In 2006 Obama voted to filibuster Supreme Court Nominee Alito

Anybody want to bet that the GOP will roll over and approve an Obama nominee? anyone?

Face it fellow conservatives, the GOP leadership are spineless losers. They'll cave. They always do......
Anybody want to bet that the GOP will roll over and approve an Obama nominee? anyone?

Face it fellow conservatives, the GOP leadership are spineless losers. They'll cave. They always do......

The GOP is a fractured mess. They've already started to crack with the first GOP senator breaking ranks with the leadership
Utterly. They're in full panic mode. The party is in tatters, they have a reality star as their front runner with highest disapproval rating of any candidate....ever. And their debates have devolved into creative ways of calling each other liars.

And like political amateurs, they limit their options, take the most extreme, restrictive position possible.....and have no exit strategy. Worse, they removed even a possibility of a historical narrative for their party's tenure under Obama as anything other than hysteric partisan obstructionists who put their own political ambitions above the needs of the country.

Dream on. He will win South Carolina bya landslide and then run the board.

Trump? Probably. But being able to convince South Carolina conservatives to vote for a reality TV star doesn't make Trump even remotely electable with the general electorate.

Remember, from the outside looking in, you poor fucks are running around like chickens with your heads cut off, in total disarray.

Most of you have predicted his demise already four or five times. Just wait and see. The rest of America are not the Liberal loons that are on USMB every day.

The highest unfavorability rating of any candidate ever.

Trump polls among the worse of the GOP candidates against Hillary or Sanders. And a solid majority of folks can't stand him. You were just talking about polling a few posts ago. Not so much now.
How about a dead heat???
Clinton vs. Trump: Still A Dead Heat - Rasmussen Reports™

It should get real interesting when the FBI releases the results of their investigation on Hillary!!!!
Didn't Rassmussen call Obama/Romney a dead heat right up to the election?
Anybody want to bet that the GOP will roll over and approve an Obama nominee? anyone?

Face it fellow conservatives, the GOP leadership are spineless losers. They'll cave. They always do......

Believe it or not, there are still some Republicans who understand they have a job to do and that the Constitution is more important than partisan loyalties
Naturally, the media has censored this factoid from the past.

First President in US History to Have Voted to Filibuster a Supreme Court Nominee Now Hopes for Clean Process

may 30 2009 On January 2006, then-Sen. Obama joined 24 colleagues in a futile effort led by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of now-Justice Samuel Alito.

On January 29, 2006, Mr. Obama told George Stephanopulos on "This Week" that he would "be supporting the filibuster because I think Judge Alito, in fact, is somebody who is contrary to core American values, not just liberal values, you know. When you look at his decisions in particular during times of war, we need a court that is independent and is going to provide some check on the executive branch, and he has not shown himself willing to do that repeatedly."
a bit out of context without posting his full statement on it...

Here's what he told George Stephanopoulos on Jan. 29, 2006:

Stephanopoulos: "Two of your colleagues, Senator (Edward) Kennedy and Senator (John) Kerry, want to try to mount a filibuster tomorrow. Will you join them?"

Obama: "Well, I will be supporting the filibuster because I think Judge Alito, in fact, is somebody who is contrary to core American values, not just liberal values, you know. When you look at his decisions in particular during times of war, we need a court that is independent and is going to provide some check on the executive branch, and he has not shown himself willing to do that repeatedly. I will say this, though, I think that the Democrats have to do a much better job in making their case on these issues. These last-minute efforts using procedural maneuvers inside the Beltway, I think, has been the wrong way of going about it, and we need to recognize, because Judge Alito will be confirmed, that if we're going to oppose a nominee that we've got to persuade the American people that, in fact, their values are at stake and frankly I'm not sure that we've successfully done that."

Stephanopoulos: "Well, it sounds to me like you're not really happy about going forward and joining this filibuster. And I've actually seen some reports that inside the Democratic caucus you were arguing against this strategy. Is that true?"

Obama: "Well, you know, I don't talk about what I, you know, what takes place in caucus but what I will say is that there is an over-reliance on the part of Democrats for procedural maneuvers and mechanisms to block the president instead of proactively going out to the American people and talking about the values that we care about. And, you know, there's one way to guarantee that the judges who are appointed to the Supreme Court are judges that reflect our values and that's to win elections."

Later that day, a report from the Associated Press carried the headline, "Sen. Obama Criticizes Filibuster Tactic."

The next day, Democrats failed in their attempt to filibuster on a vote of 72 to 25, with Obama joining 24 other Democrats on the losing end.

Obama criticized Supreme Court filibuster of Alito even as he joined it
I'll never get that time back.....anyways, the process will move forward and chances are we won't have another Judge picked until next year. Not going to effect much from my vantage point.
Sky, it's hard to understand anything you're posting.

What part of 'Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any candidate ever' did you not understand?
What's all this gibberish? Explain yourself...

Laughing..........Why don't you highlight the words you had difficulty with.

"Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any candidate ever"

Was it the word 'ever' that confused you? 'The'? Or perhaps 'disapproval'?
You are confusing.....your lack of elaboration and relevancy to this thread. Honestly, Trump is very popular if you Ha Ha haven't noticed.....HAAAAAAA Where do you get this disapproval rating, 'cause it defies popular belief....Trump is the front runner, no?
Obama needs a sponge bath, he's bellowing for you....
You are confusing.....your lack of elaboration and relevancy to this thread. Honestly, Trump is very popular if you Ha Ha haven't noticed.....HAAAAAAA Where do you get this disapproval rating, 'cause it defies popular belief....Trump is the front runner, no?
Obama needs a sponge bath, he's bellowing for you....

Wait....'highlight' has multiple syllables too. This is gonna be difficult given how easily confused you are. Polysyllabic communication is clearly out. Lets try something simpler:

Um, 'show me the bad words'?

"Trump has the highest disapproval rating of any candidate ever"
Wow! You're so eloquent and articulate....god, your wisdom just knocks me over.....asswipe.....your being irrelevant to this thread FFS! That's what's confusing moron. You are confusing, not the written word, Moronic asswipe.....go away, man...
Wow! You're so eloquent and articulate....god, your wisdom just knocks me over.....asswipe.....your being irrelevant to this thread FFS! That's what's confusing moron. You are confusing, not the written word, Moronic asswipe.....go away, man...

So if you deem a post is 'irrelevant to the thread', you lose the ability to comprehend English?

Bummer, dude. You should probably see someone about that.
A split Senate approved arch conservative Alito 75-25 because he was the Presidents choice

Will all the Republicans line up to prevent the President from selecting a Supreme Court Justice? that's a 'no', you can't tell the difference?

Not my problem. The problem belongs to the Democrats.

Oh, this is a major GOP fuck up. They reacted too strongly, limiting their options and forcing themselves onto only one path. They could have simply rejected any individual candidate that Obama nominated and gotten the same result. Plus had plenty of wiggle room.

But in the current clusterfuck that is the Grand Old Party, even the possibility of compromise is anathema. So they just defined their legacy: party above principle. Party above the nation. Party above anything.

And that's how the GOP will be remembered.
Very true
Republicans overplayed their hand
Rather than let it play out and voicing specific issues with the candidate, McConnell made it clear it was Obama who he objected to
Blatant partisan politics

Utterly. They're in full panic mode. The party is in tatters, they have a reality star as their front runner with highest disapproval rating of any candidate....ever. And their debates have devolved into creative ways of calling each other liars.

And like political amateurs, they limit their options, take the most extreme, restrictive position possible.....and have no exit strategy. Worse, they removed even a possibility of a historical narrative for their party's tenure under Obama as anything other than hysteric partisan obstructionists who put their own political ambitions above the needs of the country.
We are talking about leaving a Supreme Court seat open for well over a year

What will happen as case after case comes back 4-4 and Republicans are sitting on a qualified an election year?

In reality it probably won't happen all that often. When it does happen, the case that ends in a tie vote reverts back to the decision of the lower court from which it was passed. All ado about very little.
The only appropriate reason for any member of the Senate to vote against confirming a Supreme Court appointee is lack of qualification.

This is not an election nor a popularity contest. The job is to advise and consent regarding whether or not the appointee is qualified. Period.

Now...that said....which one of you nutbags is going to prove that Obama wanted to deny Alito's confirmation based on anything other than his contention that he was not qualified?

Your problem is that it is not Obama who decides what business the Senate will take up on any given day. That decision rests with Mitch McConnell. Harry Reid sat on over 300 Bills simply because he did not wish to bring them to the floor or assign them to committee.
Very true

And let McConnell explain why he can't find the time to approve a Supreme Court justice because he is holding another repeal Obamacare vote or Benghazi hearing

What will happen? The Republicans will slip a notch or two further down from their current position at the bottom of the approval rating? LOL!!
Very true
Republicans overplayed their hand
Rather than let it play out and voicing specific issues with the candidate, McConnell made it clear it was Obama who he objected to
Blatant partisan politics

Utterly. They're in full panic mode. The party is in tatters, they have a reality star as their front runner with highest disapproval rating of any candidate....ever. And their debates have devolved into creative ways of calling each other liars.

And like political amateurs, they limit their options, take the most extreme, restrictive position possible.....and have no exit strategy. Worse, they removed even a possibility of a historical narrative for their party's tenure under Obama as anything other than hysteric partisan obstructionists who put their own political ambitions above the needs of the country.

Dream on. He will win South Carolina bya landslide and then run the board.

Trump? Probably. But being able to convince South Carolina conservatives to vote for a reality TV star doesn't make Trump even remotely electable with the general electorate.

Remember, from the outside looking in, you poor fucks are running around like chickens with your heads cut off, in total disarray.

Most of you have predicted his demise already four or five times. Just wait and see. The rest of America are not the Liberal loons that are on USMB every day.

The highest unfavorability rating of any candidate ever.

Trump polls among the worse of the GOP candidates against Hillary or Sanders. And a solid majority of folks can't stand him. You were just talking about polling a few posts ago. Not so much now.

Well Hillary holds the position as the most untrustworthy. I guess the people will make their choice. LOL!!
The only appropriate reason for any member of the Senate to vote against confirming a Supreme Court appointee is lack of qualification.

This is not an election nor a popularity contest. The job is to advise and consent regarding whether or not the appointee is qualified. Period.

Now...that said....which one of you nutbags is going to prove that Obama wanted to deny Alito's confirmation based on anything other than his contention that he was not qualified?

Your problem is that it is not Obama who decides what business the Senate will take up on any given day. That decision rests with Mitch McConnell. Harry Reid sat on over 300 Bills simply because he did not wish to bring them to the floor or assign them to committee.
Very true

And let McConnell explain why he can't find the time to approve a Supreme Court justice because he is holding another repeal Obamacare vote or Benghazi hearing

What will happen? The Republicans will slip a notch or two further down from their current position at the bottom of the approval rating? LOL!!

What will happen is Republican Senators up for reelection will jump ship

Can McConnell keep 54 Senators from approving a moderate?
The only appropriate reason for any member of the Senate to vote against confirming a Supreme Court appointee is lack of qualification.

This is not an election nor a popularity contest. The job is to advise and consent regarding whether or not the appointee is qualified. Period.

Now...that said....which one of you nutbags is going to prove that Obama wanted to deny Alito's confirmation based on anything other than his contention that he was not qualified?

Your problem is that it is not Obama who decides what business the Senate will take up on any given day. That decision rests with Mitch McConnell. Harry Reid sat on over 300 Bills simply because he did not wish to bring them to the floor or assign them to committee.
Very true

And let McConnell explain why he can't find the time to approve a Supreme Court justice because he is holding another repeal Obamacare vote or Benghazi hearing

What will happen? The Republicans will slip a notch or two further down from their current position at the bottom of the approval rating? LOL!!

What will happen is Republican Senators up for reelection will jump ship

Can McConnell keep 54 Senators from approving a moderate?

You tell me. It is McConnell who decides what business to bring before the Senate, not 54 other Senators.

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