in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama

in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama
In 10 days, Roy Moore will be before the Senate Ethics Committee.

In 11 days, Roy Moore will be ejected from the Senate.

In 12 days, Roy Moore will be back in Alabama again, amongst the Inbred Jeds who attempted to elevate him to high public office on the national level.
Nope....the child molester will be gleefully elected by the child molester supporters in Alabama and the Senate will do nothing but seat him.
Hell, Mitch'll give him a 13 year old girl page for a vote
I'm an unapologetic Yankee. So much of the south baffles me. But I believe the good people of Alabama are not dupes. I believe they see their role as voters with as much responyas every other American. And I further believe that they will not elect someone with as questionable past as Roy Moore to the United States senate.

Here on this board the rabid partisans have an amplified voice. They come on here and write the most vile and disgusting things in the name of whatever their political ideology happens to be this month. We have heard from fiscal Conservatives. They are an endangered species in the Republican Party today. We have heard from social Conservatives United by their collective fears and hatred of anyone who does not tow their line of morality.

But today, that morality is being put to the test. If those social Conservatives want to hold the moral high ground, they must face the facts of Roy Moore's reputation. Should the decent people of Alabama be drowned out by rabid partisans who would elect a child molester just for political gains, they will never again be listened to with credibility by any other American citizen.

Have faith that someone like Roy Moore will never be elected so long as those with a true moral backbone enjoy the right to vote.
Yeah... That Alinsky tactic you're trying to use... You know... The one where, "you make your opponent live up to their own code", or some such nonsense... It won't work in Alabama. But I understand... Old habits die hard; right?
We know it won't work in Alabama. We have been saying that. We totally get how Alabamians embrace their child molesters.
And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...

I think Pogo might have been left alone with Uncle Earnie a bit too much?

Well he still has Pinball to fall back on.
you'd know
And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...
Come on little girl, gimme a little bit Moore

One of the earlier threads was titled, "Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore". I pointed out that that's exactly what he said to the high school girls at the Gadsden Mall.
So you're saying your morality is flexible? Moral relevance? That's what you're going with?
Like I said... That tactic isn't going to work...
Just so you know where you want to stand.
Between the levers of power, and any Leftist, or Democrat who would reach for them...
And with a pedophile by your side! The future is dim for you.
I do my best work in the dark.
Quoting Moore now?
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...
Come on little girl, gimme a little bit Moore

God I’m glad we have a village idiot that shows up every now and again.

Would you show up more often if we paid you moore?
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.

I'll bet it chaps your drawers that their votes count as much as yours do.
Wait....aren't YOU upset that those who practice incest and screw little girls have votes that count as much as yours? Interesting what you just said there.
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...
Come on little girl, gimme a little bit Moore

God I’m glad we have a village idiot that shows up every now and again.

Would you show up more often if we paid you moore?

If you had more, you’d actually have a sex life and be off these boards awhile.

Well, that’s what she said!
In nine days, he will still be creepy

And so will Al Franken. What's your point?
No allegations have been proven about Franken. That's the Moore supporter line, right?

And all the proven allegations regarding Moore? :lol: Currently your team has way more scumbags than the right. Conyers....Charlie Rose...Matt Lauer....Winestein.

So STFU already. K. :D
How's former Speaker of the House Hastert doing these days...............
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...
Come on little girl, gimme a little bit Moore

One of the earlier threads was titled, "Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore". I pointed out that that's exactly what he said to the high school girls at the Gadsden Mall.
LOL. That's the seriously crazy thing about this. Even if you can somehow put aside the fact that this piece of shit really fucked up his victims' lives, WHILE HE WAS SUIPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING THEM, the trumpots here are saying they'd rather have a criminal voting than a democrat. I mean that's seriously fucked up.

And I submit that you cannot overlook the fact that he violated his oath of office when he molested those children. It's like "oh ok, so stole once and can't be bonded, but let's have him handle our retirement account anyway. LOL

But on a serious note, A Little Bit Moore really does help out Mitch. No one pays attention to the giveway he just gave the 1%.
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.
What a hateful bigot you are. Let's see if your fellow liberals condemn you for this. Probably not.
In nine days, he will still be creepy

And so will Al Franken. What's your point?
No allegations have been proven about Franken. That's the Moore supporter line, right?

And all the proven allegations regarding Moore? :lol: Currently your team has way more scumbags than the right. Conyers....Charlie Rose...Matt Lauer....Winestein.

So STFU already. K. :D
How's former Speaker of the House Hastert doing these days...............

Or this guy...

That one was unacceptable because he targeted boys.

Btw has Fox Noise switched Roy Moore's party yet?
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.
What a hateful bigot you are. Let's see if your fellow liberals condemn you for this. Probably not.

OK I'll condemn it if you really need a second opinion. Blatant generalization/association fallacy, ignorant and divisive.

Plus he spelled Alabamia wrong.
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

And there is nothing that Bodey likes more than the idea of a child being molested if it bolsters her political stance.

Right? you've confused me with any Alabamian GOPr. I don't live in Alabama (thank the gods) and I don't vote GOP.......they're the ones all about voting FOR child molesters.
Translation: "Well, yeah, you're right... you were dealing with fact, in replying to that other user, and I missed that, so... OK... yeah... you got me on that one."

Concession acknowledged.
The only concession being made; is that you've hitched your only hope for resolution on the Roy Moore situation to the empty promise of a Republican the base neither trusts, or respects... Its ever amusing to witness how desperate the left has gotten...

Uhhmmm..... Mitch McConnell is not "the left". Check your map.

Couple of decades ago when a known KKK racist was running for governor of Sleaziana two states away, that same Republican establishment disowned and denounced him. They did that because racism wasn't an image they wanted associated with their party.

Perhaps they'd like to explore the other alternative now. You know, the road not taken. Big tent and all that.
He's an obsructionist, and a hindrance to the agenda I voted into office last November.

Thought we just said McConnell acknowledges it's up to the voters of Alabamia.

Which it is, and always was. Outside observers just find it interesting that while locals don't want him hanging in the Gadsden Mall, it's perfectly OK to send him to the US Senate. Because "Democrats" and shit, and that trumps character. As you just revealingly said --- a "tool".

When David Duke offered to be a tool the party wouldn't touch him. Apparently some considerations were more important than "Democrats and shit". Looks like there's been a value shift.

And now Duke is Rump's most ardent cheerleader. Another kind of 'tool'.
The times, they are a changin'...'s a winning strategy in Alabama to be a child molester with an "R" after your name.

GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.
Remember! It's biblical!
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.

Okay. Then you're back to a guy who got kicked off the bench, twice, because he couldn't follow the law.

Either way.
Yet when Rosa Parks couldn't make her way to the correct seat on a bus; the cucks applauded her. He stood on Alabama principles, the Feds slapped him down, and Alabamians voted him right back in.

Ah the "correct seat on a bus".

We just learned more about you from a single sentence than all the other posts combined.
My position on "issues" is quite widely known. And "yes". The correct seat. By law...
I see. Very interesting.
We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

And there is nothing that Bodey likes more than the idea of a child being molested if it bolsters her political stance.

Right? you've confused me with any Alabamian GOPr. I don't live in Alabama (thank the gods) and I don't vote GOP.......they're the ones all about voting FOR child molesters.

I think the entire State of Alabama is glad to hear you don't.

And no one would ever think that a Lesbian would push fake accusations......

Oh crap

Cops: Woman Faked Anti-Gay Attack

Well, you do like being over dramatic, don't you?

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