
President Ford said impeachment is pretty much what the House say it is. There are no "high crimes" in the United States and the House of Reps can pretty much impeach a president for spitting on the sidewalk.
The problem is how would the American people respond to the party that impeached, would it lose or gain votes for the party impeaching? But the real trick is getting 2/3 of the Senate to vote guilty for spitting on the sidewalk; or making a mistake, or promising something the president can't deliver.
No president has been removed through the impeachment process, it remains a political ploy, just another political stunt to make political statements. Maybe someday.
There is so much talk about this floating around I thought I would throw this out there for opinions.

Unless and until convincing evidence is shown to the people of this country I believe such an action would do terrible damage to our political system. Possibly entrench it in total partisanship for a decade or more. It would cause a rift like never seen in this country imo

Obama's little story about Benghazi is pathetic but certainly not grounds for this action. For me to support it I would need to see CLEAR evidence of intent to neglect his responsibilities. That evidence may in fact exist but I haven't seen it. If Obama did wrong by the constitution then let the chips fall where they may but I don't want to see our system fall to the level of trying to impeach presidents simply because we don't like them.

I am not interested in picking sides but rather just trying to be objective.

Putting aside the FACT that the question of impeachment gets invariably mixed up with mere political considerations (because of where it is brought up and possibly tried), it is still true that, at least in theory, an impeachment requires a rational basis to accuse the President of "high crimes" or of "misdemeanors."

As much as I detest Obama's politics, I have YET to see any evidence that he has committed high crimes (felonies) or misdemeanors in his time in Office.

Show that to me and I might be open to persuasion.

But until then, I agree with the author of the OP. It is really not worth discussing and it is even potentially damaging to our system.
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Moabama could shoot Moochell on live national TV and the MSM and this senate would find a reason to justify it. With the current senate he in impeachment proof so it doesn't matter what he does.
Moabama could shoot Moochell on live national TV and the MSM and this senate would find a reason to justify it. With the current senate he in impeachment proof so it doesn't matter what he does.

A remedial English course, seems to be in order. Just say no to drugs.
"Entrench it (the Country) in total partisanship"? Have you been in a coma? The liberal media will never let impeachment happen again even if they have to engage in a campaign of total hypocrisy. Look at Dan Rather. He should be in federal prison for trying to influence an election with forged documents but here he is characterizing everyone who disagrees with the Hussein regime as wanting to "cut Obama's heart out and feed his liver to the dogs". The liberal media ain't about to see the administration go down without a fight.

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