and their Hollywood friends know what’s waiting for them. They can’t admit it...but they know.
The washington-new york liberal elites are extremely powerful and they are not beaten yet

Every day that trump remains standing is a victory for America

Exactly. They have been defeated electorally but that isn’t new nor is it something they respect.

They have to be removed from power...not just from office.

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