in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama


GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

Coming next year from Alabamia DMV.........


When Pogo and the Left are reduced to ^^^^^^^, you know they lost the fight!

Way to go!

"Fight"? What "fight"? This is a comedy.

The experience that sums up Alabamia is finding yourself driving I-59, crossing a state line and thinking "whew, finally back to civilization, I'm in MIssissippi."

I literally have that experience several times a year. LOL
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

Coming next year from Alabamia DMV.........


When Pogo and the Left are reduced to ^^^^^^^, you know they lost the fight!

Way to go!

"Fight"? What "fight"? This is a comedy.

The experience that sums up Alabamia is finding yourself driving I-59, crossing a state line and thinking "whew, finally back to civilization, I'm in MIssissippi."


Hey, give us a fertile field for comedy and the joke plows will roll.

If you’re in the Flame Zone, OK, you got a point

Upstairs with the adults, you look the fool. But that don’t take much for you.

GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.

Okay. Then you're back to a guy who got kicked off the bench, twice, because he couldn't follow the law.

Either way.

GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.

Okay. Then you're back to a guy who got kicked off the bench, twice, because he couldn't follow the law.

Either way.
Yet when Rosa Parks couldn't make her way to the correct seat on a bus; the cucks applauded her. He stood on Alabama principles, the Feds slapped him down, and Alabamians voted him right back in.

GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.

Okay. Then you're back to a guy who got kicked off the bench, twice, because he couldn't follow the law.

Either way.
Yet when Rosa Parks couldn't make her way to the correct seat on a bus; the cucks applauded her. He stood on Alabama principles, the Feds slapped him down, and Alabamians voted him right back in.

Ah the "correct seat on a bus".

We just learned more about you from a single sentence than all the other posts combined.

As far as the diminishing returns on the rest of this post, breaking news: the Court is there to adjudge the law, not "Alabamia principles".

Just ask Judge Chamberlain Haller.

GOD BLESS JUDGE MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.

Okay. Then you're back to a guy who got kicked off the bench, twice, because he couldn't follow the law.

Either way.
Yet when Rosa Parks couldn't make her way to the correct seat on a bus; the cucks applauded her. He stood on Alabama principles, the Feds slapped him down, and Alabamians voted him right back in.

Ah the "correct seat on a bus".

We just learned more about you from a single sentence than all the other posts combined.
My position on "issues" is quite widely known. And "yes". The correct seat. By law...
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

Coming next year from Alabamia DMV.........


When Pogo and the Left are reduced to ^^^^^^^, you know they lost the fight!

Way to go!

"Fight"? What "fight"? This is a comedy.

The experience that sums up Alabamia is finding yourself driving I-59, crossing a state line and thinking "whew, finally back to civilization, I'm in MIssissippi."


Hey, give us a fertile field for comedy and the joke plows will roll.

If you’re in the Flame Zone, OK, you got a point

Upstairs with the adults, you look the fool. But that don’t take much for you.

Obviously that image is a fake. Anyone can see that.. They left the letter I out of "Alabamia".
A God that blesses Child Molesters!!!!!!! It's SO biblical!!!!!
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
Hey, child molestation is certainly something that needs to viewed in context. I agree with you. Really. No biggiee. He'll vote the right way, and that's way more important that feeling up some 14 year old girl.

Okay. Then you're back to a guy who got kicked off the bench, twice, because he couldn't follow the law.

Either way.
Yet when Rosa Parks couldn't make her way to the correct seat on a bus; the cucks applauded her. He stood on Alabama principles, the Feds slapped him down, and Alabamians voted him right back in.

Ah the "correct seat on a bus".

We just learned more about you from a single sentence than all the other posts combined.
My position on "issues" is quite widely known. And "yes". The correct seat. By law...

It's not "law" that reveals much there.
It's "correct".
I would vote for a Republican over a Democrat that molested children. Hands down. And I hate Republicans.
Well there's your problem. Political seats that are voted on; aren't some prize handed out in the "virtue Olympics". They are seats given to those who can best get a specific job done. Im not voting in a priest, or vicar. I'm hiring the employee who can best get the job done. And water cooler scuttlebut over heard in the break room, from known opponents of said employee; are unmoving to say the least.

So lemme get this straight ---

A klown who got kicked off the bench twice because he can't follow the law, which is after all what the bench is about, is "the best" you have to get this job done, is it?
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.

And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

Coming next year from Alabamia DMV.........


When Pogo and the Left are reduced to ^^^^^^^, you know they lost the fight!

Way to go!

"Fight"? What "fight"? This is a comedy.

The experience that sums up Alabamia is finding yourself driving I-59, crossing a state line and thinking "whew, finally back to civilization, I'm in MIssissippi."


Hey, give us a fertile field for comedy and the joke plows will roll.

If you’re in the Flame Zone, OK, you got a point

Upstairs with the adults, you look the fool. But that don’t take much for you.

Obviously that image is a fake. Anyone can see that.. They left the letter I out of "Alabamia".

You’re not good at spelling, we get that. You even screwed up your screen name cuz as far as the ladies are concerned, it’s NoGo.

I’d get a Mod to help ya with that.
Well there's your problem. Political seats that are voted on; aren't some prize handed out in the "virtue Olympics". They are seats given to those who can best get a specific job done. Im not voting in a priest, or vicar. I'm hiring the employee who can best get the job done. And water cooler scuttlebut over heard in the break room, from known opponents of said employee; are unmoving to say the least.

So lemme get this straight ---

A klown who got kicked off the bench twice because he can't follow the law, which is after all what the bench is about, is "the best" you have to get this job done, is it?
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.

And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.
Blah, blah, blah...
Well there's your problem. Political seats that are voted on; aren't some prize handed out in the "virtue Olympics". They are seats given to those who can best get a specific job done. Im not voting in a priest, or vicar. I'm hiring the employee who can best get the job done. And water cooler scuttlebut over heard in the break room, from known opponents of said employee; are unmoving to say the least.

So lemme get this straight ---

A klown who got kicked off the bench twice because he can't follow the law, which is after all what the bench is about, is "the best" you have to get this job done, is it?
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.

And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
Why would Republicans nominate a Democrat?

I would vote for a Republican over a Democrat that molested children. Hands down. And I hate Republicans.
I would just stay home rather than vote for a Republican.

Which is what a lot of Alabama Republicans are going to do - stay home.
Are they now? Pray tell... Where do you get your on the ground, inside info? Inquiring minds want to know.
I lived in Tuscaloosa for 3 years. I've spent time all over Alabama. I live very close to Alabama now.

Even hillbilly Alabama women don't want to be told they shouldn't run for office or vote and are only good for cooking and having babies.
So you speak for our women, do you? I'll be sure pass that along. Might be just the thing to make the difference...
So you do speak for Alabamian women? That they DO like to be told they shouldn't run for office....that it's not biblical to vote for women?
So lemme get this straight ---

A klown who got kicked off the bench twice because he can't follow the law, which is after all what the bench is about, is "the best" you have to get this job done, is it?
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.

And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...
So lemme get this straight ---

A klown who got kicked off the bench twice because he can't follow the law, which is after all what the bench is about, is "the best" you have to get this job done, is it?
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.

And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.
Blah, blah, blah...

Thanks for that transcript of the last Roy Moore campaign speech. :thup:
Actually I've been saying that from the beginning. Just asking how you go about your standards.

I mean if my car broke down further every time I went to a certain mechanic --- I'd find another mechanic.
That's just how we do things here in Carolinia but maybe mechanics are busier in Alabamia.
Ours don't break down... Because we fix our own problems, rather than pay someone else to do it for us...
That's why you're near the bottom states in education and wages? Because you fix your own problems?
Don't you worry bout us. We do just fine. Much obliged though...
Define 'fine'. Every indicator says you're doing terrible.
My indicators are my bank account, and quality of life. And in both regards, I'm quite comfortable.
$100 goes a long way in Albania....I Mean....Alabama.
Ours don't break down... Because we fix our own problems, rather than pay someone else to do it for us...
That's why you're near the bottom states in education and wages? Because you fix your own problems?
Don't you worry bout us. We do just fine. Much obliged though...
Define 'fine'. Every indicator says you're doing terrible.
My indicators are my bank account, and quality of life. And in both regards, I'm quite comfortable.
$100 goes a long way in Albania....I Mean....Alabama.

He means he just scored indoor plumbing. :D
in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama
In 10 days, Roy Moore will be before the Senate Ethics Committee.

In 11 days, Roy Moore will be ejected from the Senate.

In 12 days, Roy Moore will be back in Alabama again, amongst the Inbred Jeds who attempted to elevate him to high public office on the national level.
Nope....the child molester will be gleefully elected by the child molester supporters in Alabama and the Senate will do nothing but seat him.
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.

And what does that say about the voters --- that we haven't already demonstrated....
It says that we Alabamians do what we please, and don't give two shits what outsiders think. That includes leftists, and the federal government.
That'll be five bucks. Told ya I'm gonna start charging for your education...
Well...hooray for you Alabamians. Proud of your support of a child molester.

Henceforth known as "Chester".

Come to think of it he looks like a "Chester" don't he?
He looks nothing like the lead singer from Linkin Park... Weird... I'm just not seeing it...
Come on little girl, gimme a little bit Moore

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