In 2016, the Democrats had a Supreme Court majority, the Republicans won the Presidency and had the House and Senate and there was no court packing.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency. They had clear majorities in the House and Senate. Did they even talk about packing the court or limiting its powers? Democrats are already fantasizing about changing the rules before they have any majority other than the House. They changed the rule regarding the 60% percent majority to get political activists on the bench and are only upset because it blew up in their faces. They constantly talk about getting rid of the electoral college so California and New York can control the entire country. The 60% majority rule was to encourage Presidents to nominate more moderate judges so a President who's party had even a small majority in the Senate couldn't get far left or far right political activist judges on the court as easily.

Mitch McConnell's words after the Democrats changed the rules, eliminating the 60% majority rule were prophetic.

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So you point is that now the Republicans have massively packed the courts? And you say that's a good thing?

Then Biden will have to unpack them.
Link us up to one court Republicans have increased the number of justices on, Chowderhead.

A fanatical court-packing supporter like yoruself shouldn't fake definitions in an attempt to project his court-packing ways on to ethical people. That only fools his fellow authoritarian-followers.

Republicans packed the courts. You supported that enthusiastically, so you'll have no grounds to object when Biden unpacks them.
Link us up to one court Republicans have increased the number of justices on, Chowderhead.

A fanatical court-packing supporter like yoruself shouldn't fake definitions in an attempt to project his court-packing ways on to ethical people. That only fools his fellow authoritarian-followers.

Republicans packed the courts. You supported that enthusiastically, so you'll have no grounds to object when Biden unpacks them.

Factually false
Also idiotic.
In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency. They had clear majorities in the House and Senate. Did they even talk about packing the court or limiting its powers? Democrats are already fantasizing about changing the rules before they have any majority other than the House. They changed the rule regarding the 60% percent majority to get political activists on the bench and are only upset because it blew up in their faces. They constantly talk about getting rid of the electoral college so California and New York can control the entire country. The 60% majority rule was to force Presidents to nominate more moderate judges so a President who's party had even a small majority in the Senate couldn't get far left or far right judges political activists on the court as easily.

Mitch McConnell's words after the Democrats changed the rules, eliminating the 60% majority rule were prophetic.

View attachment 407215

I find it interesting how I hear the GOP now whining on TV for money and to stop the Dems from taking the Senate, "we can't lose the Senate" they say. For too long I feel they threw Trump under the bus, especially early when they were just members of the Resistance. First with McCain and then to a lesser degree (as he had less influence), Romney. Along with that weak, rat Paul Ryan.

If the proper advice and fight had been fought with Paul Ryan, Trump would have had full funding for the wall in the first budget. If not for McCains Caesar moment on the floor of the senate, he would have had a health plan in place.

Constantly I see the GOP bending to the Dems, even in the current mail-out of votes to those who didn't request them. Secretly, some of them dislike Trump and want him gone.

If he loses, even if they maintain the Senate, it will be an uphill battle. Who will fight for America and who will be respected by the common man? Cruz? Graham? Romney?


For the sake of Western Values and the success of the U.S Republic, I pray China doesn't win. I look at so many who put their own benefit and power before the success of the U.S. It disgusts me.
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Link us up to one court Republicans have increased the number of justices on, Chowderhead.

A fanatical court-packing supporter like yoruself shouldn't fake definitions in an attempt to project his court-packing ways on to ethical people. That only fools his fellow authoritarian-followers.

Republicans packed the courts. You supported that enthusiastically, so you'll have no grounds to object when Biden unpacks them.
I accept your admission you are full of shit.

Mitch McConnell's words after the Democrats changed the rules, eliminating the 60% majority rule were prophetic.
Translation: God speaks through turtle face now and He had some different words before the rules were changed.

God speaks through turtle face now and He had some different words before the rules were changed.

I heard Schumer tonight.

He had a lot of different words when he was trying to get Garland confirmed.

Hypocrisy doesn't affect just one side of the aisle.
In 2016, the Republicans won the Presidency. They had clear majorities in the House and Senate. Did they even talk about packing the court or limiting its powers? Democrats are already fantasizing about changing the rules before they have any majority other than the House. They changed the rule regarding the 60% percent majority to get political activists on the bench and are only upset because it blew up in their faces. They constantly talk about getting rid of the electoral college so California and New York can control the entire country. The 60% majority rule was to encourage Presidents to nominate more moderate judges so a President who's party had even a small majority in the Senate couldn't get far left or far right political activist judges on the court as easily.

Mitch McConnell's words after the Democrats changed the rules, eliminating the 60% majority rule were prophetic.

View attachment 407215
I agree it was not court packing , when a justice retires or dies the Presidents job is to replace them, if its a choice that that is not capable of being confirmed due to a senate lop sided majority then so be it if the other party has a majority and confirms the choice so be it , thats how the system works. we have 9 justices and thats enough ,
democrats are hoping that if joe wins and they can take control of the house and senate they can put more in , this is not something I approve up.
9 justices are more then enough to assure a fair judgement and get a wide variety of opinions and arguments .

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