In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil

It’s sad that the left spends so much time trying to destroy America and traditional American values when there is so much real evil in the world...
The problem, however, is that people want to feel morally good about themselves, and no one wants this more than the left. It has written the proverbial book on moral self-esteem. Therefore, it does not merely believe that it is morally superior to all others; it knows it is.
The unearned arrogance is fine. The real tragedy lies in that they attack weakness while cowering to where the real danger exists...
But to feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn’t fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.
In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil
We fight arrogant fascist assholes like you, we very well know where the danger lies.

We've civilized. You take that to mean weakness, that's why you attack.
Wanna share cards? How many languages do you speak ? Was ur College top 50 at least ?

Uh, no, guy, I don't want to share your card you need to get your meds.

I'm sure that one of the languages you speak isn't English, based on what I see here.

whenever youre done acting up like youre singing through a keyboard for everyone ...
since youre a guy that's gets plenty of free enemies or whatever you're doing to everybody

Okay, again, when you can string together a coherent thought, feel free to get back to me.

Today is probably not the day that's going to happen.
No, it's how shit really works unbeknownst to someone like you that embraces ignorance with glee because the truth is simply too frightening for you to handle. Instead of being part of the solution? Gutless cowards like you sit on the sidelines and criticize those that put themselves out there to expose these criminal elites.

Naw, guy, I just don't attribute wrongs in this society with a vast conspiracy that involves faking the deaths of children like you do.

There is a sad, sick ( but very small side of me) that wants to able to see you and those of your ilk's reactions when this fragile house of financial cards collapses by the very ones your ignorance has protected. USA.INC is wealthy but it's serfs are barely keeping their head above water. 71 percent of those that have a job make less than 50K a year? Over 50 percent make less than 30K and yet YOU claim we are the richest country in the world. You really are one stupid fuck.

Which has nothing to do with any of the points I was making. Yes, i thin wealth inequality IS our biggest problem. I just don't think it involves a vast conspiracy by Lizard People. It just involves rich people simply buying politicians... and that happens pretty much in the open.

If by "Lizardmen" you mean leftards? As if they would ever worry me.......leftard males are the weakest link in the chain of humanity....even leftard women have bigger balls than their male counterparts. I bet you couldn't change a flat tire in less than an would simply call Triple A. You turned in your "man card" years ago if you ever had one,

Nope, wait. Just checked. Still have a big old box full of medals the Army gave me for being more of a man than you'll ever be.

Do I bother the global elites? I am not on their radar but I have had over 2,000 posts deleted on various blog sites where I have exposed the criminality of the foreign owned federal reserve central bank. You duck, dodge and ignore the salient points I make because it's too far over your head to comprehend so you pretend that you didn't see them. Ignorance truly is bliss for an idiot like you, Joe.

Guy, you probably have posts deleted because you are abusive and not as many forums are as open minded as USMB.

But if you think that they are Bilderbergers or Five Jew Bankers meeting somewhere pulling all the strings, you are delusional.

"Naw, guy, I just don't attribute wrongs in this society with a vast conspiracy that involves faking the deaths of children like you do"

You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been the root cause of societal seem to believe it is because people are not taxed enough on their labor, dipshit. False flags and staged events have been used all through history to sway the masses into accepting draconian measures all in the name of "security" the Sandy Hook hoax, perhaps????

"Nope, wait. Just checked. Still have a big old box full of medals the Army gave me for being more of a man than you'll ever be"

Funny how so many internet leftards claim to be former military.....that's the beauty of the internet. But let me tell you one fucking thing and I don't care WHO it pisses off. I wouldn't sign up to fight or serve USA.INC even at gun point. Our military is nothing but the hammer of the global elites that use it to subdue any country with resources these disgusting fucks covet. The military doesn't keep the serfs "safe" by fighting unnecessary wars in other countries, dipshit....and I dare you to claim otherwise.

"Guy, you probably have posts deleted because you are abusive and not as many forums are as open minded as USMB"

BZZZT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WRONG! I have simply exposed the criminality of the Federal Reserve central bank and recited it's history while addressing no one in particular...

Great job, are 0-3 just on that one post.

Wanna share cards? How many languages do you speak ? Was ur College top 50 at least ?

Uh, no, guy, I don't want to share your card you need to get your meds.

I'm sure that one of the languages you speak isn't English, based on what I see here.

whenever youre done acting up like youre singing through a keyboard for everyone ...
since youre a guy that's gets plenty of free enemies or whatever you're doing to everybody

Okay, again, when you can string together a coherent thought, feel free to get back to me.

Today is probably not the day that's going to happen.

OKay man, see you in your cartoons.
You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been the root cause of societal seem to believe it is because people are not taxed enough on their labor, dipshit. False flags and staged events have been used all through history to sway the masses into accepting draconian measures all in the name of "security" the Sandy Hook hoax, perhaps????

Okay, except the net effect of Sandy Hook was... um, nothing.

You see, this is where your logic fails. There are all these 'staged events' and no one is banning your guns or making you take your meds.

Funny how so many internet leftards claim to be former military.....that's the beauty of the internet. But let me tell you one fucking thing and I don't care WHO it pisses off. I wouldn't sign up to fight or serve USA.INC even at gun point.

Of course you wouldn't. I also don't see you moving out of USA.INC. Not that I can think of of a country I dislike enough to wish you upon, but it's not like you are in any hurry to leave.

Our military is nothing but the hammer of the global elites that use it to subdue any country with resources these disgusting fucks covet. The military doesn't keep the serfs "safe" by fighting unnecessary wars in other countries, dipshit....and I dare you to claim otherwise.

I never would. But here's the thing. Every war we've fought, we've fought with a big yahoo in the beginning of it. Again, the problem you attribute to big conspiracies, usually end up being our own damned fault. So when your hero Trump rattles the sabers, I don't see you denouncing him, for some reason.

BZZZT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WRONG! I have simply exposed the criminality of the Federal Reserve central bank and recited it's history while addressing no one in particular...

Okay, if you say so.... but frankly, you seem like the kind of guy who gets banned frequently.
You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been the root cause of societal seem to believe it is because people are not taxed enough on their labor, dipshit. False flags and staged events have been used all through history to sway the masses into accepting draconian measures all in the name of "security" the Sandy Hook hoax, perhaps????

Okay, except the net effect of Sandy Hook was... um, nothing.

You see, this is where your logic fails. There are all these 'staged events' and no one is banning your guns or making you take your meds.

Funny how so many internet leftards claim to be former military.....that's the beauty of the internet. But let me tell you one fucking thing and I don't care WHO it pisses off. I wouldn't sign up to fight or serve USA.INC even at gun point.

Of course you wouldn't. I also don't see you moving out of USA.INC. Not that I can think of of a country I dislike enough to wish you upon, but it's not like you are in any hurry to leave.

Our military is nothing but the hammer of the global elites that use it to subdue any country with resources these disgusting fucks covet. The military doesn't keep the serfs "safe" by fighting unnecessary wars in other countries, dipshit....and I dare you to claim otherwise.

I never would. But here's the thing. Every war we've fought, we've fought with a big yahoo in the beginning of it. Again, the problem you attribute to big conspiracies, usually end up being our own damned fault. So when your hero Trump rattles the sabers, I don't see you denouncing him, for some reason.

BZZZT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WRONG! I have simply exposed the criminality of the Federal Reserve central bank and recited it's history while addressing no one in particular...

Okay, if you say so.... but frankly, you seem like the kind of guy who gets banned frequently.

Get it through your head, Joe.....Sandy Hook was a staged event and a pathetic, piss poor attempt at that. Frankly, I am insulted that they think so little of our intelligence that they believed we wouldn't figure that one out. I guess as long as there are idiots like you that lap up their pablum like warm mother's milk? They will continue to do so. Even a bucket with holes in it will carry some water.

As far as Trump and his saber rattling? Just watch me go off if war is started in North Korea. As to your comment about me leaving this country? That is what a coward does instead of trying to change it. Besides, there are very few countries that don't have this very same debt slavery system ran by the same central banking oligarchs.
Get it through your head, Joe.....Sandy Hook was a staged event and a pathetic, piss poor attempt at that. Frankly, I am insulted that they think so little of our intelligence that they believed we wouldn't figure that one out. I guess as long as there are idiots like you that lap up their pablum like warm mother's milk? They will continue to do so. Even a bucket with holes in it will carry some water.

Okay, you see, only evil stupid cocksuckers think Sandy Hook was faked. Someone who actually believes that is sort of beyond redemption. Something is seriously wrong with them as a human being.

As far as Trump and his saber rattling? Just watch me go off if war is started in North Korea. As to your comment about me leaving this country? That is what a coward does instead of trying to change it. Besides, there are very few countries that don't have this very same debt slavery system ran by the same central banking oligarchs.

Yes, the Lizard People are out there and they are going to get you, because you are the only one who sees the truth...

Get it through your head, Joe.....Sandy Hook was a staged event and a pathetic, piss poor attempt at that. Frankly, I am insulted that they think so little of our intelligence that they believed we wouldn't figure that one out. I guess as long as there are idiots like you that lap up their pablum like warm mother's milk? They will continue to do so. Even a bucket with holes in it will carry some water.

Okay, you see, only evil stupid cocksuckers think Sandy Hook was faked. Someone who actually believes that is sort of beyond redemption. Something is seriously wrong with them as a human being.

As far as Trump and his saber rattling? Just watch me go off if war is started in North Korea. As to your comment about me leaving this country? That is what a coward does instead of trying to change it. Besides, there are very few countries that don't have this very same debt slavery system ran by the same central banking oligarchs.

Yes, the Lizard People are out there and they are going to get you, because you are the only one who sees the truth...


I don't know what it is about you and "lizard people" but I believe that it is simply a smokescreen to keep from discussing the merits of my arguments, no? It's ok, dude......there are a lot of us that are "awake". You can wake up and smell the coffee are stay asleep....makes no difference. Others like me are doing the heavy lifting on behalf of even those like you.
Um, no, mine was actually clever... considering you couldn't hold down a job at a fast food place.


yo stalin is mart, reely mart...

Oh, please. Look, I know that they show you a scary brown person and you shit yourself, but let's get real. They took over a bunch of sand.

And Stalin defends his allies in ISIS.

ISIS thugs execute and chop up dozens of women and kids amid fears the terror group is plotting new wave of atrocities}

ISIS thugs execute and chop up dozens of women and kids amid fears the terror group is plotting new wave of atrocities

This is who Stalin and the democrats defend and promote.
It’s sad that the left spends so much time trying to destroy America and traditional American values when there is so much real evil in the world...
The problem, however, is that people want to feel morally good about themselves, and no one wants this more than the left. It has written the proverbial book on moral self-esteem. Therefore, it does not merely believe that it is morally superior to all others; it knows it is.
The unearned arrogance is fine. The real tragedy lies in that they attack weakness while cowering to where the real danger exists...
But to feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn’t fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.
In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil
At least you’re switching up your biased sites a little. They’re still all shit of course..
On earth, and from before your outmoded whit concerning forcible redistribution of wealth. Theres no treasure in it. There is no such 'real' solution to the problem except for the spirit where that charity originates from. Its the same from where education and sharing come from.

Are you some kind of a moron?

There's a pretty simple solution. The Europeans have already figured this out.

America, on the other hand, is like the retarded kid who keeps writing down 2+2=Cat and wonders why the other kids laugh at him.

Yeah Stalin, the European Caliphate is a fucking paradise... :eusa_whistle:
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.
Unfortunately for you your claim just isn't true.

The next time JoeB Stalin tells the truth will be the first time.

Such is the way of the Maoist democrats.

Joe is always's what is so consistent about him. He can't be swayed....oh HELL no! Even when shown the preponderance of the evidence that he is wrong? He is like a tree that is planted by the waters....he shall not be moved! LOL!!!
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.

And it did not take long for a far left drone to chime in and prove the OP correct!
I don't know what it is about you and "lizard people" but I believe that it is simply a smokescreen to keep from discussing the merits of my arguments, no? It's ok, dude......there are a lot of us that are "awake". You can wake up and smell the coffee are stay asleep....makes no difference. Others like me are doing the heavy lifting on behalf of even those like you.

Guy, Lizard People are about as rational as anything else you say... Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, Central Bankers, Bohemian Grove, all vast conspiracies to explain the failures of your miserable nothing life.

But when you start chalking up murdered children to the conspiracy, that indicated you are one seriously fucked up individual.
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.
I thought Obama care gave everyone insurance.
ISIS thugs execute and chop up dozens of women and kids amid fears the terror group is plotting new wave of atrocities}

And why is any of this our problem? Look, ISIS exists because we spent 25 years bombing, starving and destabalizing Iraq. Then dumb fucks like you scratch your big heads and ask... "Gee, I don't know why these people turned vicious! Must be their religion! Yeah. A religion practiced by a billion other people who are just getting on with their lives!"
Joe is always's what is so consistent about him. He can't be swayed....oh HELL no! Even when shown the preponderance of the evidence that he is wrong? He is like a tree that is planted by the waters....he shall not be moved! LOL!!!

Says the nut who thinks that the children murdered at Sandy Hook were all "Crisis Actors".
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.

You've got almost 100,000 posts on just this board alone. Get a job.

The hilarious thing is that Joey will call out other people for spending too much time on USMB. He tried that insanity with me once and I completely humiliated him.
Hey, you kn ow what's immoral.
You mean other than the fact that someone’s issued you a G.E.D.?
We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night
So you admit you’re too greedy and too callous to feed them? What an odd strategy for telling others how they are “wrong”. :eusa_doh:
or can't see a doctor,
So you admit you’re too greedy and too callous to provide them with healthcare?
What an odd strategy for telling others how they are “wrong”. :eusa_doh:
and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.
Because moral people know that stealing is wrong. Moral people were taught not to take what doesn’t belong to them.

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