IMPORTANT MUST READ! Former Asst. U.S. Attorney Takes Apart Trump Case and Raises Some Important Questions

I can't follow all of that.
Is there a stage where decent people pull the bad guys out of their homes in the middle of the night, gut them ,and leave them on the sidewalk as a reminder to their neighbors?

Yes. After society falls back into bondage from apathy, and achieves stage 3 and finds the COURAGE to fight for their own liberty again.
Duke is a White civil rights advocate. He wants the best for White people because right now there's a culture war against Whites. Whites are being demonized everywhere. That's a fact but that's also for another thread.
Duke is a KKK member and the KKK is not about civil rights…

There are better images to use, not a KKK POS
You're wrong. Laws don't take "precedence" unless the law specifically states so. The PRA has nothing to do with national defense information. It instead says that all the presidents official papers belong to the people once he leaves office.
No you're wrong. You've been fed a big pile of bullshit
Who said that shit? Oh the same people that lied about trump Russian collusion
“Battle plans for an attack on another country,” Barr said, “are in no universe Donald J. Trump’s personal documents.”

“Battle plans for an attack on another country,” Barr said, “are in no universe Donald J. Trump’s personal documents.”

I repeat who reported the supposed content of those document? The same liars of the trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory

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