
Exactly. You got nothing.
Spot on as always, "butch"! Nobody once ever implied or even outrightly stated such a thing. Ever.

No asshole. Your party has always alleged he is a criminal. Every time, nothing is proven. Then, it’s we can’t prosecute him because he’s president. They spent over 50 million on bullshit investigations, using the best investigators and lawyers in the country. And you still won’t admit defeat. Now you want to play victim. Again, best wishes on your mental patient candidate for 2020.

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He will be vindicated like every time so far.
"Can't prosecute him now, because he is President" is not really vindication. In any universe.

Its an excuse.

But IMHO, its just a liberal line of bovine excrement.

For 8 years while he was in office, the libs promised to have George W. Bush extradited to The Hague for crimes against humanity.

After he left, nothing happened. Dubya is sitting in Dallas driving over to Arlington for baseball games, mentoring Nolan Ryan, and life goes on.
Exactly. You got nothing.
Spot on as always, "butch"! Nobody once ever implied or even outrightly stated such a thing. Ever.

No asshole. Your party has always alleged he is a criminal. Every time, nothing is proven. Then, it’s we can’t prosecute him because he’s president. They spent over 50 million on bullshit investigations, using the best investigators and lawyers in the country. And you still won’t admit defeat. Now you want to play victim. Again, best wishes on your mental patient candidate for 2020.

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Neat! But I responded directly to your allegation that he has been vindicated every time. Which, obviously,is delusional. Good for you, butch. Winning.
Last edited:
Exactly. You got nothing.
Spot on as always, "butch"! Nobody once ever implied or even outrightly stated such a thing. Ever.

No asshole. Your party has always alleged he is a criminal. Every time, nothing is proven. Then, it’s we can’t prosecute him because he’s president. They spent over 50 million on bullshit investigations, using the best investigators and lawyers in the country. And you still won’t admit defeat. Now you want to play victim. Again, best wishes on your mental patient candidate for 2020.

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Neat! But I responded directly to your allegation that he has been vindicated every time. Which, obviously,is delusional. Good for you, bitch. Winning.

You are used to your asshole being sore. Enjoy the next 5, punk.

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Gee. It is so great. The Great Douche is chasing RW BS. MAGA supporters are just that stupid.



Yep! DOPers are the best.

"Speaker Pelosi’s much-publicized efforts to restrain her far-left conference have finally crumbled. House Democrats cannot help themselves. Instead of working together across party lines on legislation to help American families and strengthen our nation, they will descend even deeper into their obsession with relitigating 2016."

Unfortunately that lie doesn't stand since McConnell is letting bills sit that have been sent to the Senate from congress.

Any bills that don't have a chance to be passed or signed by Our President should just "sit".

The Senate is too busy confirming Justices in the court system to waste their time with bills that are doomed.

Bullshit excuse. They weren't concerned with confirming justices during Obama.
Everybody knew the fat orange retard would face impeachment eventually. 1 of probably hundreds of impeachable offenses committed by Trump finally had a whistleblower. Wouldn't be surprised to see countless more emerge now.
ok retard name those offenses? like collusion with Russia? obstruction for a crime that never happened? you leftist retards will believe any damn lie the democrat media tells you.
there is no Democratic media, super duper, like your disgraceful lying cheating GOP propaganda machine, and your swamp and catastrophe of a party.
oh hell yes there is a democrat media it's called ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC and yes even FOX news.
Not Fox except maybe Shep. He appears to be an actual journalist. Which means he is after the truth. You forgot the BBC PBS every respected newspaper and media around the world, everything but the GOP propaganda machine, a disgrace. So many phony scandals never a retraction....
smith's a troll you're looney toons it's no wonder why you leftist are so deeply screwed TDS in the head.
One, they were not holding money back from them.
Two, they are not asking for Crazy Great Douche BS.
Three, Read the whole request.

View attachment 281114

Try again.
Your insanity is hilarious. We are all laughing at you.
The 30% brainwashed GOP voters. Poor America.
the 30% brain washed GOP are the never trumpers and all leftist are brainwashed. Just look at the recent news about Ukraine your democrat media reported it and bam here we are you mindlessly attacking with it. So what will be next weeks news? Trump ate kittens?
Gee. It is so great. The Great Douche is chasing RW BS. MAGA supporters are just that stupid.

View attachment 281178

View attachment 281179
Yep! DOPers are the best.

View attachment 281180
I've got it! I see your problem, you are getting your news from NBC, MSNBC and Seth Myers. That's why you get everything wrong. Stop watching them and you will be less wrong.
It's a pure DOPer we have here folks. Deflecting the first two pictures that are Quotation Marks WHAT THE GREAT DOUCHE SAID!
This DOPer does not know what these two quotation marks mean ( " o " )
So try to learn here below..

So let see if you can see where you spewed wrong.
Below is what the Great Douche said. aka Facts.



You really just hate reading real facts. So MAGA and DOPer on!
Whistleblower complaint released: There is no "there" there

Just what we suspected, nothing of substance.

Whistleblower complaint has been declassified and contains no 'surprises,' GOP lawmaker says
IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE: ‘Well, Son of a Bitch’ : Ukraine Scandal Is About Biden.

“Talk about a quid pro quo. The Democrats will need an electron microscope to find in the Trump-Zelensky phone call particles of either a quid or a pro or a quo — specks, in any event, compared to the Uluru of a quid pro quo in the Biden-Poroshenko palaver. How are Speaker Pelosi and her Democratic caucus going to make a federal case out of Mr. Trump without sacrificing Mr. Biden?”​
One, they were not holding money back from them.
Two, they are not asking for Crazy Great Douche BS.
Three, Read the whole request.

View attachment 281114

Try again.
Your insanity is hilarious. We are all laughing at you.
The 30% brainwashed GOP voters. Poor America.
the 30% brain washed GOP are the never trumpers and all leftist are brainwashed. Just look at the recent news about Ukraine your democrat media reported it and bam here we are you mindlessly attacking with it. So what will be next weeks news? Trump ate kittens?
Since 87% of Republicans support Trump, I would say you're talking about 13 percent. And about 5% of the country. I'm talking about the 87%, all bought off or brainwashed by the GOP propaganda machine like you...

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