
Impeachment is for "high crimes and misdemeanors." Nothing Obama has done to date qualifes for that. It's no crime to be incompetent.
Now, if he turned over secret codes to Islamic rebels or something there might be an issue.

No Republican President has ever been impeached.

And "plausible deniability" was a phrase coined by the Treasonous Traitor, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan was a "traitor" to your beloved Soviet Union?


Hey, but here's something - Ronnie wasn't sworn to promote Communism. I know you'll never forgive him from causing your dream to come to an end; BUT what you weep over is what rational people celebrate.
What is so hard to grasp about malfeasance for personal/political gain? You can bash Reagan and Bush all you want, but they weren't motivated for that reason. You can cite Nixon if you want to, although you probably don't know that the purpose of the Watergate break in was to document illegal campaign contributions from Cuba.

P.S. Enough with the BS about "stealing" the 2000 election or "lying" about WMD's. There is zero credible evidence to support these fantasies.

There's plenty of evidence to support both. From not winning the popular election, to Bush's brother being the governor of the contentious state to the several judges on the Supreme court being appointed by his father's administration.

And there were plenty of lies about WMDs. The effort to attack Iraq started with the PNAC, who populated the administration of George W. Bush.
Impeachment is for "high crimes and misdemeanors." Nothing Obama has done to date qualifes for that.

Yeah, especially not the premeditated murder of a 16 year old American citizen, charged with no crimes, on no watch lists, sitting in a coffee shop.

It's no crime to be incompetent.
Now, if he turned over secret codes to Islamic rebels or something there might be an issue.

Nah, murder is plenty reason.

No Republican President has ever been impeached.

And "plausible deniability" was a phrase coined by the Treasonous Traitor, Ronald Reagan.

Reagan was a "traitor" to your beloved Soviet Union?


Hey, but here's something - Ronnie wasn't sworn to promote Communism. I know you'll never forgive him from causing your dream to come to an end; BUT what you weep over is what rational people celebrate.

Reagan was a promoter of the radicals that now attack this country.

He funded Bin Laden and went behind that back of Congress to sell weapons to the Iranians while funding the Contras, who tortured, raped and killed American nuns.

Fine Conservative. No wonder he's a hero to you folks.
There is so much talk about this floating around I thought I would throw this out there for opinions.

Unless and until convincing evidence is shown to the people of this country I believe such an action would do terrible damage to our political system. Possibly entrench it in total partisanship for a decade or more. It would cause a rift like never seen in this country imo

Obama's little story about Benghazi is pathetic but certainly not grounds for this action. For me to support it I would need to see CLEAR evidence of intent to neglect his responsibilities. That evidence may in fact exist but I haven't seen it. If Obama did wrong by the constitution then let the chips fall where they may but I don't want to see our system fall to the level of trying to impeach presidents simply because we don't like them.

I am not interested in picking sides but rather just trying to be objective.
I'm with you on this one. There needs to be clear evidence that shows he neglected his responsibilities. I don't want to hear speculation, "it appears" he may have, or opinions. I want facts.

As a side note, I do not believe this will go anywhere. It will all go away, the repubs will be left outraged, and the circus will continue.
What has Obama done that calls for impeachment?

Nothing at all. Look, he is a terrible president but lying to the American people is a president’s national pastime, hardly something that is impeachable for. Obama has done nothing that would rate illegal on the scale required to call for impeachment.

^^ This.

I have a feeling we've come to a political stalemate where talk of impeaching the sitting president , no matter who he is or what he "did" will be common.
Reagan was a promoter of the radicals that now attack this country.


Take your meds.

He funded Bin Laden

Lying fuck.

Osama bin Laden joined the Mujahadeen while Jimmy Carter was in office. Laden was not a fighter, nor was he a tactician. What he was, was rich. Laden (bin is a title, we don't refer to Jimmy the Greek as Mr. The Greek.)

Now the reason I point out that you're a lying fuck, is that you've had your lying face rubbed in this dozens of times - so you know for a fact that your claims are false. Your intent is to deceive, because you have ZERO integrity.

and went behind that back of Congress to sell weapons to the Iranians while funding the Contras, who tortured, raped and killed American nuns.

As you know, it was an Israeli company who actually sold the spare parts. Oh, and the Contras were the insurgency fighting your beloved Soviet satellite. Want to look at the atrocities of your Sandinista Communist bedfellows? The attempted genocide of the Meskito Indians, for instance?

No, of course not - you're a Communist, you don't deal in fact. Party above all. You have zero integrity.

Fine Conservative. No wonder he's a hero to you folks.

Aw, he defeated your Communist dream.

Hey, but you've got Obama, and it looks like we may yet become like Cuba or North Korea.
imo today's gop simply misunderstands the notion of impeachment. There's no doubt or meas of denying that the gop in 2000 manipulated the 2000 election, and ended up having to sign a consent decree to let blacks back on voter roles, even while W was potus.

You just kind of live off in a fantasy world that has no connection at all with reality, doncha?

Only those in denial still contend W didn't lie about womd for political purposes.

So, if Obama turns quickly, he'll snap your neck, won't he? I mean, with your head shoved so far up his ass and all...

Yeah, "personal" like causing the death of a U.S. Ambassador.

Nothing to see here, Obama Akbar.

Impeachment was debated and impossibly ambiguous because the framers were very conscious about creating a monarch, and their view of a potus' power was probably more limited that what emerged. But it has to go to some official act. Possibly it requiers explcitly flouting the will of congress. Probably, it would apply to a situation of a potus got convicted of somehting (like tax fraud) and had to do hard time that prevented him from serving.

Well, not exactly.

{Section. 4.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. }

You know, like falsifying the facts on an operation that leaves the U.S. Ambassador dead.

What's the worst Obama could have done?

Murdered a 16 year old American citizen.

Ah, but you don't worry about that - BOOOOSSSHHHH

yeah, your right and not delusional. try googling impeachment constitution and reading for awhile. It won't hurt ... much.
What has Obama done that calls for impeachment?

Nothing at all. Look, he is a terrible president but lying to the American people is a president’s national pastime, hardly something that is impeachable for. Obama has done nothing that would rate illegal on the scale required to call for impeachment.

So using the office of the President to influence voters by blaming the deaths on a video has no culpability?
Again... both Reagan/Bush didn't do anything for personal gain.
Obama blaming the video before the elections kept the truth about his administration's ineptness from voters.
Enough bumper stickers "Osama Dead, GM lives" were seen by extremely low information voters to assure them
Obama was tough enough and given all else Obama failed in at least he could boast Osama's death!
No amount of "convincing evidence" can touch this President. He was a lost cause before he set foot into the White House. But he just happens to represent everything near and dear to Liberals and they won't give him up for anything.

Lost cause??? Oh, so you're a conservative/Republican. Give him up? We don't have to not "give him up". He's not "up" or on trial for anything. Misguided and deluded.
What has Obama done that calls for impeachment?

Nothing at all. Look, he is a terrible president but lying to the American people is a president’s national pastime, hardly something that is impeachable for. Obama has done nothing that would rate illegal on the scale required to call for impeachment.

So using the office of the President to influence voters by blaming the deaths on a video has no culpability?
Again... both Reagan/Bush didn't do anything for personal gain.
Obama blaming the video before the elections kept the truth about his administration's ineptness from voters.
Enough bumper stickers "Osama Dead, GM lives" were seen by extremely low information voters to assure them
Obama was tough enough and given all else Obama failed in at least he could boast Osama's death!

Maybe true. But not impeachable offenses.
There is so much talk about this floating around I thought I would throw this out there for opinions.

Unless and until convincing evidence is shown to the people of this country I believe such an action would do terrible damage to our political system. Possibly entrench it in total partisanship for a decade or more. It would cause a rift like never seen in this country imo

Obama's little story about Benghazi is pathetic but certainly not grounds for this action.

....Primarily, because.....there was NO SEX involved!!

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Reagan was a promoter of the radicals that now attack this country.


Take your meds.

He funded Bin Laden

Lying fuck.

Osama bin Laden joined the Mujahadeen while Jimmy Carter was in office. Laden was not a fighter, nor was he a tactician. What he was, was rich. Laden (bin is a title, we don't refer to Jimmy the Greek as Mr. The Greek.)

Now the reason I point out that you're a lying fuck, is that you've had your lying face rubbed in this dozens of times - so you know for a fact that your claims are false. Your intent is to deceive, because you have ZERO integrity.

and went behind that back of Congress to sell weapons to the Iranians while funding the Contras, who tortured, raped and killed American nuns.

As you know, it was an Israeli company who actually sold the spare parts. Oh, and the Contras were the insurgency fighting your beloved Soviet satellite. Want to look at the atrocities of your Sandinista Communist bedfellows? The attempted genocide of the Meskito Indians, for instance?

No, of course not - you're a Communist, you don't deal in fact. Party above all. You have zero integrity.

Fine Conservative. No wonder he's a hero to you folks.

Aw, he defeated your Communist dream.

Hey, but you've got Obama, and it looks like we may yet become like Cuba or North Korea.


You wouldn't know the truth if it came to you in a box with the word "Truth" on it.

And it's you that's been the one who's LIED around here.

You said that Ted Nugent never threatened the life of Barack Obama..DESPITE the FACT he said it on VIDEO TAPE.

You're something else. Delusional doesn't quite cover it.

But then're a little fucking racist fascist happy that your heroes are constantly spilling the blood of Americans.


You wouldn't know the truth if it came to you in a box with the word "Truth" on it.

Oh, am I a "lair," TM?

And it's you that's been the one who's LIED around here.


Of course, it was me claiming that "Reagan funded Osama bin Laden."

{After leaving college in 1979 bin Laden joined Azzam[7][8] to fight the Soviet Invasion[9] and lived for a time in Peshawar.[citation needed] According to Rahimullah Yousufzai, "Azzam prevailed on him to come and use his money" for training recruits.[10] In the early 1980s, bin Laden lived at several addresses in and around Arbab Road, a narrow street in the University Town neighborhood in western Peshawar, Yusufzai said. Nearby in Gulshan Iqbal Road is the Arab mosque that Abdullah Azzam used as the jihad center, according to a Reuters inquiry in the neighborhood}

Militant activity of Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're not a lying fuckwad - MUCH...

You said that Ted Nugent never threatened the life of Barack Obama..DESPITE the FACT he said it on VIDEO TAPE.

LOL; "If Obama wins the election, I'll either be dead or in jail" isn't a threat against your god - you mindless monkey.

You're something else. Delusional doesn't quite cover it.

Take your meds sparky, and turn off the hate shows - it gets you riled up.

But then're a little fucking racist fascist happy that your heroes are constantly spilling the blood of Americans.

Oh, I oppose Obama, so that makes me racist...

You're fucking dumb as a stone - true story.

Oh, and you have zero integrity.

You should be in a rubber room, for your own safety.

You wouldn't know the truth if it came to you in a box with the word "Truth" on it.

Oh, am I a "lair," TM?

And it's you that's been the one who's LIED around here.


Of course, it was me claiming that "Reagan funded Osama bin Laden."

{After leaving college in 1979 bin Laden joined Azzam[7][8] to fight the Soviet Invasion[9] and lived for a time in Peshawar.[citation needed] According to Rahimullah Yousufzai, "Azzam prevailed on him to come and use his money" for training recruits.[10] In the early 1980s, bin Laden lived at several addresses in and around Arbab Road, a narrow street in the University Town neighborhood in western Peshawar, Yusufzai said. Nearby in Gulshan Iqbal Road is the Arab mosque that Abdullah Azzam used as the jihad center, according to a Reuters inquiry in the neighborhood}

Militant activity of Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're not a lying fuckwad - MUCH...

LOL; "If Obama wins the election, I'll either be dead or in jail" isn't a threat against your god - you mindless monkey.

Take your meds sparky, and turn off the hate shows - it gets you riled up.

But then're a little fucking racist fascist happy that your heroes are constantly spilling the blood of Americans.

Oh, I oppose Obama, so that makes me racist...

You're fucking dumb as a stone - true story.

Oh, and you have zero integrity.

You should be in a rubber room, for your own safety.

Sorry Fascist.

Osama was Reagan's and Poppa Bush's boy.

Carter dabbled in Afghanistan..Reagan went full bore.

Keep goose stepping in the blood of little fucking Nazi.

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