Important (albeit, speculative) question for Trump loyalists

Forum member loyalties mean little or next to nothing. What I can't see is supporting a jellyfish like Ted Cruz. How can Cruz make nice with Trump after saying his daddy was involved with the murder of our president? Worse yet Trump called Mrs. Cruz a dog. His party should demand that Cruz have his male private parts revoked if indeed he does have male private parts. I wonder if Carly Fiorina is still chummy with the Cruz kids or was that just a story made up by the slimy Texas greaseball.
Forum member loyalties mean little or next to nothing. What I can't see is supporting a jellyfish like Ted Cruz. How can Cruz make nice with Trump after saying his daddy was involved with the murder of our president? Worse yet Trump called Mrs. Cruz a dog. His party should demand that Cruz have his male private parts revoked if indeed he does have male private parts. I wonder if Carly Fiorina is still chummy with the Cruz kids or was that just a story made up by the slimy Texas greaseball.
When my wife and I saw Cruz and family head off to Trump's for dinner my wife nailed it.
She said," Cruz gives new meaning to the word WHORE ."
Trump is a disgrace to the GOP and America. Cruz is all that and a disgrace to real men everywhere.
Hell ya, he keeps you loons in a constant state of butthurt and it's great entertainment.

His only mission is keeping the Supreme Court conservative for two more generations. Anything else is gravy.
You elected Trump to put a thumb in the eye of liberals. You are what is wrong with America and what is destroying the country.
Here's a speculative response. Since Russia would surely rather continue to pretty much do as they please, why would they not attempt to help the Hillary campaign, rather than Trump who promises to return the US to strength?

Simple response…….

Putin HATES Clinton since she accused the Russian dictator of fraudulent election in that country….

Putin figured out that Trump is an easy PUPPET to manipulate just as long as he gives the low-self-esteemed Trump a couple of compliments, the orange clown bends down and kisses Putin’s ass…

REMEMBER……..The GOP has already eliminated from their platform the arming of the Ukraine to fight off a Russian invasion.

Evidence says the opposite. obummer allowed the pootin to run roughshod over the Crimea and eastern Ukraine. The shrilary allowed herself to be bribed by the pootin and uranium deposits were sold to the russki's. The Democrat leadership has a well documented history of colluding with the pootin. And, taking a page from the pootins eastern German allies it appears that they placed political operatives in the various intel agency's and used them to spy on political opponents, and violate the Civil Rights of ordinary American citizens.

Nope, you're pissing up a rope dude. The russki secret agents are DEMS!
Hell ya, he keeps you loons in a constant state of butthurt and it's great entertainment.

His only mission is keeping the Supreme Court conservative for two more generations. Anything else is gravy.
You elected Trump to put a thumb in the eye of liberals. You are what is wrong with America and what is destroying the country.

Based on the well documented civil rights violations that the obummer admin was engaging in, it is plain to see that it was the progressive leadership who was trying to destroy America.
Hell ya, he keeps you loons in a constant state of butthurt and it's great entertainment.

His only mission is keeping the Supreme Court conservative for two more generations. Anything else is gravy.
You elected Trump to put a thumb in the eye of liberals. You are what is wrong with America and what is destroying the country.

Based on the well documented civil rights violations that the obummer admin was engaging in, it is plain to see that it was the progressive leadership who was trying to destroy America.
What violations would that be, and what do they have to do with the right electing Trump for the wrong reasons. Please try to stay on topic.
NOW, deal with the moron you helped to get into the WH.....
Sorry, but you snowflakes can't shirk your share of the responsibility of getting Trump elected.

- The Democrats ran the worst candidate in US history

- The DNC rigged their Primaries and cheated in debates to ensure she won

- Even in the midst of scandal and meltdown they refused to replace her

- Democrats wrote racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic e-mails/jokes they then allowed to be hacked and released.

- Democrats were on TV, proving those released e-mails were truly reflective of their party by making crude sexist jokes about women and calling prominent black Conservatives 'Mediocre Negroes'.

- The snowflakes shut down Freedom of Speech, firebombed a GOP HQ, rioted, looted, physically attacked Trump supporters..

Congratulations to the FNC and you snowflakes - you couldn't have run a more self-destructive campaign and candidate if you tried!
Based on the well documented civil rights violations that the obummer admin was engaging in, it is plain to see that it was the progressive leadership who was trying to destroy America.

- Refusing to enforce US Law
- Illegally violating the FOIA 75% of the time
- Arming Mexican Drug cartels, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood
- Un-Constitutionally making an illegal TREATY with Iran
- Dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional / Un-Authorized Wars
- Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, CONGRESS
- Illegally using the IRS to target and punish his political 'enemies' to ensure his re-election
...and this is nowhere close to being all of it.

Obama was indeed an 'enemy of the state' and should have been Impeached SO many times.
OMG, you didn't even list the really good stuff:

Mishandled classified info in a bathroom server
Destroyed evidence
Violated the FOIA requirements
Sold influence via the Clinton Foundation (which is now gone proving it was bullshit)
Should have been indicted by the FBI (like servicemen were for doing less)
Had Bubba meet with AG on plane to bribe AG
Bought fireworks instead of good anti-spyware
Sold Russia US uranium (if Russia is so bad, why is this not an issue?)
(I could list 10 more...)
I realize it is a BIG “IF”…..but speculate a minute about the possibility of the Trump campaign (NOT necessarily Trump himself) having collusive involvement with Russian oligarchs and Russian intelligence officers………

If this is proven to be true and proven, would you still back Trump and his agenda?

"Collusive involvement"? Collusive involvement with who exactly to do what exactly? Vague generalities do not deserve a response.
I support my President and I am highly pleased with his actions so far and his agenda appears to agree with mine.
What actions ,,,?? More lip service?? More raving BS??
I realize it is a BIG “IF”…..but speculate a minute about the possibility of the Trump campaign (NOT necessarily Trump himself) having collusive involvement with Russian oligarchs and Russian intelligence officers………

If this is proven to be true and proven, would you still back Trump and his agenda?
the right could have plenty of excuses, if "their guy" had capital plans instead of only social plans.

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