In a referendum on US government, what questions would you want to see?

Which would you vote for

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Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

more lies from rightwingnuts

blue states pay into the federal government

red states take from the federal government.

facts are your friend. learn some.
How do you propose to get a referendum on US government when the Constitution doesn't allow it?
As an excuse to put our government, which does not follow Constitution, back into it's place.
Good question, thank you.
How do you propose to get a referendum on US government when the Constitution doesn't allow it?
Great question. Must be that 'Democracy' (aka Mob Rule) thought kicking in with the OP.
I can also simply package it into another term such as "legitimate elections" citing examples of their elections being a FRAUD due to winners predicted in advance by the media
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

1. US government system
2. New World Government as described:

New World Government:
- No interest on people's money
- All democratic elections must include “against” option
- Every citizen of the world over the age of 50 receives a modest retirement paid by their nation's government
- Politicians can not live behind gated communities
- Property taxes must never rise
- People on public assistance prohibited from having more than 2 children (lawless Island exception)

I would add end the corporate pull on our government. Corporations and government must be kept separate with the exception of fair regulation.
The CORE belief of New world government, something I mention in almost all of my speeches is that WE DO NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - THAT IS HOW you keep corporations out, in my latest speech I also cite what would happen to any politicians who take any sort of kickbacks "hanged in a public square, and be left to rot there for a week" - 10:53 mark:
(that is why I am unpopular among fraud political hypocrites)

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Neither choice is an option for me. The present system has been so bastardized far and away from the Constitution, the Founders wouldn't recognize it and hold us all in distain for not maintaining what they gave us. As for the 'New plan'? In a pig's fucking eye.

OP? Stow it. There can be no such 'Referendum' only as Article 5 states:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, also as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

How do you feel about your own government wiping ass with this same Constitution, over and over again? AND!!! they are able to do so because the power has been transferred to the money masters in 1913, rendering people powerless to change anything. I await your response.
Neither choice is an option for me. The present system has been so bastardized far and away from the Constitution, the Founders wouldn't recognize it and hold us all in distain for not maintaining what they gave us. As for the 'New plan'? In a pig's fucking eye.

OP? Stow it. There can be no such 'Referendum' only as Article 5 states:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, also as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

How do you feel about your own government wiping ass with this same Constitution, over and over again? AND!!! they are able to do so because the power has been transferred to the money masters in 1913, rendering people powerless to change anything. I await your response.

His answer is quoted in your response................

If you want to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, ummmmmmm you have to change the Constitution.

Neither choice is an option for me. The present system has been so bastardized far and away from the Constitution, the Founders wouldn't recognize it and hold us all in distain for not maintaining what they gave us. As for the 'New plan'? In a pig's fucking eye.

OP? Stow it. There can be no such 'Referendum' only as Article 5 states:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, also as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
How do you feel about your own government wiping ass with this same Constitution, over and over again? AND!!! they are able to do so because the power has been transferred to the money masters in 1913, rendering people powerless to change anything. I await your response.

I fully agree that our current regime is corrupt and that the Federal Reserve (a private corporation) has WAY too much power in our land. I agree that the Constitution has been and is being trampled by the Federal Government and it's illegitimate children - Bureaucracies & Federal, Activist Judges - but that doesn't mean (in my opinion) that flushing the Constitution down the toilet and forming a World Government is the answer.

I'm all for the wisdom of our founding fathers who recognized the need to separate the balance of power so that no one man or one group of men could get too drunk on said power.

Limited power was given to the Federal Government and that power was split three ways between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Then there was a split in power between State Governments and the Federal Government. Then "the People" had a certain amount of power distinct from their elected officials. Then, within the States, local County Governments had powers distinct from State power. It's a great system if and when it isn't abused by unscrupulous men.
Neither choice is an option for me. The present system has been so bastardized far and away from the Constitution, the Founders wouldn't recognize it and hold us all in distain for not maintaining what they gave us. As for the 'New plan'? In a pig's fucking eye.

OP? Stow it. There can be no such 'Referendum' only as Article 5 states:

How do you feel about your own government wiping ass with this same Constitution, over and over again? AND!!! they are able to do so because the power has been transferred to the money masters in 1913, rendering people powerless to change anything. I await your response.

I fully agree that our current regime is corrupt and that the Federal Reserve (a private corporation) has WAY too much power in our land. I agree that the Constitution has been and is being trampled by the Federal Government and it's illegitimate children - Bureaucracies & Federal, Activist Judges - but that doesn't mean (in my opinion) that flushing the Constitution down the toilet and forming a World Government is the answer.

I'm all for the wisdom of our founding fathers who recognized the need to separate the balance of power so that no one man or one group of men could get too drunk on said power.

Limited power was given to the Federal Government and that power was split three ways between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Then there was a split in power between State Governments and the Federal Government. Then "the People" had a certain amount of power distinct from their elected officials. Then, within the States, local County Governments had powers distinct from State power. It's a great system if and when it isn't abused by unscrupulous men.
You and I agree that "It's a great system if and when it isn't abused by unscrupulous men" I DO PROVIDE A WAY TO PREVENT the abuse of the system, you do NOT. If I am wrong, show me how, ask me questions. Show me SPECIFICALLY where I seek to flush constitution down the toilet – by offering an alternative to permanently get rid of the international bankers I SUPPORT the constitution, by beating around the bush and offering no alternative, people support the continuation of VIOLATION of constitution.


You are all WRONG, I am RIGHT:
Hardly anyone listens to my speeches, because you are all afraid of the truth like worms are afraid of light, and so one of the two things is true: either 1. I am insane, or 2. you are all wrong - WE CAN FIND OUT which is true by simply answering each others questions, what I saw on first page so far is all blind statements, so let me ask you some questions and see if you can answer them, and I dare any of YOU to ask me questions, and THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between questions and insults in a form of questions.

1. You believe in preserving your nation/borders - what makes you so excited to believe that you are more special than other nations, is it your genius population of fit, hard working citizens?
2. You do hate wars, can you tell me your simple/clear plan to prevent wars that are all initiated by international bankers to serve their interests?
3. How will you prevent a civil war that is eventually coming our way in America, where groups such as Nation of Islam and white supremacists are encouraged to exist and are already asking for separate lands and secession of states? are you OK with America breaking up into states and then smaller counties like Waco Texas and Washington DC?

That is all for now, I do not expect any answers from you, because you are living in a hypocritical world of illusions.

You are all WRONG, I am RIGHT:
Hardly anyone listens to my speeches, because you are all afraid of the truth like worms are afraid of light, and so one of the two things is true: either 1. I am insane, or 2. you are all wrong - WE CAN FIND OUT which is true by simply answering each others questions, what I saw on first page so far is all blind statements, so let me ask you some questions and see if you can answer them, and I dare any of YOU to ask me questions, and THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between questions and insults in a form of questions.

1. You believe in preserving your nation/borders - what makes you so excited to believe that you are more special than other nations, is it your genius population of fit, hard working citizens?
2. You do hate wars, can you tell me your simple/clear plan to prevent wars that are all initiated by international bankers to serve their interests?
3. How will you prevent a civil war that is eventually coming our way in America, where groups such as Nation of Islam and white supremacists are encouraged to exist and are already asking for separate lands and secession of states? are you OK with America breaking up into states and then smaller counties like Waco Texas and Washington DC?

That is all for now, I do not expect any answers from you, because you are living in a hypocritical world of illusions.

Hardly anyone listens to your speeches? Really? Is it any wonder?
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.
I am 100% for this. This is a repeal of the 16th Amendment and the Federal Government has no business taking the labor of its citizens and doling it out as reward for votes.

Good post Deany....
How do you feel about your own government wiping ass with this same Constitution, over and over again? AND!!! they are able to do so because the power has been transferred to the money masters in 1913, rendering people powerless to change anything. I await your response.

I fully agree that our current regime is corrupt and that the Federal Reserve (a private corporation) has WAY too much power in our land. I agree that the Constitution has been and is being trampled by the Federal Government and it's illegitimate children - Bureaucracies & Federal, Activist Judges - but that doesn't mean (in my opinion) that flushing the Constitution down the toilet and forming a World Government is the answer.

I'm all for the wisdom of our founding fathers who recognized the need to separate the balance of power so that no one man or one group of men could get too drunk on said power.

Limited power was given to the Federal Government and that power was split three ways between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Then there was a split in power between State Governments and the Federal Government. Then "the People" had a certain amount of power distinct from their elected officials. Then, within the States, local County Governments had powers distinct from State power. It's a great system if and when it isn't abused by unscrupulous men.
You and I agree that "It's a great system if and when it isn't abused by unscrupulous men" I DO PROVIDE A WAY TO PREVENT the abuse of the system, you do NOT. If I am wrong, show me how, ask me questions. Show me SPECIFICALLY where I seek to flush constitution down the toilet – by offering an alternative to permanently get rid of the international bankers I SUPPORT the constitution, by beating around the bush and offering no alternative, people support the continuation of VIOLATION of constitution.


You are all WRONG, I am RIGHT:
Hardly anyone listens to my speeches, because you are all afraid of the truth like worms are afraid of light, and so one of the two things is true: either 1. I am insane, or 2. you are all wrong - WE CAN FIND OUT which is true by simply answering each others questions, what I saw on first page so far is all blind statements, so let me ask you some questions and see if you can answer them, and I dare any of YOU to ask me questions, and THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between questions and insults in a form of questions.

1. You believe in preserving your nation/borders - what makes you so excited to believe that you are more special than other nations, is it your genius population of fit, hard working citizens?
2. You do hate wars, can you tell me your simple/clear plan to prevent wars that are all initiated by international bankers to serve their interests?
3. How will you prevent a civil war that is eventually coming our way in America, where groups such as Nation of Islam and white supremacists are encouraged to exist and are already asking for separate lands and secession of states? are you OK with America breaking up into states and then smaller counties like Waco Texas and Washington DC?

That is all for now, I do not expect any answers from you, because you are living in a hypocritical world of illusions.


The problem is and always has been -- mankind. You are operating under the premise that mankind can fix mankind and all of the problems that have been created by mankind. That's like programing a broken robot to repair a broken robot.

You and I agree that the world's best form of government - the Constitutional Republic of the USA - has been broken by unscrupulous men. What makes you believe that unscrupulous men won't destroy your hypothetical system of governance? Who is so trustworthy and morally perfect as to uphold the perfect ideals that define your system?
founding fathers who recognized the need to separate the balance of power so that no one man or one group of men could get too drunk on said power.

Limited power was given to the Federal Government and that power was split three ways between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.
And as far as the power being distributed into many different directions, I ONLY WISH I could control my chickens as tightly as money masters control all the branches of power today. No wonder Justin’s beaver and lady kaka are more popular than any of your “men of power” - even radicals like YOU resist my idea to overthrow them, because their propaganda reaches out in one way or another through the media. MY advantage is that I smashed my TV's back in the early 90's, my disadvantage is masses of people who did not.
You and I agree that the world's best form of government - the Constitutional Republic of the USA - has been broken by unscrupulous men. What makes you believe that unscrupulous men won't destroy your hypothetical system of governance? Who is so trustworthy and morally perfect as to uphold the perfect ideals that define your system?
I trust MYSELF to be a man who wants justice and not power, and I understand very well what ALLOWS the men of power to manipulate society and control politicians and therefor how to avoid it. those are the things I talk about in my speeches.
founding fathers who recognized the need to separate the balance of power so that no one man or one group of men could get too drunk on said power.

Limited power was given to the Federal Government and that power was split three ways between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.
And as far as the power being distributed into many different directions, I ONLY WISH I could control my chickens as tightly as money masters control all the branches of power today. No wonder Justin’s beaver and lady kaka are more popular than any of your “men of power” - even radicals like YOU resist my idea to overthrow them, because their propaganda reaches out in one way or another through the media. MY advantage is that I smashed my TV's back in the early 90's, my disadvantage is masses of people who did not.

I'm radical? haha. Your idea that we can force an entire world to accept your plan is NOT radical? haha again.

I've listened to some of your speeches. Some of your ideas are good ones but I find your goals to be untenable. The fact that you just can't get through to all of those ignorant "masses" proves my earlier point that mankind can't fix mankind. I would love to bludgeon the ignorant masses with the truth as well but I've tried and they just can't be reached.

So good luck.
You and I agree that the world's best form of government - the Constitutional Republic of the USA - has been broken by unscrupulous men. What makes you believe that unscrupulous men won't destroy your hypothetical system of governance? Who is so trustworthy and morally perfect as to uphold the perfect ideals that define your system?
I trust MYSELF to be a man who wants justice and not power, and I understand very well what ALLOWS the men of power to manipulate society and control politicians and therefor how to avoid it. those are the things I talk about in my speeches.

I'm sure your intentions are noble and that you live by a high code of ethics. So are my intentions noble and so do I live by a high code of ethics. And yet we disagree on many things (and agree on many others). Now if we look at the fact that there are tens of thousands of other individuals in America that have good intentions and high moral standards then we're left with a real dilemma (especially if no two agree 100% of the time).

Our founding fathers had the highest goals in mind for this nation. Their intentions were stellar and their codes of ethics were matched by none and yet we see ourselves in the mess we're in. That brings me back to my earlier point that no government of any kind is immune to corruption and human manipulation.
You and I agree that the world's best form of government - the Constitutional Republic of the USA - has been broken by unscrupulous men. What makes you believe that unscrupulous men won't destroy your hypothetical system of governance? Who is so trustworthy and morally perfect as to uphold the perfect ideals that define your system?
I trust MYSELF to be a man who wants justice and not power, and I understand very well what ALLOWS the men of power to manipulate society and control politicians and therefor how to avoid it. those are the things I talk about in my speeches.

I'm sure your intentions are noble and that you live by a high code of ethics. So are my intentions noble and so do I live by a high code of ethics. And yet we disagree on many things (and agree on many others). Now if we look at the fact that there are tens of thousands of other individuals in America that have good intentions and high moral standards then we're left with a real dilemma (especially if no two agree 100% of the time).

Our founding fathers had the highest goals in mind for this nation. Their intentions were stellar and their codes of ethics were matched by none and yet we see ourselves in the mess we're in. That brings me back to my earlier point that no government of any kind is immune to corruption and human manipulation.
And they warned us ALL to be on guard for such people and not elect them...and if they did get elected? To judge them on their actions and shed them when they got out of line, especially when it came to following the Constitution, safeguarding the liberty of the people.
I'm radical? haha. Your idea that we can force an entire world to accept your plan is NOT radical? haha again.

I've listened to some of your speeches. Some of your ideas are good ones but I find your goals to be untenable. The fact that you just can't get through to all of those ignorant "masses" proves my earlier point that mankind can't fix mankind. I would love to bludgeon the ignorant masses with the truth as well but I've tried and they just can't be reached.

So good luck.
Maybe you can suggest an alternative, but conditions necessary for society to be willing to accept changes can and will be created.

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