in 9 days, Roy Moore will be the Jr Senator from Alabama

You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.

Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.
You can buy pot in Colorado and molest a girl in Alabama. Federalism. (-:
Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.
You can buy pot in Colorado and molest a girl in Alabama. Federalism. (-:

Getting high and lie in a doghouse. What's your point?
Like I said... That tactic isn't going to work...
Just so you know where you want to stand.
Between the levers of power, and any Leftist, or Democrat who would reach for them...
And with a pedophile by your side! The future is dim for you.
I do my best work in the dark.
Oddly, so does Roy Moore and every other pedophile walking among the new Republicans..


got any names?
Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.
You can buy pot in Colorado and molest a girl in Alabama. Federalism. (-:
who's molesting in Alabama? show us the evidence. you sure hate your fellow americans don't you? come on little dog, you get called that frequently I'm guessing why you're hung up on molesting.
Yeah... That Alinsky tactic you're trying to use... You know... The one where, "you make your opponent live up to their own code", or some such nonsense... It won't work in Alabama. But I understand... Old habits die hard; right?
So you're saying your morality is flexible? Moral relevance? That's what you're going with?
Like I said... That tactic isn't going to work...
Morality is now a "tactic".

The Party of Family Values.
If I have occasion to elect a priest I'll keep it in mind...
Most of the so-called "Men of God" in Alabama are pro-pedophile.
Roy Moore ahead in Alabama Senate race in one poll, tied with Democrat in another

If elected the left will attack him incessantly and use him to distract from all the lefties under the same and similar allegations
The Dems that have let their little head overcome their big head have admitted their idiocy, and are paying for it. And that was with grown women, not girls of 14. So the party of Groping Old Perverts approves of pedophiles. Real nice reputation, fellows.
So the party of Groping Old Perverts approves of pedophiles.

They do?
He's not my boy. He's a tool. One I'll gladly use for the purpose of defeating the Democrats, RINOs, and the left. Outside of that... I don't really care what becomes of him. He's a chess piece, and nothing Moore...
Explain how he is going to defeat RINOs, please. Is he going to refuse to vote for Republican establishment bills, thereby helping Democrats?

Seems to me that if he goes to DC and votes Party line with Mitch his credibility as an independent outsider is shot.

What am I getting wrong?
Doesn't surprise me since half of the population of Alabama practice incest and screw little girls. I wish you'd get the fuck out of the union.


He might be thinking of this -

^^^^^^ you are a sick sick man

Thank you very large.

Hey, you're the poster who tried to evaluate me on the basis of some "girls" score. What do I look like, an Alabamia Senate candidate?
You can grab a thirteen year old Albamaian girl like a bowling ball. They love it. Really

Especially if you're a celebrity with Tic Tacs. You can do anything.

And just for the record I didn't post this. This is Hillary Clinton imitating me.
You hold on to that un proven allegation... Don't let anyone take it from you... Its all you've got. As for us Republican Alabamians? We'll be taking that senate seat. Fair enough.

Where is "Alabamia"? Adriatic Sea coast northwest of Greece?
Your ignorance is comfotingly predictable... "Alabamians" is the proper term, for a resident of Alabama. That one's free. After this, I'll have to send you a bill for giving you the education, that your genetic donors should have.

I checked my map. There is no "Alabamia". Guess what, there's no "Ecuadoria" either.

I'll be sure to let the people of Indiania know about this though.

People from Alabama are known as Alabamians, people from Indiana are known as Hoosiers.

People that make ridiculous posts to make fun of people are known as trolls

I must remember that next time I go to Coloradia-o.

Good troll...

can you sit up and beg too?

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