IMPORTANT MUST READ! Former Asst. U.S. Attorney Takes Apart Trump Case and Raises Some Important Questions

The 1978 president records act, which does not have any criminal provisions takes precedence over the 1917 espionage act for POTUS's. A point that's already been confirmed by the courts in Bill Clinton's case. Typical of dishonest lying corrupt Dems they are now doing a 180 and arguing the opposite of what they argued for Clinton.
You're wrong. Laws don't take "precedence" unless the law specifically states so. The PRA has nothing to do with national defense information. It instead says that all the presidents official papers belong to the people once he leaves office.
From Scharf's bogus argument:

Section 793(e) requires the government to prove that the Defendant KNEW he had National Defense Information (NDI) in his possession, and also that the Defendant KNEW that there was a government official entitled to receive the Information, and also that the Defendant then WILLFULLY failed to deliver it to that official.

Trump knew he had national defense information and he is on tape saying it.

Trump knew he was supposed to turn over the documents to NARA, and he instead chose to hide them. He knew he was supposed to turn them over because he turned SOME over and hid the rest.

He WILLFULLY failed to deliver the documents.

He's toast.

TRUMP: This was done by the military and given to me. Uh, I think we can probably, right?

STAFFER: I don’t know, we’ll, we’ll have to see. Yeah, we’ll have to try to –

TRUMP: Declassify it.

STAFFER: – figure out a – yeah.

TRUMP: See, as president, I could have declassified it.

STAFFER: Yeah. [laughter]

TRUMP: Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.

STAFFER: Yeah. [laughter] Now we have a problem.

TRUMP: Isn’t that interesting?"

Here's Trey Gowdy, conservative hero, Benghazi hearings chairman, former federal prosecutor:

“Well, the most damning piece of evidence to me is the audiotape. I mean, you want to talk about consciousness of guilt? You want to talk about knowledge and intent? I mean, those are the darlings of a prosecutor’s nursery, and that came from President Trump’s own mouth.”

The alleged tape is nothing but hearsay. If it was Trump talking and not a created AI then you have to determine and prove Trump's state of mind like was he being serious or was he just embellishing to the guys in the room joshing them.
From Scharf's bogus argument:

Section 793(e) requires the government to prove that the Defendant KNEW he had National Defense Information (NDI) in his possession, and also that the Defendant KNEW that there was a government official entitled to receive the Information, and also that the Defendant then WILLFULLY failed to deliver it to that official.

Trump knew he had national defense information and he is on tape saying it.

Trump knew he was supposed to turn over the documents to NARA, and he instead chose to hide them. He knew he was supposed to turn them over because he turned SOME over and hid the rest.

He WILLFULLY failed to deliver the documents.

He's toast.

TRUMP: This was done by the military and given to me. Uh, I think we can probably, right?

STAFFER: I don’t know, we’ll, we’ll have to see. Yeah, we’ll have to try to –

TRUMP: Declassify it.

STAFFER: – figure out a – yeah.

TRUMP: See, as president, I could have declassified it.

STAFFER: Yeah. [laughter]

TRUMP: Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.

STAFFER: Yeah. [laughter] Now we have a problem.

TRUMP: Isn’t that interesting?"

Here's Trey Gowdy, conservative hero, Benghazi hearings chairman, former federal prosecutor:

“Well, the most damning piece of evidence to me is the audiotape. I mean, you want to talk about consciousness of guilt? You want to talk about knowledge and intent? I mean, those are the darlings of a prosecutor’s nursery, and that came from President Trump’s own mouth.”

Yea, Boom.... you sure got him this time ... you morons nevervlearn... your constant lies will backfire for sure... better start the mail in ballots.
Interesting. When the military (Navy) gave me a 1911A1, I should have been allowed to keep it too?
I just found a weapon in a closet given to a relative by the military.

Yes, it was meant for him to keep. Matter of fact his name was engraved on it. Hope I never have to use that for self-defense.

No denying where that came from. Not just the name, all kinds of fancy engraving.

You didn't get to keep your .45? Must have been post WW2.

And some Korea vets got to keep things, too.

Maybe you just weren't cool enough?
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The alleged tape is nothing but hearsay. If it was Trump talking and not a created AI then you have to determine and prove Trump's state of mind like was he being serious or was he just embellishing to the guys in the room joshing them.
The tape is just additional proof. They also have the direct testimony of the aide who made the recording at Trumps request.
Interesting. When the military (Navy) gave me a 1911A1, I should have been allowed to keep it too?
If you didn't get to, you're unlike my dad, 2, no 3 uncles and 1 cousin and my best friend's dad, too.

My best friend's dad had 2 Mausers, a Luger, and his .45 + 3 dried Nazi ears on a dogtag chain.

He cleared Dachau. I didn't learn about that from reading, I learned about that from him.

He'd let us shoot the Luger off in the woods sometimes. It'd jam a lot with that German ammo from the purple box.

Tbh, shooting my .22 was more fun. The being allowed to was nice, though.

I wonder when they stopped letting servicemen keep their .45?

Now my cousin, he used an M1 Garand in the war, but he had this composite facsimile..

and I had just found him one when his wife called and said he was dying.

I found some M1s in GA, yes I did. Too late. :(

I tell ya what, though, that was a very smart cracker and he taught me a lot of good things.

There's a valid reason I was willing to buy him a gun like he toted in the war because he didn't have a proper one.

I just didn't make it in time for him to enjoy it.
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David Duke is a racist ..
Fuck David Duke.

I don't have any .45 bullets. At least not where I know where they are.

Okay, that's a lie. I got .45 Long Colt Bullets, they ain't gonna go with this weapon I found tonight.

No. I know it says .45, but that's not going in there.
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David Duke is a racist ..

Not a problem; the DNC is a racist organization, along with BLM, the NAACP, LA Raza, the Congressional Black Caucus, Barri and Michael Obama, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Black Panthers, and, well, the majority of black people and leftists. Too late for any of them to snivel about Duke. He hasn't looted any liquor stores or burned down any Federal buildings.
Interesting. When the military (Navy) gave me a 1911A1, I should have been allowed to keep it too?
Why did you not get to keep your service weapon? I just found a very ornate weapon. You didn't even get to keep yours?

My dad did, 3 uncles and a cousin did. How does that work with the uncles? Oh! 1 is blood and the other 2 married blood.

Well, in my day the older people did. Perhaps things changed by the time you were enlisted.

What theaters were you deployed in? I mean, according to all the men I grew up around, and my friend's dad, too. Yes, you

should have been able to keep your 1911A1 .45 .

When did that change? Did they not give tunnel rats the option of keeping their .45 if they made it to the other side?
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The DOJ case led by Special Counsel Jack Smith is going to be completely annihilated. Trump will walk. Have a look at this and for God sakes, pay attention when you read it WITH AN OPEN MIND USING LOGIC.

Got to love legal balloon flying..

There is loads of things wrong with his legal arguments.... But why answer them, Trump's team has to pick one of those defences and run with it...

As a note: I would look at what Trump is actually charged with and not what you thing he is charged with... This an old Trump tactic but it doesn't work in court, a Judge would insist that you stick to the charges and stop inventing laws you can argue that he is innocent off..

The FBI does keep many of those orgs in business, by paying their 'leaders' as CI's. Without the Feds they wouldn't exist. They should sue for racial discrimination; all the black and brown racist gangs get huge Federal funding and near total exemption from hate crime prosecutions.
You're wrong. Laws don't take "precedence" unless the law specifically states so. The PRA has nothing to do with national defense information. It instead says that all the presidents official papers belong to the people once he leaves office.
:auiqs.jpg: Legal experts say you know jack shit.
Answer the question: Why are you offended by the power and pride of being a White person?

In my journey from blue pilled Obama voter to staunch MAGA Republican, I have met and spoken with a lot of Trump supporters.

And, around here at least, none of them have even the slightest whiff of approval for anything approaching a penchant for the likes of David Duke - and they hardly ever mention their race. (Except, ironically, when referring to the Left's actual racial bias that is now mainstream in the Democrat Party.) Hell, a few of 'em aren't even white.

In fact, this racialist characteristic is most strongly associated with how the Left attempts to falsely define MAGA, and not the reality.

Therefore, using the incredible power of logic, it is quite reasonable to assume you're a Fed plant. You're just mirroring the Left's poisonous identity politics, because you think that somehow makes you "MAGA." Which means you have no clue.

Either way, your schtick is piss poor, and generally confused.

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