In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

So....the gist....of...the mutilated Monte is....the Palestinian cowards...were their Arab Muslim leave or else....and they "struggled" for about a minute with it....and then said:

"hey, our Muslim brothers are going to slaughter every Jew in their own holy land, we can come back and join them in some old fashioned Islamic looting and raping, after they defeated the evil Jooooooos".

Here it comes Monte:

Where do all these Palestinian fairy tale apologists come from. They pop up like turd blossoms and Roundup is useless against them.

There is obviously a need to increase the security in our lunatic asylums. Too many are getting out apparently.

Do you hear yourself? These same people are throwing rocks at armed men in their 'fight'. And when seconds count, the law is minutes away.
What would you do, if someone you never met, walked up to your front door and told you your house was now his, because God said so?
Do you hear yourself? These same people are throwing rocks at armed men in their 'fight'. And when seconds count, the law is minutes away.
What would you do, if someone you never met, walked up to your front door and told you your house was now his, because God said so?

More NAZI lies to justify your Jew Hatred. How about a link showing where this has happened then dildo ?
Do you hear yourself? These same people are throwing rocks at armed men in their 'fight'. And when seconds count, the law is minutes away.
What would you do, if someone you never met, walked up to your front door and told you your house was now his, because God said so?

Sounds like what Muslim Arabs have been doing since the 7th century.

And they're still doing it.

Dildo getting his daily treatment:

After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews. yet the city was put in the Jewish part in the partition plan. The European Jews attacked the city to evict the Christians and Muslims. All the media, beig pro-Zionist, attempted to claim that the non-Jews were in no danger from the hostile Europeans. Yet British military dispatches of the time, recorded by the UN, confirm that the non-Jew civilians were evacuated.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)"

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success."

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948

As indicated in this British report to the UN, all the attacking was being done by the European Jews. The non-Jews were defending themselves The British and all non-Jews were in danger from the hostile attacking European Jews, hence the evacuation,

Empire State Building, New York 1. N.Y.
22nd April, 1948
My dear Bunch,

The Commission will no doubt wish to have the latest information available here about the position in Haifa.

2. Reports, which are subject to confirmation, have been received from Jerusalem to the effect that the situation in Haifa is as follows: -

(1) There has been heavy continuous fighting in Haifa Town since midday on the 21st April, after British Forces had withdrawn to positions covering the Port.

(2) Jewish attacks by night on Arab outposts at Burj Hill and Prophets’ Steps and on the Telephone Exchange were successful.

(3) Khoury House, the headquarters of the Palestine Railways, was set on fire and was gutted with all records.

4) Jewish Forces have captured Salameh Building and positions in the Station Street – Burj Hill area and are now closing in on Khamra Square.
(5) The fire in the Port caused by mortaring has been extinguished.

(6) Heavy firing continues with mortaring of the Suq (market) area, which is reported deserted.

(7) Arabs are evacuating in large numbers by sea to Acre.

(8) Total casualties are believed to be heavy, including one British Constable wounded.

(9) British Police at the Haifa lock-up are being evacuated and the prisoners released.

(10) Military authorities are helping in the evacuation with landing-craft. The above Report is dated 9.40 a.m. Palestine Time, 22nd April,

Yours sincerely,
John Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the
United Nations Commission on Palestine
Lake Success, New York."

A AC.21 UK 120 of 22 April 1948
After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews...

You forgot to post a link to support that assertion.

You see, I only post fact. You and your friends post propaganda from Zionist propaganda mongering sites and never provide links.

"By 1945 the population had shifted to 33% Muslim, 20% Christian and 47% Jewish."

Haifa Municipality - Aliya Web Site
After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews. yet the city was put in the Jewish part in the partition plan. The European Jews attacked the city to evict the Christians and Muslims. All the media, beig pro-Zionist, attempted to claim that the non-Jews were in no danger from the hostile Europeans. Yet British military dispatches of the time, recorded by the UN, confirm that the non-Jew civilians were evacuated.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)"

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success."

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948

As indicated in this British report to the UN, all the attacking was being done by the European Jews. The non-Jews were defending themselves The British and all non-Jews were in danger from the hostile attacking European Jews, hence the evacuation,

Empire State Building, New York 1. N.Y.
22nd April, 1948
My dear Bunch,

The Commission will no doubt wish to have the latest information available here about the position in Haifa.

2. Reports, which are subject to confirmation, have been received from Jerusalem to the effect that the situation in Haifa is as follows: -

(1) There has been heavy continuous fighting in Haifa Town since midday on the 21st April, after British Forces had withdrawn to positions covering the Port.

(2) Jewish attacks by night on Arab outposts at Burj Hill and Prophets’ Steps and on the Telephone Exchange were successful.

(3) Khoury House, the headquarters of the Palestine Railways, was set on fire and was gutted with all records.

4) Jewish Forces have captured Salameh Building and positions in the Station Street – Burj Hill area and are now closing in on Khamra Square.
(5) The fire in the Port caused by mortaring has been extinguished.

(6) Heavy firing continues with mortaring of the Suq (market) area, which is reported deserted.

(7) Arabs are evacuating in large numbers by sea to Acre.

(8) Total casualties are believed to be heavy, including one British Constable wounded.

(9) British Police at the Haifa lock-up are being evacuated and the prisoners released.

(10) Military authorities are helping in the evacuation with landing-craft. The above Report is dated 9.40 a.m. Palestine Time, 22nd April,

Yours sincerely,
John Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the
United Nations Commission on Palestine
Lake Success, New York."

A AC.21 UK 120 of 22 April 1948


Just another example of your NAZI JEW HATRED
After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews...

You forgot to post a link to support that assertion.

You see, I only post fact. You and your friends post propaganda from Zionist propaganda mongering sites and never provide links.

"By 1945 the population had shifted to 33% Muslim, 20% Christian and 47% Jewish."

Haifa Municipality - Aliya Web Site

Well your own link says that you are LYING

The Haifa District was home to approximately 20,000 inhabitants, of which 82% were Muslim Arab, 14% Christian Arab, and 4% Jewish. The number of Jews steadily increased due to immigration, especially from Europe.

So not all the Jews where European

The 1947 UN Partition Plan designated Haifa part of the proposed Jewish state. When the Arab leadership rejected the plan, Haifa did not escape the violence that spread throughout the country. Control of Haifa was deemed a critical objective in the ensuing 1948 War, as it was the major industrial and oil refinery port in Palestine. The British withdrew from Haifa on April 21, 1948. The city was captured on April 23, 1948 by the Carmeli Brigade of the Haganah commanded by Moshe Carmel after three months of unsuccessful attacks by Arab forces.

So it was arab muslim attacks that the Jews repelled.

After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews. yet the city was put in the Jewish part in the partition plan. The European Jews attacked the city to evict the Christians and Muslims. All the media, beig pro-Zionist, attempted to claim that the non-Jews were in no danger from the hostile Europeans. Yet British military dispatches of the time, recorded by the UN, confirm that the non-Jew civilians were evacuated.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)"

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success."

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948

As indicated in this British report to the UN, all the attacking was being done by the European Jews. The non-Jews were defending themselves The British and all non-Jews were in danger from the hostile attacking European Jews, hence the evacuation,

Empire State Building, New York 1. N.Y.
22nd April, 1948
My dear Bunch,

The Commission will no doubt wish to have the latest information available here about the position in Haifa.

2. Reports, which are subject to confirmation, have been received from Jerusalem to the effect that the situation in Haifa is as follows: -

(1) There has been heavy continuous fighting in Haifa Town since midday on the 21st April, after British Forces had withdrawn to positions covering the Port.

(2) Jewish attacks by night on Arab outposts at Burj Hill and Prophets’ Steps and on the Telephone Exchange were successful.

(3) Khoury House, the headquarters of the Palestine Railways, was set on fire and was gutted with all records.

4) Jewish Forces have captured Salameh Building and positions in the Station Street – Burj Hill area and are now closing in on Khamra Square.
(5) The fire in the Port caused by mortaring has been extinguished.

(6) Heavy firing continues with mortaring of the Suq (market) area, which is reported deserted.

(7) Arabs are evacuating in large numbers by sea to Acre.

(8) Total casualties are believed to be heavy, including one British Constable wounded.

(9) British Police at the Haifa lock-up are being evacuated and the prisoners released.

(10) Military authorities are helping in the evacuation with landing-craft. The above Report is dated 9.40 a.m. Palestine Time, 22nd April,

Yours sincerely,
John Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the
United Nations Commission on Palestine
Lake Success, New York."

A AC.21 UK 120 of 22 April 1948

Is that all you got, seven Arab nations attacking Israel and the Jews successful in repelling this act of savagery? It still doesn't negate the fact that Arab armies threatened the Palestinians to leave so they could commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Jews without any obstacles in the way. In other words, YOU GOT NOTHIN'!

Here it comes....

After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews...

You forgot to post a link to support that assertion.

You see, I only post fact. You and your friends post propaganda from Zionist propaganda mongering sites and never provide links.

"By 1945 the population had shifted to 33% Muslim, 20% Christian and 47% Jewish."

Haifa Municipality - Aliya Web Site

You posted a dud, moron. It doesn't prove jack other than the Arabs had initiated the attack on Israel, the Jews were winning, and Palestinians had heeded the warnings by the Arab armies and were evacuating. What an idiot. Ha ha ha.
After Ruddy's bullshit, now the facts. Haifa was a city that in 1945 had a population of 33% Muslim 20% Christians and 47% European Jews. yet the city was put in the Jewish part in the partition plan. The European Jews attacked the city to evict the Christians and Muslims. All the media, beig pro-Zionist, attempted to claim that the non-Jews were in no danger from the hostile Europeans. Yet British military dispatches of the time, recorded by the UN, confirm that the non-Jew civilians were evacuated.

Empire State Building, New York 1, N.Y.
23rd April, 1948

My dear Bunche,
In continuation of the letter to the 22nd April, the following additional information was included in the Second Report on the situation in Haifa just received from Jerusalem.

(1) After the release of prisoners from Haifa lock-up, the Arab Legion took altar the building same time later.

(2) By 1015 hours, Arab casualties had been admitted to the Amin Hospital.

(3) Hospital staff and casualties were then evacuated to the Government Hospital, Haifa.

(4) Towards midday, the fighting slackened considerably. The Jews bad complete control of the Khamra Square and Stanton Street area and were firing from their positions into the Suq (market) eras. The have also appeared in strength in the eastern quarter or the town from Wadi Rushmiyah Bridge to Tel Aviv.

(5) Arab women, children and others were still being evacuated from the Suq area through the port of Haifa and other safe areas.

(6) Arabs were by this time suing for a truce and the Jews had replied that they were prepared to consider it if the Arabs stopped shooting.

(7) At 5.0 p.m., general Arab resistance had ceased in the eastern area with the exception of a few isolated spots and the Jews were in possession of the Suq as far as the Eastern Gate.

(8) In the Wadi Misnar area the battle was still going on. Arab casualties in this area are believed to be considerable.

(9) At 6.0 p.m., Arab leaders met to consider final terms laid down at a joint meeting of Arabs and Jews.

Yours sincerely,
J. Fletcher-Cooke (signed)"

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the United Nations
Commission on Palestine, Lake Success."

A AC.21 UK 123 of 26 April 1948

As indicated in this British report to the UN, all the attacking was being done by the European Jews. The non-Jews were defending themselves The British and all non-Jews were in danger from the hostile attacking European Jews, hence the evacuation,

Empire State Building, New York 1. N.Y.
22nd April, 1948
My dear Bunch,

The Commission will no doubt wish to have the latest information available here about the position in Haifa.

2. Reports, which are subject to confirmation, have been received from Jerusalem to the effect that the situation in Haifa is as follows: -

(1) There has been heavy continuous fighting in Haifa Town since midday on the 21st April, after British Forces had withdrawn to positions covering the Port.

(2) Jewish attacks by night on Arab outposts at Burj Hill and Prophets’ Steps and on the Telephone Exchange were successful.

(3) Khoury House, the headquarters of the Palestine Railways, was set on fire and was gutted with all records.

4) Jewish Forces have captured Salameh Building and positions in the Station Street – Burj Hill area and are now closing in on Khamra Square.
(5) The fire in the Port caused by mortaring has been extinguished.

(6) Heavy firing continues with mortaring of the Suq (market) area, which is reported deserted.

(7) Arabs are evacuating in large numbers by sea to Acre.

(8) Total casualties are believed to be heavy, including one British Constable wounded.

(9) British Police at the Haifa lock-up are being evacuated and the prisoners released.

(10) Military authorities are helping in the evacuation with landing-craft. The above Report is dated 9.40 a.m. Palestine Time, 22nd April,

Yours sincerely,
John Fletcher-Cooke (signed)

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Principal Secretary to the
United Nations Commission on Palestine
Lake Success, New York."

A AC.21 UK 120 of 22 April 1948


Just another example of your NAZI JEW HATRED
He's an expert at mutilating documents and cutting and pasting like a donkey.
Notice how the hens start cackling when official documents from UN archives, posted in whole, expose the Zionist lies.
Notice how the hens start cackling when official documents from UN archives, posted in whole, expose the Zionist lies.

They are not official documents fool, they come from a biased source and it should be wound up as a waste of your tax dollars
Notice how the hens start cackling when official documents from UN archives, posted in whole, expose the Zionist lies.
Said the false propagandist donkey who didn't prove a thing.

"The Arabs of Haifa fled in spite of the fact that the Jewish authorities guaranteed their safety and rights as citizens of Israel."
-- Monsignor George Hakim, Greek Catholic Bishop of Galilee, New York Herald Tribune, June 30, 1949

Dr. Walid al-Qamhawi, a former member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, “it was collective fear, moral disintegration and chaos in every field that exiled the Arabs of Tiberias, Haifa and dozens of towns and villages” (Joseph Schechtman, The Refugee in the World, NY: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1963, p. 186).

“The Arab States encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies,” according to the Jordanian newspaper Filastin, (February 19, 1949).

One refugee quoted in the Jordan newspaper, Ad Difaa (September 6, 1954), said: “The Arab government told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in.”

Notice how the hens start cackling when official documents from UN archives, posted in whole, expose the Zionist lies.
Said the false propagandist donkey who didn't prove a thing.

"The Arabs of Haifa fled in spite of the fact that the Jewish authorities guaranteed their safety and rights as citizens of Israel."
-- Monsignor George Hakim, Greek Catholic Bishop of Galilee, New York Herald Tribune, June 30, 1949

Dr. Walid al-Qamhawi, a former member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, “it was collective fear, moral disintegration and chaos in every field that exiled the Arabs of Tiberias, Haifa and dozens of towns and villages” (Joseph Schechtman, The Refugee in the World, NY: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1963, p. 186).

“The Arab States encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies,” according to the Jordanian newspaper Filastin, (February 19, 1949).

One refugee quoted in the Jordan newspaper, Ad Difaa (September 6, 1954), said: “The Arab government told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in.”


No link to the propaganda site you lifted that from?
Notice how the hens start cackling when official documents from UN archives, posted in whole, expose the Zionist lies.
Said the false propagandist donkey who didn't prove a thing.

"The Arabs of Haifa fled in spite of the fact that the Jewish authorities guaranteed their safety and rights as citizens of Israel."
-- Monsignor George Hakim, Greek Catholic Bishop of Galilee, New York Herald Tribune, June 30, 1949

Dr. Walid al-Qamhawi, a former member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, “it was collective fear, moral disintegration and chaos in every field that exiled the Arabs of Tiberias, Haifa and dozens of towns and villages” (Joseph Schechtman, The Refugee in the World, NY: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1963, p. 186).

“The Arab States encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies,” according to the Jordanian newspaper Filastin, (February 19, 1949).

One refugee quoted in the Jordan newspaper, Ad Difaa (September 6, 1954), said: “The Arab government told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in.”


No link to the propaganda site you lifted that from?

Unlike your link to arab muslim propaganda groups reports lodged in the UN archives.
And, the Zionists (Ruddy included) link to material fabricated by the Shiloah Institute on behalf of Ben Gurion, as indicated in the text in bold. This is an Israeli source and not a UN document.

"Arab refugees from villages near Tulkarm. Most historians say Ben-Gurion knew in real time about the expulsion of Palestinians."

""Most historians today − Zionists, post-Zionists and non-Zionists − agree that in at least 120 of 530 villages, the Palestinian inhabitants were expelled by Jewish military forces, and that in half the villages the inhabitants fled because of the battles and were not allowed to return. Only in a handful of cases did villagers leave at the instructions of their leaders or mukhtars ‏(headmen‏).

"Archived Israeli documents that reported the expulsion of Palestinians, massacres or rapes perpetrated by Israeli soldiers, along with other events considered embarrassing by the establishment, were reclassified as “top secret.” Researchers who sought to track down the files cited in books by Benny Morris, Avi Shlaim or Tom Segev often hit a dead end. Hence the surprise that file GL-18/17028, titled “The Flight in 1948” is still available today."

"Contemporaries who had ties to the government or the armed forces obviously knew that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had been expelled and their return was blocked already during the war. They understood that this must be kept a closely guarded secret."

"In 1961, against the backdrop of what Ben-Gurion described as the need for “a serious operation, both in written form and in oral hasbara,” the Shiloah Institute was asked to collect material for the government about “the flight of the Arabs from the Land of Israel in 1948.”

And, the Zionists (Ruddy included) link to material fabricated by the Shiloah Institute on behalf of Ben Gurion, as indicated in the text in bold. This is an Israeli source and not a UN document.

"Arab refugees from villages near Tulkarm. Most historians say Ben-Gurion knew in real time about the expulsion of Palestinians."

""Most historians today − Zionists, post-Zionists and non-Zionists − agree that in at least 120 of 530 villages, the Palestinian inhabitants were expelled by Jewish military forces, and that in half the villages the inhabitants fled because of the battles and were not allowed to return. Only in a handful of cases did villagers leave at the instructions of their leaders or mukhtars ‏(headmen‏).

"Archived Israeli documents that reported the expulsion of Palestinians, massacres or rapes perpetrated by Israeli soldiers, along with other events considered embarrassing by the establishment, were reclassified as “top secret.” Researchers who sought to track down the files cited in books by Benny Morris, Avi Shlaim or Tom Segev often hit a dead end. Hence the surprise that file GL-18/17028, titled “The Flight in 1948” is still available today."

"Contemporaries who had ties to the government or the armed forces obviously knew that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had been expelled and their return was blocked already during the war. They understood that this must be kept a closely guarded secret."

"In 1961, against the backdrop of what Ben-Gurion described as the need for “a serious operation, both in written form and in oral hasbara,” the Shiloah Institute was asked to collect material for the government about “the flight of the Arabs from the Land of Israel in 1948.”

Any Arab's that were moved by the Israelis was for their safety from battlefield conditions. They weren't moved out of the country but away from the battlefields and were told they could return after the fighting. Jeez.

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