In a rare show of regret, Angela Merkel admits she lost control of Germany’s refugee crisis

and yet, she doesn't regret it, still claims it was the right call.

that is one thick head....

Yup and one major idiot.

She would rather do her "right thing" than protect her people.

Wonder what her comments will be if Germany goes through a Paris, Nice or San Bernardino.

Every Govt. in Europe should boot every Muslim out of their country and not let any more in.

They are just doing what those wanting that Caliphate want them to do. Spread Muslims all over the world. Muslims who let their religion and Sharia law rule their lives.

Guess European Govt. aren't smart enough to figure out their playbook
and yet, she doesn't regret it, still claims it was the right call.

that is one thick head....

Yup and one major idiot.

She would rather do her "right thing" than protect her people.

Wonder what her comments will be if Germany goes through a Paris, Nice or San Bernardino.

Every Govt. in Europe should boot every Muslim out of their country and not let any more in.

They are just doing what those wanting that Caliphate want them to do. Spread Muslims all over the world. Muslims who let their religion and Sharia law rule their lives.

Guess European Govt. aren't smart enough to figure out their playbook

I think Merkel has bought into the borderless, one-world government crap and believed, naively, that these people would serve that agenda instead of their own. like Obama with his reset button, she is a fool that bought her own bullshit.

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