in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama

Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

And there is nothing that Bodey likes more than the idea of a child being molested if it bolsters her political stance.

Right? you've confused me with any Alabamian GOPr. I don't live in Alabama (thank the gods) and I don't vote GOP.......they're the ones all about voting FOR child molesters.

I think the entire State of Alabama is glad to hear you don't.

And no one would ever think that a Lesbian would push fake accusations......

Oh crap

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Well, you do like being over dramatic, don't you?
Back to the thread topic which is Alabamians eagerly voting for a child molester. Of course I am delighted to not be within 1000 miles of such a 3rd world like state.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

And there is nothing that Bodey likes more than the idea of a child being molested if it bolsters her political stance.

Right? you've confused me with any Alabamian GOPr. I don't live in Alabama (thank the gods) and I don't vote GOP.......they're the ones all about voting FOR child molesters.

I think the entire State of Alabama is glad to hear you don't.

And no one would ever think that a Lesbian would push fake accusations......

Oh crap

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Well, you do like being over dramatic, don't you?
Back to the thread topic which is Alabamians eagerly voting for a child molester. Of course I am delighted to not be within 1000 miles of such a 3rd world like state.

What Bodey, that is the tread topic.

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Why you are actually not addressing the issues brought up, but simply trolling the topic.

You are trying to make people from Alabama out to be child molesters, simply because they live in a certain state, and I'm showing Lesbians are known to falsely accuse straight men of criminal behavior?

What gives?
Great another clown, dumped from his last two jobs, and has poor sexual behavior hanging over his head. the senate is a circus.
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.
What a hateful bigot you are. Let's see if your fellow liberals condemn you for this. Probably not.
He's a horrid person for not cozying up to Moorealester.

Ah good. Pun period is on. :eusa_dance:

"I am woman -- hear me, Moore"

Alternative title for this thread:

"In 9 days Alabamiaians will get their Moore on"
Talk is cheap. Thats why the Democrats havee so much of it, and lottle else to offer. The same cam be said of establoshment RINOs. Results are all that matter. That's why the left is being beaten back, and evaporating like fog in the morning sunlight.
Cute gif... That was so boss... It really added some credibility to the point you thought you were making...
Translation: "Well, yeah, you're right... you were dealing with fact, in replying to that other user, and I missed that, so... OK... yeah... you got me on that one."

Concession acknowledged.
The only concession being made; is that you've hitched your only hope for resolution on the Roy Moore situation to the empty promise of a Republican the base neither trusts, or respects... Its ever amusing to witness how desperate the left has gotten...

Uhhmmm..... Mitch McConnell is not "the left". Check your map.

Couple of decades ago when a known KKK racist was running for governor of Sleaziana two states away, that same Republican establishment disowned and denounced him. They did that because racism wasn't an image they wanted associated with their party.

Perhaps they'd like to explore the other alternative now. You know, the road not taken. Big tent and all that.
He's an obsructionist, and a hindrance to the agenda I voted into office last November.

Thought we just said McConnell acknowledges it's up to the voters of Alabamia.

Which it is, and always was. Outside observers just find it interesting that while locals don't want him hanging in the Gadsden Mall, it's perfectly OK to send him to the US Senate. Because "Democrats" and shit, and that trumps character. As you just revealingly said --- a "tool".

When David Duke offered to be a tool the party wouldn't touch him. Apparently some considerations were more important than "Democrats and shit". Looks like there's been a value shift.

And now Duke is Rump's most ardent cheerleader. Another kind of 'tool'.
if it always was up to the voters, why did his name ever matter? why did anyone's? LOL. you all going batshit stupid in the forum looking for Moore to step down because this GOPer said this and that GOPer said that. why did you all post that garbage if you knew all along it was up to the voters? You all don't show much logic
Great another clown, dumped from his last two jobs, and has poor sexual behavior hanging over his head. the senate is a circus.
a 38 year old story with no evidence, against a baby killer. hmmmmmm I can't think at all who they'd vote for. LOL
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

pedophiles? Rapists?

such as?
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

And there is nothing that Bodey likes more than the idea of a child being molested if it bolsters her political stance.

Right? you've confused me with any Alabamian GOPr. I don't live in Alabama (thank the gods) and I don't vote GOP.......they're the ones all about voting FOR child molesters.

I think the entire State of Alabama is glad to hear you don't.

And no one would ever think that a Lesbian would push fake accusations......

Oh crap

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Well, you do like being over dramatic, don't you?
Back to the thread topic which is Alabamians eagerly voting for a child molester. Of course I am delighted to not be within 1000 miles of such a 3rd world like state.

What Bodey, that is the tread topic.

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Why you are actually not addressing the issues brought up, but simply trolling the topic.

You are trying to make people from Alabama out to be child molesters, simply because they live in a certain state, and I'm showing Lesbians are known to falsely accuse straight men of criminal behavior?

What gives?
And...once again....back to this thread topic which is Alabama eagerly and gleefully voting for a child molester, Moore....and many here defending that choice.
Anyone who cannot or will not stay on that topic obviously has something to be embarrassed about in this topic?
We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.

Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
Jr. Senator who likes jr. girls. Alabama is for Child Molesters.
they are? who is that? No one has any evidence of such behavior. you need more than a 38 year old short story four weeks ahead of an election to pull the wool over voters eyes. Logical folks can figure underlying ploys out without your moral nonsense. I highly doubt the voters want an admitted baby killer representing them. And that's why Moore will win.
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
Don't count on it. Remember that polls are conducted with people who have landlines, not mobile phones.

Who has landlines? Old people.

So if the only results you are tabulating are old people, Moore is going to be higher. The fact that it's even, with some polls having Jones ahead by 3 means Jones is farther ahead than people think.

Republican women are pissed about the recent news that he wrote in 2011 that women shouldn't hold office or vote and should stay in the kitchen.

Alabama businesses are freaked that they may become subject to the same crushing boycotts that North Carolina faced when they enacted their bathroom bill. Although Alabama doesn't have anywhere close to the outside business that NC does, or any pro sports teams or NCAA tournaments.


I get calls on my cell from pollsters quite often.

Don't you?
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.
they are? who is that? got evidence?
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.

Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.
And there is nothing that Bodey likes more than the idea of a child being molested if it bolsters her political stance.

Right? you've confused me with any Alabamian GOPr. I don't live in Alabama (thank the gods) and I don't vote GOP.......they're the ones all about voting FOR child molesters.

I think the entire State of Alabama is glad to hear you don't.

And no one would ever think that a Lesbian would push fake accusations......

Oh crap

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Well, you do like being over dramatic, don't you?
Back to the thread topic which is Alabamians eagerly voting for a child molester. Of course I am delighted to not be within 1000 miles of such a 3rd world like state.

What Bodey, that is the tread topic.

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Why you are actually not addressing the issues brought up, but simply trolling the topic.

You are trying to make people from Alabama out to be child molesters, simply because they live in a certain state, and I'm showing Lesbians are known to falsely accuse straight men of criminal behavior?

What gives?
And...once again....back to this thread topic which is Alabama eagerly and gleefully voting for a child molester, Moore....and many here defending that choice.
Anyone who cannot or will not stay on that topic obviously has something to be embarrassed about in this topic?

Do you have evidence that Alabama is voting as you say?

The alleged victims stepson thinks shes lying

Stepson of Roy Moore accuser: She’s lying

As does her ex- boyfriend (was he the one she said picked her up after the supposed attack?, Why won't she give up the name)

Ex-boyfriend of Roy Moore accuser: I don’t believe her

But then we have someone like you, from a group known to lie about straight men attacking women, persisting with trolling this thread.

Lesbian who reported 'hate crime' attack staged incident, Nebraska police say - CNN

But go ahead Bodey, keep trolling, no one believes ya.
Translation: "Well, yeah, you're right... you were dealing with fact, in replying to that other user, and I missed that, so... OK... yeah... you got me on that one."

Concession acknowledged.
The only concession being made; is that you've hitched your only hope for resolution on the Roy Moore situation to the empty promise of a Republican the base neither trusts, or respects... Its ever amusing to witness how desperate the left has gotten...

Uhhmmm..... Mitch McConnell is not "the left". Check your map.

Couple of decades ago when a known KKK racist was running for governor of Sleaziana two states away, that same Republican establishment disowned and denounced him. They did that because racism wasn't an image they wanted associated with their party.

Perhaps they'd like to explore the other alternative now. You know, the road not taken. Big tent and all that.
He's an obsructionist, and a hindrance to the agenda I voted into office last November.

Thought we just said McConnell acknowledges it's up to the voters of Alabamia.

Which it is, and always was. Outside observers just find it interesting that while locals don't want him hanging in the Gadsden Mall, it's perfectly OK to send him to the US Senate. Because "Democrats" and shit, and that trumps character. As you just revealingly said --- a "tool".

When David Duke offered to be a tool the party wouldn't touch him. Apparently some considerations were more important than "Democrats and shit". Looks like there's been a value shift.

And now Duke is Rump's most ardent cheerleader. Another kind of 'tool'.
if it always was up to the voters, why did his name ever matter? why did anyone's? LOL. you all going batshit stupid in the forum looking for Moore to step down because this GOPer said this and that GOPer said that. why did you all post that garbage if you knew all along it was up to the voters? You all don't show much logic

Actually I've never "called for Moore to step down" and I've never used the term "GOP". I just know good joke material when I see it.

Thanks for learning to read.

GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.
Roy Moore is a much better choice than a baby killer everyday in my world.

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