in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama

Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.

Good troll...

can you sit up and beg too?

I beg to know if the good citizens of the neighboring state are known as "Mississippiians".

See what I did there? I'm a cunning linguist.
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.

Good troll...

can you sit up and beg too?

I beg to know if the good citizens of the neighboring state are known as "Mississippiians".

See what I did there? I'm a cunning linguist.

We don't use a long "I" down heah.

It's pronounced Miss-sipp'-e-ahns
I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.

Good troll...

can you sit up and beg too?

I beg to know if the good citizens of the neighboring state are known as "Mississippiians".

See what I did there? I'm a cunning linguist.

We don't use a long "I" down heah.

It's pronounced Miss-sipp'-e-ahns

An unlak Alabamans, our white girl chllen wear underwear
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.

I'll bet it chaps your drawers that their votes count as much as yours do.
Wait....aren't YOU upset that those who practice incest and screw little girls have votes that count as much as yours? Interesting what you just said there.

Those who are convicted of such crimes do not have the same authority to vote that I do. So, no.
I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.

Good troll...

can you sit up and beg too?

I beg to know if the good citizens of the neighboring state are known as "Mississippiians".

See what I did there? I'm a cunning linguist.

We don't use a long "I" down heah.

It's pronounced Miss-sipp'-e-ahns

Sorry, that should read the lettter Ah.

So it's pronounced Miss-iss-sip-ee-ee-ans. According to Alabamia law.
People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.

Good troll...

can you sit up and beg too?

I beg to know if the good citizens of the neighboring state are known as "Mississippiians".

See what I did there? I'm a cunning linguist.

We don't use a long "I" down heah.

It's pronounced Miss-sipp'-e-ahns

Sorry, that should read the lettter Ah.

So it's pronounced Miss-iss-sip-ee-ee-ans. According to Alabamia law.
They probably think we're stuck up for thinking girls should be in high school first.

The women who accused him could have video evidence of it happening and you'd still act like he was innocent.

Do you live in Alabama? You're dumb enough to be a resident.

Is that like these stupid Moon Bats being in denial about Slick Willy being a sexual predator even when we have his ejaculation on a dress and the testimony for a dozen women?

The women who accused him could have video evidence of it happening and you'd still act like he was innocent.

Do you live in Alabama? You're dumb enough to be a resident.

Is that like these stupid Moon Bats being in denial about Slick Willy being a sexual predator even when we have his ejaculation on a dress and the testimony for a dozen women?
funny Moore hasn't been proven to have done anything and why he will win. And yet these clowns in here are ok with slick willie in the oval office. I'd say they have nothing to stand on.

They probably think we're stuck up for thinking girls should be in high school first.

...and if you are President of the US you shouldn't be getting blowjobs in the work place from the young White House interns?

The women who accused him could have video evidence of it happening and you'd still act like he was innocent.

Do you live in Alabama? You're dumb enough to be a resident.

Is that like these stupid Moon Bats being in denial about Slick Willy being a sexual predator even when we have his ejaculation on a dress and the testimony for a dozen women?
funny Moore hasn't been proven to have done anything and why he will win. And yet these clowns in here are ok with slick willie in the oval office. I'd say they have nothing to stand on.

For as much of a creep as Clinton is/was he never touched underage girls. The fact that this distinction has to be pointed out to you is fucking sad.

We are talking about child abuse and you're ok with it.
Yet another Republican bigot in Congress.

And that's the point isn't it. You think he's a bigot, so you will do anything to keep him out. Even make up outrageous lies.

that ticks the Motivation box for sure.

Outrageous lies.

The Sham Defense of Roy Moore

funny Moore hasn't been proven to have done anything and why he will win. And yet these clowns in here are ok with slick willie in the oval office. I'd say they have nothing to stand on.

Just hypocrisy. Liberals thrive on it.

funny Moore hasn't been proven to have done anything and why he will win. And yet these clowns in here are ok with slick willie in the oval office. I'd say they have nothing to stand on.

Just hypocrisy. Liberals thrive on it.

This from someone who applauds child molestation. You must be from Alabama.

They probably think we're stuck up for thinking girls should be in high school first.

...and if you are President of the US you shouldn't be getting blowjobs in the work place from the young White House interns?

Yet another one who is pro child abuse.

...and you are another that don't have the courage to stand up against sexual abuse when it is perpetrated by a filthy Democrat.

The women who accused him could have video evidence of it happening and you'd still act like he was innocent.

Do you live in Alabama? You're dumb enough to be a resident.

Is that like these stupid Moon Bats being in denial about Slick Willy being a sexual predator even when we have his ejaculation on a dress and the testimony for a dozen women?
funny Moore hasn't been proven to have done anything and why he will win. And yet these clowns in here are ok with slick willie in the oval office. I'd say they have nothing to stand on.

For as much of a creep as Clinton is/was he never touched underage girls. The fact that this distinction has to be pointed out to you is fucking sad.

We are talking about child abuse and you're ok with it.
who has touched underage girls? I ask for proof. you got any? Moore will win because of that fact and that fact alone.

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