In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil

We fight arrogant fascist assholes like you, we very well know where the danger lies.
Yeah...because nothing says “fascist” like less government and more freedom.

Moron. :lmao:

(Isn’t creepy how fascists lose their shit when they can’t have their fascist ways?)
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At least you’re switching up your biased sites a little. They’re still all shit of course..
The irony... :lmao:

Dimwit here recognizes that I post from hundreds of sources (even MSNBC) and since he can’t dispute the message, he attacks all of the messengers. :laugh:
The hilarious thing is that Joey will call out other people for spending too much time on USMB. He tried that insanity with me once and I completely humiliated him.

Naw, I pointed out that you spend that time when most normal people are working.... that's what made it hilarious. not how much time you were spending here.
Joe is always's what is so consistent about him. He can't be swayed....oh HELL no! Even when shown the preponderance of the evidence that he is wrong? He is like a tree that is planted by the waters....he shall not be moved! LOL!!!

Says the nut who thinks that the children murdered at Sandy Hook were all "Crisis Actors".

There were no children murdered in Newtown......FBI crime stats proved that. How could alleged corpses be "crisis actors"???

You are slipping, Joe............attention to detail is important.
There were no children murdered in Newtown......FBI crime stats proved that. How could alleged corpses be "crisis actors"???

You are slipping, Joe............attention to detail is important.

Dude, the FBI report thing has already been debunked.

Only a truly evil cocksucker would believe the lie that it was a fake event.
There were no children murdered in Newtown......FBI crime stats proved that. How could alleged corpses be "crisis actors"???

You are slipping, Joe............attention to detail is important.

Dude, the FBI report thing has already been debunked.

Only a truly evil cocksucker would believe the lie that it was a fake event.

Nope, it was only corrected after it was pointed out. That's the problem with lying.....covering all those bases is nearly impossible. Like I said, they only need enough stupid sheeple to buy their bullshit. Even a bucket with holes in it will carry some don't even go there, Joe Cocksucker....I have dusted your ass from one side of this forum to the other with substantiated proof showing that this was a poorly pulled off stunt. Shall we revisit the ass-kicking you have received? Retrieving old conversations is as simple as using the search engine......back away, Joe..........retreat is your only option.
Nope, it was only corrected after it was pointed out. That's the problem with lying.....covering all those bases is nearly impossible. Like I said, they only need enough stupid sheeple to buy their bullshit. Even a bucket with holes in it will carry some don't even go there, Joe Cocksucker....I have dusted your ass from one side of this forum to the other with substantiated proof showing that this was a poorly pulled off stunt. Shall we revisit the ass-kicking you have received? Retrieving old conversations is as simple as using the search engine......back away, Joe..........retreat is your only option.

Guy, you are a truly evil cocksucker to believe lies and pass them off as truth.

So let's get down to brass tacks. Neither one of us were there. So we have to go with.

1) A bunch of half baked conspiracy theories from people who also weren't there, coming up with a preposterous claim that the whole thing was a crisis drill that they then tried to pass off as a real event, involving thousands of people in the cover story, not a one of whom has come forward to say, "Yup, we totally faked that" even four years later.


2) One crazy guy with a gun shot 26 people in a school. Hundreds of witnesses attested to it.

Occam's Razor, Cocksucker Dale. simplest solution is usually the right one.
Nope, it was only corrected after it was pointed out. That's the problem with lying.....covering all those bases is nearly impossible. Like I said, they only need enough stupid sheeple to buy their bullshit. Even a bucket with holes in it will carry some don't even go there, Joe Cocksucker....I have dusted your ass from one side of this forum to the other with substantiated proof showing that this was a poorly pulled off stunt. Shall we revisit the ass-kicking you have received? Retrieving old conversations is as simple as using the search engine......back away, Joe..........retreat is your only option.

Guy, you are a truly evil cocksucker to believe lies and pass them off as truth.

So let's get down to brass tacks. Neither one of us were there. So we have to go with.

1) A bunch of half baked conspiracy theories from people who also weren't there, coming up with a preposterous claim that the whole thing was a crisis drill that they then tried to pass off as a real event, involving thousands of people in the cover story, not a one of whom has come forward to say, "Yup, we totally faked that" even four years later.


2) One crazy guy with a gun shot 26 people in a school. Hundreds of witnesses attested to it.

Occam's Razor, Cocksucker Dale. simplest solution is usually the right one.

Joe, when you have to resort to such angry name calling? I know that I have struck a nerve and you are faced with the fact that you can only combat my proof with insults.

"So let's get down to brass tacks. Neither one of us were there. So we have to go with"

Let me stop you right there, see? I went into this whole sordid event to debunk the folks that claimed this was a manufactured event because it was my belief at the time that these people were just making a horrific situation worse.....but here is the thing, Joe.....the closer I looked at it and took emotion out the equation? HOLY shit did I see exactly what they were seeing and I'll be damned if they weren't correct 100 percent. Do you REALLY want to revisit all the circumstantial evidence I have presented? Do you REALLY want to go there? I will....I know of what I speak. You have the word of CNN/fake news network while I have documented over 50 anomalies that should place doubt in the minds of anyone with critical thinking skills.....your call, Joe.......what say ye?
It’s sad that the left spends so much time trying to destroy America and traditional American values when there is so much real evil in the world...
The problem, however, is that people want to feel morally good about themselves, and no one wants this more than the left. It has written the proverbial book on moral self-esteem. Therefore, it does not merely believe that it is morally superior to all others; it knows it is.
The unearned arrogance is fine. The real tragedy lies in that they attack weakness while cowering to where the real danger exists...
But to feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn’t fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.
In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil
Trump would be really, really angry if he knew you were calling him "fake".
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.
this, coming from the guy who in another thread is assuming the moral backbone of the entire country in what we should collectively find offensive and singularly deal with.
Joe, when you have to resort to such angry name calling? I know that I have struck a nerve and you are faced with the fact that you can only combat my proof with insults.

Cocksucker Dale, you have no proof. You have weird ass bizarre conspiracy theories that expose you as a truly sick individual.

Let me stop you right there, see? I went into this whole sordid event to debunk the folks that claimed this was a manufactured event because it was my belief at the time that these people were just making a horrific situation worse.....but here is the thing, Joe.....the closer I looked at it and took emotion out the equation? HOLY shit did I see exactly what they were seeing and I'll be damned if they weren't correct 100 percent.

Guy, that doesn't even pass the laugh test. It's clear from your other postings that you see conspiracy theories in 9/11, Las Vegas, and every other event. It's hard to believe that you went in with your bag of crazy and evaluated evidence.

No one believes that.

You have the word of CNN/fake news network while I have documented over 50 anomalies that should place doubt in the minds of anyone with critical thinking skills.....your call, Joe.......what say ye?

I say that you are full of shit and a degenerate cocksucker if you think porto-potties are proof of anything.

Again- Brass tacks.

1) One Crazy Guy with a gun who just wants to kill children because he's nuts.

2) Hundreds of people conspiring to stage this elaborate hoax, but not clever enough to make sure the Porto-potties were out of sight or that there was a handicapped sign somewhere. And they all keep a code of silence about it, for years afterwards.

sorry. Occam's razor baby. One of those has a lot less moving parts.
this, coming from the guy who in another thread is assuming the moral backbone of the entire country in what we should collectively find offensive and singularly deal with.

Yawn, you weren't getting your backside kicked enough in that thread? Are you some kind of masochist.

Hey, I'll be happy to kick your ass in as many threads as you want, but do try to address the topic at hand, 'kay?
this, coming from the guy who in another thread is assuming the moral backbone of the entire country in what we should collectively find offensive and singularly deal with.

Yawn, you weren't getting your backside kicked enough in that thread? Are you some kind of masochist.

Hey, I'll be happy to kick your ass in as many threads as you want, but do try to address the topic at hand, 'kay?
what's to kick? you see, i'm not here to fight with anyone but talk and exchange ideas.

your idea seems to stem from the *fact* you feel that your opinion is the one that needs to be acted upon. all others are:
1) immoral / outdated
2) stupid
3) immoral / stupid
4 insert rough combo of whatever it takes for you to put your emo ahead of anyone else and declare how YOU feel correct for no other reason that you *feels* it.

so if going NAH NAH NEENER NEENER I'm RIGHT YOU DOODY HEAD is kicking my ass, contracts. you win and can finally pass kindergarten.

however, you still have yet to answer the simple question of - why is how YOU feel correct and anyone who disagrees wrong?
your idea seems to stem from the *fact* you feel that your opinion is the one that needs to be acted upon. all others are:
1) immoral / outdated
2) stupid
3) immoral / stupid
4 insert rough combo of whatever it takes for you to put your emo ahead of anyone else and declare how YOU feel correct for no other reason that you *feels* it.

Guy, you were the one who spent pages dodging the simple question of why Nathan Forrest deserves a statue for founding the KKK.

It seems like if you want to avoid arguments, not make them.

however, you still have yet to answer the simple question of - why is how YOU feel correct and anyone who disagrees wrong?

Because my opinions are based on reason and fairness.

So tell me again why the founder of the Klan deserves a statue?

your idea seems to stem from the *fact* you feel that your opinion is the one that needs to be acted upon. all others are:
1) immoral / outdated
2) stupid
3) immoral / stupid
4 insert rough combo of whatever it takes for you to put your emo ahead of anyone else and declare how YOU feel correct for no other reason that you *feels* it.

Guy, you were the one who spent pages dodging the simple question of why Nathan Forrest deserves a statue for founding the KKK.

It seems like if you want to avoid arguments, not make them.

however, you still have yet to answer the simple question of - why is how YOU feel correct and anyone who disagrees wrong?

Because my opinions are based on reason and fairness.

So tell me again why the founder of the Klan deserves a statue?


hyperbole much?

my opinions are based on reason and fairness. we disagree.

now what?

hyperbole much?

my opinions are based on reason and fairness. we disagree.

now what?

You get to feel better about yourself?

Still didn't answer my question as to why the founder of the KKK deserves a statue, though.

hyperbole much?

my opinions are based on reason and fairness. we disagree.

now what?

You get to feel better about yourself?

Still didn't answer my question as to why the founder of the KKK deserves a statue, though.
did my sticking to the same question over and over and over for you make you lose interest and go away?

you're assuming my answers because i'm going after the entire issue to me, not some random subset you want to highlight as the issue itself. in the end, i don't give a flying horse turd who has a statue where. but i *do care* there's a segment of our population that seems to think how THEY feel is more important and "morally correct" than anyone who would dare to disagree with them and to date your only real answer to this question is was "because i'm right and you're wrong" which i'm pretty fucking sure you'd never let ME get away with in a discussion, yet it's all you have.

so one last time - what makes your morals the actionable ones? keep in mind you damn well better define "cause i'm honest!" and avoid opinions to back up this...opinion because the ONLY thing you do there is then set the tone that how you *feel* is all you need to be right and tell people what to do.

and liberals tend to hate the holy shit out of it when people use their own standards against them.

and you are MOST DEFINITELY still about to go there and tell me "just because" and in a time of fake vs. real evil, i view those actions as a "real evil" to a fake problem. in the end your morals are not any better than the of ours and a simple disagreement doesn't instantly put YOU on the side of righteousness.

one final time - i never said anyone deserved a statue so you got nothing there. but i will ask as long as you keep coming back being stupid - why is how you "feel" better than how someone else "feels"? when it's all based off our own life experiences? unless you disagree with that and found a new rat hole to dive into.

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