
Report: Whistleblower Revealed To Be CIA Officer

Topline: The New York Times reported Thursday that a male Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer is the whistleblower behind an explosive report alleging that President Trump sought help from a foreign leader in order to influence the U.S. 2020 election.

  • The officer was slated to work in the White House but has since returned to the CIA.
  • The officer’s lawyers said that publishing information about him would be dangerous. “The whistle-blower has a right to anonymity,” said the agent’s lead lawyer, Andrew Bakaj.
  • Times executive editor Dean Baquet defended the paper’s decision: “The role of the whistle-blower, including his credibility and his place in the government, is essential to understanding one of the most important issues facing the country—whether the president of the United States abused power and whether the White House covered it up.”
  • A spokesperson for Joseph Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, said that protecting the whistleblower’s identity is the highest priority.
  • House intelligence chair Adam Schiff said September 24 that the whistleblower requested to meet with the intelligence committee. It’s unclear when that will happen.

Key background: Maguire said during a congressional hearing, just hours before the New York Times published its report, that he did not know the whistleblower’s identity. The whistleblower’s report, filed August 12 and released Thursday morning, alleges that Trump sought help from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. The report and a memo documenting a July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky are now the basis of an impeachment inquiry by House Democrats.

:eusa_think:Hmm? I feel the Great Douche team needs to delete all Documents everywhere.
The Great Douche Team can get pardons for doing this.:dunno::eusa_shhh:
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Russia says it hopes US wouldn't release Trump-Putin calls

A spokesman for the Kremlin expressed concern that the U.S. could publish transcripts of calls between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin following the publication this week of a readout of a call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Associated Press reported that a Kremlin spokesman told reporters on a press call that such an action could harm already "troubled" U.S.-Russia relations.

"If Putin wants to hide it, Americans want to see it."
Trump encourages questions to Pence about his own Ukraine calls

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that reporters should ask Mike Pence to release details of his conversations with Ukraine, seemingly drawing his vice president into the scandal that has engulfed the administration.

The Problem With Impeachment

Impeaching Donald Trump would do nothing to halt the deep decay that has beset the American republic. It would not magically restore democratic institutions. It would not return us to the rule of law. It would not curb the predatory appetites of the big banks, the war industry and corporations. It would not get corporate money out of politics or end our system of legalized bribery. It would not halt the wholesale surveillance and monitoring of the public by the security services. It would not end the reigns of terror practiced by paramilitary police in impoverished neighborhoods or the mass incarceration of 2.3 million citizens. It would not impede ICE from hunting down the undocumented and ripping children from their arms to pen them in cages. It would not halt the extraction of fossil fuels and the looming ecocide. It would not give us a press freed from the corporate mandate to turn news into burlesque for profit. It would not end our endless and futile wars. It would not ameliorate the hatred between the nation’s warring tribes—indeed would only exacerbate these hatreds.

Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum. The ruling elites have had enough of Trump’s vulgarity, stupidity and staggering ineptitude. They turned on him not over an egregious impeachable offense—there have been numerous impeachable offenses including the use of the presidency for personal enrichment, inciting violence and racism, passing on classified intelligence to foreign officials, obstruction of justice and a pathological inability to tell the truth—but because he made the fatal mistake of trying to take down a fellow member of the ruling elite.
The 30% brainwashed GOP voters. Poor America.
the 30% brain washed GOP are the never trumpers and all leftist are brainwashed. Just look at the recent news about Ukraine your democrat media reported it and bam here we are you mindlessly attacking with it. So what will be next weeks news? Trump ate kittens?
Since 87% of Republicans support Trump, I would say you're talking about 13 percent. And about 5% of the country. I'm talking about the 87%, all bought off or brainwashed by the GOP propaganda machine like you...
Frankie you are so very wrong your TDS is showing.
can a president be impeached for being incompetent? That's what Trump asked at some point....

well I think he should be investigated and possibly impeached but not convicted. What an idiot.
Again Frankie your TDS limits your ability to make any sound judgment.
And you can't argue the facts because you don't know them, as a brainwashed GOP functional moron....asking the president of Ukraine for dirt on your political rival while withholding Aid in the face of Russian aggression is absolute unconstitutional illegal garbage. Not to mention half the other things he has done. I suppose you think the Trump campaign meeting with Russian agents over a hundred times without taking any notes is not a problem either.....
the 30% brain washed GOP are the never trumpers and all leftist are brainwashed. Just look at the recent news about Ukraine your democrat media reported it and bam here we are you mindlessly attacking with it. So what will be next weeks news? Trump ate kittens?
Since 87% of Republicans support Trump, I would say you're talking about 13 percent. And about 5% of the country. I'm talking about the 87%, all bought off or brainwashed by the GOP propaganda machine like you...
Frankie you are so very wrong your TDS is showing.
can a president be impeached for being incompetent? That's what Trump asked at some point....

well I think he should be investigated and possibly impeached but not convicted. What an idiot.
Again Frankie your TDS limits your ability to make any sound judgment.
And you can't argue the facts because you don't know them, as a brainwashed GOP functional moron....asking the president of Ukraine for dirt on your political rival while withholding Aid in the face of Russian aggression is absolute unconstitutional illegal garbage. Not to mention half the other things he has done. I suppose you think the Trump campaign meeting with Russian agents over a hundred times without taking any notes is not a problem either.....
I have wanted a smart non-ideological businessman for a long time from the GOP. But Trump is a dumb businessman and a fraud con man who wants to use the presidency for his own profit....who has won through foreign interference and mass character assassination of his opponents. All he had to do to take over the GOP was parrot the fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc garbage propaganda that no one else in the world believes outside the brain washed functional moron GOP base....
can a president be impeached for being incompetent? That's what Trump asked at some point....

well I think he should be investigated and possibly impeached but not convicted. What an idiot.
On the other hand, we'll see what the investigation come up with.
I heard Mueller is out of a job and available to help your investigations
He's their enemy now... He didn't nail the orange man like they wanted him and his leftist hired cronies to do. They don't stay loyal long.
Of course, in what the rest of us call "reality", Mueller laid out a clear criminal case for obstruction.
there must be a crime to have happened for obstruction to occur. But tell me at what point did Trump stop the investigation? stop witnesses from testifying? Direct witnesses how to testify?
Google those things and find out then, brainwashed functional moron. If they wrote anything down there would be plenty of all of that.... It is like a mafia operation. That is when Trump asked the question, can the president be impeached for being incompetent? Those counts of obstruction were Trump telling people to fire the attorney general and Mueller and God knows who and he was just ignored by his staff. I don't think that's obstruction. Just incompetence. but this time he had been well-schooled on what he could ask of foreign leaders before he did it again! Certainly there is plenty to investigate and we'll see if it's bad enough for Republicans to change sides....
The Problem With Impeachment

Impeaching Donald Trump would do nothing to halt the deep decay that has beset the American republic. It would not magically restore democratic institutions. It would not return us to the rule of law. It would not curb the predatory appetites of the big banks, the war industry and corporations. It would not get corporate money out of politics or end our system of legalized bribery. It would not halt the wholesale surveillance and monitoring of the public by the security services. It would not end the reigns of terror practiced by paramilitary police in impoverished neighborhoods or the mass incarceration of 2.3 million citizens. It would not impede ICE from hunting down the undocumented and ripping children from their arms to pen them in cages. It would not halt the extraction of fossil fuels and the looming ecocide. It would not give us a press freed from the corporate mandate to turn news into burlesque for profit. It would not end our endless and futile wars. It would not ameliorate the hatred between the nation’s warring tribes—indeed would only exacerbate these hatreds.

Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum. The ruling elites have had enough of Trump’s vulgarity, stupidity and staggering ineptitude. They turned on him not over an egregious impeachable offense—there have been numerous impeachable offenses including the use of the presidency for personal enrichment, inciting violence and racism, passing on classified intelligence to foreign officials, obstruction of justice and a pathological inability to tell the truth—but because he made the fatal mistake of trying to take down a fellow member of the ruling elite.
Getting the liar in Chief orange clown who supports all those terrible policies out of office it would do....
On the other hand, we'll see what the investigation come up with.
I heard Mueller is out of a job and available to help your investigations
He's their enemy now... He didn't nail the orange man like they wanted him and his leftist hired cronies to do. They don't stay loyal long.
Of course, in what the rest of us call "reality", Mueller laid out a clear criminal case for obstruction.
there must be a crime to have happened for obstruction to occur. But tell me at what point did Trump stop the investigation? stop witnesses from testifying? Direct witnesses how to testify?
Google those things and find out then, brainwashed functional moron. If they wrote anything down there would be plenty of all of that.... It is like a mafia operation. That is when Trump asked the question, can the president be impeached for being incompetent? Those counts of obstruction were Trump telling people to fire the attorney general and Mueller and God knows who and he was just ignored by his staff. I don't think that's obstruction. Just incompetence. but this time he had been well-schooled on what he could ask of foreign leaders before he did it again! Certainly there is plenty to investigate and we'll see if it's bad enough for Republicans to change sides....
Leftards who think humans can change sex at will calling people morons. Oy.
I heard Mueller is out of a job and available to help your investigations
He's their enemy now... He didn't nail the orange man like they wanted him and his leftist hired cronies to do. They don't stay loyal long.
Of course, in what the rest of us call "reality", Mueller laid out a clear criminal case for obstruction.
there must be a crime to have happened for obstruction to occur. But tell me at what point did Trump stop the investigation? stop witnesses from testifying? Direct witnesses how to testify?
Google those things and find out then, brainwashed functional moron. If they wrote anything down there would be plenty of all of that.... It is like a mafia operation. That is when Trump asked the question, can the president be impeached for being incompetent? Those counts of obstruction were Trump telling people to fire the attorney general and Mueller and God knows who and he was just ignored by his staff. I don't think that's obstruction. Just incompetence. but this time he had been well-schooled on what he could ask of foreign leaders before he did it again! Certainly there is plenty to investigate and we'll see if it's bad enough for Republicans to change sides....
Leftards who think humans can change sex at will calling people morons. Oy.
Talk to all the psychiatrists psychologists and other scientists who all believe..... Try science for a change... Could you stay on topic for 10 seconds?
He's their enemy now... He didn't nail the orange man like they wanted him and his leftist hired cronies to do. They don't stay loyal long.
Of course, in what the rest of us call "reality", Mueller laid out a clear criminal case for obstruction.
there must be a crime to have happened for obstruction to occur. But tell me at what point did Trump stop the investigation? stop witnesses from testifying? Direct witnesses how to testify?
Google those things and find out then, brainwashed functional moron. If they wrote anything down there would be plenty of all of that.... It is like a mafia operation. That is when Trump asked the question, can the president be impeached for being incompetent? Those counts of obstruction were Trump telling people to fire the attorney general and Mueller and God knows who and he was just ignored by his staff. I don't think that's obstruction. Just incompetence. but this time he had been well-schooled on what he could ask of foreign leaders before he did it again! Certainly there is plenty to investigate and we'll see if it's bad enough for Republicans to change sides....
Leftards who think humans can change sex at will calling people morons. Oy.
Talk to all the psychiatrists psychologists and other scientists who all believe..... Try science for a change...
You don’t even know which bathroom to use and you want to discuss destroying America. Oy.
Of course, in what the rest of us call "reality", Mueller laid out a clear criminal case for obstruction.
there must be a crime to have happened for obstruction to occur. But tell me at what point did Trump stop the investigation? stop witnesses from testifying? Direct witnesses how to testify?
Google those things and find out then, brainwashed functional moron. If they wrote anything down there would be plenty of all of that.... It is like a mafia operation. That is when Trump asked the question, can the president be impeached for being incompetent? Those counts of obstruction were Trump telling people to fire the attorney general and Mueller and God knows who and he was just ignored by his staff. I don't think that's obstruction. Just incompetence. but this time he had been well-schooled on what he could ask of foreign leaders before he did it again! Certainly there is plenty to investigate and we'll see if it's bad enough for Republicans to change sides....
Leftards who think humans can change sex at will calling people morons. Oy.
Talk to all the psychiatrists psychologists and other scientists who all believe..... Try science for a change...
You don’t even know which bathroom to use and you want to discuss destroying America. Oy.
They have nothing to do with each other, troll. You people are the new know-nothings....
The Problem With Impeachment

Impeaching Donald Trump would do nothing to halt the deep decay that has beset the American republic. It would not magically restore democratic institutions. It would not return us to the rule of law. It would not curb the predatory appetites of the big banks, the war industry and corporations. It would not get corporate money out of politics or end our system of legalized bribery. It would not halt the wholesale surveillance and monitoring of the public by the security services. It would not end the reigns of terror practiced by paramilitary police in impoverished neighborhoods or the mass incarceration of 2.3 million citizens. It would not impede ICE from hunting down the undocumented and ripping children from their arms to pen them in cages. It would not halt the extraction of fossil fuels and the looming ecocide. It would not give us a press freed from the corporate mandate to turn news into burlesque for profit. It would not end our endless and futile wars. It would not ameliorate the hatred between the nation’s warring tribes—indeed would only exacerbate these hatreds.

Impeachment is about cosmetics. It is about replacing the public face of empire with a political mandarin such as Joe Biden, himself steeped in corruption and obsequious service to the rich and corporate power, who will carry out the same suicidal policies with appropriate regal decorum. The ruling elites have had enough of Trump’s vulgarity, stupidity and staggering ineptitude. They turned on him not over an egregious impeachable offense—there have been numerous impeachable offenses including the use of the presidency for personal enrichment, inciting violence and racism, passing on classified intelligence to foreign officials, obstruction of justice and a pathological inability to tell the truth—but because he made the fatal mistake of trying to take down a fellow member of the ruling elite.

"Impeachment is about cosmetics."

Was there anyone who thought impeachment would solve all the problems plaguing the U.S. of A.? ... Didn't think so. It's an opportunity for the country to declare that there are limits to the level and brazenness of corruption it is willing to tolerate. That cannot be anything other than a step into the right direction, even though there may be miles and miles left to travel.

The argument the author attempts to make is a fairly common one: One step ahead doesn't get me significantly closer to the top of that hill, not by any reasonable measure. So, there's no point taking that first step. With that mindset, no one ever gets on that hill. It's nonsense, and obviously so. However, the author is right, impeaching, or even removing, Trump, and then forgetting about all the other steps, is in fact pointless, everything else remaining as is, namely, the situation that created Trump in the first place, which makes more "Trumps" inevitable.

So, there's no reason not to take the first step. Falling back into the usual apathy thereafter, as if anything of significance had been accomplished, would be be catastrophic. There are more goofs and crooks to be voted out, and the best minds need to be gathered to figure out a way ahead so as to drag the political and economic systems into the 21st century.
New Level of MAGA. WOW, Dopers are sick to support this.
View attachment 281522

Treason against America is a capital offense, Baz.

Further, earlier this week, Ultraliberal Presidential candidate Bill Weld promised to have President Trump executed if he is elected.

NONE of the other candidates denounced Weld over this. With Trump,he will always return fire against his enemies. Remember he grew up on the mean streets of New York, him and friends like Iron Mike Tyson, and they had to fight their way to the subway, or even to make it down to the local bodega to buy their mums a pack of pell mells.

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