Impeachment time

How much more is needed before the motherfucker is impeached

You could start with an actual crime...

What a concept
Impeachment is a political process not a criminal process. What, for example, is a "high crime"?
Regent Is it not the job of the president to protect Americas freedoms??? WHY hasn't he called for an investigation into Russian involvement in our election process?? we both know why
How much more is needed before the motherfucker is impeached

You could start with an actual crime...

What a concept
Impeachment is a political process not a criminal process. What, for example, is a "high crime"?
Whatever the House says it is. They could indict him for eating Big Macs if t hey wanted to. That is why the term is so loose.
Jake if the trump ah has the same proof about tapping as he did on birther issue I'd say the scumbag should step down
Nobody ever proved he did any grabbing.

It's just a meme you dicks keep repeating.
proved?? he admitted it

And you believed him ?

How is it that you dorks can't call him anything but a liar.

You get one piece of damning evidence and it suddenly becomes the gospel truth.
well there were those 12 women that came forward were they all lying all paid off?? seemed like reasonable people to me

12 women who could prove nothing....some of them for alleged incidents over 30 years ago.

They should be ashamed of themselves for waitiing so long.
Here's one more for you,,,sun Why if innocent of all dem charges, hasn't trump called for an investigation into russian interference into our sacred election process?? That should be a no brainer for a smart guy like you
. Uh, because Trump knows there was no interference by the Russians. I mean he should know since he was the center of leftist accusations over the matter.
How much more is needed before the motherfucker is impeached

You could start with an actual crime...

What a concept
Impeachment is a political process not a criminal process. What, for example, is a "high crime"?
Regent Is it not the job of the president to protect Americas freedoms??? WHY hasn't he called for an investigation into Russian involvement in our election process?? we both know why
. Why ?
proved?? he admitted it

And you believed him ?

How is it that you dorks can't call him anything but a liar.

You get one piece of damning evidence and it suddenly becomes the gospel truth.
well there were those 12 women that came forward were they all lying all paid off?? seemed like reasonable people to me

12 women who could prove nothing....some of them for alleged incidents over 30 years ago.

They should be ashamed of themselves for waitiing so long.
Here's one more for you,,,sun Why if innocent of all dem charges, hasn't trump called for an investigation into russian interference into our sacred election process?? That should be a no brainer for a smart guy like you
. Uh, because Trump knows there was no interference by the Russians. I mean he should know since he was the center of leftist accusations over the matter.
Are you fn nutz?? Everyone with a brain in their head know russia became involved in our election process
And you believed him ?

How is it that you dorks can't call him anything but a liar.

You get one piece of damning evidence and it suddenly becomes the gospel truth.
well there were those 12 women that came forward were they all lying all paid off?? seemed like reasonable people to me

12 women who could prove nothing....some of them for alleged incidents over 30 years ago.

They should be ashamed of themselves for waitiing so long.
Here's one more for you,,,sun Why if innocent of all dem charges, hasn't trump called for an investigation into russian interference into our sacred election process?? That should be a no brainer for a smart guy like you
. Uh, because Trump knows there was no interference by the Russians. I mean he should know since he was the center of leftist accusations over the matter.
Are you fn nutz?? Everyone with a brain in their head know russia became involved in our election process
. Detail it for us.. Was it interference or support for a chosen candidate like Obama was doing in the Israeli elections or when he was meddling in the Egyptian elections in support of the Muslim brotherhood, and his support for the Arab SPRING, as in sprung like a lion on unsuspecting foes?
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Russia became involved, all the intel agencies have said it, and only fools deny it.

The only questions are "was Trump involved" and "how much?"

He has so much 'splain' to do.
Nobody ever proved he did any grabbing.

It's just a meme you dicks keep repeating.
proved?? he admitted it

And you believed him ?

How is it that you dorks can't call him anything but a liar.

You get one piece of damning evidence and it suddenly becomes the gospel truth.
well there were those 12 women that came forward were they all lying all paid off?? seemed like reasonable people to me

12 women who could prove nothing....some of them for alleged incidents over 30 years ago.

They should be ashamed of themselves for waitiing so long.
Here's one more for you,,,sun Why if innocent of all dem charges, hasn't trump called for an investigation into russian interference into our sacred election process?? That should be a no brainer for a smart guy like you

Why should he.

They didn't interfere.

They hacked the DNC.

No big deal.
Historians will take a nasty view about what is happening with the Trump presidency. And the major blame will be placed on the Democrats and Liberals who attacked Trump and his staff personally while forgetting to run the country.
Historians will take a nasty view about what is happening with the Trump presidency. And the major blame will be placed on the Democrats and Liberals who attacked Trump and his staff personally while forgetting to run the country.
Pluto can the same be said of the republican scum in congress during Obamas 8 years
Historians will take a nasty view about what is happening with the Trump presidency. And the major blame will be placed on the Democrats and Liberals who attacked Trump and his staff personally while forgetting to run the country.
Pluto can the same be said of the republican scum in congress during Obamas 8 years
AND remember 42 pos of nixons people spent time in jail Best thing is for all these trump ass lickers is to get lawyered up
Historians will take a nasty view about what is happening with the Trump presidency. And the major blame will be placed on the Democrats and Liberals who attacked Trump and his staff personally while forgetting to run the country.
The blame will be placed on Trump, the Alt Right, Russia, and Putin.

Historians will take a nasty view about what is happening with the Trump presidency. And the major blame will be placed on the Democrats and Liberals who attacked Trump and his staff personally while forgetting to run the country.
Pluto can the same be said of the republican scum in congress during Obamas 8 years

Democrats and liberals won't take down Trump. Republicans will do it with glee. They're getting sick of Trump's self-inflicted drama.
Historians will take a nasty view about what is happening with the Trump presidency. And the major blame will be placed on the Democrats and Liberals who attacked Trump and his staff personally while forgetting to run the country.
Pluto can the same be said of the republican scum in congress during Obamas 8 years

Democrats and liberals won't take down Trump. Republicans will do it with glee. They're getting sick of Trump's self-inflicted drama.
DOJ special council Former FBI director to oversee Russia investigation
How much more is needed before the motherfucker is impeached or

Trump Team’s Links to Russia Crisscross in Washington
A growing list of contacts between the president’s associates and Russia is drawing increasing scrutiny, a furor that Mr. Trump called a “total witch hunt.” let's get that garbage out of our wh and take his alt right supporters with him
Keep on talking impeachment. Helps Republicans tremendously! Keep on trying to usurp democracy you crybaby idiots.
Impeachment has been called for in the Congress now.

I think 75% of the country knows by now this weirdo was a huge mistake and is freely giving out secrets to our adversaries. He has to go.
Impeachment has been called for in the Congress now.

I think 75% of the country knows by now this weirdo was a huge mistake and is freely giving out secrets to our adversaries. He has to go.
I'd prefer him to just walk away Less cost to our Gov't
Yes it has been called for by the most vile disgusting scum that inhabits the city of Washington, DC. There are NO GROUNDS for impeachment, and if they do impeach Trump they will pay the price a hundredfold. It is time for the shit Republicans to slap the press and the dimshitscum down into the gutter where they belong once and for all. You stupid liberal shit think you can get away with this shit, BUT you won't. There will be a surprise for dimshits and Republican traitors. THEY will be the ones who leave the government. As for the Republicans that are fighting Trump they might as well pack up because any dog that runs against them in a primary will win the seat. As for dimshitscum, they are done for, their lying, intimidation and extortion will be their downfall.

Oh as for the special council, he can ALSO investigate the leaks by the News media, and the oshit administrations treasonous activity against the Trump administration. So he can even reopen the clinton email case, and the IRS cases to find out if there was any surveillance of political opponents by oshit and company. His authority to investigate ALL involved parties even extends to ALL of the information in the hacked dnc email base. HAAHAHA so all of that shit will be open too. You know they have opened a door that will lead to all of the treasonous activity by your scum idols out and the public will know what scum liberal shit really are.
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Yes it has been called for by the most vile disgusting scum that inhabits the city of Washington, DC. There are NO GROUNDS for impeachment, and if they do impeach Trump they will pay the price a hundredfold. It is time for the shit Republicans to slap the press and the dimshitscum down into the gutter where they belong once and for all. You stupid liberal shit think you can get away with this shit, BUT you won't. There will be a surprise for dimshits and Republican traitors. THEY will be the ones who leave the government. As for the Republicans that are fighting Trump they might as well pack up because any dog that runs against them in a primary will win the seat. As for dimshitscum, they are done for, their lying, intimidation and extortion will be their downfall.
LOL LOL this coming from some one who doesn't remember the shit republicans threw at Bill Obama and Hillary?

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