Impeachment....NO ONE CARES. CBS dumps coverage and goes back to soap operas lol

The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.

The whole fucking country is ignoring it, dipshit.

You don't speak for the country, dip shit. Put a sock in it.
Fuck you


Outrageous! :auiqs.jpg:

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.
I think you misunderstand the situation

trump has been conspired against and obstructed since he took office

think of him as a potty-mouth Mr Smith Goes To Washington

as an outsider he had a naive assumption that after he won the election he would have four years to debate and enact his policies

instead he was immediately confronted with the russia collusion lie that dragged on for two years

then he learned that the trail of corruption led to the Ukraine and joe biden

I think biden should be investigated and so did trump

it has nothing to do with the next election but rather the post-2016 miscarriage of justice
FACT: YOUR House Clowns produced a clusterfuck, and are now in front of the jurors begging the jurors to conduct the investigation the House should have conducted before coming to trial.

Only non-thinking, leftist sheeple can't see that reality (that would include you)
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
The impeachment is bullshit
Well, yes and no. Pelosi never let the House get serious about removing Trump. But the impeachment put the brakes on Trump using the powers of his office to destroy anyone who might run against him. It was more like the House was holding hearings but then hitting him with something he and the gop could not ignore.
I think you misunderstand the situation

trump has been conspired against and obstructed since he took office

think of him as a potty-mouth Mr Smith Goes To Washington

as an outsider he had a naive assumption that after he won the election he would have four years to debate and enact his policies

instead he was immediately confronted with the russia collusion lie that dragged on for two years

then he learned that the trail of corruption led to the Ukraine and joe biden

I think biden should be investigated and so did trump

it has nothing to do with the next election but rather the post-2016 miscarriage of justice

Nice piece of fiction, there. I'm not sure who you're describing, because it sure ain't Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed). Your partisanship seems to have done washed your noggin real good. Maybe you can get help for that.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry
How many babies did you kill today?
FACT: YOUR House Clowns produced a clusterfuck, and are now in front of the jurors begging the jurors to conduct the investigation the House should have conducted before coming to trial.

Only non-thinking, leftist sheeple can't see that reality (that would include you)
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.
Trump didn't try twisting Zelinsky to get a Biden investigation to boost his own political chances? Are you trying to say that didn't happen? LOL.

I'm not for kicking him out without an election, but there's no conspiracy theory about Trump misusing his office. He did. LOL
FACT: YOUR House Clowns produced a clusterfuck, and are now in front of the jurors begging the jurors to conduct the investigation the House should have conducted before coming to trial.

Only non-thinking, leftist sheeple can't see that reality (that would include you)
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.
Trump didn't try twisting Zelinsky to get a Biden investigation to boost his own political chances? Are you trying to say that didn't happen? LOL.

I'm not for kicking him out without an election, but there's no conspiracy theory about Trump misusing his office. He did. LOL

Right, because Democrats can read minds and predict the future. When Trump asked for a favor, he really didn't mean favor. The Democrat mind readers knew he meant a demand and quid pro quo. Forget that the phone call took place nearly a year from the actual nominee being picked. The Democrats with their ability to see the future knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

The entire impeachment is based on mind reading and fortune telling. Boy what our kids are going to be saying about this era in the future.
Old Lady and others like her seem to think that Presidents ignoring subpoenas or exerting executive privilege is a crime but ONLY UNDER TRUMP.

Dimwits, the lot of them.

The Senate will be voting to allow the Chief Executive to work above the law. The blanket refusal of cooperation. ordering federal employees to ignore Congressional Subpoenas and exerting Executive Privilege over every document is worthy of removal from office. However we know the Trumpublicans are submitting, Kneeling and Kissing his Ring, keeping their lord Trumpuybear above the law.

The problem is that DumBama did what they accuse Trump of doing. He withheld documents from the Republican House, and he did a quid pro quo to help Biden get rid of the guy that was breathing down his sons neck. The bigger problem for you on the left is next time a commie President gets in with a Republican led House, the exact same thing is going to happen to him or her. The impeachment war was started by the Democrats.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
Don't worry about CBS. Republicans don't like CBS anyway. I have been switching back and fourth between C-Span, FOX, and CNN, of course I am retired and have the time in the middle of the winter with nothing else besides this message board, the Gym, and the shooting range occupying my time. Trump could have listened to his advisors, his Generals, (mostly fellow Republicans) Republican Christopher Wray, never chasing stupid conspiracy theories and abusing his powers to corrupt a foreign ally fighting the Russians for us, and not started down this road for his own political benefit, but no. He got caught, kept doubling down and here we are. Enjoy the show.
Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked.

This is called dishing it out but not able to take it.

We only care about the outcome.

Yeas, yes, yes....

The Democrats made that clear when they declared 'The Impeachment Of President Trump Begins NOW' 5 minutes after he took his oath of office, before he even entered the WH.

Tlaib made that clear the night she won her election, telling her son she was going to Washington to 'Impeach the M*er F*er'...without ever seeing the 1st piece of information being manufactured by Schiff and the Democrats.

Obama and his administration made that clear when they committed FISA Court Abuses, using known unverified Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a known lying / untrustworthy foreign spy, altering official documents, withholding information, etc...

Schiff made that clear when he attempted to present a self-authored fictional transcript as 'evidence' of crimes by the President during his House Intel Committee hearings....
You can keep using that tired old argument that has nothing to do with WHAT TRUMP DID. You are accusing the Dems of crying "wolf," but just like in the story, the wolf DID appear. You folks are being the crowd who wouldn't believe him. I hope you all get et.
Funny that we have been assured by the crazy left Trump and everyone else were going to be behind bars. It started with the Steele dossier. Went on with Mueller, Stormy Daniels and just about hundreds of left leaning we got him now reports from conspiracy articles by websites that get about four visitors a month.

The Dems rushed through the impeachment on the idea that Trump was such a danger that they could not do a proper job. Then sat on the articles for almost a month because they wanted the senate to do the investigation for them.

Schiff yesterday told the Senate that we had to fight Russia in the Ukraine before we have to fight them here. Somehow I think that if that whole thing was true 44 would have sent something more deadly then blankets. He also claimed that with Trump in office we could not be sure that the U.S. elections were secure. Did he miss 44 announcement that no one could interfere in our elections?

We see the Dems lieing and assurances that the lies are truth and they scratch their heads why no one believes.

And let's not forget his top lie when he insinuated that Trump holding the funds back were responsible for 15,000 Ukrainians getting killed.

Democrats are circling the drain without life jackets or plungers....
We only care about the outcome. We already watched the House testimony and heard the arguments. We're all waiting for the ass kissing Republicans to say "Aw, that's okay--it's no big deal." Corrupt corrupt corrupt as well as power hungry

The commies are trying to reverse an election, but it's Republicans who are power hungry?
FACT: YOUR House Clowns produced a clusterfuck, and are now in front of the jurors begging the jurors to conduct the investigation the House should have conducted before coming to trial.

Only non-thinking, leftist sheeple can't see that reality (that would include you)
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
You really are demented.

Mueller served you up the biggest NOTHINGBURGER you clowns have had to choke down. Give up on it.
You can all make fun of me and say a hundred times that it's all lies and blah blahh blah but I know better and you're not bothering me with your bullshit. Bunch of chattering monkeys is what you're acting like. I have no respect for it.

From the woman who peeked through the blinds in fear of Iranian missiles.
Last edited:
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.
Trump didn't try twisting Zelinsky to get a Biden investigation to boost his own political chances? Are you trying to say that didn't happen? LOL.

I'm not for kicking him out without an election, but there's no conspiracy theory about Trump misusing his office. He did. LOL

Right, because Democrats can read minds and predict the future. When Trump asked for a favor, he really didn't mean favor. The Democrat mind readers knew he meant a demand and quid pro quo. Forget that the phone call took place nearly a year from the actual nominee being picked. The Democrats with their ability to see the future knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

The entire impeachment is based on mind reading and fortune telling. Boy what our kids are going to be saying about this era in the future.
He asked no biden investigation, no white house meeting and no aid. Legally speaking, evil doers don't admit evil, but they are judged by their deeds. Welcome to the World.
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
You really are demented.

Mueller served you up the biggest NOTHINGBURGER you clowns have had to choke down. Give up on it.
You can all make fun of me and say a hundred times that it's all lies and blah blahh blah but I know better and you're not bothering me with your bullshit. Bunch of chattering monkeys is what you're acting like. I have no respect for it.

From the woman who peeked through the blinds in fear of Iranian missiles.
Bad day with the impeachment, aye? LOL
The problem is that DumBama did what they accuse Trump of doing. He withheld documents from the Republican House

Wrong again Ray. Obama claimed Executive privilege over a very few sets of selective documents, he never ordered a blanket refusal of testimony or documents

he did a quid pro quo to help Biden get rid of the guy that was breathing down his sons neck.

Wrong again Ray. The corruption being investigated at Burisma occurred years before Joe's son was offered a job there. The anti-corruption measures Obama took were bipartisan, had the support of the EU and the IMF. There was no complaint about improprieties files against Obama's crime fighting measures. No Ambassador had to be smeared and removed. Obama didn't send in his personal attorney to put the "Fix"in. Nope he sent good ol Joe to tell them like it is and Joe got the job done.

Putin was pouting that day.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.
Trump didn't try twisting Zelinsky to get a Biden investigation to boost his own political chances? Are you trying to say that didn't happen? LOL.

I'm not for kicking him out without an election, but there's no conspiracy theory about Trump misusing his office. He did. LOL

Right, because Democrats can read minds and predict the future. When Trump asked for a favor, he really didn't mean favor. The Democrat mind readers knew he meant a demand and quid pro quo. Forget that the phone call took place nearly a year from the actual nominee being picked. The Democrats with their ability to see the future knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

The entire impeachment is based on mind reading and fortune telling. Boy what our kids are going to be saying about this era in the future.
He asked no biden investigation, no white house meeting and no aid. Legally speaking, evil doers don't admit evil, but they are judged by their deeds. Welcome to the World.

The word "investigation" was not in the phone call. He used the words "look into it." He stated that he was trying to find out what other UN countries were contributing to the cause while holding aid; a matter of major concern he talked about in the primaries.

But forget about what Trump said, pay more attention to what the Democrats think he said. Actual words don't mean anything to them.
FACT: YOUR House Clowns produced a clusterfuck, and are now in front of the jurors begging the jurors to conduct the investigation the House should have conducted before coming to trial.

Only non-thinking, leftist sheeple can't see that reality (that would include you)
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.
Not "conspiracy theories." Facts testified to by various witnesses and confirmed by independent sources. That's actually called "evidence." I don't teach elementary school for a reason. You need to find someone else to explain to you what is actually going on.
FACT: YOUR House Clowns produced a clusterfuck, and are now in front of the jurors begging the jurors to conduct the investigation the House should have conducted before coming to trial.

Only non-thinking, leftist sheeple can't see that reality (that would include you)
It's Trump's fault that the American people don't have all the evidence they should. And you are trying to blame the Dems for something Trump has refused to give the House, very illegally, I might add.
You mean the fact Pelosi never held a vote to actually begin an impeachment inquiry? Which makes any request for documents or people to testify without a standing in court. All they had to do is have an actual vote then if it was refused take it to court. It was done by the house in Clintons impeachment. Of course they did have smarter people and a case back then.
We HAVE a case. Your folks have decided that it was perfectly alright for Trump to twist Zelensky's arm, using billions in approved military aid as the "incentive" and help Trump win his campaign. It was perfectly alright for his personal attorney and a diplomat who had no authority over Ukraine to sneak around like thugs, disposing of the actual ambassador, who was trying to follow ACTUAL US policy instead of Trump's thugs' policy. Look, it was clear what Trump's willing to do to win. His son showed us with the Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer. He was ready to accept dirt from the Russian government with no questions asked. He got away with it and now, naturally, Trump is doing it again.
It had nothing to do with a corruption investigation or the imaginary "Crowd Strike" or any other horseshit you folks are
Seriously you did not just post those conspiracy theories as if they were fact? Then you have the gall to talk about Republicans not accepting facts. That has to be the winner of the most ignorant post ever.
Trump didn't try twisting Zelinsky to get a Biden investigation to boost his own political chances? Are you trying to say that didn't happen? LOL.

I'm not for kicking him out without an election, but there's no conspiracy theory about Trump misusing his office. He did. LOL
Maybe I missed something but when did Zelinsky say that he felt in anyway that he was being pressured by Trump?

I know that you really don't have an answer for this but I will ask anyway.
So the Democrats had already chosen Biden to be their presidential candidate when Trump had a phone call with Zelinsky? Man someone needs to tell all these idiots like Warren and Bernie to stop wasting their time. Boy is Bloomberg going to be pissed that not only did he spend all that money on a Super Bowl add for no reason but Biden had been chosen before he pretty much announced.

Or are you actually hanging your hat on the same conspiracy theories.

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