Improving health, unlimited age, and the end of retirement.


VIP Member
Jan 4, 2015
Science is changing the world, but the big changes are seldom discussed by the general public since they are not aware of most of it. Also the public may simply classify such topics as unreachable science fiction and, therefore, not take them seriously.

Within the lifetime of most people alive today, a treatment will be available to prevent or even reverse aging. If you are young, this means you may live far, far beyond any of the conventional predictions we use for lifetimes today. The treatment I am referring to will basically make us all appear as if we are in our twenties with the health of a normal twenty year old no matter what our real age actually is.

So, think of how this affects the age of retirement. Unlimited healthy lifetimes makes retirement unnecessary. As stated in Spreading Realizations on the Future of Retirement "All too many people today are unaware of the potential for progress towards the medical control of aging, entering their professional careers expecting their lives to have the same shape and duration as those of their grandparents. At least some are waking up, however..."

This will really change the way we look at life, don't you think?
Such "treatments" will not be made available to everyone. The human race will eventually divide into gods and slaves. Most will become slaves. A select few will become gods.​
Such "treatments" will not be made available to everyone. The human race will eventually divide into gods and slaves. Most will become slaves. A select few will become gods.​

Of course these treatments will be available to everyone who requests them! The word is out and cannot be put back in the Gennie bottle. Also, the cost will be within range of nearly everyone. It is predicted to be about $500 with the treatment lasting for probably a decade.

We, the people, can stop the slave masters who are trying to control us. All we need to do is stop believing their propaganda and establish our own government.
Science is changing the world, but the big changes are seldom discussed by the general public since they are not aware of most of it. Also the public may simply classify such topics as unreachable science fiction and, therefore, not take them seriously.

Within the lifetime of most people alive today, a treatment will be available to prevent or even reverse aging. If you are young, this means you may live far, far beyond any of the conventional predictions we use for lifetimes today. The treatment I am referring to will basically make us all appear as if we are in our twenties with the health of a normal twenty year old no matter what our real age actually is.

So, think of how this affects the age of retirement. Unlimited healthy lifetimes makes retirement unnecessary. As stated in Spreading Realizations on the Future of Retirement "All too many people today are unaware of the potential for progress towards the medical control of aging, entering their professional careers expecting their lives to have the same shape and duration as those of their grandparents. At least some are waking up, however..."

This will really change the way we look at life, don't you think?

Think of how many of our existing problems are tied to overpopulation. Now multiply it. No 'virtual immortality' treatment will EVER be allowed to see the light of day. At best it'd become something only the uberwealthy can obtain or afford.

What might happen instead is replacement limbs will become better than the originals and something able-bodied people opt for replacing natural limbs with the superior 'bionic' versions. We're real close to that already.

Additionally, artifical organs may end up superior as well and go the same route. Or even real replacement organs created from the donor's own bodies as is being done in limited scope already grafting skin from a person's own body for use creating new healthy skin in people damaged and such.

50 years (or much sooner) sporting events may need a special class for 'natural and unenhaced' as atheletes replace their own legs, arms, hearts, etc. with superior performing versions.

On the genetic side, 3 genes are already identified as having to do with longevity. In people who live beyond 100 these genes are all 'On.' Genetic therapy turning them on might be possible soon. Whether that'd actually enable someone already alive to live longer than they would have otherwise I don't know, but certainly it should have some promise for prenatal genetic enhacement. Movie "Gattaca" was like 20 years ago and hypothesizing about a lot of things possible even then. What's possible now is getting to the 'kind of scary' point really quick.
I just happen to be selling just such an elixir. It will eventually turn you into a 20yo raging stud (or studess). I call it "Dr. Iceweasel's Harmonic Rejuvenating Tonic".

PM me for purchasing details.
Think of how many of our existing problems are tied to overpopulation. Now multiply it. No 'virtual immortality' treatment will EVER be allowed to see the light of day. At best it'd become something only the uberwealthy can obtain or afford.

What might happen instead is replacement limbs will become better than the originals and something able-bodied people opt for replacing natural limbs with the superior 'bionic' versions. We're real close to that already.

Additionally, artifical organs may end up superior as well and go the same route. Or even real replacement organs created from the donor's own bodies as is being done in limited scope already grafting skin from a person's own body for use creating new healthy skin in people damaged and such.

50 years (or much sooner) sporting events may need a special class for 'natural and unenhaced' as atheletes replace their own legs, arms, hearts, etc. with superior performing versions.

On the genetic side, 3 genes are already identified as having to do with longevity. In people who live beyond 100 these genes are all 'On.' Genetic therapy turning them on might be possible soon. Whether that'd actually enable someone already alive to live longer than they would have otherwise I don't know, but certainly it should have some promise for prenatal genetic enhacement. Movie "Gattaca" was like 20 years ago and hypothesizing about a lot of things possible even then. What's possible now is getting to the 'kind of scary' point really quick.

Overpopulation will not be a problem for us. Statistics show that highly educated populations reproduce far less than uneducated and poor ones. Also we have already entered the "space age". Our future is one of expansion into space and establishing colonies not only on the planets in our solar system, but going beyond as we learn super fast interstellar transportation methods. Humanity has a great future if we wake up to our possibilities. But our number one problem is regaining political control of our lives so we can live up to that potential. Our politicians are holding us back!

I don't know about you, but I would rather gain natural longevity rather than become a "Borg" like creature. And before we create sentient robots, we better make damn sure we understand what we are unleashing. That reminds me of our GMO foods.
What is this treatment? I've heard about some yoga techniques that help with ageing process of body.
What is this treatment? I've heard about some yoga techniques that help with ageing process of body.

Science has discovered the basic elements of aging, and increasing numbers of scientists are working on methods of preventing these things from happening and repairing the damage that has already occurred. If the funding levels for this research matched other areas of research, we would already have therapies to cure aging. There are other creatures that have no age limit, so it is obvious that we can do this although many have difficulty thinking it is possible - therefore the lack of massive funding to get it done.

The Fight Aging website has all the information references on this. An introductory article from 2004 is Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence .

One of the main discoveries is the telomere. This is like a twisty that ties the ends of DNA together for proper replication. As we get older, human telemeres get shorter until they no longer work correctly. Work is underway to restore them to the normal telomere length of a twenty year old. You can keep up with anti-aging progress at the Fight Aging website.
I gues we'd find out just how much information the human brain can store.

But obviously, for whatever reasons you want to argue, we were designed either by intelligent forces, or by some other magical selection, however, we were meant to grow old and die. Dying is part of our journey. Once we shed these confining flesh heaps, or greatest adventure begins. If you live forever, you're not only playing God, but you'd be depriving yourself of the best part of being.
Yes, the longer we live the more information our brains have been exposed to. We are likely to get smarter with time, and wiser.

Dying has been a part of our human journey, and it always will be - eventually. But we can have longer healthier lives, who doesn't want that? The bodily degeneration we have experienced since the beginning of time causes all sorts of diseases like arthritis, diverticulitis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and cancer. All these are extremely rare in young people. Curing aging covers a range of diseases. God didn't give us intelligence to sit on our thumbs. He wants us to use our brains.

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