in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama

Why is the immorality of being a lousy helpmeet not illegal.

Bearing true witness with the full faith and credit of legal tender with, "in God we trust", declared on it, must be moral and lawful.
Alabama - "where all you need is an (R) next to your name and touching children is not only ok with us but we'll make you our representative to the nation."
Can't prove it though can you liar?

Of course they can’t or they would have found the “boyfriend” that picked up the supposed “victim” after the alleged attack.

Can’t really be that hard, ya think?
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.
You got a link to support that claim? Of course you don't... Just wanted to get your tantrum in, huh? Good. At least your beginning to accept reality.
By the way.. Historical fun fact... Alabama did try to leave the Union. In fact we had the first capitol of the Confederacy. But them damn Yankees had a fatal attraction, and decided that they couldn't survive without us.
Actually, the con-federacy couldn't leave well enough alone and fired on a federal installation, starting a war they couldn't finish. In other words...a bunch of losers.
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
He'll vote for tax increases for you to pay for tax cuts for the rich.
Talk is cheap. Thats why the Democrats havee so much of it, and lottle else to offer. The same cam be said of establoshment RINOs. Results are all that matter. That's why the left is being beaten back, and evaporating like fog in the morning sunlight.
Cute gif... That was so boss... It really added some credibility to the point you thought you were making...
Translation: "Well, yeah, you're right... you were dealing with fact, in replying to that other user, and I missed that, so... OK... yeah... you got me on that one."

Concession acknowledged.
The only concession being made; is that you've hitched your only hope for resolution on the Roy Moore situation to the empty promise of a Republican the base neither trusts, or respects... Its ever amusing to witness how desperate the left has gotten...

Uhhmmm..... Mitch McConnell is not "the left". Check your map.

Couple of decades ago when a known KKK racist was running for governor of Sleaziana two states away, that same Republican establishment disowned and denounced him. They did that because racism wasn't an image they wanted associated with their party.

Perhaps they'd like to explore the other alternative now. You know, the road not taken. Big tent and all that.
He's an obsructionist, and a hindrance to the agenda I voted into office last November.

Thought we just said McConnell acknowledges it's up to the voters of Alabamia.

Which it is, and always was. Outside observers just find it interesting that while locals don't want him hanging in the Gadsden Mall, it's perfectly OK to send him to the US Senate. Because "Democrats" and shit, and that trumps character. As you just revealingly said --- a "tool".

When David Duke offered to be a tool the party wouldn't touch him. Apparently some considerations were more important than "Democrats and shit". Looks like there's been a value shift.

And now Duke is Rump's most ardent cheerleader. Another kind of 'tool'.
The times, they are a changin'...
good, bad or indifferent; it's happening

oh well, at least he'll vote for tax cuts and Obamacare repeal...
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.

You talking about the County Democrats that supposedly knew this shit almost 40 years ago?

Here’s the problem, neither her step son or ex boyfriend believes her

Ex-boyfriend of Roy Moore accuser: I don’t believe her
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

Coming next year from Alabamia DMV.........


When Pogo and the Left are reduced to ^^^^^^^, you know they lost the fight!

Way to go!
American moral compass is in the toilet, Trump, Roy, Franken,

We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.

Yes. It is. Knowingly choosing to vote in someone like that is imcomprehensible.
No. It isn't. Because even if the limp wristed, desperation spawned accusations were true... We would still have a moral obligation as voters to keep leftists away from the levers of power. We've only just begun cleaning up the mess from the previous 8 year reign of terror. And we've got a long way to go. So let that sink in. Even if the allegations were true... And they aren't. But if they were... Your party, and ideology is so despised that the people would still choose that brand of evil, over the one y'all have been selling.
....and no moral obligation to keep child molesters away from young girls. Yes. We know.
Such one dimensional, simplistic, short sightedness, coupled with gullibility is why the Democrats are in such unprecedented decline. Most of you don't fully comprehend the gravity of the political situation; and still hurl childish insults like this was the 90's. But by all means... Keep doing what you're doing. And we'll do the same. Deal?
We've lost our bearings.

But - in a sense - we never had them.

This behavior has been LONG ongoing and ACCEPTED. :(
Very sad...when constituents vote in pedophiles, rapists it' game over honestly.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.
Of course you will....eagerly....joyfully...because Alabama is for Child Molesters.

Coming next year from Alabamia DMV.........


When Pogo and the Left are reduced to ^^^^^^^, you know they lost the fight!

Way to go!

"Fight"? What "fight"? This is a comedy.

The experience that sums up Alabamia is finding yourself driving I-59, crossing a state line and thinking "whew, finally back to civilization, I'm in MIssissippi."


Hey, give us a fertile field for comedy and the joke plows will roll.
Hopefully you'all won't put up any more child molesters.

Why would Republicans nominate a Democrat?

I would vote for a Republican over a Democrat that molested children. Hands down. And I hate Republicans.
Well there's your problem. Political seats that are voted on; aren't some prize handed out in the "virtue Olympics". They are seats given to those who can best get a specific job done. Im not voting in a priest, or vicar. I'm hiring the employee who can best get the job done. And water cooler scuttlebut over heard in the break room, from known opponents of said employee; are unmoving to say the least.

So lemme get this straight ---

A klown who got kicked off the bench twice because he can't follow the law, which is after all what the bench is about, is "the best" you have to get this job done, is it?
And the people voted him right back in. Checkmate.
And he did it again....which certainly reinforces the stupidity of Alabama voters......along with their eager support of child molesters.

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