In A Report Suppressed Under trump, The EPA Has Said For The First Time That Humans Caused The Climate Crisis

This comes as no surprise to me and anyone who knows scientific reality and fact.
Just a suggestion... When people make really stupid statements about the climate and the end of the world is near... You tell them that they are hurting your stance.

Not standing up to the stupid fear mongering statements over the last couple decades has really hurt the integrity of the movement.
The rationalizations and denial from all of you conservatives is pathetic and sad.

Governments all over the world echo what ours has said.

It's scientific fact that climate change is real and here. It's been fact to intelligent people who pay attention to science that it's being caused by humans.

You all can stomp your feet and throw your hissy fits all you want. It's not going to change anything.
The rationalizations and denial from all of you conservatives is pathetic and sad.

Governments all over the world echo what ours has said.

It's scientific fact that climate change is real and here. It's been fact to intelligent people who pay attention to science that it's being caused by humans.

You all can stomp your feet and throw your hissy fits all you want. It's not going to change anything.

What should we do to stop it? How much should we spend? Why?
This comes as no surprise to me and anyone who knows scientific reality and fact.

I'm not surprised that trump suppressed it.

Climate change is caused by us humans. Period. Which is what I and so many scientists have been saying for years.

What's also scientific and fact is that over around 4.5 billion years this planet has had what happening now happen hundreds of thousands of times. Earth has had worldwide floods, worldwide droughts, seismic activity that had broken land masses apart, volcanoes, extinction of all life, bombardment by cosmic rays and meteors, worldwide fires, the depletion of the ozone layer multiple times, a reversal of the axis, ice caps melting and more long before man evolved out of the muck. How do we know this isn't another phase of the planet? Earth is not static, it is in a constant state of chaos and always changing.

It's possible were doing this, but we've only been involved in heavy industry less than a 100 years on a planet billions of years old.

In the 70s every scientist knew we were heading into a ice age and it was because of nuclear energy. It was "proven fact" even so much even time magazine wrote about it.

But the reality of it is nuclear anything then was a scary thing and it was capiltized on. It generated news, got people buying magazines, was a political tool in elections, and it made millions for people wanting grant money to research it. And now we're seeing it allover again only the opposite version and we're seeing politicians use it again and we're seeing the news constantly scaring people with it to get views and we're seeing billions spent on research.

And the CDC? All they have done for over a year now is show they are also political tools and are influenced by politicians.

I'm not saying it's completely false, but I also have a realistic and ground way of thinking and I look at all angles, not just the one that suits me. So could it be true? I'd probably give it a 15% chance it is.

Climate change can't be argued is great at scaring people, and scaring people is very good for getting them to agree and to get their money. Fear equals money and power for those that harness it.

But at the end of the day, I'll die one day and nothing that has ever happened will ever matter to me at all because I'll be dead. So I guess I don't care really.
An incident like this happened in 2019 too.


Dec. 27, 2013: In this image provided by Australasian Antarctic Expedition/Footloose Fotography the Russian ship MV Akademik Shokalskiy is trapped in thick Antarctic ice 1,500 nautical miles south of Hobart, Australia. (AP)
The rationalizations and denial from all of you conservatives is pathetic and sad.

Governments all over the world echo what ours has said.

It's scientific fact that climate change is real and here. It's been fact to intelligent people who pay attention to science that it's being caused by humans.

You all can stomp your feet and throw your hissy fits all you want. It's not going to change anything.
Now... which is it... CLIMATE CHANGE or GLOBAL WARMING?

No one is denying CLIMATE CHANGE. It's called SEASONS... Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. GLOBAL WARMING is something different entirely. Are you playing WORD GAMES or are you purporting that MAN is causing GLOBAL WARMING?
But at the end of the day, I'll die one day and nothing that has ever happened will ever matter to me at all because I'll be dead. So I guess I don't care really.
The selfishness at the heart of the American Dream.
This comes as no surprise to me and anyone who knows scientific reality and fact.

I'm not surprised that trump suppressed it.

Climate change is caused by us humans. Period. Which is what I and so many scientists have been saying for years.

Oh another believer in the biggest hoax on the planet. Climate change, what a load of horse shit.

Maybe you can explain how in 1815 Winter extended into Spring in England. People starved to death cause they couldn't grow crops. No carbon footprint back then.

If you can control the sun and the moon you might be able to control the climate. Let us know when you achieve that goal. Moron.
The justifications, lies and excuses aren't going to work anymore.

It's just a good thing that none of you right wingers have any say in any of this. What you want and believe doesn't matter.

You don't matter.

Climate change is caused by humans and we finally have a government that acknowledges this and will finally take steps to deal with it and the problems that comes from it.

There isn't much you right wingers can do about it.
The justifications, lies and excuses aren't going to work anymore.

It's just a good thing that none of you right wingers have any say in any of this. What you want and believe doesn't matter.

You don't matter.

Climate change is caused by humans and we finally have a government that acknowledges this and will finally take steps to deal with it and the problems that comes from it.

There isn't much you right wingers can do about it.
So, please tell me who the humans were that caused the last ice age---and the melt that followed. Yeah, that's riiiiight. None. Climate change is natural and you fucking narcissistic leftist morons can't seem to wrap your heads around it. Everytime humans try to fuck with mother nature, they fuck it up more. Tear down some more rain forests moron. Release another animal virus that you morons weaponized, yeah thats it--how about take your head out of your ass.
This comes as no surprise to me and anyone who knows scientific reality and fact.

I'm not surprised that trump suppressed it.

Climate change is caused by us humans. Period. Which is what I and so many scientists have been saying for years.

Got to love the caveat that you commies always seem to over look, intentionally for sure.

From your own link:

For the first time, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said that the climate crisis is - at least in part - caused by human activities, the BBC reported.

Of course coming from the xiden regime, they'll never tell ya how small that part is. If they did they wouldn't be able to rape the country.

The justifications, lies and excuses aren't going to work anymore.

It's just a good thing that none of you right wingers have any say in any of this. What you want and believe doesn't matter.

You don't matter.

Climate change is caused by humans and we finally have a government that acknowledges this and will finally take steps to deal with it and the problems that comes from it.

There isn't much you right wingers can do about it.

What should we do to stop it? How much should we spend? Why?

There isn't much you right wingers can do about it.

Where does the EPA get their funding?...from the US government....wake up...we couldn't change the earths weather if we you know how big and complicated the world is?...its been here a hell of a lot longer than we have and it will be here long after the human race runs its natural course.....

A gubmint bureaucracy declares that they need more money and power over the kulaks?...Color me shocked.
This comes as no surprise to me and anyone who knows scientific reality and fact.

I'm not surprised that trump suppressed it.

Climate change is caused by us humans. Period. Which is what I and so many scientists have been saying for years.

What's also scientific and fact is that over around 4.5 billion years this planet has had what happening now happen hundreds of thousands of times. Earth has had worldwide floods, worldwide droughts, seismic activity that had broken land masses apart, volcanoes, extinction of all life, bombardment by cosmic rays and meteors, worldwide fires, the depletion of the ozone layer multiple times, a reversal of the axis, ice caps melting and more long before man evolved out of the muck. How do we know this isn't another phase of the planet? Earth is not static, it is in a constant state of chaos and always changing.

It's possible were doing this, but we've only been involved in heavy industry less than a 100 years on a planet billions of years old.

In the 70s every scientist knew we were heading into a ice age and it was because of nuclear energy. It was "proven fact" even so much even time magazine wrote about it.

But the reality of it is nuclear anything then was a scary thing and it was capiltized on. It generated news, got people buying magazines, was a political tool in elections, and it made millions for people wanting grant money to research it. And now we're seeing it allover again only the opposite version and we're seeing politicians use it again and we're seeing the news constantly scaring people with it to get views and we're seeing billions spent on research.

And the CDC? All they have done for over a year now is show they are also political tools and are influenced by politicians.

I'm not saying it's completely false, but I also have a realistic and ground way of thinking and I look at all angles, not just the one that suits me. So could it be true? I'd probably give it a 15% chance it is.

Climate change can't be argued is great at scaring people, and scaring people is very good for getting them to agree and to get their money. Fear equals money and power for those that harness it.

But at the end of the day, I'll die one day and nothing that has ever happened will ever matter to me at all because I'll be dead. So I guess I don't care really.
1n 1894 the use of horses as transportation was called a great horse manure crisis that would end human life on this planet as cities were literally buried under crushing mountains of horse shit.

No one saw cars or trucks in the future. We were all gonna die.
Climate scientists cannot agree on the mean temperature on earth TODAY - estimates vary by as much as THREE DEGREES F. And yet they are in agreement (within one degree) about what the temperature will be in a hundred years under difference scenarios.

Think about that.

Just as the Pandemic reaction will go down in history as the greatest government mistake in U.S. history, the "global warming" hysteria will be seen as the greatest global hoax by the scientific community in human history.
This comes as no surprise to me and anyone who knows scientific reality and fact.

I'm not surprised that trump suppressed it.

Climate change is caused by us humans. Period. Which is what I and so many scientists have been saying for years.

And you're a fucking PROG and thus a fucking liar, just like your thread title. For the first time, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said that the climate crisis is - at least in part - caused by human activities

A fucking monkey could have told you the same.

What's interesting is leftists are the most wasteful and disrespectful. The left does a lot of talk while they're especially needy & leave their trash behind.

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