In a referendum on US government, what questions would you want to see?

Which would you vote for

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I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

The sheer idiocy and ignorance of this demonstrates why referenda are un-Constitutional.
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.

I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

so which network are you going to invite yourself on?

And do you have any money for an attorney when you get arrested?
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.

Still doesn't explain WHY Blue States are deficient...taxing the holy fuck out of their people...their people leaving in droves, getting farther behind and then making MORE tax threats to make up the deficiency and Red States by-and-large having SURPLUSES with good practice/policies that favour businesses...and YOU sit here and tell us they are stealing from Blue States? Really? YOU want to stick to that idiocy?

Good lord you're fucking stupid, and partisan to boot.:eusa_hand:
Oh, and Deany? You Blue State idiots come and try to take our money...WE dare you.:eusa_hand:
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

1. US government system
2. New World Government as described:

New World Government:
- No interest on people's money
- All democratic elections must include “against” option
- Every citizen of the world over the age of 50 receives a modest retirement paid by their nation's government
- Politicians can not live behind gated communities
- Property taxes must never rise
- People on public assistance prohibited from having more than 2 children (lawless Island exception)

this is stupid, this poll is stupid, this poll is beyond stupid, this poll is stupid, stupid, stupid, fucking stupid !!:up:

what makes it so stupid is, it leans toward COMMUNISM !!

and you know what that means................

:Boom2: ................................................................................... :blowup:
Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.

Still doesn't explain WHY Blue States are deficient...taxing the holy fuck out of their people...their people leaving in droves, getting farther behind and then making MORE tax threats to make up the deficiency and Red States by-and-large having SURPLUSES with good practice/policies that favour businesses...and YOU sit here and tell us they are stealing from Blue States? Really? YOU want to stick to that idiocy?

Good lord you're fucking stupid, and partisan to boot.:eusa_hand:

It's not that they are leaving turd, it's that business in Red States are trying to lure them away because they can't find intelligent life in Red States. If Republicans in Red States had the "skill sets" to do anything productive, do you really think business would still want immigrants with degrees and governors would want liberals from Blue States? Of course not.

Even the obvious things need to be pounded into these thick skulls. No wonder they can't learn.
It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.

Still doesn't explain WHY Blue States are deficient...taxing the holy fuck out of their people...their people leaving in droves, getting farther behind and then making MORE tax threats to make up the deficiency and Red States by-and-large having SURPLUSES with good practice/policies that favour businesses...and YOU sit here and tell us they are stealing from Blue States? Really? YOU want to stick to that idiocy?

Good lord you're fucking stupid, and partisan to boot.:eusa_hand:

It's not that they are leaving turd, it's that business in Red States are trying to lure them away because they can't find intelligent life in Red States. If Republicans in Red States had the "skill sets" to do anything productive, do you really think business would still want immigrants with degrees and governors would want liberals from Blue States? Of course not.

Even the obvious things need to be pounded into these thick skulls. No wonder they can't learn.

This is why you and they FAIL deany...YOU are delusional to the nth degree. The people escaping are smart...and coming to smart people that are fiscally sound.

YOU are a looney-tune. A cartoon...that needs to be laughed at.:cuckoo:
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

so which network are you going to invite yourself on?

And do you have any money for an attorney when you get arrested?

Good form....and I ponder at what "American heroes" are backing this lunacy?
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

example.., please..................... just one tiny little one.., please.., with sweet whipped cream on top with a big beautiful bright red Americam Bing cherry :lmao:
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

so which network are you going to invite yourself on?

And do you have any money for an attorney when you get arrested?

Good form....and I ponder at what "American heroes" are backing this lunacy?

Those who have gotten damaged in the head?
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

1. US government system
2. New World Government as described:

New World Government:
- No interest on people's money
- All democratic elections must include “against” option
- Every citizen of the world over the age of 50 receives a modest retirement paid by their nation's government
- Politicians can not live behind gated communities
- Property taxes must never rise
- People on public assistance prohibited from having more than 2 children (lawless Island exception)

I would add end the corporate pull on our government. Corporations and government must be kept separate with the exception of fair regulation.

Can't have it both ways.
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

The sheer idiocy and ignorance of this demonstrates why referenda are un-Constitutional.

They are NOT unconstitutional. Several states govern by referendum...It's not perfect. Sometimes the result is so close it draws protests.
On the other hand, referendum often keep politicians from acting in their own interest as opposed to in the interests of their constituents.
For example. New Jersey, which is a binding referendum state, often has conflicts within individual municipalities. In some instances, factions of voters can form voting blocs which will vote down any town or school budget which in the opinion of the voters would result in less accountability on the part of the town government and/or results in too large of an increase in taxes.
California is unique in that residents have the right by referendum( proposition) to legislate from the voting booth.
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.

Look at the populations of the states that receive more benefit than their tax burden. They all have a very high percentage of minority residents that pay little if any taxes.

Not surprising is the fact that your unlinked image does not include the District of Columbia.
I am planning to invite myself into one of the establishment media networks with a few American heroes backing me, and demand a referendum on the despot US system. What questions would you like to see on such a referendum? please advise.

1. US government system
2. New World Government as described:

New World Government:
- No interest on people's money
- All democratic elections must include “against” option
- Every citizen of the world over the age of 50 receives a modest retirement paid by their nation's government
- Politicians can not live behind gated communities
- Property taxes must never rise
- People on public assistance prohibited from having more than 2 children (lawless Island exception)

I would add end the corporate pull on our government. Corporations and government must be kept separate with the exception of fair regulation.

Can't have it both ways.

So you're okay with companies having the power to put as much lead into paint as they want? You're okay with letting McDonald's put whatever they want in their beef to make it taste better? How about cigarettes? Should Tobacco companies have the power to put whatever they want in their cigarettes? None of this would be transparent information mind you.
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.


Most of the nation's wealth and wealthy people reside in Blue States.
This is a conundrum you libs have to live with.
I want to see a US Government as envisioned by the founding fathers. A Constitutional Republic. A sovereign nation with a strong sense of unity based on the history of this nation and a total understanding as to why it was formed in the first place. A nation with strict rules for entry and ultimate citizenship with a sealed, protected border. A nation built upon strong moral principles shared by the founders. A self-sustaining nation with a powerful military and an equally powerful economy. A good and charitable nation that would shine as a beacon and an example to the rest of the world.

Strong moral principles?

Dudes owned slaves...
One of our first VP's shot Alexander Hamilton in duel
Franklin had illegitimate kids

Were they good at what they did---founding this great nation? You bet. But they were men, fallible like any other group of men.
It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.

Still doesn't explain WHY Blue States are deficient...taxing the holy fuck out of their people...their people leaving in droves, getting farther behind and then making MORE tax threats to make up the deficiency and Red States by-and-large having SURPLUSES with good practice/policies that favour businesses...and YOU sit here and tell us they are stealing from Blue States? Really? YOU want to stick to that idiocy?

Good lord you're fucking stupid, and partisan to boot.:eusa_hand:

It's not that they are leaving turd, it's that business in Red States are trying to lure them away because they can't find intelligent life in Red States. If Republicans in Red States had the "skill sets" to do anything productive, do you really think business would still want immigrants with degrees and governors would want liberals from Blue States? Of course not.

Even the obvious things need to be pounded into these thick skulls. No wonder they can't learn.
That's a bunch of bullshit..
IN the period 2005 thru 2010, New Jersey lost over $70 billion in net wealth.
In the decade of the 2000's New York lost over $200 billion in net wealth.
Northeastern and Midwestern Blue states with have flat population growth or are losing population.
People are tired of law enforcement and the courts not doing their job to protect citizens from becoming crime victims. They are tired of being over taxed. They are sick of the far left wing politicians. They are disgusted with the corruption in city and state government.
Stop taking money from hard working liberals in Blue States and propping up failed Republican economic policies in Red States.

Red States are the working class. Since when do the Blue, welfare States "prop up" the taxpaying states?

It hasn't really changed in the last 10 years. How can anyone think Red States are where the money comes from? It's either delusion or stupidity. And no one is that stupid.


Our old Econ professors used to speak of economies by shape. What you wanted, she'd say was a diamond shaped economy where you had few at the top doing well, few at the bottom doing poorly and a broad band in the middle. What they conveyed was that what we have are hourglass shaped economies where you have a many doing well, many doing poorly and few in the middle getting squeezed into one group above or below.

I would bet that the red states have near pyramid shaped economies by and large and the blue states had ones that were shaped primarily like pyramids but tapers at the bottom where there is still a distinct band of middle income folks who can send their kids to Disney World every 4-5 years (it used to every other year) or take a family vacation every other year (it used to be every year).
You are all WRONG, I am RIGHT:
Hardly anyone listens to my speeches, because you are all afraid of the truth like worms are afraid of light, and so one of the two things is true: either 1. I am insane, or 2. you are all wrong - WE CAN FIND OUT which is true by simply answering each others questions, what I saw on first page so far is all blind statements, so let me ask you some questions and see if you can answer them, and I dare any of YOU to ask me questions, and THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between questions and insults in a form of questions.

1. You believe in preserving your nation/borders - what makes you so excited to believe that you are more special than other nations, is it your genius population of fit, hard working citizens?
2. You do hate wars, can you tell me your simple/clear plan to prevent wars that are all initiated by international bankers to serve their interests?
3. How will you prevent a civil war that is eventually coming our way in America, where groups such as Nation of Islam and white supremacists are encouraged to exist and are already asking for separate lands and secession of states? are you OK with America breaking up into states and then smaller counties like Waco Texas and Washington DC?

That is all for now, I do not expect any answers from you, because you are living in a hypocritical world of illusions.


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