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‘Imploding’: Financial troubles. Lawsuits. Trailer park brawls. Has the alt-right peaked?

Looks like the Alt/White..errr..right--has fallen on hard times:

‘Imploding’: Financial troubles. Lawsuits. Trailer park brawls. Has the alt-right peaked?

Some choice quotes:

Eight months after a white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville ended in the death of a counterprotester, the loose collection of disaffected young white men known as the alt-right is in disarray.

The problems have been mounting: lawsuits and arrests, fundraising difficulties, tepid recruitment, widespread infighting, fierce counterprotests, and banishment from social media platforms. Taken together, they’ve exhausted even some of the staunchest members.

“Things have become a lot harder, and we paid a price for what happened in Charlottesville. . . . The question is whether there is going to be a third act,” said Spencer, who coined the name of the movement, which rose to prominence during the 2016 presidential campaign; advocates a whites-only ethno-state; and has posted racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic memes across the Internet.

Three percent of Americans surveyed this winter as part of a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll said they supported the alt-right or white-nationalist movement.

The zenith of the alt-right — Charlottesville’s Unite the Right rally in August — also appears to have been the moment of its decline, according to hate-group experts and members of the alt-right, most of whom were predicting a surge in membership at the time.

The death of Heather Heyer, 32 — killed in Charlottesville when a young alt-right member allegedly plowed his car into her — and President Trump’s reluctance to disown white nationalism focused a degree of scrutiny on the movement that it hadn’t known until then.
People started being fired from their jobs. Families disowned their children. Fundraising websites dropped people associated with the alt-right, making it difficult to raise money. Reporters covered every misstep.

Chris Cantwell, a white-nationalist radio host featured in a Vice video about the march that was viewed by millions, wept in a video he posted to the Internet, proclaiming himself “terrified” after Charlottesville police issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of using tear gas in the protest. The Daily Stormer was dropped by its Web-hosting company.

Some members have given up on the movement entirely. “I got to go back to my normal life,” Connor Perrin, who drove all night from Austin to Charlottesville to protest what he saw as the oppression of white men in the United States, said in an interview late last year. “I’m focusing on working and being normal. . . . My mom is like: ‘Stop being alt-right. You’re going to get yourself in trouble.’ ” He later added, “We lost.”

3% eh? Looks like they're a bit over-represented here..LOL!
Keep dreaming. We have a President who is doing more for the causes we believe in than ever before! Our views are QUICKLY becoming mainstream and that's all we can ask for. You and the rest of the antiwhites want to pat yourselves on your back go ahead....its premature because we will never go away :) We will win or we will take this world down in flames with us. If you haven't noticed Europa and America are experiencing a WAVE of populist and nationalist political movements. Just out today MOST voters in Sweden say immigration is their number 1 issue. :)

BTW..being concerned about immigration..is not being a racist.
Tell that to Europe, dipshit.

Every "far right" party there is simply a party that wants to limit treasonous amounts of immigration.
“Has the alt-right peaked?”

Unfortunately not.

This particular strain that is the virus of rightwing neo-fascism might be diminishing, but rightwing ignorance, fear, hate, bigotry, and racism will always be with us, like a chronic disease.

We can continue to treat the disease of rightwing ignorance and hate, seek to mitigate the symptoms, but it will always remain a threat.
Hate as a way of life is not sustainable. It’s exhausting. Hate destroys the hater, not the hated. This isn’t some airy fairy magical thinking. It’s physiological.

Living in a constant state of fear and paranoia breeds mistrust and anger. As the article points out, radical right wing groups have historically been plagued with in-fighting and chaos.

Americans will never accept neo-Nazis marching in the streets chanting racist slogans. The world fought a war to destroy their pestilence. While those who fought in WWII are mostly gone, their children, who grew up as Europe rebuilt, learning about the evil of Hitler and the Nazis are not. We vowed with Israel “Never again” and we meant it.

Nothing has changed in that regard. That’s why you assholes are losing your web hosts, getting banished from FaceBook, and other mainstream platforms, and being forced back under the rocks you crawled out from under.
Hate is what is going to destroy you and all the anti-white demons.

We will become our own web hosts and build our own facebook, as well as terminate all sites that seek to oppress us.

I love your abject stupidity.

I AM a white person who both recognizes and acknowledges the advantages that gives me in society. I’ll exploit any advantage and I have, but I’ll never deny that I had them.

However, as a woman who was one of the first female bank managers in Canada, I also have first hand experience at the lengths to which white males would go to try to keep me out of a “man’s job”. Or to try to bully me out of that job. We didn’t have a label for it back then but today we call it “sexual harassment”.

Sexual harassment isn’t just trying to coerce a female coworker into sleeping with you. It’s telling her she should never have gotten the job because she’s a woman. It’s trying to bully her into quitting. I got a lot of that. It didn’t stop me. You might want to remember that as you continue to try to bully and berate me here.

Even as a child I was smart enough to realize that blacks, Jews, Italians and Catholics (the people my parents thought inferior), were no different than me. That skin colour, religion or ethnicity didn’t matter. We’re all people with the same hopes, dreams and concerns.

When you push others down and in an effort to keep from surpassing you and achieving their full potential, it is you who loses out. You lose their contributions to society. Their ideas, their labour, their ingenuity.

If minorities truly had been given equal opportunity, instead of being shunted off to ghettoes where they’re over-policed, under-educated, and unemployed, think of how much they could contribute.

You’re not a racist because you think blacks are inferior and don’t deserve opportunities. You’re a racist because you fear you’re inferior and can’t compete on a level playing field.
Hate as a way of life is not sustainable. It’s exhausting. Hate destroys the hater, not the hated. This isn’t some airy fairy magical thinking. It’s physiological.

Living in a constant state of fear and paranoia breeds mistrust and anger. As the article points out, radical right wing groups have historically been plagued with in-fighting and chaos.

Americans will never accept neo-Nazis marching in the streets chanting racist slogans. The world fought a war to destroy their pestilence. While those who fought in WWII are mostly gone, their children, who grew up as Europe rebuilt, learning about the evil of Hitler and the Nazis are not. We vowed with Israel “Never again” and we meant it.

Nothing has changed in that regard. That’s why you assholes are losing your web hosts, getting banished from FaceBook, and other mainstream platforms, and being forced back under the rocks you crawled out from under.

Interesting that in your mind, as you post this, you don't see BLM or Antifa as some of those "hateful groups".
Your America sees ALL Conservatives as "Nazi's"...and ALL right wingers as Hitler. That's the real problem.

No, the reason people are getting banished is mainly because your kind are intolerant of differing points of view.
The Right cannot even deliver a clean, Free Speech about fundamental Conservatives views on liberal campuses. The Right does not Institutionally do this to the opposition.
“Has the alt-right peaked?”

Unfortunately not.

This particular strain that is the virus of rightwing neo-fascism might be diminishing, but rightwing ignorance, fear, hate, bigotry, and racism will always be with us, like a chronic disease.

We can continue to treat the disease of rightwing ignorance and hate, seek to mitigate the symptoms, but it will always remain a threat.


I hate to tell ya, but I see mostly far LEFT hatred and violence. On University campuses and in the streets.
In fact, I would say it's the Left spreading the message of hatred far and wide.

Sure, there are "some" radical right wing groups but they are generally small and far and few in between.

But if the radical Left continues the vicious, unfair attacks....do you expect the Right to forever remain silent and continue to take a beating?

You people think it's your RIGHT to abuse and deny the rights of others.....then you throw up your hands in utter contempt when the opposition rejects it. And when they fight back they are the terrorists? Sure, whatever you say.

You're cementing the definition of "Insanity" with your points.
Hate as a way of life is not sustainable. It’s exhausting. Hate destroys the hater, not the hated. This isn’t some airy fairy magical thinking. It’s physiological.

Living in a constant state of fear and paranoia breeds mistrust and anger. As the article points out, radical right wing groups have historically been plagued with in-fighting and chaos.

Americans will never accept neo-Nazis marching in the streets chanting racist slogans. The world fought a war to destroy their pestilence. While those who fought in WWII are mostly gone, their children, who grew up as Europe rebuilt, learning about the evil of Hitler and the Nazis are not. We vowed with Israel “Never again” and we meant it.

Nothing has changed in that regard. That’s why you assholes are losing your web hosts, getting banished from FaceBook, and other mainstream platforms, and being forced back under the rocks you crawled out from under.

Interesting that in your mind, as you post this, you don't see BLM or Antifa as some of those "hateful groups".
Your America sees ALL Conservatives as "Nazi's"...and ALL right wingers as Hitler. That's the real problem.

No, the reason people are getting banished is mainly because your kind are intolerant of differing points of view.
The Right cannot even deliver a clean, Free Speech about fundamental Conservatives views on liberal campuses. The Right does not Institutionally do this to the opposition.

Fundamental conservative views? When did “The Jews will not replace us” become a tenet of fundamental conservatism? When did attacking non-Christians become a tenet of fundamental conservatism? I realize the racism has always been there but Republicans have always prided themselves on having voted for the Civil Rights Act in greater numbers than Democrats, and on being the party of Abraham Lincoln.

Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter aren’t opposing fundamental conservatism, they’re opposing radical right wing facism.
. You’re a racist because you fear you’re inferior and can’t compete on a level playing field.

You just described an awful lot of black, and Leftist radical posters on this forum....you do realize that don't you?
In your opinion...you do realize that..of course..since you really cannot tell just what race or ethnicity any given poster may be..even if they self-identify, they may be lying..seems a lot of that...on this site.
Hate as a way of life is not sustainable. It’s exhausting. Hate destroys the hater, not the hated. This isn’t some airy fairy magical thinking. It’s physiological.

Living in a constant state of fear and paranoia breeds mistrust and anger. As the article points out, radical right wing groups have historically been plagued with in-fighting and chaos.

Americans will never accept neo-Nazis marching in the streets chanting racist slogans. The world fought a war to destroy their pestilence. While those who fought in WWII are mostly gone, their children, who grew up as Europe rebuilt, learning about the evil of Hitler and the Nazis are not. We vowed with Israel “Never again” and we meant it.

Nothing has changed in that regard. That’s why you assholes are losing your web hosts, getting banished from FaceBook, and other mainstream platforms, and being forced back under the rocks you crawled out from under.

Interesting that in your mind, as you post this, you don't see BLM or Antifa as some of those "hateful groups".
Your America sees ALL Conservatives as "Nazi's"...and ALL right wingers as Hitler. That's the real problem.

No, the reason people are getting banished is mainly because your kind are intolerant of differing points of view.
The Right cannot even deliver a clean, Free Speech about fundamental Conservatives views on liberal campuses. The Right does not Institutionally do this to the opposition.

Fundamental conservative views? When did “The Jews will not replace us” become a tenet of fundamental conservatism? When did attacking non-Christians become a tenet of fundamental conservatism? I realize the racism has always been there but Republicans have always prided themselves on having voted for the Civil Rights Act in greater numbers than Democrats, and on being the party of Abraham Lincoln.

Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter aren’t opposing fundamental conservatism, they’re opposing radical right wing facism.
Yes! There is a difference..a huge difference.
“Has the alt-right peaked?”

Unfortunately not.

This particular strain that is the virus of rightwing neo-fascism might be diminishing, but rightwing ignorance, fear, hate, bigotry, and racism will always be with us, like a chronic disease.

We can continue to treat the disease of rightwing ignorance and hate, seek to mitigate the symptoms, but it will always remain a threat.


I hate to tell ya, but I see mostly far LEFT hatred and violence. On University campuses and in the streets.
In fact, I would say it's the Left spreading the message of hatred far and wide.

Sure, there are "some" radical right wing groups but they are generally small and far and few in between.

But if the radical Left continues the vicious, unfair attacks....do you expect the Right to forever remain silent and continue to take a beating?

You people think it's your RIGHT to abuse and deny the rights of others.....then you throw up your hands in utter contempt when the opposition rejects it. And when they fight back they are the terrorists? Sure, whatever you say.

You're cementing the definition of "Insanity" with your points.
Well..you see what you wish to see--I doubt you could prove as much..in an objective discourse. Which this forum is not a fan of.

Racism is not a political position..it's a sickness.

BTW..I always note with amazement the desire for the extreme Right to view themselves as victims..especially the men!
Looks like the Alt/White..errr..right--has fallen on hard times:

‘Imploding’: Financial troubles. Lawsuits. Trailer park brawls. Has the alt-right peaked?

Some choice quotes:

Eight months after a white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville ended in the death of a counterprotester, the loose collection of disaffected young white men known as the alt-right is in disarray.

The problems have been mounting: lawsuits and arrests, fundraising difficulties, tepid recruitment, widespread infighting, fierce counterprotests, and banishment from social media platforms. Taken together, they’ve exhausted even some of the staunchest members.

“Things have become a lot harder, and we paid a price for what happened in Charlottesville. . . . The question is whether there is going to be a third act,” said Spencer, who coined the name of the movement, which rose to prominence during the 2016 presidential campaign; advocates a whites-only ethno-state; and has posted racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic memes across the Internet.

Three percent of Americans surveyed this winter as part of a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll said they supported the alt-right or white-nationalist movement.

The zenith of the alt-right — Charlottesville’s Unite the Right rally in August — also appears to have been the moment of its decline, according to hate-group experts and members of the alt-right, most of whom were predicting a surge in membership at the time.

The death of Heather Heyer, 32 — killed in Charlottesville when a young alt-right member allegedly plowed his car into her — and President Trump’s reluctance to disown white nationalism focused a degree of scrutiny on the movement that it hadn’t known until then.
People started being fired from their jobs. Families disowned their children. Fundraising websites dropped people associated with the alt-right, making it difficult to raise money. Reporters covered every misstep.

Chris Cantwell, a white-nationalist radio host featured in a Vice video about the march that was viewed by millions, wept in a video he posted to the Internet, proclaiming himself “terrified” after Charlottesville police issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of using tear gas in the protest. The Daily Stormer was dropped by its Web-hosting company.

Some members have given up on the movement entirely. “I got to go back to my normal life,” Connor Perrin, who drove all night from Austin to Charlottesville to protest what he saw as the oppression of white men in the United States, said in an interview late last year. “I’m focusing on working and being normal. . . . My mom is like: ‘Stop being alt-right. You’re going to get yourself in trouble.’ ” He later added, “We lost.”

3% eh? Looks like they're a bit over-represented here..LOL!

Your attempt to conflate the fringe white supremacist movement with the Alt right is noted and held against you as evidence you are a dishonest partisan hack.

Furthermore your dishonesty shows that you know the truth is not on your side, yet your response is to not change your positions but to lie.
Looks like the Alt/White..errr..right--has fallen on hard times:

‘Imploding’: Financial troubles. Lawsuits. Trailer park brawls. Has the alt-right peaked?

Some choice quotes:

Eight months after a white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville ended in the death of a counterprotester, the loose collection of disaffected young white men known as the alt-right is in disarray.

The problems have been mounting: lawsuits and arrests, fundraising difficulties, tepid recruitment, widespread infighting, fierce counterprotests, and banishment from social media platforms. Taken together, they’ve exhausted even some of the staunchest members.

“Things have become a lot harder, and we paid a price for what happened in Charlottesville. . . . The question is whether there is going to be a third act,” said Spencer, who coined the name of the movement, which rose to prominence during the 2016 presidential campaign; advocates a whites-only ethno-state; and has posted racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic memes across the Internet.

Three percent of Americans surveyed this winter as part of a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll said they supported the alt-right or white-nationalist movement.

The zenith of the alt-right — Charlottesville’s Unite the Right rally in August — also appears to have been the moment of its decline, according to hate-group experts and members of the alt-right, most of whom were predicting a surge in membership at the time.

The death of Heather Heyer, 32 — killed in Charlottesville when a young alt-right member allegedly plowed his car into her — and President Trump’s reluctance to disown white nationalism focused a degree of scrutiny on the movement that it hadn’t known until then.
People started being fired from their jobs. Families disowned their children. Fundraising websites dropped people associated with the alt-right, making it difficult to raise money. Reporters covered every misstep.

Chris Cantwell, a white-nationalist radio host featured in a Vice video about the march that was viewed by millions, wept in a video he posted to the Internet, proclaiming himself “terrified” after Charlottesville police issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of using tear gas in the protest. The Daily Stormer was dropped by its Web-hosting company.

Some members have given up on the movement entirely. “I got to go back to my normal life,” Connor Perrin, who drove all night from Austin to Charlottesville to protest what he saw as the oppression of white men in the United States, said in an interview late last year. “I’m focusing on working and being normal. . . . My mom is like: ‘Stop being alt-right. You’re going to get yourself in trouble.’ ” He later added, “We lost.”

3% eh? Looks like they're a bit over-represented here..LOL!

Your attempt to conflate the fringe white supremacist movement with the Alt right is noted and held against you as evidence you are a dishonest partisan hack.

Furthermore your dishonesty shows that you know the truth is not on your side, yet your response is to not change your positions but to lie.
LoL! I would refer you to Richard Spencer..you know..the guy who coined the term., 'alt/right', and examine his views.

I would also note..that your saying that I'm lying..is not the same as producing some proof of my 'lie'. Other than your opinion.


Last edited:
Looks like the Alt/White..errr..right--has fallen on hard times:

‘Imploding’: Financial troubles. Lawsuits. Trailer park brawls. Has the alt-right peaked?

Some choice quotes:

Eight months after a white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville ended in the death of a counterprotester, the loose collection of disaffected young white men known as the alt-right is in disarray.

The problems have been mounting: lawsuits and arrests, fundraising difficulties, tepid recruitment, widespread infighting, fierce counterprotests, and banishment from social media platforms. Taken together, they’ve exhausted even some of the staunchest members.

“Things have become a lot harder, and we paid a price for what happened in Charlottesville. . . . The question is whether there is going to be a third act,” said Spencer, who coined the name of the movement, which rose to prominence during the 2016 presidential campaign; advocates a whites-only ethno-state; and has posted racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic memes across the Internet.

Three percent of Americans surveyed this winter as part of a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll said they supported the alt-right or white-nationalist movement.

The zenith of the alt-right — Charlottesville’s Unite the Right rally in August — also appears to have been the moment of its decline, according to hate-group experts and members of the alt-right, most of whom were predicting a surge in membership at the time.

The death of Heather Heyer, 32 — killed in Charlottesville when a young alt-right member allegedly plowed his car into her — and President Trump’s reluctance to disown white nationalism focused a degree of scrutiny on the movement that it hadn’t known until then.
People started being fired from their jobs. Families disowned their children. Fundraising websites dropped people associated with the alt-right, making it difficult to raise money. Reporters covered every misstep.

Chris Cantwell, a white-nationalist radio host featured in a Vice video about the march that was viewed by millions, wept in a video he posted to the Internet, proclaiming himself “terrified” after Charlottesville police issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of using tear gas in the protest. The Daily Stormer was dropped by its Web-hosting company.

Some members have given up on the movement entirely. “I got to go back to my normal life,” Connor Perrin, who drove all night from Austin to Charlottesville to protest what he saw as the oppression of white men in the United States, said in an interview late last year. “I’m focusing on working and being normal. . . . My mom is like: ‘Stop being alt-right. You’re going to get yourself in trouble.’ ” He later added, “We lost.”

3% eh? Looks like they're a bit over-represented here..LOL!

Your attempt to conflate the fringe white supremacist movement with the Alt right is noted and held against you as evidence you are a dishonest partisan hack.

Furthermore your dishonesty shows that you know the truth is not on your side, yet your response is to not change your positions but to lie.
LoL! I would refer you to Richard Spencer..you know..the guy who coined the term., 'alt/right', and examine his views.

I would also note..that your saying that I'm lying..is not the same as producing some proof of my 'lie'. Other than your opinion.



White supremacist are a tiny minority. That is known. THey number in the thousands, in a nation of over three hundred million.

No one , other than liberals, trying to smear people with the label, cares about them.

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