'Impeachment Threatens Congressional Agenda' - Impeachment Has Always Been Congress' Agneda


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Members of Congress warn Pelosi's decision to pursue Impeach the President could 'threaten the Congressional Agenda'...


The Impeachment of Donald Trump has been the Democrats' / Congress' #1 Agenda since before President Trump took office after defeating Hillary Clinton. undermining the President, undermining his administration, continuing the non-stop fishing trip begun under Obama, attempting to salvage Obama's failed coup attempt - NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

This has been proven by Pelosi and Democrats announcing they are pursuing Impeachment yet not taking an official vote to do so - SAME OL' SAME OL'!

Congress' agenda REMAINS THE SAME. The last year of the Trump Presidency will be for Democrats the same as their 1st 3 - zero intent to do anything for the American people who elected them to represent the American people. Instead, Democrats will continue to put all of their effort in staying the treasonous course of attempting to take down an American President for Party / Personal benefit.

Impeachment threatens derailment of congressional agenda

Members of Congress warn Pelosi's decision to pursue Impeach the President could 'threaten the Congressional Agenda'...


The Impeachment of Donald Trump has been the Democrats' / Congress' #1 Agenda since before President Trump took office after defeating Hillary Clinton. undermining the President, undermining his administration, continuing the non-stop fishing trip begun under Obama, attempting to salvage Obama's failed coup attempt - NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

This has been proven by Pelosi and Democrats announcing they are pursuing Impeachment yet not taking an official vote to do so - SAME OL' SAME OL'!

Congress' agenda REMAINS THE SAME. The last year of the Trump Presidency will be for Democrats the same as their 1st 3 - zero intent to do anything for the American people who elected them to represent the American people. Instead, Democrats will continue to put all of their effort in staying the treasonous course of attempting to take down an American President for Party / Personal benefit.

Impeachment threatens derailment of congressional agenda


So what was the problem with the republican agenda when they controlled both houses, there was no impeachment just a bunch of lazy sob's.
So what was the problem with the republican agenda when they controlled both houses, there was no impeachment just a bunch of lazy sob's.
Clarify. Are you talking about when Obama was President?

'Lazy SOBs'? Hardly. Unlike Democrats, the GOP were intelligent enough to understand they did not have the numbers to successfully, completely Impeach the criminal / terrorist-supporting former President, so it was not wasting the American people's time. They tried to keep to doing the job for which they were elected. They did not dedicate their full time in office to removing the United States President from office as Democrats have done.

Barry said, 'Elections have consequences' - that is one thing Democrats have demonstrated they do not agree with at all when it is a Republican wins. They don't accept defeat and do their best to carry on and do their jobs. As demonstrated, they dedicate years of their time in office to 'un-doing' those elections.
The 2020 election is going to be one for the books. Absent an economic downturn or recession, the only thing the Democrats have going for them is 'Orange Man Bad', and I don't think it's going to work. If they give back the House and do not take the Senate or the WH, then their party is in serious trouble. Trump will continue to nominate conservative judges and justices to the federal bench and possibly one or 2 new SCOTUS positions. Plus whatever else he can do with executive orders, actions, memos, etc. IOW, this country will continue it's move back to the right from the Obama years.

The Dems aren't doing anything to appeal to the independent voters or even the moderates within their own base. Some of those moderate Dems are leaving their own party too, when you look at the candidates for Prez on the Dem's side, they're all a bunch of far left wingnuts who are pushing a fantasy GND that has no chance of passage through Congress unless they get a super majority in the Senate and a Dem Prez. And all this impeachment talk makes them look like very sore losers who are pursuing political gain instead of working constructively on this country's ills.

Will the Dems continue to allow the far left to control the political process? Who will they nominate in 2024 and beyond? If it's the same group of radicals, how long can that go on before enough people leave their party and possibly form their own more moderate party? Frankly, I'm not seeing the moderates taking back the control of the Dem Party from the far left. BUT - the Dems do have a couple of things going for them: DJT and the GOP. It's easy to bitch about the party and president in power, and the Repubs have not covered themselves in glory when they had the chance to do so. Which to me means that IF the Dems finally run a more moderate candidate that is electable, they get their chance again.

TBH, I hope the Dems pay dearly for this shit they're doing. It's counter-productive and harmful IMHO to the country's best interests. Yes, the GOP went after Obama a bunch of times, but it wasn't for personal conduct so much as policy-driven or execution that were questionable.
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Impeachment Has Always Been Congress' Agneda

unless the dog catchers union gets together and impeaches the president -

So what was the problem with the republican agenda when they controlled both houses, there was no impeachment just a bunch of lazy sob's.
Clarify. Are you talking about when Obama was President?

'Lazy SOBs'? Hardly. Unlike Democrats, the GOP were intelligent enough to understand they did not have the numbers to successfully, completely Impeach the criminal / terrorist-supporting former President, so it was not wasting the American people's time. They tried to keep to doing the job for which they were elected. They did not dedicate their full time in office to removing the United States President from office as Democrats have done.

Barry said, 'Elections have consequences' - that is one thing Democrats have demonstrated they do not agree with at all when it is a Republican wins. They don't accept defeat and do their best to carry on and do their jobs. As demonstrated, they dedicate years of their time in office to 'un-doing' those elections.

Does it matter what period to time I'm referring to that both republican houses have done squat, obama or trumps first couple of years. Just what did they do? This congress has at least sent many bills to senate but your old bud mitch killed them.
So what was the problem with the republican agenda when they controlled both houses, there was no impeachment just a bunch of lazy sob's.
Clarify. Are you talking about when Obama was President?

'Lazy SOBs'? Hardly. Unlike Democrats, the GOP were intelligent enough to understand they did not have the numbers to successfully, completely Impeach the criminal / terrorist-supporting former President, so it was not wasting the American people's time. They tried to keep to doing the job for which they were elected. They did not dedicate their full time in office to removing the United States President from office as Democrats have done.

Barry said, 'Elections have consequences' - that is one thing Democrats have demonstrated they do not agree with at all when it is a Republican wins. They don't accept defeat and do their best to carry on and do their jobs. As demonstrated, they dedicate years of their time in office to 'un-doing' those elections.

Does it matter what period to time I'm referring to that both republican houses have done squat, obama or trumps first couple of years. Just what did they do? This congress has at least sent many bills to senate but your old bud mitch killed them.

As I pointed out, it actually does make a big difference....but just keep ignoring what I wrote. It is, after all, an inconvenient truth...... :p
So what was the problem with the republican agenda when they controlled both houses, there was no impeachment just a bunch of lazy sob's.
Clarify. Are you talking about when Obama was President?

'Lazy SOBs'? Hardly. Unlike Democrats, the GOP were intelligent enough to understand they did not have the numbers to successfully, completely Impeach the criminal / terrorist-supporting former President, so it was not wasting the American people's time. They tried to keep to doing the job for which they were elected. They did not dedicate their full time in office to removing the United States President from office as Democrats have done.

Barry said, 'Elections have consequences' - that is one thing Democrats have demonstrated they do not agree with at all when it is a Republican wins. They don't accept defeat and do their best to carry on and do their jobs. As demonstrated, they dedicate years of their time in office to 'un-doing' those elections.

Does it matter what period to time I'm referring to that both republican houses have done squat, obama or trumps first couple of years. Just what did they do? This congress has at least sent many bills to senate but your old bud mitch killed them.

As I pointed out, it actually does make a big difference....but just keep ignoring what I wrote. It is, after all, an inconvenient truth...... :p

I ignore most of what your write because almost all of it is pure bullshit. BTW congress on a bi partisan note today passed the SAFE banking act.
Will any of this prove to dimocrap scum voters that the people they vote for are honest to God scum?

Unnecessary, because they already knew EXACTLY who and what they vote for.

Know why?

Because dimocrap scum voters are, themselves, the scum of the Earth.

The Politicians? Paid Performers. Actors playing a part. Paid hit-men, hired guns......

The real scum in all of this?

dimocrap voters

Of Them

You vote dimocrap? You are scum.


Not misguided, not misinformed, not uninformed, not mistaken or misled......


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