In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

UN documents after 1948? Let's see them, bitch slapped Nazi boy.

what about gathering all those UN documents into one topic,
so that this ongoing argument doesn't leak into every other thread.

It should be all those same UN documents You attach to almost everywhere.
That way if both sides are willing to really analyze other's stance
on the issue there could be reached a clear (dis)agreement on each document separately

You could change sides just for fun sake and to be
ideologically and intellectually challenged- No personal or racist inclinations.

You see, Monte the bitchslapped Nazi tries to divert the subject of every thread to the point where he can post one of these five mutilated / misquoted documents that he has saved in his computer.

Problem with the documents is if you delve into them, they negate everything he's claiming.
so stop the name calling and try to take the other's side.
Just out of interest...then in the end You'll have a link that discredits or proves
all those document-much easier...and won't be so easy to divert conversations..
I have. Thanks to Monte I now have even more evidence of the fraud that is the Palestinian cause.
Again that's not what happened. The Arab leaders and their armies threatened The Palestinians to leave, and when they failed to "drive the Jews into the sea" they took the refugees they created and put them into prison like camps.
Then why do all UN official records state the opposite?

Ever thought that they are not official UN records and just documents deposited in their archives ? The arab muslims could write reports giving their biased side of the story you know.
I have. Thanks to Monte I now have even more evidence of the fraud that is the Palestinian cause.

So do I as I have a cloud depository with every one of his links in it, and they all show that he picks only the tiny parts that support his Jew Hatred
...In his memoirs, Haled al Azm, the Syrian Prime Minister in 1948-49, also admitted the Arab role in persuading the refugees to leave:

“Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the United Nations to resolve on their return” (The Memoirs of Haled al Azm, Beirut, 1973, Part 1, pp. 386-387)...

No he doesn't. This is straight out of Dershowitz' "The Case for Israel" and has been comprehensively debunked by many historians including Benny Morris himself, in Morris' case, in note 12 on page 312 of his Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. Khalid-al-Azm may well have been Prime minister of Syria in 1948, but he was abroad throughout the war. The Prime Minister of Syria at the time was Jamil Bardam.

Rather, a massive dose of Hasbara that has been debunked since the 1960's and latterly in the 1980's by no less an organisation than the Israeli National Archive when they released documents of the Haganah Intelligence service. The Zionists must be desperate to regurgitate this crock of BS again. I can't be sure but this reads like exerpts from Joan Peters' or Alan Derschowitz' rubbish.

Rather, a massive dose of Hasbara that has been debunked since the 1960's and latterly in the 1980's by no less an organisation than the Israeli National Archive when they released documents of the Haganah Intelligence service. The Zionists must be desperate to regurgitate this crock of BS again. I can't be sure but this reads like exerpts from Joan Peters' or Alan Derschowitz' rubbish.

No real argument or reply to the links provided so you resort to calling them hasbara like the good little islamonazi propagandist you are. Is this you second most used reply when you are shown to be a loser.
...In his memoirs, Haled al Azm, the Syrian Prime Minister in 1948-49, also admitted the Arab role in persuading the refugees to leave:

“Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the United Nations to resolve on their return” (The Memoirs of Haled al Azm, Beirut, 1973, Part 1, pp. 386-387)...

No he doesn't. This is straight out of Dershowitz' "The Case for Israel" and has been comprehensively debunked by many historians including Benny Morris himself, in Morris' case, in note 12 on page 312 of his Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. Khalid-al-Azm may well have been Prime minister of Syria in 1948, but he was abroad throughout the war. The Prime Minister of Syria at the time was Jamil Bardam.

There we go with another futile attempt at discrediting a well known historical fact that the Arabs threatened the Palestinians to get out of the way, so that they could later come back and join them after they slaughtered every Jew in the holy land. When that didn't happen they took the refugees they created and kept them in prison like conditions for around 20 years.

The West Bank and Gaza were under the control of Egypt and Jordan for 20 years after the 1948 war. No mention of a Palestinian state was made during these 20 years. It was only after yet another failed Arab attack in 1967 that the "Palestinian cause" was created to continue the Arab / Muslim desire to destroy the Jewish state.

Let us hear what Arabs said after the Six-Day War:

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel".

- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council -
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Benny Morris, the historian who documented instances where Palestinians were expelled, also found that Arab leaders encouraged their brethren to leave. Starting in December 1947, he said, “Arab officers ordered the complete evacuation of specific villages in certain areas, lest their inhabitants ‘treacherously’ acquiesce in Israeli rule or hamper Arab military deployments.”

So in December, 1947 the Arabs were preparing the ground for an invasion of Israel. Interesting.
Correct, they told the Palis to get out of the way with false promises of the piece of the pie once they succeeded in destroying the Jewish state.
  • 'In general, during the first months of the war until April 1948 the Palestinian leadership struggled, if not very manfully, against the exodus: "The AHC [Arab Higher Committee] decided .... to adopt measures to weaken the exodus by imposing restrictions, penalties, threats, propaganda in the press [and] on the radio .... [The AHC] tried to obtain the help of neighboring countries in this context ..... [The AHC] especially tried to prevent the flight of army-age young males," according to IDF intelligence'. (Benny Morris, p. 60)
  • 'In general, during the first months of the war until April 1948 the Palestinian leadership struggled, if not very manfully, against the exodus: "The AHC [Arab Higher Committee] decided .... to adopt measures to weaken the exodus by imposing restrictions, penalties, threats, propaganda in the press [and] on the radio .... [The AHC] tried to obtain the help of neighboring countries in this context ..... [The AHC] especially tried to prevent the flight of army-age young males," according to IDF intelligence'. (Benny Morris, p. 60)

Are you saying the Palestinians were cowards and had on Italian running backwards shoes ?
So....the gist....of...the mutilated Monte is....the Palestinian cowards...were their Arab Muslim leave or else....and they "struggled" for about a minute with it....and then said:

"hey, our Muslim brothers are going to slaughter every Jew in their own holy land, we can come back and join them in some old fashioned Islamic looting and raping, after they defeated the evil Jooooooos".

Here it comes Monte:

So....the gist....of...the mutilated Monte is....the Palestinian cowards...were their Arab Muslim leave or else....and they "struggled" for about a minute with it....and then said:

"hey, our Muslim brothers are going to slaughter every Jew in their own holy land, we can come back and join them in some old fashioned Islamic looting and raping, after they defeated the evil Jooooooos".

Here it comes Monte:

Where do all these Palestinian fairy tale apologists come from. They pop up like turd blossoms and Roundup is useless against them.

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