in 1939 Bolshevik gang made puppet state called "Finnish Democratic Republic", was only recognized ONLY by USSR, sounds similar to 2014 & 2024 ?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The "Finnish Democratic Republic" was only recognized by the Bolshevik´s gang and nominally operated in Soviet-occupied areas of Finnish Karelia from the de facto capital of Terijoki. The puppet state was as democratic as NK, because its "leader" Kuusinen was communist.

Finland voted to rejoin Russia only to be thwarted by an Obama WEF coup? I didn't know that
If the world stopped recognizing Ontario it might force the Police State to change. Until then, we are all trapped in our own "Soviet system"
Finland voted to rejoin Russia only to be thwarted by an Obama WEF coup? I didn't know that
On 12 March 1940, the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed between Finland and the Bolshevik gang , ending hostilities the following morning. By the terms of the treaty, Finland ceded 9% of its territory to the Bolshevik empire , though the Bolshevik' attempt to conquer Finland had failed.

Patton may have been right, but this description can be applied to many nations. Some which the U.S may even consider their "friend".
The "Finnish Democratic Republic" was only recognized by the Bolshevik´s gang and nominally operated in Soviet-occupied areas of Finnish Karelia from the de facto capital of Terijoki. The puppet state was as democratic as NK, because its "leader" Kuusinen was communist.

You‘re trying to equate the Bolsheviks taking over countries to the Russia-Ukraine situation?

Eastern Ukraine is full of ethnic Russians, and has been for centuries.

The idiotic borders of Ukraine were drawn up by the Bolsheviks as the Ukrainian S.S.R.

Who here is defending Bolshevik borders? You are.

This has to be the biggest self-own thread to date.
There is some truth to that statement certainly. Except, it is far more than just oil. They have perhaps the most resources on planet earth, Russia is a huge land mass.

They now have a willing Communist partner who the West made wealthy as well, so there is money flowing there.

The key to this situation since the 1990s has not been Russia, it has been China. The West in their greed and lack of principle and foolish understanding of centralized systems dropped the ball severely.

It is now time to reign in China, which will be extension reign in Russia.

I've said 1000 times, I don't have problem with citizens in any country. The primary contributor to an unpleasant nation and people is that of poor government and the systems they enforce.
Ukranien 🇺🇦army is the best US investment ever 👍

The Finnish Democratic Republic became obsolete after Finland ceded 9% of its territory to the Soviet Union, which was a satisfactory result for Moscow. The Soviet Union only sought to push its border with Finland westward in an attempt to buttress the security of St. Petersburg from a potential German attack. The occupation of eastern Poland in 1939 was directed against the German danger as well.

The Saami or proto-Finns migrated from western Russia or Siberia around 1,000 BC to settle in Finland and the Baltic region and native Finnish people average 10% Siberian, while the Saami are as much as 25% Siberian.

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Yea they have lots of gas. So what?

Yes they are corrupt, which is why I don’t support sending them US tax dollars for anything.

The exact same thing can be said about Ukraine. It’s a wheat field run by a bunch of criminals.

The Finnish Democratic Republic became obsolete after Finland ceded 9% of its territory to the Soviet Union, which was a satisfactory result for Moscow. The Soviet Union only sought to push its border with Finland westward in an attempt to buttress the security of St. Petersburg from a potential German attack. The occupation of eastern Poland in 1939 was directed against the German danger as well.

The Saami or proto-Finns migrated from western Russia or Siberia around 1,000 BC to settle in Finland and the Baltic region and native Finnish people average 10% Siberian, while the Saami are as much as 25% Siberian.

Fins, being MoSScorealists🇸🇦🇷🇺, not MoSSonaive as most of Europe, understood very well who is their neighbor. The rest is just a pragmatic response to a challenge of being a 5,5 - million neighbor to a 🇸🇦 🐷 🇷🇺 cannibal with 125 million people and 10 000 (?,) Before this war ) Thank God or Reason for Finns and thank you for a very good interview

She pretty much sums up the Finnish mentality.


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